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Transcript of interview, 1997, with Prime Minister Salim Hoss

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Salim Hoss, Lebanese Prime Minister 1976-1980, describing the formation of the Arab veteran force in Lebanon, comprising of forces from Syria, Yemen, the United Arab Emirates and Sudan; difficulties in forming governments in Lebanon (1979-1980); his attempts to control illegal activities of the Phalange group (1976); the Israeli invasion of Lebanon (Mar 1978) and United Nations resolutions relating to settlement of conflict; leading the delegation from Arab League opposing Anwar al-Sadat's peace treaty with Israel (1978); relations between Lebanese and Palestinians in the lead up to the Arab Summit in Tunisia (20-22 Nov 1979). 15pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Prime Minister Mustapha Khalil

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Dr Mustapha Khalil, Egyptian union official, advisor to Anwar al-Sadat, Egyptian Presidents 1970-1981, Prime Minister of Egypt 1978-1980, and Foreign Minister 1979-1980, discussing the development of Egypt's economic policy in relation to oil production (1973); relations with other Arab states, and with the US; development of contacts with Israel and Sadat's announcement of willingness to visit Israel (Nov 1977); speeches of Sadat and Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister 1977-1983, to the Israeli Knesset, 9 Nov 1977; meeting involving Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Ezer Weizman and Yigal Yadin at King David Hotel, Jerusalem, to develop formula for talks on Israeli withdrawal from Sinai, 9 Nov 1977; role of Ezer Weizman in negotiations with Egypt; and his assessment of Camp David Peace Agreement (1978). 35pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Prime Minister Jordan Masri

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Taher Masri, Jordanian Foreign Minister 1984-1988, 1991, and Prime Minister 1991, commenting on the Arab Summit held in Algiers (7-9 Jun 1988); decision of Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, to separate Jordan from the West Bank, (Jul 1988); Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO} renunciation of terrorism, Geneva, Dec 1988; Jordan's role in peace talks initiated by James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State 1989-1993, and the development of joint Jordan Palestinian delegation to the Madrid Conference, (Oct 1991); and King Hussein's response to the disclosure of secret Israeli Palestinian talks at Oslo (1993). 27pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister 1996-1999, commenting on the negotiation of Hebron Agreement; and his meetings with Yasir Arafat (Abu Ammar), Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) (1995-1997). 9pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with President Yitzhak Navon

Typescript transcript of interview with Yitzhak Navon, member of Arab Department of the Haganah 1946-1948, Political Secretary to Foreign Minister and head of the Prime Minister's bureau 1952-1963, and President of the State of Israel 1978-1983, discussing public reaction in Jerusalem to the declaration of the State of Israel, (15 May 1948); his role in military intelligence during the War of Independence; conditions in the siege of Jerusalem; evacuation of village of Abu Ghaush; lack of military equipment in Israeli army; reaction of Moshe Sharrett, Israeli Foreign Minister 1948-1956, to IDF operation at Kinneret (1956); relations between David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister 1948-1953, 1955-1963, and Sharrett, Israeli Prime Minister 1953-1955 and Ben-Gurion's resignation from government, 1953; the Israeli government response to the massacre of Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatilla Camps, Lebanon (16 Sep 1982); and Israeli policy on release of Palestinian prisoners;. 31pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with President of the Sudan Mohammad Jafaar al Numeiri

Typescript transcripts of filmed interview with Mohammad Jafaar al Numeiri, President of The Sudan 1969-1971, 1971-1985, describing his visit to Amman, Jordan, during 'Black September' 1970, escorting Yasir Arafat from Jordan to Egypt; reporting the visit to Nasser, and the press conference; arrival of Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, at the Arab Summit, Cairo (Sep 1970). 29pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with President Jimmy Carter

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with James Earl Carter, US President 1977-1981, describing his role in negotiations between Anwar Al-Sadat, Egyptian President 1970-1981, and Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister 1977-1983, at Camp David, Maryland, which produced the Framework for Peace (Camp David Accord) between Egypt and Israel, Sep1978. Includes discussion of Palestinian autonomy, and multilateral letter concerning status of Jerusalem. 22pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with President Jimmy Carter

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with James Earl Carter, US President 1977-1981, describing the his meeting with Hafez al-Assad, Syrian President 1971-2000, concerning the role of the Palestinians in the Geneva Conference (Oct 1977); relations between Anwar Al-Sadat, Egyptian President 1970-1981 and Arab nations; initiation of the meeting at Camp David of Sadat and Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister 1977-1983, development of the Framework for Peace, (Camp David Accord) between Egypt and Israel, Sep1978, and discussion of Palestinian rights, and the Israeli Knesset vote on dismantling of Jewish settlements in occupied territories. 12pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with President George Bush Sr

