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European literature
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SKEAT, Reverend Walter William (1835-1912)

  • K/PP144
  • Collection
  • 1772

Papers, 1868-1932, of and concerning Walter William Skeat, including correspondence relating to the English Dialect Society, 1887-1912, letters to Skeat, 1868-1912, fragments of letters and drafts of letters by Skeat, 1873-1905, and correspondence of the Skeat family, 1914-1928. The bulk of the collection comprises working papers, almost all undated, including notes and transcripts of various manuscripts and texts, sometimes unattributed but among them Beowulf , The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Piers Plowman by William Langland, Bodleian manuscripts, works of William Shakespeare, homilies, and proverbs; bibliographical references; dictionaries, thesauri, word lists, glossaries; notes on etymology, grammar, place-names, and pronunciation; lectures including 'The Language of Chaucer'; articles including philology, the language of Edmund Spenser with special reference to his Faerie Queen , emendations in Piers Plowman , and phonetics; proofs (largely undated) including an English dictionary, publications relating to Chaucer, The Kingis Quair , Pierce the Plowman's Crede , and an incomplete proof copy of The Seven Sleepers ; printed material by Skeat including William of Palerne (unbound, uncut), 'Souvent me Souvient' (reprinted from Christ's College Magazine), Troilus and Criseyde (incomplete) and A Charter of Canute (a passage from the York Gospels, edited by Skeat); printed material relating to Skeat's interests, including articles on etymology and the derivation of words; leaflets (1911) advertising the proposed University of London Institute of Phonetics; an incomplete copy of The Annual Register 1771 (1772); and an examination questions paper (1911) in English Language and Literature for King's College, University of London.

Skeat, Walter William, 1835-1912, Professor of Anglo-Saxon, philologist, Anglican clergyman

SHARROCK, Professor Roger Ian (1919-1990)

  • K/PP50
  • Collection
  • [1940-1989]

Correspondence, [1940-1989], about his texts, mainly in regard to the work of William Wordsworth and John Bunyan, including one photocopy of a letter from Professor Clive Staples Lewis about Bunyan, 1963; proofs, offprints and typescript texts, reflecting Sharrock's own literary work (including poems), and literary criticism including Spiritual autobiography in the pilgrim's progress , Keats and the young lovers , preface for Classic English short stories 1989; copy of a booklet by Sharrock The chemist and the poet: Sir Humphry Davy and the preface to lyrical ballads (Reprinted from Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, vol 17, no 1, May 1962).

Sharrock, Roger Ian, 1919-1990, Professor of English

PICKERING, Frederick Pickering (1909-1981)

  • K/PP142
  • Collection
  • [1962]

Manuscript notes (attributed to F P Pickering, [1962]) on Johannes Rathofer, Der Heliand: theologischer Sinn als tektonische Form (Koln, 1962).

Pickering, Frederick Pickering, 1909-1981, Professor of German

PETT, Douglas Ellory (1924-2005)

  • K/PP170
  • Collection
  • 1942-2005

Papers of Douglas Ellory Pett, 1942-2005, including essay by Pett entitled 'The Christian as Citizen' (Winner of the Warden's Essay Prize), [1947]; essay by Pett entitled 'The Cavalier Poets - Carew, Suckling and Lovelace' (Winner of the Plumptre Prize for English Literature), [1947]; black and white photographs including of staff and students of King's College London English School, 1942-1943; staff and students of King's College London Faculty of Theology, 1946-1947 and 1947-1948; staff and students of King's College London Faculty of Theology at St. Boniface College, Warminster in Michaelmas term, 1948; staff and students of King's College London Faculty of Theology at St Boniface College, Warminster, 1949; King's College London discus medals, awarded to Pett, 1946, 1947 and programme from the Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Douglas Ellory Pett, including biography of Pett and tributes from Sir Ian Gainsford and Dr Rob Senior.

Pett, Douglas Ellory, 1924-2005, chaplain

PARGETER, Rita Blanche (1912-2001)

