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Case notes, 1827-1853, mainly relating to the work of William Fergusson and Dr Robert Knox in Edinburgh

File of case notes mainly relating to the work of Dr Robert Knox and William Fergusson at the Old Surgeon's Hall and Edinburgh Royal Dispensary, but also referring to earlier cases, 1827-1837, including an operation to correct a perforated anus in a young child, with accompanying correspondence recalling the case, 1841, and operations to rectify a hernia and hare lip, infant limb fractures, defects of the spermatic cord, and a post mortem examination of the abdominal cavity; printed prospectus of the summer classes in practical anatomy and operative surgery undertaken by Dr Robert Knox, 1832; single volume of case notes made by Fergusson while at the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, 1839-1840, including examples of necrosis, syphilis, frost bite, but principally fractures, mainly of the tibia, femur, fibula and cranium.

Fergusson, Sir William, 1808-1877, Knight, Professor of Surgery

GASSED: British chemical warfare experiments on humans at Porton Down

  • Collection
  • 1915-2000

Papers, 1915-2000, relating to background research by Rob Evans for his book, Gassed: British chemical warfare experiments on humans at Porton Down (House of Stratus, London, 2000), including: copy Public Record Office papers, 1915-1919, relating to the development and use of poison gas on the Western Front, World War One; copy Public Record Office papers relating to meetings of the Chemical Defence Advisory Board of the Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development, 1947-1968; copy Public Record Office papers relating to the testing of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 1954-1967; Porton Down annual reports, 1991-1994; Public Record Office papers on the testing of V class nerve agents, 1961-1964; copy Public Record Office papers, 1921-1953, on the use of tear gas in the British Empire; papers on the development and use of CS tear gas, 1919-2000; papers on the use of pepper spray, 1922-1999; copy Public Record Office papers on the testing of radioactive material, 1956-1964; Public Record Office papers relating to biological warfare trials, 1953-1977; transcripts of interviews done by Observer Films for ITV documentary, Secrets of Porton Down , broadcast 1994; copies of parliamentary answers relating to chemical testing on volunteers, 1995-2000

Evans, Robert, b 1964, journalist and author

GUNN, John Charles (b 1937)

  • IOP/PP2
  • Collection
  • 1962-2002

Papers of John Gunn, 1926-2002, including extensive correspondence, notes, memoranda, funding applications, lecture presentations and press cuttings. The collection includes: files concerning the administration of the Institute of Psychiatry and its Department of Forensic Psychiatry, 1975-2000 (including policy, planning, funding, assessments and staffing), and the running of the Denis Hill Unit forensic in-patient service, Bethlem Royal Hospital, 1985-1998; published articles, book, chapters and book reviews by Gunn, 1966-2001, on topics including epilepsy, aggression, sex offenders, mental health legislation and suicide prevention in prison; research and research applications, 1966-2001, on topics including epileptic offenders, violence, and the discharge and subsequent care of Special Hospital patients; psychiatric questionnaires and assessments, 1967-1988; files relating to the Home Office, chiefly 1966-2000, and relating to the treatment of mentally disordered offenders, also copy medical evidence given to the Wolfenden Committee on Homosexual Offences and Prostitution, 1954, and papers relating to the May enquiry, 1989-1992, into the convictions for IRA bombings in Guildford and Woolwich, 1974.Prison Service correspondence and reports, 1975-2000, covering the provision of secure psychiatric units and psychiatric care of the general prison population; papers, 1975-2000, relating to the UK Special Hospitals (high security psychiatric hospitals), and to Grendon experimental prison for offenders with antisocial personality disorders; correspondence, meeting papers and background information on the impact of amendments and proposed amendments to UK mental health legislation, 1972-2000, including the Floud Committee on dangerous offenders, 1976-1981, and the work of the Parliamentary Mental Health Group in formulating policy to restrict the spread of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), 1987-1988; reports and correspondence, 1972-2001, relating to the conduct of psychiatry, psychiatric facilities and prison welfare in countries including Australia, China, Egypt, Greece, Ireland and Turkey; papers, 1967-1999, relating to the Effra Trust, founded by Gunn in 1974 to provide accommodation and support to homeless male ex-offenders suffering from physical or mental disability.

Gunn, John Charles, b 1937, forensic psychiatrist

Lectures notes, 1872-1873, taken by William Watson Cheyne on lectures given by Joseph Lister

File of typescript entitled 'Notes on the Cases in the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, taken by W. Watson Cheyne', comprising lectures on clinical surgery delivered by Joseph Lister, 1872-1873, and including observations on the diagnosis, description and treatment of testicular swelling, spina bifida, lymph abscesses, carcinoma of the breast, varicose ulcers, burns, varieties of fractures, and assessing the germ theory of putrefaction and the dangers of the use of chloroform to anaesthetise patients.

