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Transcript of interview, 1997, with Joseph Sisco, former US Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East and South Asia

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Joseph John Sisco, US Assistant Secretary of State for international organisation affairs 1965-1969, and Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East and South Asia 1969-1974, describing his visit with Henry Alfred Kissinger, National Security Advisor to US President 1969-1975, to Moscow to discuss the ceasefire arrangements between Israeli and Egypt, and develop the UN Security Council Resolution 338, (Oct 1973); Kissinger's meeting with Hafez al-Assad, Syrian President 1971-2000, Assad's response to invitation to the Geneva Peace Conference (5 Dec 1973). 18pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Jonny Abdou, former head of Lebanese military intelligence

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Jonny Abdou, head of Lebanese military intelligence (1978-1982) discussing the Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon and creation of buffer zone occupied by United Nations Emergence Forces, 1978; intelligence concerning Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982; meeting between Bashir Gemayel, Lebanese Christian Militia leader, and Hani Hassan, Palestinian leader, concerning Palestinian cooperation with the Lebanese army; the role of the Philip Habib, US envoy, mediating between Lebanese, Palestinians and Israelis; his meetings with Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) concerning Israeli attacks on Beirut and his Arafat's departure for Tunisa; Bashir Gamayel's Presidential election campaign (1982). 18pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Joel Singer, Legal Advisor to Israeli Foreign Ministry

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Joel Singer, Legal Advisor to Israeli Foreign Ministry (1993-1996), describing the negotiation of the Cairo Agreement, including difficulties following the Hebron Massacre, (25 Feb 1994) and his visit with the Israeli delegation meet Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO), in Tunis, and meeting of Arafat with Shimon Peres, Israeli Prime Minister 1995-1996, at Taba. Also comments on negotiations between Israeli and Syria at Wye Plantation, Maryland, ( Dec 1995). 30pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Joel Singer, Legal Advisor to Israeli Foreign Ministry

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Joel Singer, Legal Advisor to Israeli Foreign Ministry (1993-1996), describing his conscription to the talks between Israeli and the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), at Oslo, Norway, (May 1993); his role in negotiation the Declaration of Principles and the agreement of mutual recognition of Israel and the PLO, the last minute difficulties with the signing of the Oslo Accord in Washington, 15 Sep 1994. Also comments on the talks between Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, and Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister 1992-1995, concerning Gaza and Jericho, (Dec 1993) and the signing of the Cairo Agreement (Oslo I Agreement) in Cairo, (4 May 1994). 55pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Jihan Sadat, widow of President Anwar Sadat

Typescript transcripts of filmed interview with Jihan Sadat, widow of Anwar as Sadat, President of Egypt 1970-1981, describing the night before the revolution (1952); the death of Nasser and Sadat's succession as President; Sadat's policy on Egyptian relations with Israel; the October War (Yom Kippur War), Oct 1973; Egyptian relations with the USSR and the US; failed coup of 15 May 1971; preparations for the October war (Yom Kippur War), and the ceasefire (Oct 1973); Sadat's visit to Romania and discussions with Nikolai Ceaucescu, General Secretary of the Romanian Communist Party 1965-1989; announcement of his willingness to visit Israel (1977), and opposition to the visit; Sadat's visit to Israel; his role activities at Camp David talks with Israel (Sep 1978); and description of the ceremonial signing of The Framework for Peace in the Middle East and reception in Washington (17 Sep 1978). 52pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with James Baker, former US Secretary of State

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with James Addison Baker, US Secretary of State 1989-1992, describing US attempts to persuade Israel not to retaliate against Iraqi missile strikes during the Persian Gulf War (Jan 1991); role of the US in establishing the Madrid Conference, including meetings with Yitzhak Shamir, Prime Minister of Israel, 1986-1992, Hafez al Assad, President of Syria 1971-2000, Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, and Palestinians such as Hanan Ashrawi, Faisal Husseini and Saeb Erekat, concerning the letters of assurance, security of the Golan Heights, the joint Palestinian and Jordanian delegation, US policy on Jewish settlements. Also describes events of the Madrid conference including the speeches and bilateral talks (Oct-Nov 1991). 40pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Jamal Sourani, Secretary General of the PLO

