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Transcript of interview, 1997, with US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defence 1961-1968, describing the position of the US concerning tension between Egypt and Israel leading up to the Six Day War, (Jun 1967) and its Cold War context; McNamara's with Lyndon Baines Johnson, US President 1963-1969, and Aba Solomon Eban, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs 1966-1974, in Washington, 26 May 1967 concerning possible Israeli preemptive action against Egypt, and later with Meir Amit, Head Israeli Intelligence (Mossad), 30 May 1967. Also comments on the role of the Soviet Union and the initiation of a ceasefire, 10 Jun 1967.19pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Uri Savir, Director General of Israeli Foreign Ministry

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Uri Savir, Director General of Israeli Foreign Ministry 1993-1996, describing his appointment as official government representative in secret Israeli-Palestinian talks in Oslo, Norway, May 1993 and meetings involving with Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala), PLO Minister of Finance, Hassan Asfour, PLO official, and Maher al Kurd, Political counsellor to Arafat, Joel Singer, Legal Advisor to Israeli foreign Ministry; meeting with Singer and Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1992-1995 in Vienna; development of draft Declaration of Principles (DOP) and discussion of the nature of Palestinian autonomy (1993). 19pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Uri Savir, Director General of Israeli Foreign Ministry

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Uri Savir, (continuing on from previous interview) discussing the talks between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), Oslo, July 1993; the negotiations with Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala) concerning the Hebron and mutual recognition of the PLO and the State of Israel; signing of agreement between Israel and Palestine – Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1992-1995 and Abu Ala, at Oslo, 20 August (1993); Israeli government response to massacre at Hebron, 25 Feb 1994; visit of Ehud Barak, Israeli Chief of Staff 1991-1995, Joel Singer, Legal Advisor to the Israeli Foreign Affairs Department, Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, Israeli Deputy Chief of Staff 1991-1995, to Tunisia for talks with Yasir Arafat (Abu Ammar), Chairman Executive Committee of PLO 1968-?, concerning Hebron; (Feb/Mar 1994); meetings between Arafat and Peres at Eilat, Israel, Sep 1995 leading up to the signing of the Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, 28 Sep 1995; and the conception and progress of the Wye Plantation talks between Israel, Syria and the United States, Dec 1995–Jan 1996. 49pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Terje Rod Larsen, head of UN operations in Gaza

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Terje Rød Larsen, Director of the Norwegian Labour Union's applied social research institute FAFO (Fagforeningens Forskningsorganisasjon) 1992, Ambassador for Norwegian foreign ministry Aug 1993, and head of United Nations operations in Gaza (1993-1994), describing his role in facilitating the meetings between the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Israel which led to the Oslo talks and involved Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala), PLO Minister of Finance, and Yair Hirschfeld, Israeli academic and Hassan Asfour, PLO official, Hirschfeld and Ron Pundak, Project Director in the Economic Cooperation Foundation (ECF) 1992-1995, Uri Savir, Director General Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1993-1996, and Yossi Singer, Legal Advisor to Israeli Foreign Ministry (1992-1993); his meetings with Arafat in Tunis, and Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1992-1995 in Israel (Jul 1993); the signing of the 'Declaration of Principles' (DOP) in Oslo (19 Aug 1993); membership of delegation informing Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State 1993-1997, and Dennis Ross, Director of Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State 1989-1992, Special Middle East Coordinator, US State Department 1994-, of the DOP (27 Aug 1993). Also comments on the negotiation of mutual recognition of the PLO and the State of Israel, the effect of the Hebron massacre (25 Feb 1994), and proposals for Temporary International Presence (TIP) in Hebron; the negotiation of Gaza-Jericho Autonomy Agreement, (May 1994); and renewed negotiations following election of Netanyahu as Prime Minister of Israel, Jun (1996). 53pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Spear El-Monaier, Palestinian former nurse

Typescript transcript of interview with Spear El-Monaier, Palestinian nurse at hospital in Lydda, describing the hostilities at Lydda following Israel's declaration of Independence, May 1948; the disorganisation of the Palestinian and Arab resistance forces; Palestinian reaction to reports of the attack at Deir Yassin, and death of Abdul Kadir Husseini at battle for Kastel (Apr 1948); the siege of Lydda (Jul 1948) and expulsion of the Palestinians, and resettlement of Jewish refugees in Lydda. Also recalls an encounter with George Habash in Lydda (1948). 28pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Soviet foreign ministry official Victor Shukhodrev