  • K/PP92
  • Collection
  • 1929-1935

Papers of Rita Pargeter, 1929-1935, comprising study notes and papers relating to education at King's College, University of London. Loose notes, 1931-1933 on subjects including Chaucer, Shakespeare and poetry, prose and drama 1579-1700. Notebooks enclosing study notes on subjects including Old English, Middle English, Gothic grammar and translation, Modern English and Beowolf. Registration instructions for students; English, Ancient Greek and Latin examination papers, 1929-1931; Order of Service for the King's College London centenary, 21 Dec 1931; National Union of Students year book, 1933-1934; programmes for the King's College London Conversazione, 3 Jun 1932 and 2 Jun 1933; programme for the King's College London athletics day, 29 Apr 1933 where Pargeter competed for the women's high jump; minutes and agenda for the King's College London Union Society, 8 May 1933-12 Mar 1934; King's College London theatre programmes and song sheet; prospectus, invitations and Order of Proceedings for the laying of the foundation stone for the new University of London buildings in Bloomsbury (including Senate House), 26 Jun 1933; King's College London, Faculty of Arts degree results, 1934 with press cutting from The Times of the results, including Pargeter's award of a First Class Honours, 20 Jul 1934; papers relating to the awarding of the 'Early English Text Society prize' to Pargeter, 31 Jul 1934; University of London Principal's report, 1934-1935; Pargeter's Literary Society membership cards; information sheets sent to graduates by the University of London, 1934; papers on Pargeter's graduation ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall, 8 May 1935; King's College London tie and blazer pocket embroidered 'K.C.L.Bn.C'.

Pargeter, Rita Blanche, 1912-2001, English student

MOND, Frida (c1847-1923)

  • K/PP125
  • Collection
  • 1794-1831

Collection of Frida Mond relating to German literature including poems and letters, 1794-1831, by and concerning Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe and a manuscript page (undated) of Wilhelm Tell by Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller; portraits, busts and reliefs of Goethe and Schiller, some of which (including some photographs) are copies of original material held elsewhere; other relics and memorabilia relating to them, some postdating their deaths; and relics comprising jewellery, clothing, hair, possessions and portraits of Lotte Buff (Charlotte Buff, 1753-1828, friend of Goethe 1772).

Mond, Frida, c1847-1923, benefactor of King's College London

MACDONALD, George (1824-1905)

  • K/PP82
  • Collection
  • 1845-1997

The collection mainly comprises correspondence, manuscript poems by George MacDonald, photographs, material relating to the membership of the George MacDonald Society and the publication of its journal, North wind , papers relating to plays performed by MacDonald and his family, and offprints of articles and ephemera including lecture timetables, 1845-1997, mainly compiled by Mrs Freda Levson; notably including original correspondence addressed to MacDonald and copies of letters from family members and friends such as his wife, Louisa Powell MacDonald, and John Ruskin, principally on MacDonald's health problems, Octavia Hill, Ruskin's relationship with Rose La Touche, MacDonald's preaching technique and on aspects of theology including the doctrine of providence, 1845-1932; correspondence between members of the Troup family, friends of the MacDonalds, including Charles Edward Troup and Frank Troup, with photographs and extracts from the Troups' published works, 1883-1995; correspondence with William Raeper, author of a biography entitled George MacDonald (Tring, 1987), compiled during its research, including with Lion Publishing, with surviving family members, and with libraries, notably the British Library and Yale University Library, 1984-1987; correspondence with Freda Levson and Richard MacDonald, descendants of George MacDonald, 1970-1982; photographs of MacDonald and family, his various residences and of visits by the George MacDonald Society to Bordighera, Italy, [1860-1986]; manuscript poems by MacDonald, 1876-1887; material relating to the staging of Pilgrim's progress and other drama by MacDonald, 1877-1977; copies of contributions to the journal of the George MacDonald Society, North wind , with proofs of the journal and supporting documentation, 1976-1996; press cuttings and reviews of publications and lecture tours by MacDonald, and of modern editions of his work, 1871-1997; timetables of lectures delivered by MacDonald, copies of library holdings of manuscript material on MacDonald, 1869-1985.

MacDonald, George, 1824-1905, novelist and poet

GRAHAM, Professor Ilse (b 1914)

  • K/PP23
  • Collection
  • 1974

Offprints of Schiller's drama: talent and integrity , (Methuen, London, 1974), and Goethe: portrait of the artist (de Gruyter, Berlin, 1977), both by Graham.

Graham, Ilse, b 1914, Professor of German

FURNIVALL, Frederick James (1825-1910)