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Jamal Sourani, Secretary General of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) (1991-1997), describing the circumstances of the United Nations vote for the partition of Palestine (1947); the response of the Arab army to the declaration of the State of Israel, (May 1948); reports of the Jewish attack on the Arab village of Deir Yassin (Apr 1948); the withdrawal of he Jordanian forces and retreat of the Egyptian army from Palestine (1948); the development of the fedayeen resistance movement in Gaza (1954); foundation of the PLO and the role of Ahmed Shuquairy (1964); the Arab Summit in Khartoum, Sudan, Jul 1967, and its response to events of the Six Day War; debate in the Palestine National Council (PNC) concerning Palestinian involvement in the Madrid Conference (1991); and his role in a conciliation committee involving Hammas and Fatah members in Gaza (1994). 34pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Itamar Rabinovich, Israeli Ambassador to USA

Typescript transcripts of filmed interview with Itamar Rabinovich, Israeli ambassador to the US 1992, describing his participation in the peace negotiations with Syria involving Walid Moualem, Syrian Ambassador to the US and Muwafiq el-Allaf, leader of the Syrian delegation, in Washington (Aug 1992); discussion of 'land for peace' and Israel's withdrawal from the Golan; visits to Israel of Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State 1993-1997, and meetings with Dennis B Ross, Director of Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State 1989-1992, Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister 1992-1995, and Rabinovich relating to cease fire and peace agreement between Israel and Syria (1993); meeting of William Jefferson Clinton, US President 1993-2001, and Hafez al-Assad, Syrian President, 1971-2000, Geneva (1994); proposed Israeli referendum on withdrawal from the Golan Heights (1993-1994); meeting between Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1992-1995, Christopher, Ross, Johan Jørgen Holst, Norwegian Foreign Minister 1993-1994, and Joel Singer, Legal Advisor to Israeli Foreign Ministry, to announce Oslo talks (Aug 1993); significance of 4 June 1967 border between Israel and Syria; meetings between Moualem and Rabinovich, 1994; meetings involving Ehud Barak, Israeli Chief of Staff 1991-1995, and Hikmat Shihabi, Syrian Chief of Staff 1973-1998, and later Amnon Lipkin-Shahak, Israeli Chief of staff 1995-1998 at Blair House, Washington and Fort McNair (1995); Israeli Syrian meetings at Wye Plantation, Maryland US, Dec 1995; his meeting with the newly elected Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister 1996-1999; and the suspension of talks with the Syrians. 77pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Israeli Arab Ahmad Tibi

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Ahmad Tibi, Israeli Arab, and advisor to Yasir Arafat Chairman of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO), describing his role in PLO Israeli discussions concerning mutual recognition, (Jul 1993); alterations to the wording of the 'Declaration of Principles' on the day of its Washington signing (15 Sep 1993); the visit to Tunis by Uri Savir, Israeli Foreign Ministry official, following the massacre at Hebron (25 Feb 1994); his role in the National Conciliation Committee and its response to events at the Palestine Mosque, Gaza, (Nov 1994). 23pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Herman Eilts, US Ambassador to Egypt

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Hermann Frederick Eilts, US diplomat and Ambassador to Egypt 1973-1979, describing his role in negotiating Egypt's participation in the joint Arab delegation to the Geneva Conference 1977 and the arrangements for the visit of Anwar al Sadat, President of Egypt 1970-1981, to Jerusalem 19 Nov 1977; establishment of talks between Sadat and Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister 1977-1983 at Camp David, Maryland, and the role of James Earl Carter, US President 1977-1981 in the negotiations leading to the Camp David Accord (Framework for Peace between Israel and Egypt) Sep 1978. Also comments on the Egyptian request for US humanitarian aid to the Third Egyptian Army surrounded by the Israeli army following the ceasefire declaration in Nov 1973; and arguments propounded within the US government administration concerning US recognition of the State of Israel in May 1947. 31pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Hanan Ashwari, Palestinian academic and activist

