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Transcript of interview, [1994-1995], with Diego Arria, former President of the UN Security Council

Typescript transcript of interview with Diego Arria, Ambassador to the United Nations from Venezuela, President of the UN Security Council, 1992 and head of the Special Mission to the former Yugoslavia, describing the role of the United Nations in the conflict in Bosnia, and commenting on the actions of Gen Phillipe Morillon, Commander of UN forces in Bosnia 1992-1993, in Srebrenica, (Mar 1993); the debate of the UN resolution declaring 'safe areas' in Bosnia and his visit to Bosnia (Apr 1993). 12pp

Transcript of interview, [1994-1995], with Bosnian military officer Naser Oric, conducted by Murat Efendic

Typescript transcript of Murat Efendic, Bosnian 'Mayor' of Srebrenica, resident in Sarajevo for duration of the war, conducting an interview by radio with Naser Oric, Muslim commander of Srebrenica defenders (from 1992), former bodyguard of Slobodan Milosevic, conducted by radio by in which he comments on the situation in Srebrenica during the Serb attacks on the town 1992-1993. 8pp

Transcript of interview, [1994-1995], with Borisav Jovic, former President of Yugoslavia

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Borisav Jovic, Serbian representative to Yugoslavia and, President of the Yugoslav Collective Presidency 1990-1991, describing the discussions of the Collective Presidency concerning the activities of Albanian separatists in Kosovo, the Trepca miners strikes (Feb 1989) and student demonstration in Belgrade (Mar 1991); Serb nationalism; Slovenian constitutional amendments and events of the Fourteenth Extraordinary Congress of the Yugoslav Communist Party (Jan 1990); activities of the Serbs in the Krajina region of Croatia; illegal imports of arms into Croatia (1990); role of the Yugoslav Peoples' Army (JNA) in Croatia and Slovenia following their secession from Yugoslavia (1991); the Carrington Plan for a Yugoslav constitutional settlement and Vance Plan for settlement of the conflict in Croatia (1991); and the role of the JNA in Bosnia. 104pp

Transcript of interview, [1994-1995], with Bogic Bogicevic, former member of the Presidency of Yugoslavia for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Bogic Bogicevic, Bosnian Serb and Bosnia-Herzegovina representative on Yugoslav Collective Presidency from 1990, describing debates of the Collective Presidency, including the release of the 'Spegelj film' purporting to show illegal Croatian arms imports (Jan 1991). Also comments on his role during the demonstrations in Belgrade, (9Mar 1990); and the resignation of Borisav Jovic as Yugoslav Head of State (Mar 1991). 10pp

Transcript of interview, [1994-1995], with Alija Izetbegovic, President of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnian Muslim, founding leader of Party for Democratic Action (SDA), and President of Bosnia Herzegovina 1990-1998, describing events leading up to the conflict in Bosnia between Bosnian Muslims and Bosnian Serbs, including Radovan Karadzic's anti-Muslim statements (Oct 1991); the establishment of the Patriotic League (Sep 1991); (1991); the referendum on Bosnian independence (1992); role of Rt Hon Peter Alexander Rupert Carington, 6th Baron Carrington (Lord Carrington), European Community peace envoy 1991-1992; reports of Serb attacks on Bijeljina and Bosanski Brod; and being detained by the JNA in Lukovica, and exchange for Gen Milutin Kukanjac (May 1992). 17 pp, incomplete transcript

Transcript of interview, [1994-1995] with Mirjana Markovic, leader of Yugoslav United Left and wife of Slobodan Milosevic

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Dr Mirjana Markovic, Belgrade university professor, Founder of Yugoslav United Left (JUL) and wife of Slobodan Milosevic, describing discussions amongst university colleagues concerning economic and political reform in Yugoslavia; the plight of Serbs in Kosovo; the Eighth Session of the Serb Communist Party Central Committee and the ousting of Dragisa Pavlovic's as party leader (23 Sep 1987); the response in Belgrade to the rally at Cankerjev Dom, Ljubljana in support of the Trepca miners strike (Feb 1989); her assessment of events at the Fourteenth Extraordinary Congress of the Yugoslav Communist Party and the implications of the Slovene walk out over its rejection of their constitutional amendments (Jan 1990). Also comments on Gen Veljko Kadjevic's leadership of the Yugoslav Peoples' Army (JNA) (1988-1992); the formation of the Movement for Yugoslavia (Nov 1990); the Vance-Owen Plan for the divison of Bosnia (1993); Radovan Karadzic's leadership of the Bosnian Serbs; the Contact Group plan for territorial division of Bosnia (Jul 1994); and her own political views. 34pp

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Zlatko Kramaric, Mayor of Osijek

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Zlatko Kramaric, Mayor of Osijek, in the Eastern Slavonia region of Croatia, describing his attempts to find political and negotiated solutions to Serb Croat conflict in his municipality, and his rejection of the 'Spegelj film' and accusations of Croat arms importing as Serb propaganda (Jan 1991). Also comments on the political immaturity of the Croatia during their first elections, and the role of the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) (May 1990); the response to barricading of villages including Borovo Selo (1991); and the role of Josip Reihl-Kir, Osijek regional Police Chief in calming the conflict and his murder at Tenye (Jul 1991). 30pp

Transcript of interview, [1994], with Wolfgang Rahder and Mrs Rahder, parents of Jens Illing, East German riot police conscript

