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  • MISC26
  • Collection
  • 1941-1943

Published booklets from the General Staff, War Office, including two booklets entitled The German Army in Pictures and More Pictures of the German Army, detailing German Army weaponry, uniforms, and insignia, 1941; five guides to the Germany Army detailing the tactics and organisation of armoured divisions, infantry divisions, airborne troops, engineers, and reconnaissance units, 1941; A Guide to the Identification of German Units, detailing badges of rank and service German officers for the purpose of interrogation, 1942; five pamphlets relating to German infantry weapons, Italian infantry weapons, German light anti- aircraft and anti-tank guns, German infantry, heavy anti-aircraft, and divisional artillery; German infantry engineer and airborne weapons, 1941-1943; Periodical Notes on the German Army relating to tactics of the German tank regiment and tank battalion, German Army tactics in Libya, 1941, operations of German 11 Air Corps during the attack on Crete, May 1941, German artillery operations in armoured divisions, and the tactical handling of German armoured divisions, lorried infantry and motorcycle units, 1942; New Notes on the German Army, relating to the evolution of German armoured and motorised divisions, and German supply and administrative services, 1942-1943; two pamphlets relating to the German Army order of battle, 1942-1943; booklet designed to aid British personnel in the recognition of British and Allied Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs), 1942; booklet of vocabulary of German military terms, 1943.

CRUM, Brig John Alexander Stewart (1903-1980)

  • CRUM
  • Collection
  • 1946

Papers of Brig John Crum, 1946, relating to the history of 8 Anti Aircraft Brigade, comprising typescript document by Capt Laurence Edgar Cates, 'History of 8 A A Brigade', detailing their work, June 1941-August 1945, including service in Iraq, 1941-1943, and Italy, 1943-1945; also copy of The History of the 17th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery, 1938-1945 by Lt Col Henry Swanson Eeles, (Courier, Tunbridge Wells, 1946).

Report, ‘Notes on Italian Somaliland, 1947’, compiled by Crum as Secretary to the Four Power Commission on the Italian Colonies, with details of the history, geography and trade of the region (typescript, 28pp). Also an inscribed cigarette box presented to Crum, 1948, in recognition of his work for the Commission.

Crum, John Alexander Stewart, 1903-1980, Brigadier

CUNDALL, Gp Capt Henry John (1919-2001)

  • Collection
  • 1937-1961

Papers of Gp Capt Henry John Cundall on his RAF service, 1937-1961, comprising photocopies of flying log books, Jan 1937-Oct 1960, and file of papers on RAF service, 1937-1961. Log books include outline record of service, 1937-1960, details of ranks held, awards, and types of aircraft flown; file of loose papers includes photocopies of RAF College Cranwell examination papers for Flight Cadets, Apr 1938; Bomber Command training transfer card, Dec 1938; Royal Aircraft Establishment graph of speed; certification green cards for Cundall as a pilot, 1951 and 1956; notes on 'Morale and leadership' in the RAF, Jan 1951 note on the correct recording of flying times for pilots' flying log books [1952]; Chart of ranges of Meteor 7 aircraft, according to altitude and condition, [c.1952]; Checklist for Canberra B2 and T4, [c. 1956]; 'Drills for abandoning Canberra aircraft in extreme emergency' [c.1956]; press cutting from The Times , 31 Jul 1961, 'Constant preparedness at missile station', re Bloodhound missiles at RAF Watton, Norfolk, quoting Cundall as Commanding Officer; letter of appreciation from AM Sir Hector McGregor, Fighter Command HQ, Bentley Priory, 31 Oct 1961, on Cundall's retirement; press cutting from The Sunday Times , 16 Jan 1983, 'Operation Oboe: flying heroes 40 years on', referring to Cundall; press cuttings from Eastern Daily Press , 3 Feb 1995, 'The Wooden Wonder goes to war' and 'Mosquito master of skies: hazardous missions from Norfolk', relating to launch for The men who flew the mosquito , by Martin Bowman (Patrick Stephens, Sparkford, 1995); Note on minimum weather requirements for flight clearance for pilots holding white certification cards and green certification cards, [1951]; Graph of static thrust and RPM for an Rolls Royce Avon engine, [1950s]

Cundall, Henry John, 1919-2001, Group Captain

GIBBS, AM Sir Gerald Ernest (1896-1992)