Cheyne, Sir William Watson, 1852-1932, Knight, Surgeon Rear Admiral

MCCUTCHEON, Col William Melville (1911-1983)

  • Collection
  • 1911-1982

Papers relating to his life and career, 1935-1982, dated 1911-1982, principally comprising administrative papers relating to his Army career, 1938-1971, including postings in India, Iraq, Persia, Egypt, Cyprus and Singapore; papers relating to his attendance at the 'Buffalo' British nuclear weapons tests, Maralinga, Australia, 1956; course syllabuses, lecture summaries andassociated papers, [1935-1966], notably concerning tropical medicine, entomology, public health, malaria and encephalitis; unsigned report, photographs and other papers relating to flood relief operation, Vientiane, Laos, Sep 1966; photographs, 1942-1961, mainly relating to his service in Malaya, 1958-1961; official War Office and Government of India publications concerning army regulations, training and health and medical services; Bulletins of the Ross Institute, School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London, 1956, 1959-1962; personal and family correspondence, 1938-1982.

McCutcheon, William Melville, 1911-1983, Colonel

MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS: King's College London Living Wills Project records

  • Collection
  • 1985-1992

Records of the Living Wills Working Group and Living Wills Project at The Centre of Medical Law and Ethics at King's College London, 1985-1992. The papers of the Living Wills Working Party, 1985-1989, including correspondence of the Working Party and opinions of other organisations on the development of the report, 1985-1989; unbound copy of the final Living Wills Working Party report, 1988. Papers of the Living Wills Project, 1990-1992, including agendas and minutes of meetings, 1991-1992; thesis by Charlotta Schlyter 'AIDS and Aid-in-Dying the Impact of AIDS on the Debate Over Euthanasia, Assisted Suicide and Cessation of Treatment', 1990; papers regarding the development of the questionnaires, 1991-1992; correspondence with AIDS agencies, medical professionals, and other regarding the development and distribution of questionnaires, 1991-1992; completed questionnaires and analysis of the data gathered during the Project,1991-1992.

King's College London Centre for Medical Law and Ethics, 1985-

MOCKLER, Surgeon Capt Eamon Joseph (1902-1983)

  • Collection
  • 1908

Papers relating to his medical career with the RN, 1939-1952, dated 1908, [1943]-1950, principally comprising typescript texts written as Chief Malariologist with the British Pacific Fleet, [1943-1946], including accounts of his work in Singapore, Hong Kong and Pacific Islands; typescript texts by Mockler and others on malaria and its treatment, [1943-1946]; official annual reportsas Naval Medical Officer of Health, Hong Kong, 1951-1952; lecture notes circulated at the RN Medical School, Alverstoke, to accompany a course on radiological defence, [1947]; British, Australian and US military publications on health and medical issues, 1942-1950, mainly malaria and tropical diseases.

Mockler, Eamon Joseph, 1902-1982, Surgeon Captain RN

Papers, 1930-1988, of Alexander Swan chiefly general correspondence relating to his career appointments and leukaemia research

Papers, 1930-1988, of Alexander Swan (formerly Alexander Lebedeff), including general correspondence relating to his career appointments and leukaemia research, 1959-1974; reports and associated correspondence relating to conferences attended by Swan, notably concerning leukaemia, haematology and fibrinolysis, including a paper delivered in 1962 at a Congress of the Society of Haematology in Mexico by Swan entitled, 'A study of fifty cases of acute leukaemia in adults'; notes on individual cases of acute leukaemia in adults at St James Hospital, Balham, London, [1952-1964]; article by Swan entitled 'Ossification in the metastases of a carcinoma of the rectum', [1953]; offprints of articles contributed by Swan and others to professional journals and conferences, mainly relating to leukaemia research, 1937-1971; notebook of Swan's work at the laboratory of the Department of Pathology, University of Hong Kong, [1936-1938]; papers relating to Swan's earlier career in engineering, 1930-1936, including offprints of articles by Swan on the use of concrete beams, methods of calculating building stresses and soil technology, published in Engineering and Commerce and China Reconstruction and Engineering Review ; certificates and diplomas, including comprising Diploma in Civil and Railway Engineering certificate, Harbin Polytechnic Institute, China, 1930, and admission as a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, 1971; notes prepared for Swann's obituary by his wife, 1980; Dr Alexander Swan: from Siberia to suburbia edited by Barbara Ellis (Call Print Cooperative Ltd, 1988); two photographs of Swan, 1950 and later.

