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Transcript of interview, [2003], with David Sangin, medical reservist in the Israeli Defence Force

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with David Sangin, Senior Paediatrician, Hadassah Hospital, and medical reservist, Israeli Defence Force, describing his experiences during Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, the Israeli military action in the Palestinian refugee camp in Jenin, Apr 2002.

Transcript of interview, 2003, with Alastair Crooke, security adviser to the EU

Typescript transcript of rolls 150-152 of a filmed interview with Alastair Crooke, former British Security Adviser to the European Union High Representative and Head of Foreign and Security Policy, describing the Nabka Day demonstrations, Gaza, May 2000; Palestinian security measures put in place for the visit of Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, to the Temple Mount, surprise at the outbreak of violence during the visit, the evidence presented the Mitchell Committee regarding the incident and the organisation of the subsequent intifada, Sept 2000; visits to prisoners with aim of assuring the Israeli government that the Palestinian authorities were fulfilling their commitment to arrest certain individuals, including Raid Karmi, leading member of Al-Aqsa Brigade, Sept 2001; participation in negotiations to end the siege of the Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem, and accompanying exiled Palestinians from the siege to Cyprus, Apr-May 2002; negotiations with Fatah and Tanzeem, 2002.

Transcript of interview, 1998, with Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State 1993-1997, describing the role an policy of the US in the peace talks between Israel and Syria, including numerous meeting with Hafez Al Assad, President of Syria 1971-2000, during 1993-1996, effect on the talks of the announcement of the Oslo Accord, Aug 1993; meetings of the Syrian and Israeli Chiefs of Staff, Blair House Oct 1994, and Wye Plantation talks, Dec 1996; his meeting with Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister 1992-1995 in Amman, Jordan, Nov 1995, and the effect of Rabin's assassination (5 Nov 1995) on the peace process; the policy to Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister 1996-1999 on talks with Syria, and the meeting of William Jefferson Clinton, US President, 1993-2001, Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, Netanyahu and Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) in Washington, Oct 1996. 33pp

Transcript of interview, [1997], with Ziamah Divon, Israeli diplomat

Typescript transcript of interview with Ziamah Divon, Israeli diplomat, describing his role in secret meetings and unofficial negotiations with Egypt during 1951-1954 instigated by Moshe Sharrett, Israeli Foreign Minister 1948-1956. Mentions meetings with Abdel Rahman Sadiq in Paris (1952-1953, and communication between Sharrett and Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt 1954-1970, (1953). 32pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to the US President

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Advisor to the US President 1977-1981, describing discussions with James Earl Carter, US President 1977-1981, and Cyrus Vance, US Secretary of State 1977-1980, which led to the meetings of Anwar Al-Sadat, Egyptian President 1970-1981, and Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister 1977-1983, at Camp David, Maryland, and the negotiations of an Israeli Egypt peace agreement (Camp David Accord), Sep 1978. 12pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Zakaria Moheiddin, former Director of Egyptian Intelligence

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Zakaria Moheiddin, Director of Egyptian Intelligence (1954), and politician, describing his involvement in Egyptian forces under siege at Felugia (1948); the development of the July revolution in Egypt, the deposing of Farouk I, King of Egypt 1936-1953, and activities of the Revolutionary Command Council, (1952). Also comments on Egyptian relation with Israel including Jewish sabotage operation in Egypt (Lavon Affair, Unit 131, 1954) and Israeli retaliation attack against Fedayeen in Gaza (1955). 40pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Yossi Ben Aharon, advisor to Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Yossi Ben Aharon, advisor to Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli Prime Minister 1986-1992, describing peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians and Syrians, including a document recording dialogue between Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1986-1988 and Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, (Apr 1987); Yitzhak Shamir's meeting with Jordan's King Hussein in London, Jul 1987; the Israeli government response to the Palestinian intifada; Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) renunciation of terrorism, Dec 1988; the Madrid Peace Conference (Oct 1991); Israeli US relations, US policy on loan guarantees, and the role of James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State 1989-1992. 24pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Yossi Beilin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Typescript transcript of filmed translated interview with Yossi Beilin, Director-General for Political Affairs of the Israeli Foreign Ministry 1986-1988, Deputy Minister of Finance from 1988-1990, and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 1992-1995, describing his role in negotiations between Israel and the Syrian government concerning US involvement in an international conference on peace in the Middle East, involving Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister, 1986-1988, with Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, and Zaid al-Rifai, Jordan Prime Minister 1985-1989, (11 Apr 1987); beginning of secret negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) involving Yair Hirschfeld, Israeli academic, Terje Rød Larsen, Director of the Norwegian Labour Union's applied social research institute FAFO (Fagforeningens Forskningsorganisasjon), Dov Ramden, and Faisel Husseini, Palestinian leader in Jerusalem, Jun 1992, and later meetings involving Ron Pundak, Israeli academic with Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala), economic assistant to Yasir Arafat, Peres, Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister 1992-1995, Uri Savir, Secretary of the Israeli Foreign Office, Yasir Arafat (Abu Ammar), Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen),1993-1994; discussions between Rabin and Hosni Mubarak, Egyptian President 1981-present, concerning the proposed Palestinian state including Gaza and Jericho (1992); implications of assassination of Rabin on the negotiations with Palestinians, (Nov 1995). 34pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Yair Hirschfeld, academic at Haifa University