  • Collection
  • 1917-1984

Papers relating to Gibbs' early career, 1917-1927, including typescript copies [1972] of combat reports written by Gibbs, 17 Sqn, Macedonia, 1917-1918; typescript notes by Gibbs entitled 'Service experiences', 1926; typescript Staff College essay entitled 'Leadership and morale', 1927. Nine typescript texts of lectures by Gibbs, 1948-1972, on the RAF in World War Two, post war airpower, India and the Indian Air Force and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), also 'Air power in modern war', by MRAF Arthur William Tedder, 1st Baron Tedder of Glenguin, 1947. Papers relating to Gibbs' career in the RAF, 1945-1954, including correspondence and typescript notes by Gp Capt I C Bird on the war efforts of India, South Africa and the Colonies [1948]; letter andgraph by Wg Cdr J D Warne, dated 1949, on numbers of sorties flown and losses suffered by the Luftwaffe and the RAF during the Battle of Britain, 1940; typescript copies of correspondence between Gibbs and Adm Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, 1953; typescript report by Gibbs entitled 'Report on the progressand the policy problems of the Indian Air Force', 1954. Papers and correspondence, 1955-1984, including typescript article by Gibbs entitled 'The lessons of Skybolt, Britain's new defence plans', with letter from Sir Hugh (Nicholas) Linstead MP, 1963; typescript memorandum by MRAF Sir John Cotesworth Slessor entitled 'Integration of the Services within the new defence organisation', 1964;correspondence with Dr G Vincent Orange, History Department, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, dated 1982, concerning research for A biography of Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park GCB, KBE, MC, DFC, DCL (Methuen, London, 1984), with copy of letter from ACM Sir Keith Rodney Park, Air Commander-in-Chief, South East Asia to MRAF Sir Charles Frederick Algernon Portal, Chief of the Air Staff, relating to the possible replacement of Gibbs as Chief Air Staff Officer, Supreme Headquarters South East Asia Command [1945]. Copies of Gibbs' letters to the press, 1955-1982, relating chiefly to defence issues, service pensions, capital punishment, immigration and Rhodesia. Publications and articles, 1928-1961, including copy of Air Ministry Air Publication 1308 entitled 'A selection of lectures and essays from the work of officers attending the fifth course at the Royal Air Force Staff College, 1926-1927', (HMSO, London, 1928), including article by Gibbs 'Lecture on fighter squadrons in air defence'; article by Gibbs 'Aircraft types and strategical mobility', Journal of the Royal Air Force College, 1930; booklet by Gen Sir Archibald Percival Wavell entitled 'Generals and Generalship' (reprinted from The Times, London, 1941); three editions of Impact magazine, subtitled 'US Tactical air power in Europe', May 1945, 'Strategic air victory in Europe', Jul 1945, and 'Air victory over Japan', Sep-Oct 1945; restricted pamphlet by MRAF Hugh Montague Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard of Wolfeton, entitled 'Air power', 1946; restricted pamphlet by US Gen Carl A Spaatz entitled 'American views on air power', 1947; article by ACM Sir Keith Rodney Park entitled 'Background to the Blitz, from Hawker Siddeley Review, Dec 1951; article by Gibbs 'The development of defence in NATO's second decade', The British Survey, Feb 1959; article entitled 'Maintaining the deterrent in the future', by Gibbs, The Aeroplane, Mar 1961.

Gibbs, Sir Gerald Ernest, 1896-1992, Air Marshal

LOVELL, Wg Cdr Marcel George Leon (1919-1985)

  • Collection
  • [1939-1945]

Papers relating to his service in the RAF, [1939-1945], 1948, principally comprising official photographs of radar installations, [1939-1945] and RAF operations rooms, [1939-1945], including photograph of operations room of HQ Fighter Command, RAF Bentley Priory, Stanmore, Middlesex, 1939; typescript notes and diagrams about layout and organisation of RAF sector controloperations rooms, [1939-1945]; official photographs of [RAF station], Wunstorf, Germany, 1948.

Lovell, Marcel George Leon, 1919-1985, Wing Commander

MAZE, Paul Lucien (1887-1979)

  • MAZE
  • Collection
  • 1914-1975

Copies of papers collected or created by Maze, 1914-1975, principally comprising correspondence with his World War One colleagues, 1918-1972, mainly relating to the second Battle of the Somme, 21 Mar-5 Apr 1918, and including letters from Gen Sir Hubert (de la Poer) Gough, 1918-1919, 1935, 1939, 1951, 1954-1956, 1963, Lt Gen Sir (Arthur) Edward Grasett, 1965, 1970, and LtGen Sir Frederick Ivor Maxse, 1919; photographs of Maze, 1914-[1918] and Gough, 1915; correspondence with Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill concerning the Home Guard, 1943; photographs of ACM Sir Arthur Travers Harris, 1944; two typescript lists ofGerman towns attacked by British bombers, 1945.

