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Transcript of interview with President Vaclav Havel, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Václav Havel, President of Czechoslovakia, 1989-1992, and President of the Czech Republic, 1993-[1998], relating to the influence of various opposing ideologies in Czechoslovakia, [1961-1968]; Havel's career in the theatre and as a playwright, 1956-1968; the denunciation by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, of the Stalin cult and the excesses of Stalinism at the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, Moscow, USSR, Feb 1956; the influence of writers on the 'Prague Spring', the Czech liberal uprising, Prague, Czechoslovakia, Feb-Aug 1968; the replacement of Anton Novotný by Alexander Dubeck as First Secretary of the Czech Communist Party, Feb 1968; Czech fears of Soviet military intervention in Czechoslovakia, 1968; the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Soviet troops, along with Warsaw Pact contingents from Poland, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary and Bulgaria, Aug 1968; Havel's account of the Soviet takeover of Prague, Aug 1968; the achievements of the 'Prague Spring', 1968; Havel's reaction to the apathy in Czechoslovakia to the prospect of future liberal reforms, [1970-1974]; Havel's involvement in the formation of Charter 77, a Czech human rights movement, 1977-1989; the influence of the European Agreement on Security and Co-operation (Helsinki accords) on the Charter 77 movement, 1975; the achievements of the Charter 77 movements and its influence on Czechoslovakia's peaceful transition to democracy, 1989; the close links between the Charter 77 movement and the Solidarity trade union movement in Poland, 1980-1989; meetings between members of the Charter 77 movement and Solidarity on the Czech/Polish border, [1980-1989]; the importance of the 'Prague Spring' in the history of the Cold War, 1968; Havel's emotions and feelings during the public meetings in Prague, 1968. 12pp

Transcript of interview with President Mikhail Gorbachev, [1997]

Typescript transcript of interview with Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, 1985-1991, and President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 1988-1991, relating to his policies of perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) during his term of office, the end of the cold war and the implication on relations with the west and the Warsaw Pact countries. 21pp

Transcript of interview with President Lech Walesa, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Lech Walesa, Chairman of Solidarity, 1981-1989, and President of Poland, 1990-1995, relating to the role of Solidarnosk (Solidarity) and the trade union movement in the abolition of the communist regime in Poland, including Solidarity's tactics, their 21 demands; the imposition of martial law, 1981; the impact of the visit of Pop John Paul II to Poland, 1979; the impact of the Soviet policy of perestroika, on the government of Poland; and the talks between Polish President Gen Wojciech (Witold) Jaruzelski, and Lech Walesa, Chairman of the Solidarity Union, Jan 1989. 15pp

Transcript of interview with President Jimmy Carter, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter, US President, 1977-1981, relating to the Middle East peace process, 1977-1978; US President Carter's conference with Muhammad Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt, and Menachem Begin, Prime Minister of Israel, Camp David, Maryland, USA, 5 17 Sep 1978; the signing of the Camp David Accord by Carter, Sadat and Begin, agreeing the basis for a Middle East peace settlement, Sep 1978; Carter's human rights policy, 1977-1981; the Soviet reaction to the US human rights policy, 1977-1981; the influence of Carter's human rights policy on the democratic movements in eastern Europe, 1977-1981; Carter's desire to reduce the nuclear arsenals of the USA and the USSR, 1977-1981; the summit meeting between Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, and US President Gerald Rudolph Ford, Vladivostok, USSR, Nov 1974; the Soviet deployment of the SS-20 'Saber' Mobile Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (IRBM) in Europe, 1974-1977; the decision by US President Carter to deploy MGM-31C Pershing II Short Range Battlefield Support Missiles in western Europe, Dec 1979; the summit meeting between Carter and Brezhnev, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1979; the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II), 1974-1979; Carter's support for US military expenditure on technologically advanced weaponry, 1977-1981; the US arms control proposal offered to the USSR by Cyrus Roberts Vance, US Secretary of State, and Paul Culliton Warnke, Director, US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, and Chief US Arms Control Negotiator, Moscow, USSR, Mar 1977; Carter's opinion of Brezhnev, 1979; the signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty II, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1979; the assassination of Muhammad Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt, 6 Oct 1981; the deposition of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, Jan 1979; the Iran hostage crisis, the capture of the US Embassy and sixty six US hostages by Iranian followers of the Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini, Nov 1979-Jan 1981; the release of the US hostages after the inauguration of Ronald (Wilson) Reagan as US President, Jan 1981; the human rights record of the administration of the Shah of Iran, [1963]-1979; the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Dec 1979; the increase in Soviet and Cuban influence in Ethiopia, 1977-1980; the use by Arab oil producing countries of restriction of supplies as an economic weapon against western nations, 1977-1981. 44pp

