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Transcript of interview, 1997, with diplomat Gideon Rafael

Typescript transcripts of interview with Gideon Rafael, Israeli diplomat and Foreign Ministry official 1958-1978, describing his memories of the declaration of the State of Israel and its recognition by the US, including Moshe Sharett's report of a meeting with Gen George C Marshall, US Secretary of State 1948-1949, 12 May 1948; authorisation of Israeli forces raid on Qibya, West Bank, Oct 1952; the Israeli diplomatic response to the arrest and trial of members of Unit 131, a Jewish underground group operating within Egypt, 1954-1955; visit to Washington of Moshe Sharett, Israeli Foreign Minister 1948-1956 and Prime Minister 1953-1955, to discuss US arms supplies for Israel, Dec 1955, and effect of the Israeli action at Kinneret on the talks; failure of diplomacy between Egypt and Israel 1955-1956; resignation of Sharett as Foreign Minister, 18 June 1956; relations with Egypt during 1967; role of U Thant, UN Secretary General 1961-1971, leading up to the Six Day War, June 5 1967. 36pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with diplomat Gideon Rafael

Typescript transcript of interview with Gideon Rafael, Israeli diplomat and representative to the UN, and Foreign Ministry official 1958-1978, describing a visit to Washington by Abba Eban, Israeli Foreign Minister 1966-1974, to discuss US support for Israel and meet with Dean Rusk, US Secretary of State 1961-1969, May 1967; Israel's declaration in the United Nations Security Council of cease fire following the Six Day War, 10 June 1967 and peace terms offered to the Arab states, 21 June 1967; Israeli cabinet meeting concerning the planned military operation in Karameh, Jordan, (March 1968); meeting of Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister 1969-1974, Yigal Allon, Deputy Prime Minister 1969-1974, Eban, Moshe Dayan, Israeli Defence Minister 1967-1974, and a delegation headed by Joseph John Sisco, US Assistant Secretary of State for the Middle East 1971-1974 concerning the reopening of the Suez Canal, (Aug 1971); relations between David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister, and the Egyptian government; and the role of Robert B Anderson, US Secretary of the Treasury 1957-1961, as special envoy between Israel and Egypt; Sharett's response to announcement of arrest and trial of members of Unit 131, a Jewish underground operation in Egypt (1954-1955); resignation of Pinhas Lavon as Defence Minister and reappointment of Ben-Gurion (1955); his encounter with Charles Malik, Lebanon Permanent Representative to the UN, 1953. 31pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with diplomat and politician Abba Solomon Eban

Typescript transcript of interview with Abba Solomon Eban, Israeli politician and statesman, variously Representative to the United Nations (UN)1948, Permanent representative to the UN 1949, Ambassador to Washington and Permanent Representative to the UN 1950-1959, Minister without Portfolio 1959-1960, Minister of Education and Culture 1960-1963, Deputy Prime Minister 1963-1966, and Minister of Foreign Affairs 1966-1974, describing diplomatic activity and relations within the Israeli government relating to the United Nations vote on the partition of Palestine and Israel's declaration of independence, (Sep 1947-May 1948), the recognition of State of Israel by the United States and the Soviet Union and its admission to the UN; Israeli attitude to 100,000 Palestinian refugees, 1950; reactions to Israeli raid on Qibya, Oct 1953; relations between David Ben-Gurion, Israeli Prime Minister 1948-1953, 1955-1963, and Moshe Sharrett, Israeli Prime Minister 1954-1955; Israeli response to Syrian attack on boats on Lake Kinneret; role of the United States regarding international opposition to Israel's acquisition of armaments; Israeli response to Egyptian troop movements on 15 May 1967, diplomatic activity and role of the US, leading up to Six Day War (6 June 1967) including meetings with Charles De Gaulle, French President 1959-1969, and Lyndon Baines Johnson, US President 1963-1969; mood of Arab and Israeli governments after the Six Day War; his meeting with Dean Rusk, US Secretary of State 1961-1969, 19 June (1967); and Israeli attack on Palestinians forces at Karameh, Jordan, Mar 1968. 54pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with diplomat Abdel Rahman Sadeq

