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Transcript of interview with Professor Lawrence Freedman and other historians, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Lawrence Freedman, Professor or War Studies, King's College London, John Lewis Gaddis, Robert Lovett Professor of History at Yale, and Vladeslav Zubok, historian and research fellow at the National Security Archive, Washington, principal historical consultants to the Cold War documentary series producers, discussing the nature of the Cold War. 28pp

Transcript of interview with Professor Joseph Rotblat, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Professor Joseph Rotblat, Research Fellow, Radiological Laboratory, Scientific Society of Warsaw, Poland, 1933-1939, Assistant Director of Atomic Physics, Institute of Free University of Poland, 1937-1939, Oliver Lodge Fellowship, University of Liverpool, Lancashire, 1939, worked on the development of an atomic bomb, Department of Physics, University of Liverpool, 1940-1942, and on the Manhattan Project, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, 1942-1944, Director of Research in Nuclear Physics, University of Liverpool, 1945-1949, Professor of Physics, St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, University of London, 1950-1976, and Nobel Peace Laureate, 1995, relating to Rotblat's role in the development of the atomic bomb, at the University of Liverpool and on the Manhattan Project, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA, 1939-1944; Rotblat's decision to resign from the Manhattan Project as he considered the development of the atomic bomb was no longer morally justified as Germany and Japan were not engaged in similar research, 1944; competition in US nuclear research and development between the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, 1945-1954; US thermonuclear tests, Operation CASTLE, Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls, Marshall Islands, Pacific Ocean, Mar 1954; US development of thermonuclear weapons (Hydrogen bombs), 1949-1952; the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, Aug 1963; the manifesto produced by Bertrand Arthur William Russell, 3rd Earl Russell, and Albert Einstein to create a group of international scientists and scholars opposed to the development of nuclear weapons, 1955; the foundation of the Pugwash conference, an ongoing, international conference on science and world affairs, first convened in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, Canada, Jul 1957; the first march from London to the British nuclear research site at Aldermaston, Berkshire, and the foundation of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND), 1958; the detonation by the USSR of a 50 megaton nuclear weapon, Novaya Zemlya Island, USSR, 30 Oct 1961; the detonation of the atomic bomb, dropped by the USAAF (US Army Air Force), on Hiroshima, Japan, 6 Aug 1945; the summit conference between US President Dwight David Eisenhower and Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, Geneva, Switzerland, Jul 1955; the arrest of Dr Klaus Emil Julius Fuchs, a nuclear physicist, for passing atomic secrets to the USSR, 1950. 33pp

Transcript of interview with Professor J K Galbraith, 1995

Typescript transcript of interview with Prof John Kenneth Galbraith, economist and academic, Deputy Administrator, US Office of Price Administration 1942-1943, Director US Strategic Bombing Survey 1945, Director Office of Economic Security Policy, State Dept, 1946, Professor of Economics, Harvard University 1949-1975, adviser to US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy's administration, early 1960s, US Ambassador to India, 1961-1963, relating to his views on war reparations and US policy towards Germany and Japan following World War 2; the character of the US State Department and its anti-Soviet culture; the Marshall Plan, the US European Recovery Program, 1948; the campaign against alleged communists and communist sympathisers in US society instigated by Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, 1950-1954, (McCarthyism) and US reaction to the establishment of the People's Republic of China, Oct 1949 under a communist regime; the role of the American Committee on East West Accord; the impact of the Korean and Vietnam Wars on the US economy and political life, 1950-1968; his general views on the Cold War and the causes of its end. 23pp

Transcript of interview with Professor Eduard Goldstucker, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Professor Eduard Goldstücker, Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, London, 1943-1944, Ambassadorial Section, Paris, France, 1944-1945, Czech Deputy Ambassador, London, 1947-1949, Czech Envoy to Tel Aviv, Israel, 1950-1951, Professor of German Literature, Charles University, Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1963-1969, Professor of Comparative Literature, Sussex University, Brighton, West Sussex, 1971-1978, relating to Goldstücker's account of his arrest for high treason, espionage and conspiracy to subvert the constitution, Prague, Dec 1951; his trial in the Czech Supreme Court, Prague, and sentence of life imprisonment, May 1953; the link between Goldstücker's trial and the trial of Rudolf Slánský, the Jewish Vice Premier of Czechoslovakia, Nov 1952; Goldstücker's interrogations following his arrest, 1951-1953; the resurgence of the Stalinist Great Terror and of anti-semitism in Czechoslovakia, 1951-1953; the status of Czechoslovakia in relation to the USSR, 1951-1953; the supply of Soviet arms to Israel via Czechoslovakia, 1947-1948; the anti-Semitic nature of the Slánský trial, Nov 1952; Israeli dependence on the USA, 1948-1949; the appointment of Golda Meir as the first Israeli Ambassador to the USSR, 1948; the welcome given by Soviet Jews to Golda Meir on her arrival in Moscow, USSR, 1948 and the anti-semitic reaction of Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin to her visit; the importance of a prisoner's confession, used as the sole means of establishing guilt during Goldstücker's trial, May 1953; the legal process employed during the Slánský trial, Nov 1952, based on techniques employed by Andrei Yanuarievich Vyshinsky, the Soviet State Prosecutor, 1935-1938; the Soviet involvement in the Czech show trials, 1952-1953; the use of torture and prolonged interrogation of prisoners by the Czech authorities to ensure the show trials followed the rehearsed plan, 1952-1953; Goldstücker's confession under coercion to the charges levelled against him, 1952-1953; the effect of the trial on Goldstücker's Communist beliefs, 1953.