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Hanan Ashwari, Palestinian academic and campaigner for Palestinian rights, describing the Palestinian response to proposed visit of James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State 1989-1992, to Israel; discussions between the Palestinians and Baker concerning linking of US loan guarantees for Israel to cessation of new Jewish settlements in the occupied territories (Mar 1991); meeting with Baker in Amman, Jordan to discuss the joint Palestinian-Jordanian delegation to the proposed international conference (Madrid Conference); secret trip to Algiers with Faisal Husseini to address the Palestine National Council (PNC) (28 Sep 1991); the writing of the Palestinian –Jordanian speech to the Madrid Conference and visits of Palestinian delegation to Tunis and Algiers to meet with Arafat during the conference (Oct 1991); effect of Israeli expulsion of 415 Hammas leaders to Lebanon on the Palestinian Israeli talks in Washington, (Dec 1992); effect of secret Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Israeli talks in Oslo on their Washington negotiations (Jun 1993), and comments on the Declaration of Principals developed in Oslo (Aug 1993). 39pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Ghassan Khatib, Palestinian delegation member

Typescript transcript of interview with Ghassan Khatib, member of Palestinian delegation to the Madrid Conference 1991, and Washington talks (1991-1993), describing Palestinian response to visit of James Baker, US Secretary of State 1989-1992, to Jerusalem, (Mar 1991); planning for Palestinian delegation to the Madrid Peace Conference (Oct-Nov1991), attendance at the Conference, the role of the PLO and visits of the Palestinian delegation to Tunis and Algiers during the conference; the Israeli Palestinian bilateral talks in Washington, including relations between the Palestinian delegation and the PLO leadership in Tunis, the resignation of Hanan Ashrawi, Faisal Husseini and Saeb Erekat (Dec 1992), restarting the Washington talks (Apr 1993), and their cessation with the announcement of the Oslo agreement (Aug 1993). 43pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with George Habash, found of Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Typescript transcript of interview with George Habash, founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), discussing the role and activities of the PFPL, including their base in Jordan (1969), aircraft hijacking operations (1970s); views on the intifada and talks between the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Israel (1988); his meeting with Hussein, King of Jordan during the Persian Gulf War, 1990; PFLP support for talks between Palestinians, including Faisal Husseini and Hanan Ashrawi, and James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State 1989-1992, during his visit to Israel (Mar 1991); issues of dispute between Israel and the Palestinians; and his rejection of the Oslo Agreement (1993). 27pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with General Yeshayahu Gavish, Israeli Defence Force

Typescript transcript of interview with Gen Yeshayahu Gavish, Commanding General Southern Command of Israeli Defence Force (IDF) during the Six Day War, describing events leading up to the war including Egyptian troop movements in Sinai from 15 May 1967; development of Israeli war plans and training of forces; role of Yitzhak Rabin, IDF Chief of Staff 1964-1968; response to radio broadcast by Levi Eshkol, Israeli Prime Minister 1963-1969 (28 May 1967); meetings with Moshe Dayan, Minister of Defence, 1967-1974, during 1967; role of the Israeli air force in the war. Also describes his role as Head of Operations Branch in General Headquarters during the 1950s, the changing Israeli policy on Fedayeen attacks on Israel, and the IDF operation against Jordanian Police station at Qalqilya. Mentions also his activities during Israel's War of Independence, stationed on the border with Lebanon, 1948. 45pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with General Uzi Narkiss, Israeli Defence Force

Typescript transcript of interview with Gen Uzi Narkiss, Israeli Defence Force, Commanding General of Central Command 1967, describing events of the siege of Jerusalem during Israel's War of Independence (1948) including the role of the Palmach forces, conditions inside the city; fighting around Kastel, the death Abdul Kadir Husseini, Palestinian Leader 1948; events leading up to the Six Day War (June 1967), including Central Command strategy; involvement of Jordan in the war; Israeli capture of Mount Scopus; triumphal entry of Moshe Dayan, Minister of Defence 1967-1974, and Levi Eshkol into Jerusalem through the Lion Gate, and Israeli troops reaching the Western Wall (Jun 1967). Also discusses Israeli response to Palestinian infiltrators (Fedayeen) from Jordan (1960s), and personality and methods of Moshe Dayan. 55pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with General Saad El Din El Shazly, Egyptian Army