Typescript transcript of filmed translated interview with Abdel Rahman Sadeq, press attaché, Egyptian Embassy in Paris, (1951-1954), describing his contacts with Ziamah Divon, Israeli diplomat, in Paris (1951) including his first meeting, development of contacts, instructions from Nasser concerning the contacts (1952); arranging visit of foreign journalists to Egypt, Jan 1953; discussions concerning British evacuation from Egypt; Suez Canal traffic regulations; Israeli raids on Gaza and the West Bank; relations between hardliners and moderates in Israel, and the cessation of the talks following the Lavon Affair, 1954. 56pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Dennis Ross, US State Department Middle East Coordinator

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Dennis Ross, Director of Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State 1989-1992, Special Middle East Coordinator, US State Department 1994-, describing the visit of Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1992-1995, Johan Jørgen Holst, Norwegian Foreign Minister 1993-1994; to the US to inform Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State 1993-1997, and Ross, of the outcome of Israeli talks with the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) at Oslo, 25 Aug 1993; negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians concerning redeployment of Israeli forces in Hebron, including the talks between Yasir Arafat (Abu Ammar), Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, and Peres at Taba, Eliat, and last minute talks prior to the signing of the Taba Agreement (Oslo II), in Washington (28 Sep 1995); the impact of election of Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister 1996-1999, on Israeli talks with the Palestinians and also with the Syrians. 40pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Dennis Ross, US State Department Middle East Coordinator

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Dennis Ross, Director of Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State 1989-1992, Special Middle East Coordinator, US State Department 1994-, describing the negotiations between Israel and Syria, following the Oslo Agreement, Sep 1993, and involving Walid Moualem, Syrian Ambassador to the US 1990-, Hikmat Shihabi, Syrian Chief of Staff 1973-1998, Itamar Rabinovich, Israeli Ambassador to the US, Ehud Barak, Israeli Chief of Staff 1991-1995, Amnon Lipkin Shahak, Israeli Chief of staff 1995-1998, Uri Savir Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel 1993-1996 and National Coordinator for Peace Negotiations for the State of Israel 1995-1996 and Uzi Dyan, Israeli Defence Force, Director of the General Staff Planning Branch 1993-1996, taking place at Blair House, Washington, (Dec 1994) and Wye Plantation, Maryland (Dec 1995). Also comments on effect of assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister 1992-1995 on the talks. 48pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Dennis Ross, US State Department Middle East Coordinator

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Dennis Ross, Director of Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State 1989-1992, Special Middle East Coordinator, US State Department 1994-, describing the US initiative for peace in the Middle East following the Persian Gulf War and negotiations leading up to the Madrid Conference (Oct 1991), including visits of James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State 1989-1992, to the Middle East, and negotiations with the Palestinians including Faisal Husseini and Hanan Ashrawi, and Syrians including Hafez al-Assad, Syrian President 1971-2000, and Yitzhak Shamir, Israeli Prime Minister 1986-1992, (1991). 27pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Dean Brown, US Ambassador to Jordan

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with L Dean Brown, US Ambassador to Jordan 1970–1973 and Deputy Under Secretary for Management, US State Department 1973-1975, describing his appointment as US Ambassador to Jordan and his arrival in Amman Sep 1970, and commenting on meetings with Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, conditions in Amman, communication difficulties, supplies shortages, and the withdrawal of Syrian tanks from Jordan. Also comments on character of Pierre Gemayel, Lebanese Christian militia leader, and Maronite Christian leaders Walid Jumblatt and Kamal Jumblatt, (1976) 28pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Dan Pattir, former Public Affairs advisor to the Israeli Prime Minister

Typescript transcript of interview with Dan Pattir, Public Affairs advisor to Israeli Prime Ministers 1975-1981, discussing the development of bilateral peace negotiations between Israel and Egypt during the term Menachem Begin, Prime Minister 1977-1983; recounts events leading up to visit of Muhammad Anwar al-Sadat, President of Egypt, 1970-1981, to Jerusalem, 19 November 1977; reaction of Mordachai (Motti) Gur, Israeli Chief of Staff 1974-1978, to Sadat's visit; meeting of Israeli and Egyptian delegations at Ismailia, (Dec 1977); meeting between Begin, Sadat and James Earl (Jimmy) Carter, US President 1977-1981, at Camp David, Maryland, USA (Sep 1978); Knesset ratification the Camp David Accord framework for peace in the Middle East (1979). 28pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Boutros Boutros-Ghali, former Egyptian Minister of State for Foreign Affairs

