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MAZE, Paul Lucien (1887-1979)

  • MAZE
  • Collection
  • 1914-1975

Copies of papers collected or created by Maze, 1914-1975, principally comprising correspondence with his World War One colleagues, 1918-1972, mainly relating to the second Battle of the Somme, 21 Mar-5 Apr 1918, and including letters from Gen Sir Hubert (de la Poer) Gough, 1918-1919, 1935, 1939, 1951, 1954-1956, 1963, Lt Gen Sir (Arthur) Edward Grasett, 1965, 1970, and LtGen Sir Frederick Ivor Maxse, 1919; photographs of Maze, 1914-[1918] and Gough, 1915; correspondence with Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill concerning the Home Guard, 1943; photographs of ACM Sir Arthur Travers Harris, 1944; two typescript lists ofGerman towns attacked by British bombers, 1945.

Maze, Paul, Lucien, 1887-1979, painter

MAYHEW, Rt Hon Christopher Paget (1915-1997)

  • Collection
  • 1939-1997

Papers, 1939-1997, of the Rt Hon Christopher Paget Mayhew, Baron Mayhew of Wimbledon in Greater London, relating to his life and career. The collection includes wartime letters from Mayhew to his family and other letters to Mayhew, 1939-1945; appointment and desk diaries, 1949-1995; files giving details of individuals and organisations relating to his work as an MP; a file on his introduction to the House of Lords, 1981; address books; notebooks, papers and correspondence relating to his work as a politician and peer, 1945-1997. The papers reflect his interests in domestic issues and foreign affairs, with material on broadcasting, commercial and public service television, including the minute book, 1953-1954, of the National Television Council, a pro-public service broadcasting body; relations with the Soviet Union from the late 1940s to the 1960s; international affairs, defence issues and the armed forces up to the 1990s, including press cuttings on his resignation in 1966; Palestine and Israel, the Middle East, and Arab-British relations, especially in the 1980s and 1990s. Much of the collection comprises printed material, reports, typescripts and press cuttings, some - for instance, broadcasts and interviews - by Mayhew himself, but much by other authors.

Mayhew, Christopher Paget, 1915-1997, Baron Mayhew of Wimbledon, politician

MATURIN-BAIRD, Lt Col Charles Edgar (1899-1994)

  • Collection
  • 1940-1945

Papers relating to his work with the military police, Provost Service, 1939-1945, notably including official notes and operation orders concerning the evacuation of the BEF from France and Belgium, 1940.

Baird, Charles Edgar Maturin-, 1899-1944, Lieutenant Colonel

MASON, Air Cdre John Melbourne (1896-1950)

  • Collection
  • 1917-1946

Digital copies of flying log books, 1917-1946, notably covering his service with 5 Sqn, 5 Wing, Royal Naval Air Service and 205 Sqn, RAF, France, 1917-1918, and with 70 (Bomber) Sqn, Iraq, 1928-1930, and including detailed accounts of bombing raids on France, 1917-1918.

Mason, John Melbourne, 1896-1950, Air Commodore

MARTIN, Ian W G (fl 1957-1994)

  • Collection
  • 1978

Papers relating to his work as an interpreter in Cyprus, 1957-1958, dated 1978, 1991 and 1993, comprising a photocopy of his article 'In the service of Queen and country' from Plebs, The Journal of the British Library of Political and Economic Science , 1978; copy of 'Military memories of Kykko Monastery, 1957-1958', a text written for the Kykko Monastery Research Centre, 1991; photocopy of his article 'The 'Cyprus Troubles', 1955-1960' from Kampos: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek , no 1, 1993.

Martin, Ian W G, fl 1957-1994, interpreter

MARNHAM, Brig Sir Ralph (1901-1984)

  • Collection
  • 1941-1942

Papers relating to his service in the Middle East, principally comprising account of his work at No 62 General Hospital, Tobruk, Libya, Oct 1941-Feb 1942; cutting of newspaper article based on this account, written by Patrick Marnham (his son) in 1991; text of his lecture on surgery in the Middle East, 1940-1943, [1943]; photocopy of his printed article 'The Tobruk Plaster', 1945;diary of Col H V Leigh, Commander, No 62 General Hospital, Oct 1941-Jan 1942; Leigh's official report on No 62 General Hospital for the period Oct-Dec 1941, written in Jan 1942.

Marnham, Sir Ralph, 1901-1984, Knight, Brigadier

MARNHAM, Brig Geoffrey (1906-1988)

  • Collection
  • 1916-1954

Papers relating to Marnham's life and career, 1916-1954, including twelve printed maps of Kashmir and Jammu, India, dated 1916-1933, with printed booklet entitled Notes for visitors to Kashmir (Pratap Government Press, India, 1933); printed programme for film Mons, 1924; twenty two captioned photographs relating to service in Peshawar and Nowshera, India, 1928-1935;typescript 'Report on operations in Greece', 4 Infantry Bde, 3 Mar-28 Apr 1941, with two printed maps of Greece [1941]; typescript official report 'The operations of the 50th (Northumbrian) Division in the Sicilian campaign, July and August 1943', with photograph of the memorial to 1 Durham Infantry Bde, Ponte Primosole, Sicily, 1943; typescript training notes by Maj Gen Charles Falkland Loewen,General Officer Commanding 1 Infantry Div, Mar 1945; printed booklet entitled Notes on the blockade of Berlin 1948. From a British viewpoint in Berlin (Headquarters, British Troops, Berlin, Germany, 1948); group photograph of the Warrant Officers and Sergeants, 62 Heavy Anti Aircraft Regt, Royal Artillery, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Sep 1951; printed booklet containing list of members of 50 (Northumbrian) Div Officers Dining Club, Aug 1954.