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with George Herbert Walker Bush, US President 1989-1993, commenting on Geneva summit meeting with Hafez al Assad, Syrian President 1971-2000, Nov 1990, in effort to secure his support for the US led coalition action against Iraq; US policy of keeping Israel out of the Persian Gulf War, 1990-1991; US role in initiating the Madrid Conference, Oct 1991; and US policy and public opinion on US Loan Guarantees for Israel, Sep 1991. 20pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with politician Hussein Husseini

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Hussein Husseini, Lebanese politician, describing Lebanese relations with Palestinians following the Six Day War (Jun 1967), and with the Arab states; sectarian conflicts within Lebanon; Lebanese response to the assassination of Palestinian leaders, Kamal Nasser, Kamal Adwan (and Mohammad Youseff Najjar) by Israeli forces (Apr 1973), visit of Henry Alfred Kissinger, US Secretary of State 1973-1977, to Lebanon, Jun 1973; role of Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), in Lebanon, and deterioration of Palestinians Lebanese relations leading up to Israeli invasion (1978). 24pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with PLO official Hassan Asfour

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Hassan Asfour, Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) official, describing the PLO response to the US initiative for peace in the Middle East following the Persian Gulf War (Aug 1990–Mar 1991); the initial meeting of Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala) economic assistant to Yasir Arafat and PLO Minister of Finance, with Yair Hirschfeld, Israeli academic, in London (Dec 1992), and the role of Terje Rød Larsen, Director of the Norwegian Labour Union's applied social research institute FAFO (Fagforeningens Forskningsorganisasjon) 1992, Ambassador for Norwegian foreign ministry Aug 1993, and head of United Nations operations in Gaza (1993-1994) in hosting PLO Israel talks in Oslo, Norway; his appointment to the PLO delegation at the Oslo talks and accounts of the meetings, negotiations concerning Jericho, the drafting and signing of the Declaration of Principles (DOP) (1993). Also recounts discussions with Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1992-1995, concerning the intifada; Israeli Palestinian talks at Herzlia concerning land distribution (Oct 1995); the effect of assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister 1992-1995, (4 Nov 1995) on the PLO Israel talks; meetings of Palestinians and Israelis following the elections of Benjamin Netanyahu, and including Dori Gold, advisor to Benjamin Netanyahu, and Yitzhak Mordechai, Israeli Chief of Staff 1996-1999, (Jun 1996). 50pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Palestinian Salah Tamari

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Salah Tamari, Palestinian, describing his joining of Fatah (Palestinian Liberation movement) following the Six Day War, (Jun 1967); response of Israelis to Palestinian raids against them in the lead up to the battle at Karameh, Jordan, Mar 1968; the preparations of the Palestinian forces and meetings with Jordanian army officials; conduct of the battle of Karameh, and the press conference in which Yasir Arafat, Fatah leader, claimed victory. 24pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Palestinian politician Yasser Abd Rabbo (Yasser Abed Rabbo)

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Yasser Abd Rabbo, Palestinian, member of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), member of the Executive Council of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and head of PLO Department of information and culture describing the influence of the Marxist philosophy and the communist revolutions of the 1960s on the development of the Palestinian resistance movement, particularly their attitude to the government of Jordan, and events leading up to the expulsion of Palestinians from Jordan (Mar-Sep 1970); relations between factions of the PLO including Fatah, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and DFLP (1970, 1988); Arafat's reaction to the signing of the Camp David Accord 'The Framework for Peace in the Middle East' by Israel and Egypt (1978); change of policy at the Palestine National Council (PNC) meeting in Algiers, Nov 1988; US initiative for talks with Palestinians, and PLO renunciation of terrorism Geneva Press (13 Dec 1988). 31pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Palestinian official Khalad Fahoum

Typescript transcript of translated interview with Khalad Fahoum, Palestinian official based in Syria, describing events of the Conference of Arab Foreign Ministers, Jul 1967 and the Arab Summit, at Khartoum, Sudan, Sep 1967, in the aftermath of the Six Day War, (Jun 1967); the role of Ahmed Shuquairy, Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) at the Summit, and his resignation as PLO Chairman (1968). Also discusses the transfer of the PLO headquarter from Lebanon to Tunisia following the Israeli attack on Beirut (OPERATION GRAPES OF WRATH, 1982); the attitude of Hafez al-Assad, Syrian President 1971-2000, to the PLO; and the role of Philip Habib, US Special Envoy to Middle East, in negotiating a ceasefire in Lebanon, (1982). 20pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Palestinian negotiator and politician Yasser Abed Rabbo (Yasser Abed Rabbo)