Maze, Paul, Lucien, 1887-1979, painter

MOWBRAY, Wg Cdr F J (fl 1939-1996)

  • Collection
  • 1996

The Azores expedition: the signals contribution', typescript account of RAF expedition to establish an airbase in the Azores, Oct 1943, written in 1996.

Mowbray, F J, fl 1939-1996, Wing Commander

NEILSON, Lt Col Ian Godfrey (1918-2017)

  • Collection
  • [1994]

The Air Observation Post in Normandy, June 1944', a typescript article on his service with B Flight, No 652 Air Observation Post Sqn, RAF, Jun-Jul 1944, and a copy of The Army Air Corps Journal, 1994, including a cut and illustrated version of the article.

Neilson, Ian Godfrey, 1918-2017, Lieutenant Colonel

RIALL, Air Cdre Arthur Bookey (1911-1984)

  • Collection
  • 1937-1938

Papers relating to the RAF Levies (Iraq), 1955-1959, including typescript copy of speech by Sir Michael (Robert) Wright, British Ambassador to Iraq at the RAF Levies (Iraq) disbandment parade, RAF Habbaniya, 2 May 1955; typescript copy of report to the Air Ministry by Riall entitled 'The Royal Air Force Levies (Iraq) [1955]; typescript 'The RAF Regiment bulletin report on the RAF Levies (Iraq) - the final two years', 15 Jun 1955; typescript 'Iraq Levies - history prior to disbandment', 1955; edition of The Arab World with article entitled 'The Aden Protectorate Levies', Jun 1959. Papers relating to RAF training, 1950-1958, including edition of Air Ministry Restricted booklet 'Manual of ground defence for the Royal Air Force. Volume 1, Active defence', Jun 1950; typescript course notes, Senior Officers Course, Civil Defence Staff College, Sunningdale, Ascot, Berkshire, Feb 1958; typescript notes on nuclear, biological and chemical warfare, Mar-Dec 1958. Papers relating to the Royal Exodus Hunt, Iraq, 1937-1938 and 1953-1954, including correspondence, bills and accounts, May 1937-Feb 1938; manuscript hunting diary and typescript accounts, 15 Nov 1953-7 Feb 1954.

Riall, Arthur Bookey, 1911-1984, Air Commodore

RIDLEY, Gp Capt Leslie R (1907-1982)

  • Collection
  • 1945

The history of 72 Wing', May 1944-Sep 1945, concerning the Wing's role in providing radar navigational and bombing aids for British and American forces during the Allied invasion of North West Europe, written in Oct 1945.

Ridley, Leslie R, 1907-1982, Group Captain

SCOTT-TAGGART, Wg Cdr John (1897-1979)

  • Collection
  • 1917-1968

Typescript 'Report on events leading to evacuation from Calais', with manuscript preparatory notes, May 1940; five printed maps and plans showing the extent of No 73 Wing Area, the distribution of anti-aircraft guns, and aircraft losses during the Battle of Britain, 1940; personal RAF documents, 1940-1945, including 'Service and Release book'; typescript unit history, by Scott-Taggart, entitled '73 Wing in action. Being a record of the work and operations of No 73 (S) Wing of No 60 Group, RAF, with special reference to the eight months ending 31st July, 1944'; correspondence relating to RAF service and radar equipment, 1940-1950; edition of Customs of the services (Gale and Polden, Aldershot, 1940) by 'AHS', Comrades in arms. Three talks to junior officers or officer cadets to assist them in the handling of their men (HMSO, London, 1942) and magazine entitled International broadcast engineer, containing article by Scott-Taggart on his career, Jul 1968. Also, manuscript document of commission, Corps of Royal Engineers, 1917, and two Mention in Despatches certificates, 1940 and 1945; letter, confirming the recommendation of the MC to Scott-Taggart, from Maj A G Richardson, Officer Commanding 55 Div Signal Company, Royal Engineers, 1919.