Marnham, Geoffrey, 1906-1988, Brigadier

MARKS, Brig Neville (1901-1944)

  • Collection
  • [1915-1920]

Papers and photographs relating to his life and career, [1915]-1944, dated [1915-1920], 1930, 1944-1945 and 1963, principally comprising newspaper cuttings concerning his air crash in Burma, 1944, and letters of condolence to his wife, 1944.

Marks, Robert Neville Falkiner, 1901-1944, Brigadier


  • MISC66
  • Collection
  • 1909-1962

A collection of twentieth century maps formerly held by the Map Library of King's College London. A large number of maps in the collection relate to World War One. These were either produced for military use, as in the case of the British maps published by the Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), 1909-1918, or were produced subsequently to illustrate World War One battles and campaigns, such as the set of tracings of the strategic development of the battle of Jutland, 1916, the War Office Historical Section (Military Branch) maps of the campaign in Palestine, 1917-1918, published 1927-1929 and the French and German maps. There are several later Geographical Section, General Staff (GSGS), maps produced 1935-1953, including maps published during World War Two and a map of the area of Cassino, Italy, compiled and reproduced by 12 Polish Field Survey Company, Dec 1945. The final section consists of a number of maps and diagrams produced for use in Staff College entrance and staff/promotion examinations, 1955-1962

MANNING, Air Cdre Frederick John (1912-1988)

  • Collection
  • 1920-1985

Official papers relating to Air Council powers to regulate Air Force Establishments, 1920-1924; flying log books, 1933-1958 and photographs relating to the RAF, 1930s; papers dated 1934-1985 relating to service as Commanding Officer at the Marine Craft Detachment in Bridlington, East Yorkshire, including notes and photographs relating to T E Lawrence; papers relating toWorld War Two, including organisation of RAF in Northwest Africa, 1943; papers dated 1946-1953 including lecture notes relating to RAF organisation and management.

Manning, Frederick John, 1912-1988, Air Commodore

MANLY, Lt Col Laurence Arthur (1899-1942)

  • Collection
  • 1940

Photocopy of typescript account of service of 2 Lancashire Fusiliers in France and Belgium, 14 May-2 Jun1940, notably their evacuation from Dunkirk, 30 May-2 Jun 1940, dated 14 Jun 1940.

Manley, Laurence Arthur, 1899-1942, Lieutenant Colonel

MALINS, Maj Philip Geoffrey (1919-2012)

  • Collection
  • 1981

Typescript paper entitled 'The operations of 20 Indian Division in French Indo China September to December 1945: based on the thesis by Colonel Peter Martyn Dunn, United States Air Force' by Maj P G Malins, May 1981, documenting Malins' personal experiences in French Indo-China, 1945. The paper was intended to 'augment the...thesis produced by Colonel Peter Martyn Dunn of the US Army'.

Malins, Philip Geoffrey, 1919-2012, Major

MAGUIRE, AM Sir Harold John (1912-2001)

  • Collection
  • [1935-1942]

Photographs and letters to his family, [1933-1942], relating to his service with the RAF in the UK, Egypt and Far East.

Maguire, Sir Harold John, 1912-2001, Knight, Air Marshal

MADOC, Maj Gen Reginald William (1907-1986)

  • Collection
  • 1941-1945

Papers relating to Madoc's service in the Royal Marines and his imprisonment in Germany as a POW,1941-1945, including letter and postcard to his wife, Rosemary Madoc, from Crete, Apr 1941; letter to Rosemary Madoc from Maj Gerald Larsen, Royal Marines, Middle East Forces, relating to Madoc's capture, Aug 1941; two hundred and sixty five letters and postcards from Madoc to his wife, as a POW, 1941-1945; letters and postcards received by Rosemary Madoc from captured officers and troops relating to Madoc's bravery in Crete and to life in captivity, 1941-1944; manuscript account by Madoc of his service in the Royal Marines from embarkation with the MNBDO (Mobile Naval Base Defence Organisation), his capture in Crete and subsequent imprisonment in Germany, 1941-1942, written on reverse of register of parcels received by prisoners, 1942; newspaper cutting oflocations of POW camps in Germany [1943]; Madoc's POW identity card, with photograph of Madoc and negative, 1941.