Swan, Alexander, 1906-1980, consultant pathologist and haematologist

ROSENBAUM, Dr Sidney (1918-2013)

  • Collection
  • 1954-1992

Offprints of articles by Sidney Rosenbaum including: 'Heights and Weights of the Army Intake, 1951', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society , Series A (General), Vol 117, Part III, 1954; 'Head Injuries to Motor-Cyclists', with D T Beeston, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps , Vol 102, 1956; abstract of article 'Changes in Body Weight and Subcutaneous Fat Thickness in Man on a Polar Expedition', with H E Lewis and J P Masterson, Abstracts of the 20th International Physiological Congress , 1956; 'An Epidemiological Study of Rheumatic Fever in the Army in 1953', with J D H Slater, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps , Vol 103, 1957; 'Tuberculosis in the Armed Forces and its Control by BCG Vaccination: A Report to the Research Committee of the British Tuberculosis Association', Tubercle London , 1957; 'Experience of Pulheems in the 1952 Army Intake', British Journal of Industrial Medicine , Vol 14, 1957; 'Army Medical Department Statistics', Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps , Vol 104, 1958; 'Research in Practice', Army Medical Directorate Bulletin , Second Series, No 9, 1958; abstract of 'Review of Morbidity Among Young Soldiers', Proceedings of Royal Society of Medicine , Vol 52, 1959; 'Cross-Sectional Review of Morbidity Among Young Soldiers', British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine , Vol 13, No 3, Jul 1959; 'Acute Rheumatic Fever in Young Men', with J D H Slater, Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases , Vol 18, No 4, December 1959; 'Report of the Royal Sanitary Commission, 1858', Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps , Vol 105, No 4, 1959; 'The Association of Medical Discharges from the Army with Initial Grading', Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps , Vol 106, 1960; 'Body Weight and Skinfold Thickness of Men on a Polar Expedition' with H E Lewis and J P Masterson, Clinical Science , Vol 19, No 4, Nov 1960; 'Home Localities of National Servicemen with Respiratory Disease', British Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine , Vol 15, No 2, Apr 1961; 'Stability of Basal Metabolic Rate on a Polar Expedition', with H E Lewis and J P Masterson, Journal of Applied Physiology , Vol 16, No 3, May 1961; 'Health Assessment of Senior Officers: The Value of Periodic Medical Examinations', with W R M Drew, The Lancet , Nov 17 1962; 'Nomograms for Rates per 1,000', British Medical Journal , Jan 19 1963.

'Tables of Average Weights and Expected Variation for the use of the Services', Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps , Vol 109, No 2 1963; 'Some Aspects of Tuberculosis among National Servicemen', Tubercle London , Vol 44, 1963; 'Special Enlistments', with J L Gordon, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps , Vol 110, No 2, 1964.

'A Survey of Sport Played in the Army', Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps , Vol 113, No 2, 1967; manuscript of 'A Review of Earlier Work on Skinfold Thickness, Particularly Among Army Personnel', 1979; 'Population Estimates of Height and Weight in Great Britain at Ages 11 and 15, 1983 and ages 16-19 inclusive, 1980', Annals of Human Biology , Vol 14, No 4, 1987; '100 Years of Heights and Weights', The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society , Series A (General), Vol 151, Part 2, 1988; 'More Than a Century of Army Medical Statistics', Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine , Vol 83, Jul 1990; 'Casualties in the Two World Wars', The Blue , Vol 120, No 1, Mar 1992; 'British Army Recruits: 100 Years of Heights and Weights', with J P Crowdy, Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps , Vol 138, 1992; Manuscript of 'A Comparison of Casualties in 200 Years of War', nd. Also articles by others: amendment to 'Chapter 16: Medical Statistics' of the Manual of Army Health 1954 , 1958; 'A Survey of Heights and Weights of Adults in Great Britain, 1980', by R K Skinner, I B Knight and J S Garrow, Annals of Human Biology , Vol 12, No 2, 1985.

Rosenbaum, Sidney, 1918-2013, Doctor

SAUNDERS, Dame Cicely (1918-2005)

  • K/PP149
  • Collection
  • 1918-2005

Correspondence, notes, reports, research data, diaries, photographs and artefacts relating to the life and work of Dame Cicely Saunders, 1918-2005, including:

Personal papers, 1918-2003, notably appointment, travel and prayer diaries, 1952-2003 (ref K/PP149/1).

