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University of London Educational systems
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ATKINS, Sir John (1875-1963)

  • Q/PP1
  • Collection
  • 1911-1963

The papers of Sir John Atkins, 1911-1963, comprise memoranda and correspondence illustrative of the strategic development of the College through its various stages from its establishment as an independent institution in 1915 to the retirement of Atkins as Chairman of the College's Executive Committee in 1958, including draft speeches and notes on the history of the College.

Atkins, Sir John, 1875-1963, Knight, physician


  • KW
  • Collection
  • 1878-1939

Records, 1878-1939, of King's College London Ladies' and Women's Departments and King's College for Women from inception, and including material postdating absorption by King's College London in 1915. Comprising minutes, 1878-1928, including the Executive Committee of the Ladies' Department, 1878-1902, Committee of Management of the Women's Department, 1902-1910, Committee of Management of King's College for Women, 1910-1913, King's College for Women Delegacy, 1913-1915, Board of Principal Teachers of King's College for Women, 1910-1928, King's College for Women Board of Studies for Home Science and Economics, 1908-1914, and various finance committees from 1891 and other subordinate committees; agendas and draft minutes, 1885-1915; accounts, 1878-1916, comprising annual balances, 1878-1885, termly balances, 1889-1890, printed balance sheets, 1878-1905 (incomplete) with annual reports to the Committee of Management to 1887, comparative statements of income and expenditure, 1904-1916, printed accounts, 1910-1914, estimates, 1913-1915, and memoranda on estimates, 1914-1916; ledgers, 1890-1910, and journal, 1890-1896; cash books, 1890-1919; fees books, 1906-1919, and miscellaneous vouchers, receipts and bills, 1907-1914; warden's outletter books, 1910-1915; general and policy files, 1899-1919, on subjects including scholarships and prizes, courses, staff appointments, incorporation into the University of London, development of the college including establishment of the home science course, proposed amalgamation with King's College, and files relating to administration after amalgamation with King's College London in 1915, including proposed acquisition of a hostel for women; building and maintenance files, 1882-1917, including premises in Kensington Square; student address books, 1894-1917 and undated, most including details of courses being taken; record books, 1897-1918, with students' details; registers of attendance for various courses, 1909-1914; registers, 1878-1919, including exam class lists and lists of students; miscellaneous records, 1901-1914, comprising some student records and a manual of instructions for the Bursar; syllabi and prospectuses, 1878-1916; scrapbooks, 1888-1910, including lecture notices and press cuttings; rough notes summarising a course of lectures on hygiene and sanitation, 1913; printed ephemera, 1888-1923, with material postdating fusion with King's College in 1915, including historical sketch of King's College Ladies' Department, c1902, undated history of nos 11-12 Kensington Square, lectures, reports, prospectuses, and an appeal for the Home Science Department, 1914; material relating to King's College Hostel for Women, 58 Queensborough Terrace, Bayswater, 1921-1939, including minutes of the management committee, ledgers, cash books, wages books and inventory; 16mm film of King's College for Women staff and students, 1927-1928, with explanatory notes; entrance schedules for arts and sciences, 1914-1921, giving students' details; papers and correspondence, 1880-1924, on general administration, buildings and accommodation at Kensington Square and Bayswater, grants to the College, staff appointments, and transfer of King's College for Women to King's College and the future of the Home Science Department.

King's College for Women, 1908-1928

PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE: Queen Elizabeth College administrative records

  • QAP
  • Collection
  • 1908-1985

Records, 1908-1985, of the Principal of Queen Elizabeth College and heads of its predecessor bodies, comprising general and policy files on administration of the College, 1912-1984, the subjects including buildings, relationship with the University of London, curriculum, relationship with royalty, evacuation and other arrangements during World War Two, granting of the charter and the name Queen Elizabeth College in 1953, financial matters, employees, catering, student relations, the library, and the future of the College (Ref: QAP/GPF1); papers on departmental and academic affairs, 1922-1985, including curricula and academic appointments (Ref: QAP/GPF2); files on arrangements for public lectures at the College, 1925-1968 (Ref: QAP/GPF3); minutes and other papers of College council, academic board and committees, 1915-1985, including staff appointments, salaries, curricula, timetables, safety, finance, and the merger with King's College London and Chelsea College in 1985 (Ref: QAP/GPF4); papers on the relationship with the University of London, 1915-1985 (Ref: QAP/GPF5); papers relating to the University Grants Committee, 1917-1985 (Ref: QAP/GPF6); correspondence and papers relating to other outside bodies, 1908-1985, including government departments, London County Council and other educational and health bodies, the subjects including students, training, and curricula (Ref: QAP/GPF7); papers on College premises, buildings and equipment, 1912-1985, including sports facilities, hostels and academic accommodation, damage sustained in World War Two, and alterations (Ref: QAP/GPF8); papers on the merger between Queen Elizabeth College, King's College London, and Chelsea College, 1982-1985, the subjects including finance, sites, and staff (Ref: QAP/GPF9).