  • K/PP132
  • Collection
  • 1760

Papers, 1841-1967, including: correspondence and papers relating to Furnivall's family, his inheritance and the family home, Great Fosters House, Egham, Surrey, 1865-1926; papers relating to Furnivall's university education, including notes of Professor Thomas Graham's lectures on chemistry and Professor Henry Malden's lectures on the Greek language, University College London, 1841-1842; personal accounts, invoices and receipts, 1863-1908; correspondence to and from friends and acquaintances, 1865-1910, including William Woodham Webb, Walter Brindley Slater, George Edward Cockayne, Thomas Arnold and Beatrice Harraden; Teena Rochfort-Smith. A Memoir , publication paying tribute to Furnivall's mistress, 1883; photographic images of Furnivall, 1876-[1910]; papers relating to the study of philology and the Philological Society, 1858-1909, notably letters and publications concerning the New English Dictionary , 1859-1909; journals, correspondence, lecture notes and printed material relating to the Working Men's College, education and social reform, 1842-1912; papers relating to the Early English Text Society, 1865-1910, notably letters from Walter William Skeat concerning the editing and publication of William Langland's Piers Plowman , 1866; correspondence, proofs, notes relating to the Chaucer Society, 1866-1900; papers relating to the Ballad Society, 1867-1875, principally correspondence and proofs concerning the publication of Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript , 1867-1868; correspondence and notes regarding the formation of the proposed Lydgate and Occleve Society, 1872; correspondence, publications and proofs relating to the New Shakspere Society, 1873-1886; articles and printed circulars relating to an acrimonious dispute with Algernon Swinburne, 1876-1881; notes of lectures on Shakespeare and Elizabethan literature given by Furnivall, John Llewellyn Davies, John Wesley Hales, George MacDonald and William Spalding, 1874-1876; papers relating to the Browning Society, 1881-1967, notably Woodburytype image of Robert Browning, 1881; Browning Society proceedings, entertainment programmes and papers, 1884-1892; two letters from Robert Browning, 1874-1888; letters from Alma Forman [Alma Murray] concerning the Browning Society's theatre productions, 1885-1888; correspondence relating to a lawsuit brought by Leonard Outram, 1886-1888; prospectus, reports, letters and newspaper cuttings relating to Shelley and the Shelley Society, 1886-1892; publications relating to Thomas James Wise's Ashley Library, 1887-1895; correspondence relating to fundraising for the Maurice Rowing Club, 1886-1887; correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating to the debate over the superiority of sculls over oars, 1886; letters, memoranda and bills of sales relating to the purchase and repair of boats and sculls, 1886-1889; photographic postcards of the Hammersmith Girls Sculling Club [later the Furnivall Sculling Club], 1907; leaflets, prospectuses and letters relating to other societies, 1870-1910; obituaries and memorials to Furnivall, 1910-1949; miscellaneous material including Genuine and Curious Memoirs of the Famous Captain Thurot by John Francis Durand. (London: J Burd & J Williams, 1760) and Pigot & Co's New Map of the Environs of London Extending 14 Miles round St Paul's in Every Direction , 1832.

Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910, scholar, editor and oarsman

DUFFY, Maureen Patricia (b 1933)

  • K/PP56
  • Collection
  • [1960-1994]

Private papers of Duffy, [1960-1994], mainly comprising typescripts, manuscripts and proofs of her novels, plays and poems including The single eye (Hutchinson, London, 1964), The erotic world of faery (Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1972), Capital (Cape, London, 1975), Gor saga (Eyre Metheun, London, 1981), Illuminations (Sinclair-Stevenson, 1991), Occam's razor (Sinclair-Stevenson, London, 1993), and Henry Purcell (Fourth Estate, London, 1994); notes, reviews, performing scripts, talks and related material concerning her writings.

Duffy, Maureen Patricia, b 1933, author

DRAKE, Bernard (fl 1841-1853)

  • K/PP130
  • Collection
  • 1841-1844

Copy of Demonsthenes' Oratio in Midiam cum annotatione critica et exegetica edited by Philip C Buttmann (Third edition, Augusti Mylii, Berolini, 1841), with manuscript notes by Drake, and inscribed 'Bernard Drake, Eton College, 1841'.

Drake, Bernard, fl 1841-1853, classicist

BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES: King's College London departmental student records

  • Collection
  • 1972-1993

King's College London Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies undergraduate student files, 1974-1993 (K/BMG/FP), postgraduate student files, 1972-1993 (K/BMG/FPPG). Undergraduate files typically contain an UCCA (Universities Central Council on Admissions) form, enrolment forms, some termly reports, correspondence, references, attendance/mark sheets and course unit registration forms. Postgraduate files include an application for admission as a postgraduate student, postgraduate reference form and correspondence.

King's College London Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES: King's College London departmental records

  • Collection
  • 1922-1993

The records of the Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies comprises correspondence, invoices, publications, examination papers, reading lists, lists of lectures and seminars, and posters, 1922-1993. These notably include a copy of The siege of Vienna in 1683 , edited by Frederick Henry Marshall (London, 1922); papers relating to The Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , including proposals for the establishment of the journal, publishing agreements and correspondence with contributors, 1970-1977; carbon copies of bibliographies on theology including early Christianity and on Armenian palaeography, architecture, music and philology, [1970-1980]; exhibition posters celebrating the career of Romanian poet, Mihai Eminescu, [1970-1980]; lists of departmental courses and seminars, 1972-1975; student reading lists, 1973-1975; drafts of sessional exam papers, 1975-1989; correspondence and invoices relating to the purchase of copies of Politics and the Academy: Arnold Toynbee and the Koraes Chair by Richard Clogg, sold in aid of the Burrows Library, King's College London, 1986-1988; correspondence concerning alumni and the European Community ERASMUS and LINGUA programmes for student exchange within Europe, with invoices, funding application forms and supporting materials, 1989-1993; correspondence relating to applications for vacant lectureships, 1990.