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs 1978 and acting Egyptian Foreign Minister 1977, 1978-1979, describing the announcement by Anwar al-Sadat, Egyptian President 1970-1981, of his intention to visit Israel, (1977); speeches of Sadat and Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister 1977-1983, to Israeli Knesset (19 Nov 1977) and meetings during the visit involving Mustafa Khalil, Advisor to Sadat, Yigael Yadin, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister 1977-1981, and Ezer Weizman, Israeli Minister of Defence 1977-1980; Begin's visit to Ismailia, Egypt (Dec 1977); the participants and progress of the Egyptian Israeli talks at Camp David, Maryland, Sep 1978, and the role of James Earl Carter, US President 1977-1981. Also comments on the resignation of Mohamed Ibrahim Kamel, Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs 1977-1978, and the eccentricities of Hassan Tuhami, Egyptian Deputy Premier, (1977). 46pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Benjamin Givli, Head of Israeli Intelligence

Typescript transcript of translated interview with Benjamin Givli, Head of Israeli Intelligence, [1950]-1954, describing the development of the Israeli intelligence organisation from 1948, his activities during the siege of Jerusalem and conditions in the city (1948). Also discussed the recruiting of a Jewish underground movement in Egypt known as Unit 131, by Avraham Dar and the role of Pinhas Lavon, Israeli Minister of Defence in its failed operation; and relations between Moshe Sharrett, Israeli Prime Minister 1953-1955, Lavon and Moshe Dayan, IDF Chief of Staff 1953-1958. 27pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, Israel Defence Force

Typescript transcript of filmed translated interview with Benjamin (Faud) Ben-Eliezer, Israel Defence Force (IDF) First Commanding Officer in Southern Lebanon, 1977 and liaison with the Christian militias in Lebanon, and Minister of Construction and Housing 1992-1996, describing his recruitment by Mossad, Israeli secret service organisation, for operations in Lebanon including meetings with Dany Chamoun, Camille Chamoun, Ben Amin El Fara, Dory Chamoun, Bashir Gemayel and Tony Franjieh, leaders of Lebanese Christian militia and visit to Beirut (1977); meetings with Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister 1977, Yigal Allon, Foreign Minister 1974-1977, Shimon Peres, Minister of Defence 1974-1977, concerning military capability and internal relations in Lebanese Christian forces; Israeli government policy on Lebanon and changes following the Israeli elections (Jun 1977). Also describes meeting of Israeli government which decided to expel of [415] Hammas members to Lebanon (1995); and anti-Rabin riot in Zion Square, Jerusalem (Oct 1995). 27pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Avraham Dar, former Palmach commander

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Avraham Dar, describing his role and methods as commander of a Palmach naval company responsible for obtaining weapons for Israeli forces during the withdrawal of the British forces, 1948; recruitment and training Robert Dassa and Marcelle Ninio to an underground Jewish operation in Egypt (Unit 131) aiming to destabilise the Egyptian government, 1951; meetings with Moshe Sharrett, Israeli Prime Minister 1953-1955, Gideon Rafael, Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry official, and Pinhas Lavon, Minister of Defence 1954-1955 concerning the trial and sentencing of captured members of Unit 131 in Egypt (1954-1955) (Lavon Affair); Israeli Defence Force operations against the Fedayeen, including the assassination of Mustafa Hafas (1956); and tension between Egypt and Israel leading up to 1955. 20pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Anatoly Dobrynin, USSR Ambassador to USA

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Anatoly Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the US 1962-1986, describing the visit of Aleksey Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars 1964-1980, to the US, (Jun 1967); his meetings with Arthur J Goldberg, US Ambassador to the United Nations 1965-1968, to draft a resolution promoting a ceasefire between Israeli and Egypt; relations with Henry Alfred Kissinger, US Secretary of State 1973-1977, during the October War (Yom Kippur War), (Oct 1973) between Israel and Egypt; Kissinger's visit to Moscow and the development of UN Security Council Resolution 338, delays in implementation of the resolution and tension between the US and the Soviet. 22pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Amos Amir, Deputy Chief of Staff, Israeli Air Force

Typescript transcript of filmed interview, with Amos Amir, Israeli Air Force, Deputy Chief of Staff, 1980-(1982), describing role in Israeli attack of Egyptian air fields, 5 Jun 1967; participation in Israeli Cabinet meeting authorising the attack on Syrian missile defence system, 9 Jun 1982, as part of Operation PEACE FOR GALILEE, an offensive against the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) operation in Lebanon (1982). 12pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Ahmed Qurei, PLO Minister of Finance