Transcript of interview with President Gerald Ford, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Gerald Rudolph Ford, US President 1974-1977, relating to the policy of détente between the USA and the USSR, 1969-1975; the summit meeting between Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, and US President Gerald Rudolph Ford, Vladivostok, USSR, Nov 1974; the impact of Watergate scandal, 1972-1974, on US involvement in the Vietnam War, 1975; the implications of the Helsinki Accords, and Soviet protection of human rights 1975; and the US covert operations in the civil war in Angola, 1975. 7pp

Transcript of interview with President George Bush Sr, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with George Herbert Walker Bush, US Vice President, 1981-1989, and President, 1989-1992, relating to US Soviet relations including his attitude to Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, 1985-1991, the Soviet Union's economic difficulties; US response to the fall of the Berlin Wall, Nov 1989, and the reforms in Poland and Hungary; the Malta Summit, Dec 1989; and Gorbachev's resignation Dec 1991.15pp

Transcript of interview with President Fidel Castro, [1997]

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Fidel Castro (Ruz), Premier of Cuba 1959-1976, and President of Council of State, 1976-present, relating to the fall of the government of Jacobo Arbenz, President of Guatemala 1951-1954; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; Cuban support for armed revolutionary movements in Central and South America, Angola and Ethiopia; Castro's relations with Salvador Allende (Gossens), President of Chile, 1970-1973; Cuban relations with the Sandanista rebels in Nicaragua; and his comments on the future of socialism. 57pp

Transcript of interview with President Daniel Ortega Saavedra, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Commander Daniel Ortega Saavedra, member of Nicaraguan Government Junta of National Reconstruction, 1981-1985, and President, 1985-1990, relating to his opposition to the government of Anastasio Somoza Debayle, 1974-1979; the operations if the Sandinista guerrillas, 1977-1979; Cuban support for the Sandinista forces; the role of the US in providing support for the Nicaraguan Contra forces; and relations between Nicaragua and El Salvador. 25pp

Transcript of interview with President Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), [2005]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), President of the Palestinian National Authority, 2005-2008, describing internal Palestinian political reform, the establishment of the post of Prime Minister in the Palestinian Cabinet and the final illness and death of Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, in 2004. Also additional extracts from the transcript with manuscript annotations and corrections.

Transcript of interview with politician Yosef ('Yossi') Beilin, 2005

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Yosef ‘Yossi’ Beilin, Israeli Minister of Justice, 1999-2001 and Chairman of the Meretz-Yachad Party, 2004-2007, describing attempts to begin Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in the period 1996-1999; the holding of regular meetings between Beilin and Palestinians Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), later Prime Minster, 2003, and President, 2005-2008, of the Palestinian National Authority, and Saeb Erekat, Head of Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Steering and Monitoring Committee, 1995-2003 at the home of Egyptian Ambassador Mohammed Bassiouni (the Bassiouni Forum), 1998, leading to the Wye Agreement to reinstate implementation of the Interim Agreement of Sept 25, 1995, (the Oslo II Agreement), Oct 1998; the difficulties of holding negotiations in the face of opposition from Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel 1996-1999.

Transcript of interview with politician Yisrael Hasson, [2004]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Israel (Yisrael) Hasson, Deputy Director of the Israeli Internal General Security Service (Shabak), 2000, describing events at the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000, including official and private meetings between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators, disagreements and discussions within the Israeli negotiating team, particularly regarding the division of Jerusalem and the decision by Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, to leave the negotiations early and his subsequent change of mind; negotiations with the Palestinians in Washington, Sept 2000.