Taggart, John Scott-, 1897-1979, Wing Commander


  • MFF10
  • Collection
  • 1946-1991

US Military Uses of Space, 1946-1991 is a themed microfilm collection which presents an integrated record of US military space organisations, operations, and policy from 1945 to 1991. Included are memoranda, messages, presidential decision documents, program management directives, histories, organisational manuals, reports, and studies. Documents concern four basic areas of US space military activity: military support systems (communications, meteorology, reconnaissance and other satellites), space weaponry (anti-satellite weapons and the Strategic Defense Initiative), policy, and organisation. Material concerning military support systems includes papers relating to the establishment of a US photographic reconnaissance satellite program, 1956; US Air Force contracts to Lockheed Missile Systems Division to develop the WS-117L air reconnaissance satellite, 1956-57; the development of the US Air Force reconnaissance satellite, codenamed SENTRY and then SAMOS, 1958; the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) research and development of an imaging satellite, codenamed CORONA, 1958; launching of CORONA satellite, 18 Aug 1960; the development and launch of Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites designed to provide nuclear explosion detection data relevant to military intelligence collection, treaty verification (Limited Test Ban Treaty, Threshold Ban Treaty, Non-Proliferation Treaty, and Outer Space Treaty), and damage assessment, 1963-1970; development and launch of signals intelligence (SIGINT) satellites, including the RHYOLITE communications satellite, 1970; the launch of the KH-11 electro-optical 'pixel' imaging satellite, Dec 1976; development and launch of ocean surveillance PARCAE satellites, 1976-1989; communications intelligence (COMINT) satellite including the VORTEX and MAGNUM satellites, 1978-1985; the launch of synthetic aperture radar system LACROSSE satellites, 1988-1991; the development and launch of early warning satellites including the Missile Defense Alarm System (MIDAS) to monitor the missile launches from the Eurasian land mass and Submarine- Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs); papers relating to launch systems, including expendable launch vehicles (ELVs), such as modified Martin SM-68 Titan Inter- Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs). Material concerning space weaponry includes Massachusetts Institute of Technology report to US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, introducing theoretical and scientific concepts for a laser weapons missile defence program, 1984; reports from the US Department of Defense, Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, to the US Congress relating to the costs of a laser and kinetic energy anti-ballistic missile program and its proposed compliance with the 26 May 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, 1984-1990; report from the US Department of Defense, Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, to the US Congress outlining the goals, objectives, and costs of the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 1985; reports from the US General Accounting Office relating to the SDI concept change from laser and kinetic energy weapons to 'Brilliant Pebbles' weaponry, in which several thousand satellite interceptors would orbit the earth having the capability to destroy missile targets, 1990-1991. Documents relating to US military space policy include reports from the US National Security Council outlining the significance of space with respect to US national security, 1958-1985; memoranda from the US Department of Defense urging military priorities for space research, 1959-1977. Material relating to the organisational command of the military space program includes function manuals and inter-agency memoranda detailing the structure and role of specific organisations such as US Aerospace Command, the US Department of Defense, US Air Force Space Command, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, the US Army Space Agency, and the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

US STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY: report on the civil defences in Hamburg, Germany, 1945

  • MISC34
  • Collection
  • 1945

US Strategic Bombing Survey, Civil Defense Division, report entitled Target Report of Civilian Defense Division Field Team No 82, covering air-raid protection facilities and allied subjects in the city of Hamburg, Germany, 1945. The report is in two volumes. The first volume contains the field report of the US Strategic Bombing Survey, Civil Defense Division, and includes information on the organisation and operation of German civil defence, including fire control and incident control precautions; German passive defence installations and precautions, including gas protection and camouflage; information on German evacuation techniques and civil defence training measures. The second volume contains photographic, manuscript, and typescript exhibits for the first volume. Included in the second volume are population figures of Hamburg, 1940-1945; damage statistics for dwellings, cultural buildings, and industrial buildings, 1940-1945; statistics on those killed during the bombing of Hamburg, 1940-1945; organisation of German anti-aircraft divisions; organisational chart of German air raid personnel; photographs of oil refinery and storage fires caused during Allied bombing raids in Jul 1943; photographs of civilians killed during Allied bombing raid in Jul 1943; translation of German instructional regulations on how to handle the dead; report on the activities of German medical and emergency personnel; statistics on the heavy raids on Hamburg, 24 Jul-3 Aug 1943; reports of interviews with German civil servants, police and fire personnel, and air defence personnel.

VALLANCE, Col James Newton (1906-1981)

  • Collection
  • 1938-[1943]

Papers relating to his military service, 1938-[1943], 1948-1951, principally comprising papers relating to anti-aircraft searchlight training, 1938-[1943], including 'The training of the anti-aircraft searchlight spotter' by Capt Lancelot Edgar Conhop Mervyn Perowne, reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal, Sep 1938, and School of Anti-Aircraft Artillery and School of Anti-Aircraft Defence course notes and papers, [1939-1943]; military and War Office editions of Ordnance Survey maps of North Midlands, Lincolnshire and East Anglia, 1939, 1941, 1948-1949; 'The officer and fighting efficiency', pamphlet issued by War Office, 1941; notes relating to Company and Battery Commanders' Course No 5, Army School of Chemical Warfare, 1944; 5 Anti-Aircraft Group training directives and operational orders, 1949; orders, instructions and other papers relating to 58 Anti-Aircraft Bde, Royal Artillery (Territorial Army) Exercises DERWENT and CORGI, 1950.

Vallance, James Newton, 1906-1981, Colonel