Queen Elizabeth College, Principal, 1953-1985

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London governance records

  • KAS/GC
  • Collection
  • 1828-1992 (ongoing)

From 1828-1909 the Council was the College's governing and executive body, exercising the powers of the College as provided in the Charter or Statutes. The King's College London (Transfer) Act 1908 incorporated the college into the University of London, and the Delegacy became the governing body of King's College. The Council thereafter governed the Theological Department only, which was separately administered from the rest of the College. The Delegacy was a committee of the Senate of the University of London, which had to ratify all major decisions. By the Royal Charter of 1980, King's College London was reconstituted, merging the Theological Department with the Faculty of Theology and the Council again became the governing body for the whole College. Between 1909-1980 the Court, as the financial board of the University of London, controlled the finances of the College through the custody, control and disposition of all property, funds and investments. The Academic Board advises the Council on all academic matters. The Professorial Board became known as the Academic Board in 1980.

The records comprise five series covering the period 1828-1992: records of the College's governing bodies, records relating to College constitution, policy and structure, relationship with the University of London, external bodies and the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals. These include minutes, papers and correspondence, 1890-1983, of the following: the Court, 1906-1938, 1966-1979; College Council and its committees, 1890-1983; Delegacy, 1909-1989, including the new site at Bloomsbury, 1921-1926; building works estimates, 1963-1977; the international interchange of students, 1909-1918; research into Radio Telegraphy, 1924-1941; Delegacy membership 1960-1980; Professorial Board minutes and papers, 1936-1939, 1958-1979; Academic Board minutes and papers, 1980-1983; Academic Board correspondence, 1917-1983 notably relating to appointments and alternative BSc examinations, 1929-1939; Theological Professorial Board minutes, 1920, agendas and papers, 1932-1938, 1967-72; Committee of Deans minutes and papers, 1921, 1956-1982; Heads of Departments' meetings with the Principal, 1976-1983; Joint Committee of the Council and Delegacy minutes and papers, 1972-1973; various development committees, 1976-1983, 1991-1992 (KAS/GC1). Provisional Committee of King's College London original resolution, report and petition for establishment, 1828-1833; draft charter (not granted), 1855-1863; papers and correspondence relating to the proposed 'University for London', 1844-1892, including draft charter for 'Albert University', 1891; University of London Act (1895) and Commission with related papers and correspondence, 1889-1901; King's College London Act (1903) with related correspondence, 1902-1903; papers relating to the incorporation of the College into the University of London, 1904-1913; papers relating to the development and rebuilding of King's College London, 1910-1919; papers relating to the Royal Commission on University Education in London, 1909-1915; University of London and King's College Committees minutes, correspondence and reports on the proposed Bloomsbury site, 1920-1924; papers relating to the Statutory Commission concerning the revision of University statutes, 1925-1928; papers relating to the merger of King's College London and the Arts and Sciences Departments of King's College for Women, 1928; papers and correspondence relating to the possible disincorporation of King's College London, 1964-1965; student participation in College government, 1969-1974; minutes of Joint and Steering Committees of the Council and Delegacy on the Murray Report, 1972-1979; Committees concerning the drafting of College regulations required under the new Charter and Statutes, 1977-1980; Committee structure of the College, 1978-1988; new faculty of Theology on reunification with the College, 1976-1977; the Flowers Report concerning medical education in London, 1979-1981; scheme for the integration of St Thomas' Medical School, Westminster Medical School and the Biological and Medical Departments of King's College London to form a School of Biology and Medicine, 1969-1972; proposed amalgamation of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies with King's College London, 1971-1976; reunification of King's College London and King's College Hospital Medical School, 1981-1983; merger of King's College London and Bedford College, 1981-1982; merger of King's, Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges, 1983-1985; Assistant Secretary's general correspondence and papers, 1982-1985; the development of the sites of King's, Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges, 1982-1983, and the College's Development Plan, 1985 (KAS/GC2). Correspondence with the University of London, 1901-1954, 1966-1988; correspondence and notices of Senate proceedings and resolutions, 1910-1918, 1934-1942; reports of the Delegacy to the Senate, 1911-1918, 1934-1914, and to the Court, 1929-1946; membership of the Delegacy and College representation on University of London boards and committees, 1939-1960; membership of Senate Committees and electoral procedures, 1978-1983; King's College London's submissions to the Robbins and Murray Committees, 1961-1972; reports and correspondence relating to the University of London Act 1978, 1974-1978; response to new statutes, 1976-1983; correspondence and papers relating to student discipline, 1968-1979; response to the University of London Committee on Academic Organisation, 1980-1982; registration of teachers, appointment of staff and conferment of titles, 1890-1918; registration of students, 1909-1921; University of London inspections on King's College London teaching and equipment; 1909-1910, 1932-1939, 1949-1950 (KAS/GC3). Papers and correspondence relating to the allocation, application and appeals for Treasury and Board of Education grants, 1889-1918; Treasury Commissioner Inspections, 1889-1904; returns to the Board of Education and University Grants Committee for the annual report to Parliament, 1897-1921; response to the Board of Education's proposals to revise secondary school examinations, 1913-1918; correspondence, minutes and papers relating to University Grants Committee visits and meetings, 1921-1934, 1950-1983; University Grants Committee accounts of air-raid damage repairs, 1938-1945; papers relating to Quinquennium reports, 1947-1961, 1966-1980; circulars from Science Research Councils, 1976-1981; correspondence with London County Council and reports notably relating to grants, scholarships, bursaries, appointments and teachers' classes, 1894-1927 (KAS/GC4). Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' general correspondence, circulars and reports relating to the National Union of Students, College societies, tuition fees, data protection, finance and higher education, 1954-1982 (KAS/GC5).