Transcript of interview with Professor Eduard Goldstucker, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Professor Eduard Goldstucker, Czechoslovakian diplomat, and political prisoner, relating to the development of socialist reform in Hungary following Khrushchev's denunciation of the cult of Stalin, 1956; the release of political prisoners from imprisonment, events leading up to the removal of Antonín Novotný from the position of First Secretary of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 1953-1967; the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Army, Aug 1968, and its impact on the reform movement. 22pp

Transcript of interview with Prime Minister Miklos Nemeth, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Miklós Németh, Secretary, Hungarian Socialist Workers Party, 1987-[1989], and Prime Minister of Hungary, [1989], relating to economic and political reforms in Hungary, 1988-1989; the liberalisation of the Hungarian economy and the introduction of democracy, 1989; the influence in Hungary of the reformist policies of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, 1985-1991; a meeting between Németh and Gorbachev, Moscow, USSR, Mar 1989; the reburial of Imre Nagy, Hungarian Prime Minister, 1953-1955 and 1956, Budapest, Hungary, Jun 1989; the death of Nagy, 18 Jun 1958, while in custody following the Hungarian revolution, Oct-Nov 1956; the Soviet intervention in Hungary, 1956; the visit to Hungary by US President George Herbert Walker Bush and James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State, Jul 1989; the reopening of the borders between Hungary and Austria, 2 May 1989; the reaction in the German Democratic Republic to the reopening of the border between Hungary and Austria, May 1989; the meeting between Németh and Helmut Kohl, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, and Hans-Dietrich Genscher, West German Foreign Minister, 25 Aug 1989; the support given to Hungary by the Federal Republic of Germany the programme of economic and political reforms, 1989; criticisms of the Hungarian economic and liberal reforms by Erich Honecker, First Secretary of the East German Socialist Unity Party, and Nicolae Ceausescu, President of the Romanian Socialist Republic, Warsaw Pact summit, Bucharest, Romania, Jul 1989; speculation on the survival of socialism in Hungary following the economic and political reforms, 1989; Gorbachev's reaction to German reunification, Dec 1989. 24pp

Transcript of interview with Prime Minister General Witold Jaruzelski, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Polish Gen Wojciech (Witold) Jaruzelski, Prime Minister of Poland, 1981-1985, Head of State, 1985-1990, and President, 1989-1990, relating to Jaruzelski's family background, notably the death of his father in Siberia following service with the White forces in the Russian Civil War, 1917-1922; Jaruzelski's military service during World War Two, 1939-1945; the Katyn massacre, the murder of approximately 4,500 Polish officers, probably by the Red Army, Katyn Forest, near Smolensk, USSR, 1940; the Second Warsaw Rising, Poland, Aug 1944; the devastation in post-war Poland, 1945-1946; the strong relations between Poland, the USSR and the German Democratic Republic, 1949-[1970]; the communist coup d'etat in Czechoslovakia, Feb 1948; the Soviet intervention in Hungary, 1956, and in Czechoslovakia, 1968; the Federal German Republic's policy of 'Ostpolitik' (Eastern policy), accepting the existence of the German Democratic Republic and of its eastern border with Poland, the Oder-Neisse line, Nov 1970; the creation of the Warsaw Pact, the Warsaw Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation, and Mutual Assistance, Poland, 1955; industrial unrest, organised by the free trade union Solidarity, at the Gdansk Shipyard, Poland, 1980; the economic reliance by Poland on the USSR, [1980-1982]; the imposition of martial law in Poland, 1981-1982; the Soviet policy of 'perestroika' (the economic and social restructuring of Soviet society), introduced by Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, 1985-1991, and President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 1988-1991; the end of the Cold War, 1990. 9pp

Transcript of interview with Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 2005

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, describing his visit to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Sep 2000; the capture of a weapons shipment from the Palestinian freighter KARINE A, Jan 2002; reaction to the Hamas suicide bombing of the Park Hotel, Netanya, Israel, Mar 2002; the UN Security Council resolution to send a fact finding mission to investigate Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, Jenin, Apr 2002; the second siege of the compound of Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, Ramallah, West Bank, Sep 2002; his justification for the security fence; the road map for peace plan and the formulation of his disengagement plan, particularly regarding refugees, 2003; analysis of his relationship with the US administration and with Yasser Arafat.

Transcript of interview with Prime Minister Abu Ala'a (Ahmed Qurei), 2003

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Abu Ala’a (Ali Mohammed Qurei), Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority 2003-2006, including discussion of the Israeli invasion of the West Bank, Apr 2002; the ‘road map for peace’ plan, 2003, and Ala’a’s role as Prime Minister. Also typescript transcript of the same filmed interview with retranslation of certain passages and additional extracts from the transcript, made by Brook Lapping during production.