Typescript transcript of interview with Yair Hirschfeld, Israeli academic at Haifa University, describing his involvement in negotiations with Palestinians, including meetings involving Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala), PLO Minister of Finance, Ron Pundak, Project Director in the Economic Cooperation Foundation (ECF) 1992-1995, Yossi Beilin, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 1992-1995, Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1992-1995, Faisal Husseini senior official within Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Hassan Asfour, PLO official, Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), PLO official, and Maher al Kurd, Political counsellor to Yasir Arafat, Uri Savir, Director General Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1993-1996, and Joel Singer, Legal Advisor to Israeli Foreign Ministry. Also describes the development of the Declaration of Principles (DOP) and its signing by Peres and Abu Ala in Oslo, 20 August 1993; and the role of host Terje Rød Larsen, Director of the Norwegian Labour Union's applied social research institute FAFO (Fagforeningens Forskningsorganisasjon) and Johan Jorgen Holst, Norwegian Foreign Minister. 41pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with William Quandt, member of the US National Security Council

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with William Bauer Quandt, political scientist and US National Security Staff, 1972-1979, describing the negotiations between Egypt and Israel at Camp David, Maryland, Sep 1978, and the role of James Earl Carter, US President 1977-1981, and discussions concerning UN Resolution 242 and Jewish settlements in occupied territories. Also describes his role in events leading up to the US recognition of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Geneva press conference where Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, where he renounced terrorism (Dec 1988). 33pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Walt Rostow, former Special Assistant to the US President

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Walt Whitman Rostow, Special assistant to the US President, 1966-1969, describing the response of the US to intelligence concerning possible outbreak of hostilities in eh Middle east, including Soviet reports of Israeli troop movements on the Syrian border, 13 May 1967; visit of Abba Solomon Eban, Israeli Foreign Minister 1966-1974 to Washington, and meeting with Lyndon Baines Johnson, US President 1963-1969, and government officials, 26 May 1967, visit of Maj-Gen Meir Amit, Head of Israeli Military Intelligence (1967); US communications with the Soviet Union, first use of the 'hotline', and negotiation of the ceasefire, and Johnson's meeting with Alexey Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, USSR 1964-1980, at Glassboro, New Jersey, (Jun 1967). 40pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Walid Moualem (Walid Muallem), Syrian Ambassador to USA

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Walid Moualem, Syrian Ambassador to US 1990-2000, member of the Syrian negotiating team since the Madrid Conference, Oct 1991 and head of the Syrian delegation to the peace talks with Israel since Jul 1994, the meeting between Hafez Al-Assad, President of Syria 1971-2000, with George Herbert Walker Bush, US President 1989-1993, concerning the Persian Gulf War and the Middle East peace process, Nov 1990; visits of James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State 1989-1992 to Syria, 1991, and talks regarding the Madrid Conference (Jul 1991); the speeches of Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli Prime Minister 1986-1992, and Farouk al-Shar'a, Syrian Foreign Minister 1984-, and the bilateral talks between Israel and Syria at the Madrid Conference (Nov 1991); Israeli-Syrian talks in Washington (Jul 1992); visit of Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State 1993-1997, to Israel and Syria, Aug 1993 and Jul 1994; Syrian response to the Oslo Agreement and the ceremonial signing in Washington, Sep 1993; meeting between William Jefferson Clinton, US President 1993-2001, and Assad in Geneva, Jan 1994; Syrian Israelis talks involving Gen Ehud Barak, Israeli Chief of Staff 1991-1995, and Hikmat Shihabi, Syrian Chief of Staff 1973-1998 at Blair House, Washington, Nov-Dec 1994. 70pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Walid Moualem (Walid Muallem), Syrian Ambassador to USA