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Victor Shukhodrev, Soviet foreign ministry official and high level interpreter, describing the first use of the teletype 'hotline' between the Kremlin in Moscow, USSR and the White House in Washington, USA during Israeli's Six Day War, and messages sent by Aleksey Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars 1964-1980, and Andrei Gromyko, Soviet Foreign Minister 1957-1985, to Lyndon Baines Johnson, US President 1963-1969 and Dean Rusk, US Secretary of State 1961-1969, 5-10 Jun 1967. Also describes the meeting between Kosygin and Johnson in Glassboro, New Jersey, Jun 1967. 25pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Shimon Moneta, Haganah agent

Typescript transcript of translated interview with Shimon Moneta, Haganah agent describing his involvement with the Lohamei Herut Yisrael (Lehi) a Jewish underground movement in Israel during 1940-1948; his participation in the Jewish attack of Deir Yassin, (9 April 1948) during the siege of Jerusalem; reports of the Deir Yassin incident and the Arab response. 26pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Sharif Zaid Bin Shaker, former Jordanian assistant Chief of Staff

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Sharif Zaid Bin Shaker, Jordanian commander of military district of Amman 1970, and assistant Chief of Staff (Sep 1970), describing the Jordan's response to outbreak of the Six Day War (5 Jun 1967), and implications of Jordanian defence treaty with Egypt; visit of Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, to troops stationed on the West Bank, and to Egypt prior to the war (Jun 1967); events of the battle of Karameh, Israeli forces attacking Fedayeen and the Jordanian Army (21 Mar 1968); deterioration of security within Jordan and King Hussein's personal intervention; involvement of Syrian tanks in Jordan (19 Sep 1970); arrival of Dean Brown, US Ambassador to Jordan (Sep 1970); visit Arab League delegation including Jafaar Numeiri, to Amman, and departure of Yasir Arafat, from Amman (Sep 1970). 39pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Sari Nusseibeh, Palestinian academic and activist

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Sari Nusseibeh, Palestinian academic Beir Zit University and Palestinian activist, describing his father's memories of the death of Abdul Kadir Husseini at Al Kastel, Jerusalem (April 1948) and his aborted Palestinian plans to request British assistance (1949-1950); initiation of the talks in between Palestinians and Israeli's including Nusseibeh and Faisal Husseini, Moshe Amirav, Likud party member, Dan Meridor, Ehud Olmert (1987), the cessation of the talks, and arrest and trial of Husseini (Sep 1987); outbreak of Intifada (Dec 1987) and the role of Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) in developing a Palestinian national consciousness; meeting of Palestinian leaders and the Unified National Command in East Jerusalem to develop a statement on intifada (Husseini Document) (1988); the role of the Palestinian National Council; his response the assassination of Abu Jihad by Israeli forces (Apr 1988). Also describes his meeting with James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State 1989-1992, in Washington, to discuss the joint Palestinian Jordan delegation to the Madrid Conference (Oct 1991) and comments on Baker's negotiating techniques. 43pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Said Kamal, Palestinian representative to the League of Arab States

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Said Kamal, Palestinian representative to the League of Arab States, discussing relations between the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Egyptian government including the reaction of Yasir Arafat (Abu Ammar) to the announcement of Anwar al-Sadat, Egyptian President 1970-1981, of his willingness to visit Israel (1977); decision of the PLO to pursue political rather than military avenues to seek a peace settlement; Arafat's speech in Geneva (Dec 1988); and disclosure of Oslo talks to the Egyptians (1993). Also comments on Arafat's meeting with Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egyptian President 1954-1970, (Sep 1970). 35pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Saeb Erekat, Palestinian negotiator

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Saeb Erekat, Palestinian negotiator, and vice chairman of Palestinian delegation to Madrid Conference, Oct 1991, describing a meeting of Palestinians with James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State 1989-1992, in Jerusalem to discuss Palestinian participation in the peace process, and Jewish settlements in the occupied territories; planning of the Palestinian delegation for the Madrid Conference and Palestine National Council (PNC) support for their participation; events of the Madrid Conference and concurrent visits to Tunis and Algiers to meet with Yasir Arafat (Oct 1991), also the significance of wearing the kaffiyeh; effect of Israeli expulsion of 415 Hammas leaders to Lebanon on the PLO Israel talks in Washington, (Dec 1992), and pressures to resume these talks (Apr 1992); announcement of the Oslo Agreement and the signing ceremony in Washington (11 Sep 1993); negotiation of the Hebron Agreement involving Joel Singer and Dori Gold (May-Sep1996); meeting in Washington with President Clinton, Benjamin Netanyahu, Arafat and Hussein, King of Jordan, concerning implementation of the Hebron Agreement (Sep/Oct 1996). Also comments on the role of King Hussein in negotiating mid 1998 date for further Israeli redeployment in the West Bank (1997). 51pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Robert Dass, former member of Jewish underground forces