Transcript of interview with presidential aide Nha Duc Hoang, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Nha Duc Hoang, Press Secretary, Chief of Staff and Minister for Information to President Nguyen Van Thieu, Republic of South Vietnam, 1967-1975, relating to President Thieu's opinion of US President Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969; Thieu's awareness of the anti-Vietnam War sentiment in the USA, 1968-1969; student protests and mass demonstrations against the US involvement in the Vietnam War, Washington DC, USA, 1968-1969; the meeting between Thieu and Nixon, Midway Island, Pacific Ocean, 1969; the US 'Vietnamisation' programme, the gradual withdrawal of US forces from Vietnam coupled with an increased role for the armed forces of the Republic of South Vietnam, Jun 1969-1973; the South Vietnamese government's knowledge of the peace negotiations between the USA and North Vietnam, Paris, France, 1969-1972; the reaction of President Thieu to the draft peace agreement agreed between the USA and North Vietnam, Oct 1972; the exclusion of President Thieu from the peace negotiations, 1972; Thieu's opinion that Dr Henry Alfred Kissinger, US National Security Adviser, 1970-1972, was concentrating on the possibility of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize instead of negotiating a fair peace settlement for the Republic of South Vietnam, 1972; the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Kissinger and Le Duc Tho, the chief of the North Vietnamese negotiating team, 1973; the signing, by the government of the Republic of South Vietnam, of a revised peace settlement, Jan 1973; the influence of the Watergate scandal and the resignation of US President Nixon on the USA's failure to support the Republic of South Vietnam during the North Vietnamese invasion, [1975]; Thieu's opinion of US President Gerald Rudolph Ford, 1974-1977; the lack of support for the Republic of South Vietnam in the US Congress, 1974-1975; US involvement in Hoang's resignation as Minister of Information, Republic of South Vietnam, Nov 1974; the takeover of the Republic of South Vietnam by North Vietnam, 1975; President Thieu and Hoang's sense of betrayal caused by the US withdrawal from and abandonment of the Republic of South Vietnam, 1973-1975; Hoang's opinion of the US involvement in the politics and war in Vietnam, 1961-1975; the influence of the US Presidential election on the Vietnamese peace process, 1972. 22pp

Transcript of interview with presidential aide Maia Saraf, [2004]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Maia Saraf, aide to Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, describing the second siege of Arafat’s compound, Ramallah, West Bank, Israeli troops, Sep 2002. Two versions of the full transcript with differences in translation.

Transcript of interview with presidential adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Zbigniew Brzezinski, assistant to US President for National Security Affairs and member of the National Security Council 1977-1981, relating to the US policy concerning expansion of Soviet influence during the term of office of James Earl Carter, US President, 1977-1981, including the failure of the policy of détente; US support for the free trade union movement (Solidarity) against the communist government; and the US response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, 1979. 25pp

Transcript of interview with presidential adviser Nathaniel Davis, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Nathaniel Davis, Senior advisor to US President Lyndon Johnson, on Soviet and East European affairs, Assistant Secretary of State for African affairs, relating to the covert US involvement in the civil war in Angola opposing the Soviet backed People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), 1975-1976; the first ever use of the hotline between Moscow and Washington during the Six Day War, Jun 1967; and his involvement in the release of Luis Corvalan, Chilean Communist Party leader, by the Chilean government in exchange for the exchange of Vladimir Bukovsky, Soviet dissident writer and scientist, Dec 1976.42pp

Transcript of interview with President Yasser Arafat, 2002

Typescript transcript of interview with Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority, 1996-2004, in PBS film documentary Shattered dreams of peace: the road from Oslo. Subjects include the Nov 1995 funeral of Yitzhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel, 1974-1977, Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, 1996-1999; Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel, 1999-2001; negotiations surrounding the peace agreement signed at Sharm el-Sheikh, Sep 1999; the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000; subsequent talks with William Jefferson ‘Bill’ Clinton, US President 1993-2001; the al-Aqsa Intifada uprising, Sep 2000; negotiations with Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel, 2001-2006.

Transcript of interview with President Violeta Chamorro, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Violeta Chamorro, member of the Nicaraguan Government Junta of National Reconstruction, 1979-1980, and President of Nicaragua, 1990-1997, relating to her opposition to the government of Anastasio Somoza Debayle, 1974-1979; the death of her husband, opposition leader Pedro Joaquin Chomorro, and support for the Sandinista National Liberation Front; her appointment as part of the Sandinista Junta government, 1979-1980, and resignation from the Junta; her term as President; and comments on division in Nicaraguan society. 13pp

Transcript of interview with President Vaclav Havel, 1998

Typescript transcript of interview with Václav Havel, President of Czechoslovakia, 1989-1992, and President of the Czech Republic, 1993-[1998], relating to the student organised demonstration of 17 Nov 1989 in Prague, the formation of the Civic Forum, an opposition movement, and the fall of the communist government of Milos Jakes, 24 Nov 1989. 7pp

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