Typescript transcript of interview with Wolfgang Rähder and Mrs Rähder, mother and stepfather of Jens Illing, conscript in East German riot police (see item 3/7), and residents of Leipzig, describing their motivation in participating in the demonstrations in Leipzig against the East German government; their son's warning concerning the planned use of force against demonstration planned for 9 Oct 1989; and the speech of Kurt Masur, East German musician to the demonstrators. 12pp Language: German

Transcript of interview, [1994], with West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher

Typescript transcript of interview with Hans-Dietrich Genscher, West German Foreign Minister during 1989, describing West German discussions with Hungarian leaders including Nemeth Hungarian Prime Minister, and Gyula Horn, Hungarian Foreign Minister, concerning Hungary's moves toward political reform and West German economic assistance; decisions concerning the transportation of East German refugees from the West German Embassy in Prague, by train to West Germany, Oct 1989; and the opening of the border between Hungary and Austria. Also comments on meeting with Eduard Shevardnadze, USSR Foreign Minister, Bonn, May 1988. 9 pp (2 copies) Language: German

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Vasil Tupurkovski, Macedonian politician

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Vasil Tupurkovski, Macedonian politician, member of Yugoslav Collective Presidency 1989-1992, describing the political events within Yugoslavia including the Slovene constitutional reforms, their seccession from the Yugoslav Federation and conflict with the Yugoslav Peoples' Army (JNA) (1991); the Fourteenth Extraordinary Congress of the Yugoslav Communist Party, Jan 1990; reports of Croatian rearming, Oct 1990; the (JNA) response to demonstrations in Belgrade (1991); Collective Presidency meetings 1991; visit of the European Community (EC) troika (Hans van den Broek, Dutch Foreign Minister, Jacques Poos, Luxembourg Foreign Minister and Gianni de Michelis, Italian Foreign Minister, who were Foreign Ministers of the states holding the past, present and future incumbency as President of the European Council) to Belgrade (28 Jun 1991); and discussions meetings involving Rt Hon Peter Alexander Rupert Carington, 6th Baron Carrington (Lord Carrington), European Community peace envoy 1991-1992, and Cyrus Vance, United Nations Secretary General's envoy to Yugoslavia 1991-1993. 63pp

Transcript of interview, [1994], with USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev

Typescript transcript of translated interview with Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party, USSR 1985-1991 and first President 1990-1991, discussing changes in Soviet policy; development of perestroika under his leadership; meetings with Soviet bloc leaders in Moscow attending Konstantin Chernenko's funeral, 1985; response of members of the Warsaw Pact to perestroika; relations with Erich Honecker (General secretaries of the Socialist Unity (Communist) Party, German Democratic Republic 1971-1989); attendance of the East German Fortieth Anniversary celebrations, October 1989 and subsequent meetings with East German leaders. 10pp

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Stjepan Kljuic, Bosnian Croat member of Bosnian Presidency

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Stjepan Kljuic, Bosnian Croat member of Bosnian Presidency, describing relations between Bosnia and Croatia, including meetings with Franjo Tudjman, Croatian President 1990-1999, (1993); Bosnian Croat and Bosnian Muslim relations, including the referendum on Bosnian independence (Mar 1992); the detention of Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnian President, by the Yugoslav Peoples' Army (JNA) and his appointment of Ejup Ganic as his deputy (May 1992). Also comments on conflict between Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims [1992-1994]. 19pp

Transcript of interview, [1994], with Stasi officer Helmut Stoss

Typescript transcript of interview with Helmut Stöss, Staatssicherheitsdienst (Stasi) (East German State Security) officer on duty at Bornholmer Street border crossing in Berlin, describing the opening of the border between East and West Berlin on 9 Nov 1989. 16pp Language: German

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Serbian General Jovan Divjak

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Serbian Gen Jovan Divjak, Deputy Commander, Bosnian Army, describing the establishment of the Bosnian Territorial Defence forces, and their role in defending Sarajevo, Bosnia, from Serb forces (1992). Also comments on the detention of Alija Izetbegovic, Bosnian President, by Serb forces in Lukavica and the negotiation of his release (May 1992); various meetings with Lt Gen Michael Rose, Commander UN troops in Bosnia 1994-1995, and discussions of withdrawal of Serb heavy weapons from around Sarajevo (Feb 1994). 29pp

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Serb paramilitary leader Dragoslav Bokan

Transcript of filmed interview with Dragoslav Bokan, Serb paramilitary leader from Belgrade commenting on his involvement in Croatian Serbs fighting against the Croats in Croatia and the withdrawal of the Yugoslav Peoples' Army (JNA) from the western Slavonia region of Croatia; his activities supporting Serb forces in Bosnia and the participation of volunteers from Serbia. Also comments on Serbian worldview. 17pp

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Prague Communist Party Secretary Miroslav Stepan

Typescript transcript of translated interview, 22 May 1994, with Miroslav Stepan, Prague Communist Party Secretary, discussing the Czechoslovakian reform program in 1989; the gathering of East German refugees in the West German embassy in Prague, 1989; relationship with the East German government; arrangements for transporting the East Germans to West Germany, Oct 1989. 35 pp

Transcript of interview, 1994, with Peter Galbraith, US Ambassador to Croatia

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Peter Galbraith, US Ambassador to Croatia 1993-1998, discussing US policy on Croatian independence and its implications for Bosnia, the conflict between Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims and atrocities against the Muslims (1992-1993). Also comments on the negotiations of an alliance between Croats and Muslims, in Washington, facilitated by Charles Redman, US Special Envoy 1993-1994 and Victor Jackovich, US Ambassador to Bosnia-Herzegovina 1992-1995, (Feb 1994). 15pp

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