Transcript of interview with politician Silvan Shalom, 2005

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Silvan Shalom, Finance Minister, 2001-2003 and Foreign Minister, 2003-2006, describing the Israeli government’s reaction to the Hamas suicide bombing of the Park Hotel, Netanya, Israel, Mar 2002; the UN Security Council resolution to send a fact finding mission to investigate Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, Jenin, Apr 2002; the second siege of the compound of Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, Sept 2002; the road map for peace plan and the Middle East Peace Summit, Aqaba, Jordan, Jun 2003; the necessity of building the security fence, Jul 2003; the reception by the Israeli government of the disengagement plan from Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, Jun 2004; his relationship with Muhammad Hosni El Sayed Mubarak, President of Egypt 1981-2011. Also typescript transcript of the same filmed interview with retranslation of certain passages and manuscript annotations.

Transcript of interview with politician Shlomo Ben-Ami, [2004]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Shlomo Ben-Ami, Israeli Minister of Public Security 1999-2000; Foreign Minister, 2000-2001, describing his role as advisor to Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel 1999-2001, in 2000; talks with Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004, May-Jun 2000; events at the Middle East Peace Summit at Camp David, Maryland, USA, Jul 2000, including the difficulties of negotiating with the Palestinians and disagreements within the Israeli negotiating team, particularly regarding the division of Jerusalem; Ehud Barak’s meeting with Yasser Arafat at Kochav Yair, Israel, 25 Sept 2000.

Transcript of interview with politician Robert McNamara, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, 1961-1968, relating to US President Dwight David Eisenhower's policy towards Cuba, 1961; the Bay of Pigs incident, Cuba, Apr 1961; the organisation of the Bay of Pigs operation by Dick Bissell, Deputy Director for Plans, US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1961; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; discussions during the US Executive Committee of the National Security Council (ExComm) meetings, on the feasibility of a US air strike against the Soviet missile sites in Cuba, Oct 1962; speculation on the probable Soviet response to a US invasion of Cuba, notably Soviet military action against West Berlin, Germany, or an attack on the US Chrysler Jupiter SM-78 Intermediate Range Ballistic Missiles (IRBM) based in Turkey, 1962; the US naval blockade of Cuba, 1962; the channels of communication between the US and Soviet governments during the crisis, Oct 1962; the meetings between Anatoly Fedorovich Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the USA, and Robert Francis Kennedy, US Attorney General, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the character and leadership of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the decision by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, to remove the Soviet missiles from Cuba, 24 Oct 1962; McNamara's opinion on how near the Cuban Missile Crisis brought the USA and USSR to a nuclear confrontation, 1962. 23pp

Transcript of interview with politician Robert McNamara, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, 1961-1968, and President of the World Bank, 1968-1981, relating to the summit meeting between Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, and US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1961; the US strategic policy of flexible response, 1961; the Berlin Crisis and the construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; speculation on the possible US use of an air attack on the missile sites in Cuba, 1962; the US naval blockade of Cuba, 1962; the 'domino theory', a notion attributed to US President Dwight David Eisenhower, that if one country becomes communist, other states in the region would probably follow, 1954, and US involvement in Vietnam, 1961-1975; the announcement by US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy of the deployment of US military advisors to the Republic of South Vietnam, 1961; the assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem, President of the Republic of South Vietnam, 2 Nov 1963; the assassination of Kennedy, 22 Nov 1963; the attempts by the USA to stabilise the government of the Republic of South Vietnam, 1963-1967; the Gulf of Tonkin incident, the attack on the USS MADDOX by North Vietnamese torpedo boats, 2 Aug 1964; the landing of US Marines at Da Nang, Republic of South Vietnam, Mar 1965; the US bombing of North Vietnam, 1965; US reliance on combat statistics and an estimated 'body count' of enemy troops killed in action, in an attempt to measure the progress of US forces in Vietnam, 1965-1973; US public opinion against the long term deployment of US forces in Vietnam, 1965-1967; the influence of US military involvement in Vietnam on US/Soviet relations, 1965-1973; anti-war protests in the USA during the Presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1965-1968. 46pp

Transcript of interview with politician Robert McNamara, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, 1961-1968, relating to the 'missile gap', a US perception of the advantage held by the Soviets in the production of Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), [1958]-1960; the nuclear policy of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), 1961-1968; the announcement of the US nuclear strategy of flexible response, NATO Defence and Foreign Minister's Conference, Athens, Greece, Apr 1962; the planned US deployment of one thousand LGM-30A Minuteman I Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), [1962]; the conclusion of the first round of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, the signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I) between the USA and the USSR, and the signing of the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (the ABM Treaty), May 1972; the US nuclear doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), [1962-1972]; the Berlin Crisis, Germany, 1961; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab nations of Egypt, Jordan and Syria, 5-10 Jun 1967. 10pp