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Yasser Abd Rabbo, Palestinian negotiator, member of the Executive Council of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and head of PLO Department of information and culture, describing the meeting involving Yasir Arafat, Chairman of Executive Committee of the PLO, and Aleksandr Bessmertnykh, Soviet Foreign Minister 1991, in Geneva to discuss conditions for an international conference on the Middle East; discussions with Assad, President of Syria, and Shar'a, Prime Minister of Syria, concerning Palestinian participation at the conference; the role of Hanan Ashrawi and Faisal Husseini in gaining support for joint Palestinian-Jordan delegation, and the formula agreed between them for the Madrid Conference, (Oct 1991); the impact of the announcement of the Oslo talks on the Palestinian delegation at the Washington talks (1992-1993); Palestinian policy on Gaza and Jericho discussed at Oslo and telephone negotiations between Israel and PLO, 18-19 Aug 1993; modification of Oslo agreement in Washington prior to signing ceremony (Sep 1993); and comments on the negotiations between Arafat and Shimon Peres concerning the Hebron, at Taba, Eilat (Oslo II Agreement, Sep 1995). 43pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Nazem Nusseibeh, broadcaster and diplomat

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Hazem Nusseibeh, senior programme reporter in Palestinian Broadcasting Service, Jerusalem 1947, Jordanian Minister of Reconstruction and Development 1967-1968, and Ambassador to Egypt 1969-1971, describing condition of Palestinians in Jerusalem and their response to United Nations decision to partition Palestine (1947-1948), including the Anglo American hearing in Jerusalem and the United Nations Special Council On Palestine (UNSCOP); activities of the Stern gang and Irgun Zvai Leumi (IZL, Etzel) in Palestine 1947-1948; withdrawal of the British forces from Israel and siege of West Jerusalem; Palestinian reporting of events at Deir Yassin (April 1948) and effect on Palestinian morale; his role as Minister for Reconstruction caring for Palestinian refugees (1967-68); activities of the Fedayeen and Jordanian army in the battle at Karameh (Mar 1968); Jordan Egypt relations and Egyptian public opinion concerning Jordanian clashes with Fedayeen (Sep 1970). 25pp(duplicate in Jordan transcripts)

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Moshe Arens, Israeli Ambassador to USA

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Moshe Arens, Israeli Ambassador to US 1982-1983, Israeli Minister of Defence 1983-1984 and 1990-1992, without Portfolio 1984-1988, and Foreign Affairs 1988-1990, describing his meeting with Alexander Meigs Haig, US Secretary of State 1981-1982, prior to Israeli military operations in Lebanon (OPERATION PEACE FOR GALILEE 1982); meeting between Haig and Ariel Sharon, Israeli Minister of Defence 1981-1983, (May 1982); meeting of Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister 1977-1983, and Ronald Reagan, US President 1981-1989, in Washington (1982); Israeli relationship with George Pratt Shultz, US Secretary of State 1982-1989, and US policy towards Lebanon after the Sabra and Shatilla massacre, 16 Sep 1982; discussions between Shimon Peres, Israeli Prime Minister 1984-1986 and Defence Minister 1986-1988, and Hussein King of Jordan 1952-1999, in London concerning a peace agreement, and possible visit of Shultz to Israel (Apr 1987). Also describes his role during the Persian Gulf War, 1991-1992; formulation of the Israeli response to Iraqi SS-1 SCUD B missiles strikes on Tel Aviv (Jan 1991); visits to Israel of James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State 1989-1992, and his role in peace negotiation with Syria; Madrid Peace Conference, Oct 1991; and Israeli policy on Jewish settlements in occupied territories and US loan guarantees. 39pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Moshe Amirav, member of the Likud Central Committee

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Moshe Amirav, member of the Likud Central Committee, in which he describes the secret talks he held with Professor Sari Nusseibeh, a Palestinian academic Beir Zit University and prominent figure in the Palestinian nationalist movement, and Faisal Husseini, leading PLO representative in Jerusalem, and later including also other Likud members Ehud Olmert and Dan Meridor, (1987) discussing the coexistence of Israel and Palestine; also describes how news the talks became public, and his subsequent resignation from the Likud party (1987). 26pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Mohsein Abdel Khalek, Director of President Nasser's office for political affairs

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Mohsein Abdel Khalek, Director of President Nasser's office for political affairs, describing his activities as a volunteer assisting the Palestinian resistance after the UN partition vote (1947); the Egyptian response to news of the Israeli attack on Deir Yassin (April 1948); withdrawal of Egyptian forces from Ashdod during Israeli War of Independence; his relationship with Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egyptian President 1954-1970; Egyptian US relations; Free Officers revolution and the deposing of King Farouk (July 1952); trial of Egyptian Jews involved in bombing activities (Unit 131, Lavon Affair) (1954); the Egyptian response to Israeli forces raid on Gaza 1955; Nasser's visit to China for the Bandung Conference and his decision to obtain arms from Soviet states (April 1955). 28pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Mohammed Labadi, Palestinian resident in Gaza

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Mohammed Labadi, Palestinian resident in Gaza, and member of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP), describing the beginning of the intifada, Dec 1987, and his role in developing the United National Command (UNC) of the intifada (Jan 1988,) and production and distribution of intifada leaflets among the Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied territories. 19pp

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