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: Queen Elizabeth College administrative records

  • QAS
  • Collection
  • 1914-1985

Records, 1914-1985, of the College Secretary of Queen Elizabeth College and predecessor bodies, comprising general and policy files, 1914-1985, on matters including social events, buildings, College coat of arms and motto, aerial photographs of the College, and statistics on students (Ref: QAS/GPF1); files on prizes and scholarships, 1945-1985 (Ref: QAS/GPF2); departments and staff, 1947-1985, largely relating to outside funding for research (Ref: QAS/GPF3); buildings, premises and equipment, 1953-1977, including laboratories and science departments, sports facilities, students' unions and other properties (Ref: QAS/GPF4); College committees, 1966-1985, comprising papers of meetings with the Secretary's annotations and correspondence (Ref: QAS/GPF5); University of London, 1927-1985, including regulations and statistics concerning students, staff and facilities (Ref: QAS/GPF6); University Grants Committee, 1957-1983 (Ref: QAS/GPF7); other outside bodies, 1938-1985, including letters from the Queen Mother, 1970-1985 (Ref: QAS/GPF8); safety, 1977-1985 (Ref: QAS/GPF9); files relating to the merger with King's College London and Chelsea College, 1982-1985 (Ref: 1987/QAS); staff records, comprising unsuccessful applications, 1959-1980 (Ref: QAS/FP/II); contracts and conditions of employment for some posts, 1958-1977 (Ref: QAS/FP/III); material relating to research grants; individual pay records, traders' credits lists, 1967-1969, and listings of College cheques, 1962-1973.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

SERIALS & PERIODICALS: King's College London printed material

  • K/SER
  • Collection
  • 1836-2014

King's College London Publications: Serials and Periodicals, 1836-2014. This class of ephemera contains 150 distinct titles of annual/termly periodical comprising newsletters and magazines about the College, its students and staff, illustrating its academic work and social life from the earliest years to the present day. Most series are incomplete and sometimes contain only single editions of predominantly recent titles. The main series of publications comprise long running College magazines such as King's College Review/Lucifer (1899-1966), of which there exist bound and duplicate sets, King's College London News (1981-1984), The King's College London Report (1993-2000), Comment (1984-2001) and the staff bulletin, Viewpoint (1973-1979) and Library staff magazine, Ex Libris (later retitled No Comment ) (1996-2001). They also include departmental and faculty periodicals and newsletters such as The Kingsman (1958-1978), which was one of several journals associated with the Theology Faculty, the War Studies Review (1994-1998), War Studies Journal (1995-1999) and Department of War Studies Diary (1993-1997), The Siphon , magazine of the Faculty of Science (1946-1968), the Nurses' League Journal (1926-2000), King's College School Magazine (1890-1903), King's College London Association newsletter, later retitled In Touch (1972-1999), Computer Unit newsletters (1967-1996) and the Ladies' Department Magazine (1896-1914). They also include support services and Trades Union magazines and newsletters including of the Library and NALGO, Development Office, Chaplaincy and Staff Development and Training, Students' Union and Rag magazines, most prominently, Magus (1974-1985). The collection contains a few examples of periodicals external to King's College, mainly concerned with the Higher Education sector, such as the Newsletter of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (1995-1998) and relating to various aspects of the work of the University of London. Content is very broad and diverse, including events listings, College and departmental news, obituaries, sporting fixtures, society business and original articles, particularly in The King's Engineer (1922-1968) and Lucifer (1951-1966), whose distinctive ironical and experimental character was reflected in critical commentary on South Africa and Vietnam, pornography and censorship, examples of cutting edge poetry, alongside theatre reviews and original articles, drawings and caricatures including by Derek Jarman and the writer and broadcaster, Michael Bukht.

King's College London, 1829-