Published and draft articles by biologist Steven Rose and sociologist Hilary Rose. Articles by Steven Rose include: published article, ‘The real significance of CBW’, 1969; chapter, ‘Biological reductionism: its roots and social functions’, published in More than the parts: biology and politics (Pluto Press, 1984); typescript text, ‘European Parliament: Committee of Enquiry into the rise of Fascism and racism: text of statement by Professor Steven Rose’, 1984; draft text, ‘Genetic engineering: the military implications’, 1986. Articles jointly by Steven and Hilary Rose include: typescript draft article, ‘The radicalisation of science’, 1972; published article, ‘Can science be neutral?’, 1973; typescript draft chapter, ‘Ideology of/in the natural sciences’ 1976; article, ‘Radical science and its enemies’, published in The Socialist Register, 1979; draft article, ‘The metaphor goes into orbit: science is not all social relations’, nd. File also includes typescript draft text by Hilary Rose, ‘Nothing less than half the labs: an argument for getting women and their values into science and engineering’, 1984, and a typescript draft review of Marginal notes on science and the neocapitalist society by Steven and Hilary Rose (Penguin, London, 1969)