Typescript transcript of interview with Robert Dassa, describing his recruitment by Avraham Dar to a Jewish underground unit in Egypt (Unit 131), during 1951 and training in Alexandria and Israel; other recruits to the Unit including Philip Nathanson, Victor Levy and Shmuel Azar; operations carried by the unit against the Alexandria Post Office, 2 Jul 1953, American Library in Alexandria, 14 Jul 1953 and a Cairo cinema 23 Jul 1953 (OPERATION SUSANNAH); his capture, Jul 1953; the trial and sentencing of members of the group under Judge General Digu Digwi (1954-1955) (Lavon Affair).17pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Ricahrd Haass, Special Assistant to the US President

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Richard Nathan Haass, Special Assistant to the US President and Senior Director, Near East & South Asian Affairs, National Security Council, 1989-1993, discussing the US government decision to ask Israel not to retaliate against Iraqi scud missiles, including telephone call between George Herbert Walker Bush, US President, 1989-1993 and Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli Prime Minister 1986-1992, (17 Jan 1991). Also comments on the role of the US in initiating the Madrid Conference, including the visits of James Baker to the Middle East, issuing of invitations and letters of assurance, the role of Syria in negotiations, US policy on Jewish settlements and Bush's press conference requesting delay in congress voting on US loan guarantees to Israel, as well as events of the conference itself (Oct 1991). 42pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with reporter Hazem Nusseibeh

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Hazem Nusseibeh, senior programme reporter in Palestinian Broadcasting Service, Jerusalem 1947, Jordanian Minister of Reconstruction and Development 1967-1968, and Ambassador to Egypt 1969-1971, describing condition of Palestinians in Jerusalem and their response to United Nations decision to partition Palestine (1947-1948), including the Anglo American hearing in Jerusalem and the United Nations Special Council On Palestine (UNSCOP); activities of the Stern gang and Irgun Zvai Leumi (IZL, Etzel) in Palestine 1947-1948; withdrawal of the British forces from Israel and siege of West Jerusalem; Palestinian reporting of events at Deir Yassin (April 1948) and effect on Palestinian morale; his role as Minister for Reconstruction caring for Palestinian refugees (1967-1968); activities of the Fedayeen and Jordanian army in the battle at Karameh (Mar 1968); Jordan Egypt relations and Egyptian public opinion concerning Jordanian clashes with Fedayeen (Sep 1970). 25pp(duplicate in Palestinian transcripts)

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Ran Ronen, former Israeli Air Force air base commander

Typescript transcript of interview with Ran Ronen, Israeli Air force squadron commander 1967, and Commander of Tel Nof Air Base 1973, describing the visit of Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Chief of Staff 1964-1968, to Tel Nof air base (2 Jun 1967), his role in the Israeli attack on Egyptian air fields of In-Shass and Gardaka, 5 Jun 1967; the speech to the nation by Levi Eshkol, Israeli Prime Minister 1963-1969, (28 May 1967); threatened of attack against Israel, 15 May 1973; response at Tel Nof air base to surprise attack during Yom Kippur festival, 6 Oct 1973; and decision of Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister 1969-1974, to delay air strikes on Syria, 6 Oct 1973. 20pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Queen Noor

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Her Majesty Queen Noor, wife of Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, describing Hussein's discussions with Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt 1970-1981, during Egypt's talks with Israel at Camp David, Maryland, Sep 1978; Hussein's opinion of the Arab Summit, Baghdad (Nov 1978); his meetings with Israeli's in London (April 1987) and the proposal for international conference; the signing of the Jordan-Israeli Peace Treaty in Washington, 1995; his response assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister Nov 1995; his visit to Washington for talks with Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister 1996-1999, and William Jefferson Clinton, US President 1993-1901, (Sep/Oct 1996); his visit to Gaza and role in finalising the Hebron Agreement (Sep 1995).16pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Prime Minister Zeid Al Rifai