Case notes, correspondence, research data, interview transcripts and draft MD thesis relating to Saunders’ research at St Joseph’s Hospice, Hackney, 1958-1964, on the control of pain in terminal cancer patients (ref: K/PP149/2/2).

Notes, correspondence and background research material, 1925-1977, on topics including surgical and pharmaceutical pain relief, religious attitudes to death and dying, the care of the long-term sick, geriatric care, grief and bereavement (ref: K/PP149/2/3).

Correspondence and other papers, 1959-2003, relating to the planning, building, development, staffing and management of St Christopher’s Hospice (ref: K/PP149/3/1).

Papers relating to research at St Christopher’s Hospice, 1967-1993 (ref: K/PP149/3/4).

Extensive correspondence, 1965-2005, with individuals in the UK and worldwide on topics including the development and funding of St Christopher’s Hospice, medical advice, hospice admissions and the history of the hospice movement (ref: K/PP149/4/1-4). Also correspondence with other prominent figures in the hospice movement, chiefly in the USA, including: Edward F Dobihal (1927-2015), President of Hospice Inc, Newhaven, Connecticut; photographer and medical historian Grace Goldin (d 1995); psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross (1926-2004); Sylvia Lack, Medical Director of the Connecticut Hospice, New Haven, Connecticut; William M Lamers Jr, Chairman of the International Work Group on Death and Dying; Carleton J Sweetser (1921-1996), Chaplain and Director of St Luke's Hospital Center, New York; Florence Wald (1917-2008), Dean of the School of Nursing, Yale University and founder of the Connecticut Hospice, New Haven, Connecticut; palliative care pioneer Balfour ('Bal') Michal Morgan Mount (b 1939).

Correspondence with medical charities and related organisations, 1961-1995 (ref: K/PP149/5).

Notes and drafts for lectures, talks and sermons by Saunders, 1960-2004, on topics including the care of the dying, pain control, the planning and development of St Christopher’s Hospice, euthanasia and medical ethics, bereavement, the care of terminal cancer patients and of patients with motor neurone disease, and the history of the modern hospice movement (ref: K/PP149/6/2).

Published articles by Saunders, 1958-2001, on topics including pain management, the institutional care of the dying, the role of religion in terminal care and palliative care for AIDS patients (ref: K/PP149/7/3).

Objects relating to honours, presentations, travel and religious devotion, 1930s-2005, including badges, crucifixes, travel souvenirs, plaques, statuettes, paperweights and certificates (ref: K/PP149/8).

Photographs and slides, chiefly 1960s-1997, including: patients at St Joseph’s Hospice, Hackney; patients, staff and daily life at St Christopher’s Hospice; travel in USA, Poland, Nigeria, Turkey and Israel (ref: K/PP149/9).

Recordings of talks and interviews by Saunders, 1970-2003, chiefly on her life and work (ref: K/PP140/10).

Saunders, Dame Cicely Mary Strode, 1918-2005, founder of the modern hospice movement

SPRAWSON, Maj Gen Sir Cuthbert Allan (1877-1956)

  • Collection
  • [1938]

Typescript memoir entitled '37 years in the IMS [Indian Medical Service]', [1938], notably concerning the treatment of tuberculosis in India, 1910-1937, service in Waziristan, North West Frontier, India, 1901-1902, prison service, Jhansi, 1906-1907, and service in World War One with the Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force, 1916-1918, 304 pps.

Sprawson, Sir Cuthbert Allan, 1877-1956, Knight, Major General


  • TH
  • Collection
  • 1723-2003

Records of St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, comprising administrative records, 1842-1939, including minutes of Committees 1832-1982;

administrative files,1870-1975; museum catalogue, 1829; library administrative minutes and files, 1925-2001; Departmental Records 1945-1955; School timetables and notices 1932-1940; Examinations question papers 1909-1976;

correspondence relating to cholera outbreak 1831-1835; Cholera casebook 1853-1854;

records of the Medical and Physical Society of St Thomas's Hospital, 1841-1991;

records of student clubs and societies 1873-1975;

student records, 1723-1986;

prize essays, [1834]-1928;

personal papers collections of students and staff;

financial records, 1867-1982;

photographs of St Thomas's Hospital Medical School - students, staff and buildings, [1859-2002];

illustrations and works of art including medical and anatomical illustrations, and depications of staff, students, school and hosptial buildings,[1720s-1980];

publications, 1836-1992, including St Thomas's Hospital Gazette , 1891-1996; St Thomas's Hospital Reports , 1836, 1870-1952; Calendars and Prospectus of St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, 1888-1982; and related material;

ephemera [1800-2000], including admission cards, orders of service, programmes, flyers, press cuttings, menus, audio recordings; and medical and surgical artifacts.