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala), economic assistant to Yasir Arafat and Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Minister of Finance, describing the circumstances of a meeting with Yair Hirschfeld in London (Dec 1992) which led to the establishment of talks between the PLO and Israel, in Oslo, Norway; the form and content of those talks held in Jan-May 1993; involvement of Hassan Asfour, PLO official from Tunis, Maher al-Kurd, Palestinian economist, and Ron Pundak, Israeli academic; the role of the Norwegian hosts – Terje Rød Larsen, Director of the Norwegian Labour Union's applied social research institute FAFO, Mona Juul Norwegian diplomat (also Larsen's wife), Jan Egeland, Norwegian Ministry for Foreign Affairs 1997-1997, and Johan Jørgen Holst, Norwegian Foreign Minister 1993-1994; involvement in the Oslo talks of Uri Savir, Director General of the Israeli Foreign Ministry (May 1993), and Joel Singer, Legal Advisor to the Israeli Foreign Ministry (Jun 1993); discussions concerning mutual recognition of the PLO and State of Israel; the development of the Declaration of Principals (DOP) (Oslo Agreement); discussions involving Yasir Arafat, Chairman of Executive Committee of the PLO, and Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen), PLO official; signing of the DOP in Oslo, and meeting between Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, and Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1992-1995, (20 Aug 1993). Also comments on the talks at Taba between Arafat and Peres which culminating in the Taba Agreement (Oslo II Agreement) (Sep 1995). 57pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Adel Sabit, former Arab League information officer

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Adel Sabit, information officer in the Arab League 1948, describing the Arab arguments against the partition of Israel including meetings of Abdul Rahman Azzam Pasha, Secretary General of League of Arab States 1945–1954, with George C Marshall, US Secretary of State 1947-1949, (1947); the Arab role in the UN Security Council debates (1947); Arab nations agreement to take up Palestinian cause; Gen Edward Spears meeting with Egyptian leaders (1948); reasons for withdrawal of the Egyptian army from Ashdod (1948); and the deposing of King Farouk, (1952). 36pp

Transcript of interview, 1997, with Abu Ali Shaheen, Palestinian Fatah leader

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Abu Ali Shaheen, Palestinian Fatah leader, describing the decision of the Palestinian Fatah organisation to continue struggle against Israel following the Six Day War (Jun 1967), recruiting and arming members in the West Bank and Gaza strip, his participation in patrols with Yasir Arafat, strategy, tactics, and communications of the Fatah groups. Also comments on the outbreak of the intifada (Dec 1987), the role of Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) in sustaining the movement, and the assassination of Abu Jehad by Israeli forces (16 April 1988). 43pp

Transcript of interview, 1997 with US Secretary of State General Alexander Haig

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Gen Alexander Meigs Haig, military assistant to assistant to US President for National Security Affairs, 1969-1970, Deputy assistant to President of National Security Council 1970-73, Vice Chief of Staff, US Army 1973, Chief of Staff, White House, 1973-1974, US Secretary of State 1981-1982, describing the role of the US during the civil unrest in Jordan, Sep 1970, in negotiating Israeli air strikes on Syrian forces in Jordan; the role of the US during the Yom Kippur war (Oct 1973) in supplying armaments to Israel, brokering the ceasefire; and relations between the Henry Alfred Kissinger, US Secretary of State 1973-1977, and James R Schlesinger, Secretary of Defence 1973-1975. Also comment on US involvement in Lebanon, including communications with Israeli government, the role of Philip Habib, and US military intervention (1982). 32pp

Transcript of interview, [1997] with Intissar al-Wazir, widow of PLO official Khalil al-Wazir

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Intissar al-Wazir (Umm Jihad), widow of Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) a Palestine Liberation Organisation official based in Tunis, describing his role in promoting the intifada(1987-1988); the discussions within the PLO concerning the Palestinian meeting with James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State 1989-1992, in Jerusalem, (Mar 1991), and the restarting of Palestinian Israeli talks in Washington (Apr 1993), following the Israeli deportation of [415] Hammas members. Also gives and eyewitness account of the assassination of her husband Abu Jihad, by Israeli forces, Tunis, (16 Apr 1988); and description of accompanying Arafat on his return to Gaza (1993). 26pp

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