Typescript transcript of interview with Zeid Al Rifai, Jordan Prime Minister 1973-1976, describing relations between Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt 1954-1970, and the Joint Arab Army agreement, (May 1967); the outbreak of the Six Day War, (5 Jun 1967); the Arab Summit, Khartoum (29 Aug-2 Sep 1967) and role of Ahmed Shukeri, Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) leader; ambush of Hussein, 9 Jun 1970 and his discussions with Nasser concerning deteriorating security situation within Jordan (1970); landing of hijacked aircraft in Jordan, movement of Syrian and Iraqi forces in Jordan (Sep 1970); visit of Arab League Committee headed Jafaar Numeiri, President of the Sudan 1969-1971, to Amman (Sep 1970); the Arab Summit at Cairo (23-27 Sep 1970); his appointment as ambassador in London and assassination attempt by 'Black September' group (Dec 1970); restoration of Jordan's diplomatic relations with Egypt and Syria (1972) and Sadat's views of US foreign policy; role of Henry Alfred Kissinger, US Secretary of State 1973-1977 in negotiating a ceasefire between Israel and Egypt (1973); Jordanian attitude to proposed international conference on Middle East peace. 38pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Prime Minister Shimon Peres

Typescript transcript of translated filmed interview with Shimon Peres, Israeli Prime Minister 1977, 1984-1986, 1995-1996, and Foreign Minister 1986-1988, 1992-1995, discussing relationship with Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister 1992-1995, following the 1992 election; Israeli negotiations with Jordan involving Yossi Beilin, Israeli Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs 1992-1995, and Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) PLO official (1994); discussion with William Jefferson Clinton, US President 1993-2001, following Rabin's death, (Nov 1995); Israeli negotiations with Syrians at Wye Plantation, Maryland US, Dec 1995; meetings with Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State 1993-1997, Jan 1996; Hizbollah attacks from Lebanon and the Israeli response - Operation GRAPES OF WRATH (April 1996); discussions Benjamin Netanyahu, his successor as Prime Minister, July 1996; and negotiations with Yasir Arafat (Abu Ammar) regarding Israeli withdrawal from Hebron, 1995. Also comments on David Ben-Gurion's views on a Jewish state; Ben-Gurion and Sharett's views on responses to terrorism; the appointment of Pinhas Lavon as Defence Minister, 1954; and meeting with Joseph Abu Khalil, concerning Lebanese civil war, 1979. 31pp

Transcript of interview, [1997], with Prime Minister Shimon Peres

Typescript transcript of interview with Shimon Peres, Israeli Prime Minister 1977, 1984-1986, 1995-1996, Foreign Minister 1986-1988, 1992-1995, and Minister of Defence 1974-1977, discussing the role of David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister 1948-1953, 1955-1963 and his relationship with Levi Eshkol, Israeli Prime Minister 1963-1969; establishment of the Israeli Defence Force (1949-1950s); Israel's relations with Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egyptian President 1954-1970, and Unit 131, a Jewish underground operation in Egypt (Lavon Affair) (1951-1954); the Suez Crisis, 1956; appointment of Moshe Dayan as Minister of Defence, (1 Jun 1967); outbreak of Yom Kippur War, 5 Oct 1973; Israeli operations in Lebanon, including meetings with Lebanese Christian leaders including Joseph Abu Khalil, Camille Chamoun, Dany Chamoun and Bashir Gemayel, and Israeli liaison officer Benjamin ('Faoud') Ben-Eliezer (1976); discussion of proposed international peace conference with Hussein King of Jordan 1952-1999, Zaid El Rifai, Prime Minister of Jordan 1985-1989, in London, Apr 1987; expulsion of [415] Hammas members from Israel, Dec 1992; relationship with Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1992-1995; secret talks with the PLO culminating in the Oslo Accord, its ceremonial signing in Washington (15 Sep 1995) by Rabin, Yasir Arafat (Abu Ammar), Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), and William Jefferson Clinton, US President 1993-2001 and ongoing negotiations involving Arafat and Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala), PLO Minister of Finance, concerning Hebron, Sep 1995; assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, 4 Nov 1995. 53pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Prime Minister Shafiq Al Wazzan

Typescript transcript of interview with Shafiq Al Wazzan, Lebanon Prime Minister and Minister for the Interior 1980–1984, describing the role of Philip Habib, US envoy to Middle East, in negotiations between Lebanon and Israel, 1982; Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Jun 1982; Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) withdrawal from Lebanon (Aug 1982). Also comments on the circumstances of Palestinians in Lebanon, the Lebanese constitution and the policies of Bashir Gemayel. 19pp

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