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Walid Moualem, Syrian Ambassador to the US 1990-2000, member of the Syrian negotiating team since the Madrid Conference, Oct 1991 and head of the Syrian delegation to the peace talks with Israel since Jul 1994, discussing Syrian Israel talks involving Gen Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, Israeli Chief of Staff 1995-1998, Hikmat Shihabi, Syrian Chief of Staff 1973-1998, Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister 1992-1995, Farouk al-Shar'a, Syrian Foreign Minister 1984-, Uri Savir, Director General, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1993-1996 and National Coordinator for Peace Negotiations for Israel 1995-1996, and Joel Singer, Legal Advisor to the Israeli Foreign Ministry, Gen Uzi Dayan, Israeli Director of the General Staff Planning Branch 1993-1996, Dennis Ross, Director of Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State 1989-1992, and Martin Indyk, US Ambassador to Israel (1995-1996). Also comments on issues of normalisation and security arrangements; the impact on the talks of assassination of Rabin, Nov 1995, talks on Lebanese ceasefire at Wye Plantation, Maryland, Dec 1995-Feb1996; and the suspension of talks with Israel following the election of Benjamin Netanyahu as Israeli Prime Minister, Jun 1996. 60pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Vassily Reshetnikov, former USSR military advisor in Eygpt

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Vassily Reshetnikov, Soviet military advisor in Egypt 1967, commenting on the state of the Egyptian armed forces, including an aborted operation involving Soviet pilots in Egyptian air strikes against Israeli positions in the Sinai Peninsular (1967). 10pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Vadim Kirpichenko, KGB representative to Egyptian intelligence

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Vadim Kirpichenko, KGB representative to Egyptian intelligence organisation, describing Soviet relations with Gamal Abdul Nasser, Egyptian President 1954-1970, including the arrival of Soviet military experts in Egypt, the visit of Nasser to the USSR (Apr 1958) and visit of Nikolay Podgorny, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet, 1965-1977, to Egypt (1967); his attendance at Nasser's funeral with Aleksey Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars 1964-1980, (Sep 1970), and intelligence assessment of Nasser's successor Anwar al-Sadat and his policies towards USSR and USA; Sadat's consolidation of power and arrest of Ali Sabri, Egyptian politician (May 1971); the expulsion of the Soviet advisors from Egypt (Jul 1973). 29pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with USSR diplomat Pavel Akopov

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Pavel Akopov, USSR diplomat and Charge d'Affairs in Egypt, 1973, describing the Soviet policy on the Middle East, and its relationship with Egypt, including meeting of Shams el-din Badran, Egyptian War Minister 1967, with Soviet officials in Moscow (May 1967); Soviet supplies of arms to Egypt; Soviet advice to Egypt in lead up to Six Day War; break in diplomatic relations between USSR and Israel, (1967) relations with Sadat; expulsion of Soviet military experts from Egypt, Jul 1973, and policy concerning the Yom Kippur (Oct 1973); pressure for the ceasefire. 47pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with USSR civil servant Karen Brutenz

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Karen Brutenz, Soviet official commenting on the Soviet government relationship with Hafez al-Assad, President of Syria, and Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), in relation to, Syrian intervention in Jordan, Sep 1970, Syrian role in the October War (Yom Kippur War, Oct 1973) and Syrian and Soviet forces in Lebanon during the Israeli invasion, 1982. 14pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Henry Alfred Kissinger, Assistant to US President for National Security Affairs 1969-1975, and US Secretary of State 1973-1977, describing the role of the US in supporting Israeli air force assistance against Syrian intervention in Jordan, Sep 1970; US relations with Egypt 1971-73, including his meeting with Hafez Ismail, Egyptian National Security Advisor; US support for Israel during Yom Kippur War, Oct 1967; the role of the Soviet Union in the conflict; the negotiation the a ceasefire and the development of UN resolution 338; shuttle diplomacy between Anwar Al Sadat President of Egypt, 1970-1981 and Golda Meir, Prime Minister of Israel, 1969-1974; and meeting with Assad, 15 Dec 1973 concerning Geneva Conference. 32pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with US Secretary of State George Shultz

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with George Pratt Shultz, US Secretary of State 1982-1989, describing his response to reports of talks between Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1986-1988, and Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, Apr 1988. Also comments on his refusal to recommend the granting of a visa allowing Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), to visit the US, (Dec 1988) and the PLO's subsequent renunciation of terrorism. 12 pp

Results 2361 to 2380 of 66921