Transcript of interview with politician Pik Botha, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Roelof Frederik (Pik) Botha, Republic of South Africa Ambassador to the US, 1975-1977, and Foreign Minister, 1977-1994, relating to the attitude of South Africa to the communist influences in Africa; South African relations with the US during the 1970s; their support for the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) forces in the conflict in Angola, (1974-1976). 49pp

Transcript of interview with politician Peter Florin, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Peter Florin, director of the Department of International Relations of the Central Committee of the Socialist Unity Party in the German Democratic Republic (GDR), 1958-1961, relating to the Berlin Crisis, 1958-1961; the relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR; the closure of the GDR border and erection of the Berlin Wall, Aug 1961. 27pp

Transcript of interview with politician Paul H Nitze, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Paul Henry Nitze, Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs, US Defense Department, 1961-1963, US Secretary of the Navy, 1963-1967, US Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1967-1969, Member of the US Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I (SALT I) Delegation, 1969-1974, Chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger, 1977-1981, Head of the US INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) negotiations, 1981-1984, and Special Adviser to the US President and Secretary of Defense on Arms Control, 1984-1988, relating to the US reaction to the detonation of the first Soviet atomic bomb, Semipalatinsk, Kazakhstan, USSR, 29 Aug 1949; US intelligence estimates on the Soviet nuclear development programme, 1946-1949; the US National Security Council Document 68 (NSC68), a review of US defence policy heavily influenced by the communist takeover in China, Oct 1949, the USSR becoming a nuclear power, Aug 1949, and US fears of the Soviet development of thermonuclear weapons (Hydrogen bombs), 1950; the US political reaction to NSC68 and speculation on a massive increase in US defence expenditure, 1950; the Korean War, 1950-1953; the ratification of NSC68 and agreement on an increase in US defence spending, 1950; the increase in US conventional forces and nuclear weapons, 1950-[1955]; speculation on the possibility of the USA using nuclear weapons during the Korean War, 1950-1953; the slow production and deployment of US atomic bombs, 1945-1946; the decision by US President Harry S Truman for the US development of thermonuclear weapons, 1950; the importance of Professor Edward Teller to the US Hydrogen bomb development programme, 1949-1952; the arrest of Dr Klaus Emil Julius Fuchs, a nuclear physicist, for passing atomic secrets to the USSR, 1950; the 'bomber gap', the US belief that the USSR had more strategic bombers in operational service than the USAF, [1955-1957]; the US use of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) piloted Lockheed U2 high altitude photographic reconnaissance aircraft in missions over the USSR to search for Soviet ICBM silos, 1956-1960; US intelligence information received from Oleg Vladimirovich Penkovsky, a Soviet double agent, who provided evidence that the 'bomber gap' was a myth, [1957]; the launch of the Soviet Sputnik I and Sputnik II Earth orbiting satellites via SS-6 'Sapwood' Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM), Oct and Nov 1957; the negative reaction by the US public to the Soviet launch of Sputnik, 1957; the Gaither Report, a Ford Foundation Commission Study, that concluded that the USSR was ahead of the USA in the production of nuclear missiles, Oct 1957; the shooting down, near Sverdlovsk, USSR, of a US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Lockheed U2 high altitude photographic reconnaissance aircraft, and the capture of the pilot, Francis Gary Powers, May 1960; the role and importance of Yuliy Aleksandrovich Kvitsinsky as head of the Soviet arms control negotiating team, Geneva, Switzerland, (1981-1985); the 'walk in the woods' arms control discussions between Nitze and Kvitsinsky, Switzerland, (1982); Nitze's relationship with US President Ronald (Wilson) Reagan, 1981-1989; the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 1983-1986; the reformist policies of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, 1985-1991; Gorbachev's relationship with Erich Honecker, Head of State, German Democratic Republic, 1976-1989; the Berlin Crisis, Germany, 1956-1961.26pp

Results 2781 to 2800 of 66921