King's College London Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

BULLOUGH, Geoffrey (1901-1982)

  • K/PP173
  • Collection
  • [1957-1975]

Papers of Geoffrey Bullough, [1957-1975] contain typescript proofs of publications edited by Bullough. The collection contains annotated galley proofs from Bullough's Narrative and dramatic sources of Shakespeare (Columbia U.P, 1957 and later editions), notably including two copies of The Tradegie of Antonie by Robert Garnier, translated by Mary Herbert (1595) and two copies of The Troublesome raigne of King John (anonymous, 1591); carbon copy of The Taming of the Shrew [edited 1957-1975], which includes pencil annotation 'check this with original text'; annotated photocopy of Rosalynde. Euphues Golden Legacie by Thomas Lodge, (1592) [edited 1957-1975], perhaps suggesting that Bullough intended to edit this work; University of London BA examination paper for internal and external students in English, 1974 and University of London BA general examination paper for external students in Middle English 1300-1525, 1974.

Bullough, Geoffrey, 1901-1982, Professor of English

BOXER, Professor Charles Ralph (1904-2000)

  • K/PP78
  • Collection
  • 1904-2000

Copies of papers and photographs relating to Boxer's life and military and academic careers, 1904-2000, including correspondence and cuttings from the Portuguese press, 1963-1964, relating to the criticism by Dr António Oliveira Salazar, Prime Minister of Portugal, and Professor Armando Cortesão, of Boxer and his book Race Relations in the Portuguese Colonial Empire, 1415-1825 , for proposing that Portugal had practised racial discrimination during its colonial expansion; letter of goodwill from Hisaakira Kano, Chairman of Kokusai Bunka Shinkokai (Japanese Society for International Cultural Relations), 4 Jan 1949; letter to Amanda Boxer from Richard Laurence Ollard, author, 8 May 2000, on Boxer declining the award of CBE; Homenagem ao Professor Charles Ralph Boxer. A tribute to Professor Charles Ralph Boxer (Centro de Estudos do Mar and Associão Fernão Mendes Pinto, Figueira de Foz/Montemor -o-Velho, 1999); Charles Ralph Boxer, 1904-2000 (commemorative booklet published by King's College London, 2000); 'In memoriam Charles Ralph Boxer' by Dr Frank Lequin, offprint from Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia and Oceania , vol 156.4, Leiden, 2000; obituaries on Boxer from The Guardian , The Independent , and the Jornal de Coimbra and obituary of Emily Hahn, [ The Guardian ], Feb 1997; copies of pages from the 'Codex Lynch' and Marsden Mss, held by King's College London Archives, relating to the Portuguese East India Company, 1629-1633, and to the Jesuit mission in the Moghul Empire, 1668; copies of dustjackets of a selection of books written by Boxer; photographs, 1904-[1999], including Boxer in China, Japan, Siam, 1938, as a POW in Hong Kong [1942], his marriage to Emily Hahn, 1945, and his receiving honorary degree at Liverpool, 1966, and Order of Santiago da Espada, Portugal, 1990; copy of speech given by José Gregório Faria, Ambassador of Portugal, at a memorial reception for Boxer held at King's College London on 11 Jul 2000, with commemorative booklet.

Boxer, Charles Ralph, 1904-2000, Professor of History

AITKEN, William Francis (fl 1900-1936)

  • K/PP182
  • Collection
  • 1919-1936

Notebook entitled 'Literature' with alphabetical bibliography and shorthand notes on Hatfield House, Hatfield, Hertfordshire; letter from Helen Waddell to Aitken, 11 Apr 1933, about a poem of Peter Abelard; manuscript and typescript notes on William Shakespeare; fragments of an article on an edition of Michel de Montaigne; file of printed material, mostly comprising undated lectures on Shakespeare by Cumberland Clark, article on Shakespeare's London by Wilson Benington, Pall Mall Magazine , Aug 1912, and related ephemera; file of press cuttings, mainly relating to book reviews on the works of Shakespeare and Shakespeare's London, 1919-1936.

Aitken, William Francis, fl 1900-1936, author and editor