Madoc, Reginald William , 1907-1986, Major General

MACLEOD, Col Roderick (1891-1984)

  • Collection
  • 1919-[1984]

Papers relating to Macleod's career, [1965-1984] notably two copies of an unpublished memoir by Macleod, entitled 'An Artillery Officer in the First World War'; accounts by Macleod of the political and military background to the Battle of Passchendaele (Third Ypres), 1917, and of his command during World War Two of a deception operation by the fictional 4 Army to distract attention from the Normandy landings of 1944, [1966-1984]. Papers relating to the life and career of FM Sir (William) Edmund Ironside, 1st Baron Ironside of Archangel and Ironside, notably the unpublished volumes 'A secret service agent in South West Africa', detailing his service as a British agent in German South-West Africa, 1902-1904, and 'Ironside's letters to Col R Macleod', 1931-1959, with enclosures, [1965]; an account by Macleod of significant episodes of Ironside's career, and a review of Laurence Thompson's 1940 - Year of Legend, Year of History (Collins, London, 1960).

Macleod, Roderick, 1891-1984, Colonel

MACE, Col Rex Charles (1919-2004)

  • MACE
  • Collection
  • 1923-1983

Papers relating to the Dogra Regt, Indian Army, 1923-1944, including typescript notes by Brig John Parke Fullerton on 3 Bn, 17 Dogra Regt, 1923-1940; typescript notes by Maj Peter Lewis Gell and Tom Roe on the redeployment by air of 5 Indian Div from Arakan to northern Burma, Mar 1944; typescript notes entitled 'The story of Havildar Rattan Singh MM, 3 Bn, TheDogra Regiment' [1945]; typescript notes entitled 'A brief history of the 8th Independent Infantry Bde in Malaya, Nov 1940-Feb 1942' [1945]; typescript 'An abridged history of the Dogra Regiment' [1975]; typescript notes by Col Francis Cortland Simpson, General Staff Officer 1, 17 Indian Div, Burma, 1942, on the demolition of the Sittang Bridge [1983]. Papers relating to operations of 156 (East Africa) Independent Heavy Anti-Aircraft Battery, Royal Artillery, Kenya, 1952-1955, including typescript notes on the history of artillery units in East Africa and operations in Kenya, 1952-1955, with photographs of Kenyan recruits, 3.7 inch heavy anti-aircraft guns and 25 pounder guns.

Mace, Rex Charles, 1919-2004, Colonel

MACDONALD-BUCHANAN, Maj Sir Reginald Narcissus (1898-1981)

  • Collection
  • 1940-[1943]

Papers relating to his service as ADC to FM Sir John Greer Dill, 1940-[1943], including 1 Army Corps routine orders by Dill, 1940; notes, maps and papers concerning 1 Army Corps manning exercise, Apr 1940; notebook giving details of plan for moving 1 Army Corps HQ from Quincey to Grammont, France, 1940; notes and drafts of letters written as ADC to Dill, 1940-1943;German propaganda leaflets, [1940].

Buchanan, Sir Reginald Narcissus Macdonald-, 1898-1981, Knight, Major

MACDONALD, V Adm Sir Roderick Douglas (1921-2001)

  • Collection
  • 1965-1967

Papers relating to his service in Borneo, 1965-1966, dated 1965-1967, principally comprising notes on his visit to Tawau Naval Station, Sabah, Malaysia, 4-7 Oct 1965, written on 7 Oct 1965; directive from Maj Gen George Harris Lea, Director of Borneo Operations, outlining Macdonald's responsibilities as Commander, Naval Forces, Borneo, 6 Jan 1966; report to Commander FarEast Fleet on naval operations in Borneo, 1963-1966, written in 1966.

Macdonald, Sir Roderick Douglas, 1921-2001, Knight, Vice Admiral

MAARACHOT MILITARY JOURNAL: articles relating to Basil Liddell Hart

  • MISC15
  • Collection
  • 1939-1971

Copies of articles, in Hebrew, from the military journal Maarachot relating to Capt Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart's theories of military strategy and tactics, including 'Rapid Training of Recruits', by Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, Sep 1939; three commemorative articles, in Hebrew, written after Liddell Hart's death, Mar-Jun 1971; review of Liddell Hart's History of the Second World War, 1971

LYNCH, Gp Capt John Brayne (1900-1994)

  • Collection
  • 1917-1946

Royal Naval Air Service/RAF pilot's flying log book, 1918-1924; three RAF pilot's flying log books, 1924-1926, 1934-1936 and 1937-1946. Four photograph albums, with many captioned photographs of Lynch's service in Turkey and southern Russia, 1919, and Iraq, 1931-1934, also 51 photographic negatives, mostly of southern Russia, 1919. Personal papers and photographs,1917-1946, including printed RAF certificate for the completion of a course in 'Aerial gunnery and bombing, Eastchurch, Kent, 1924, congratulatory letter to Lynch, concerning a successful air display, from AVM Cyril Louis Norton Newall, Air Officer Commanding Wessex Bombing Area, 1931, and printed service history, compiled by Lynch's son, 1994.

Lynch, John Brayne, 1900-1994, Group Captain

Results 221 to 240 of 549