St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, 1723-1982


  • MF792-MF812
  • Collection
  • 1966-1979

US Armed Forces in Vietnam, 1954- 1975 are microfilmed copies of official and unofficial papers relating to the US Army involvement in the Vietnam War, 1954-1975. Papers are categorised into the following sections: 'Vietnam: Reports of US Army Operations', US Army after action reports during the Vietnam War, 1966-1969; 'Vietnam: US Army senior Officer Debriefing Reports', senior US Army officer debriefing reports during the Vietnam War, 1968-1973; 'Vietnam: Lessons Learned', post-action analyses of the conflict in Vietnam, 1972-1980, and; 'Indochina Studies', reports presented to the US Army Center of Military History, Washington, DC, relating to the effect of the Vietnam War on the Republic of Vietnam, Cambodia (and later the Khmer Republic), and Laos, 1979-1980. US Army after action reports presented to the US Adjutant General's Office (Army), Washington, DC, relate to military operations, including the US joint operation, Operation CRIMP, the attack by air and land to strike at Viet Cong strongholds in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN), Jan 1966; and, search and destroy missions and military operations pursued in the Republic of Vietnam by US 1 Infantry Div, US 1 Cavalry Div, US 1 Cavalry Div, US 25 Infantry Div, US 18 Infantry Div, US 101 Airborne Div (Airmobile), US 1 Air Cavalry Div, US 4 Infantry Div, US 11 Armored Cavalry Regt, 1 Australian Task Force, US 1 Special Forces, Feb 1966-Apr 1969. Senior officer debriefing reports presented to the Adjutant General's Office (Army), Washington, DC, relate to US Army organisation and command; Vietnamese local government counterinsurgency actions; the Mission of the US Army Support Command, Saigon; the causative factors of Vietnamese insurgency; US psychological operations (PSYOPS); US Army medical statistics; the US pacification program; the US 101 Airborne Div (Airmobile) re-organisation following the Tet Offensive, 30 Jan- 24 Feb 1968; US Special Forces assistance to the Vietnamese Special Forces; land clearing in Indochina; US Long Range Patrol Activities; the Phoenix Program; the process of 'Vietnamization'; and, the US Army Drug Abuse Program, Feb 1968-Nov 1972. Papers presented to the US Department of the Army on lessons learned from the Vietnam War primarily relate to base development in the Republic of Vietnam; US Army communications and electronics; airmobility; riverine operations; US Army Special Forces operations; US Army command and control; financial management of the campaign in Vietnam; logistics and support; US military intelligence; US tactical and material innovations; allied participation and contributions to the war; US training of the Army of the Republic of Vietnam; and, the effect of the war on the US soldier, 1972-1980. 'Indochinese Studies' papers presented to the US Army Center of Military History, Washington, DC, relate to the Vietnam War and its effect on Cambodia and the communist Khmer Rouge; the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong Easter Offensive against the Republic of Vietnam; the effect of the pacification program on the South Vietnamese population; the state of Royal Lao Army; and, the effect of the war on South Vietnamese society and the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, 1979- 1980.

WOODS, Maj Gen Thomas Frederic Mackie (1904-1982)

  • Collection
  • 1932-1970

Typescript thesis for MD (Doctor of Medicine), Dublin University, entitled 'The prevention of malaria in a military cantonment in northern India' [1933]. Correspondence, 1935-1954, mostly personal letters of thanks and congratulations, including letter from Edwina Cynthia Annette Mountbatten, Countess Mountbatten of Burma, following a visit to military hospitals in West Germany, 1950. Typescript 'An account of the first two years with the East African Groundnut Scheme' [1948]. Correspondence, pamphlets and certificates, relating to retirement from the Royal Army Medical Corps, 1961-1962, awards and appointments, 1950-1977, and the Royal Army Medical Corps centenary celebrations, 1960. Typescript minutes of meetings of the Council of Col Commandants, Royal Army Medical Corps, 1964-1969. Correspondence and papers relating to Royal Army Medical Corps Regimental ties, uniform and dress regulations, orders, decorations and medals, 1966-1968. Correspondence relating to visits to military establishments as Col Commandant, Royal Army Medical Corps, Jan-Dec 1967. Correspondence with the War Office, 1961, and the Ministry of Defence, 1969-1970, relating to pay and conditions of retirement as President of the Command Standing Medical Board, Military Hospital, Tidworth, Hampshire.

Woods, Thomas Frederic Mackie, 1904-1982, Major General