Typescript transcript of filmed translated interview with Gen Saad El Din El Shazly, Egyptian army commander of special task force 1967, and Chief of Staff (1972-3), describing his role in forming an infantry division in the Sinai, known as the 'Shazly group', Israeli attack on Faid airfield, Egypt, 5 June 1967 and his activities during the Six Day War, June 1967; the lead up to the October War (Yom Kippur War) 1973, including Sadat's policies, relations between Sadat, Gen Mohamed Sadeq, Minister of War, Gen Ahmed Ismail, and himself at Chief of Staff. Also comments on the expulsion of Russians military advisors and units from Egypt, (Jul-Aug 1973); secret meetings between Egyptian and Syrian military officials, 21-23 Aug 1973; development of Egyptian strategy of a 'limited offensive'; and meetings with Sadat during the war. 46pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with General Mustafa Tlas (Mustafa Tlass), Syrian Minister of Defence

Typescript transcript of translated interview with Gen Mustafa Tlas, Syrian Army, former tank Commander, Syrian Minister for Defence, 1972-2004, and Deputy Prime Minister, discussing the relations between Israel and Syria leading up to the Six Day War, Jun 1967; Soviet reports of Israeli military manouvres near the Syrian border, May 1967; agreed Egyptian and Syrian strategy for Yom Kippur War, the outbreak of war, and Arab relations (Oct 1973); the War of Attrition between Syrian and Israel; talks between Henry Alfred Kissinger, US Secretary of State 1973-1977, and Hafez al-Assad, President of Syria 1971-2000, concerning the Geneva Peace Conference (Dec 1973); meeting between Anwar al Sadat and Assad prior to Sadat's visit to Israel (1977); and Syrian military support for the Palestinian fedayeen during the uprising in Jordan, (Sep 1970). 38pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with General Muhmmed Fawzi, former Egyptian Defence Minister

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with General Muhammed Fawzi, Egyptian Chief of Staff 1967 and Defence Minister 1968-1971 discussing events surrounding the Six Day War, June 1967, including Israeli threats against Syria; Soviet intelligence reports of Israeli troop concentration on Syrian border, May 1967; his visit to Syrian border, 14 May 1967; Egyptian mobilisation, May 1967; Egyptian instructions to the United Nations Emergency Force at Gaza, Shu Mashak and the Suez Canal; closure of the Straits of Tiran (May 1967); war preparations of the Egyptian forces; Israeli attack on Egypt, 5 Jun 1967; and the withdrawal of Egyptian forces from Sinai. Also comments on the role of Marshal Abdel Hakim Amer, Egyptian General Commander of the Armed Forces 1967, his resignation and suicide; popular support for Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egyptian President 1954-1970, following the war; and relations between Nasser and Amer. 58pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with General Mordechai Hod, Israeli Air Force

Typescript transcript of interview with Gen Mordechai Hod, Commanding General of Israeli Air Force, describing the Air force strategy in the lead up to the Six Day War; visit of Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Defence Force Chief of Staff 1964-1968, to Akron Air Base (June 1967) to assess moral; timing of the air strike against Egyptian air fields 5 Jun 1967; Israeli intelligence on Egyptian air force; air force involvement in attack on Syrians in Golan Heights (10 Jun 1967); air defense tactics against Syrian tanks entering Jordan during 'Black September' uprising, (Sep 1970). 22pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with General Manshour Haditha al-Jazy, Jordanian Army

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Gen Manshour Haditha al-Jazy, Jordanian Commander and Chief of Staff 1970, describing the Jordanian retreat from the West Bank during he Six Day War, Jun 1867; his meeting with members of the Fedayeen including Mamdouh Saidam (Abu Sabri), their introduction them to Hussein, King of Jordan, 1952-1999, and Jordanian fedayeen cooperation against Israel; Jordanian strategy against Israeli forces attacking Karameh, Mar 1968; relationship of Fedayeen and Jordanian army; his role in negotiating the release of hostages from aircraft hijacked by the Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine (PLFP) and flown to Jordan, 7 Sep 1970; Fedayeen Jordanian conflict; and his resignation from government, Sep 1970. 37pp

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