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Transcript of interview with politician Paul H Nitze, 1995

Typescript transcript of interview with Paul H Nitze, Assistant Secretary for International Security Affairs, US Defense Department, 1961-1963, US Secretary of the Navy, 1963-1967, US Deputy Secretary of Defense, 1967-1969, Member of the US Strategic Arms Limitation Talks I (SALT I) Delegation, 1969-1974, Chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger, 1977-1981, Head of the US INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) negotiations, 1981-1984, and Special Adviser to the US President and Secretary of Defense on Arms Control, 1984-1988, relating to the threat of communist parties taking power in France and Italy following World War 2; the development of the Truman Doctrine, the provision of US military and economic aid for any country threatened by Communism, Mar 1947, particularly Greece and Turkey as geographically significant nations on the Mediterranean; development of the Marshall Plan, the US European Recovery Program, 1948; currency problems in post-war Germany contributing to the Soviet blockade of Berlin, 1948-49; the role of Gen MacArthur in the prosecution of the Korean War, 1950-1953; MacArthur's relationship with US President Harry S Truman; US nuclear strength immediately following the surrender of Japan, 1945; increase in US defence spending brought about by NSC-68, a US National Security Council document reviewing foreign and defense policy, 1950; and US reaction to the launch of the Soviet Sputnik I and Sputnik II, earth orbiting satellites. 38pp

Transcript of interview with politician Melvin Laird, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Melvin Robert Laird, US Secretary of Defense, 1969-1973, relating to the policy of détente between the USA and the USSR, 1969-1975; the USSR reaching parity with the USA in the numbers of strategic nuclear weapons deployed, 1969; the role of US President Richard Milhous Nixon in establishing détente with the USSR, 1969-1974; the influence of Dr Henry Alfred Kissinger, US National Security Adviser, 1969-1972; speculation on a conflict of interest between the designated roles in the US administration held by Laird and Kissinger, 1969-1972; the secret US bombing of Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) sanctuaries in Cambodia, [1970]; the US 'Vietnamisation' programme, the gradual withdrawal of US forces from Vietnam coupled with an increased role for the armed forces of the Republic of South Vietnam, Jun 1969-1973; the increase in the numbers of US military personnel committed to the Vietnam War, 1960-1969; the US invasion of Cambodia, May 1970; Laird's objections to US military involvement in the ground war in Cambodia, 1970; the influence of William (Pierce) Rogers, US Secretary of State, in the US decision to intervene in Cambodia, 1970; Operations LINEBACKER I and II, the US bombing of North Vietnam, May and Dec 1972; the poor morale amongst US forces in Vietnam and the increasing problems of draft-dodging, drug taking and motivation, 1969-1973; the conduct of US forces in Vietnam, 1969-1973; opposition to US involvement in Vietnam from the USA's NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) allies, 1969-1973; Laird's opinion of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I (SALT I), May 1972; the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (the ABM Treaty), May 1972; the impact of the Watergate scandal on the international prestige of the USA, 1972-1974; Laird's opinion of the character of US President Nixon, 1969-1974; the resignation of Nixon, Aug 1974; the continuation of the policy of détente between the USA and the USSR during the administration of US President Gerald Rudolph Ford, 1974-1975; the capture of Saigon by the North Vietnamese Army (NVA), and Phnom Penh, Cambodia, by the Khmer Rouge, Apr 1975; the influence and involvement of the USSR in the Vietnam War, 1965-1975. 33pp

Transcript of interview with politician Klaus Schutz, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Klaus Schûtz, member of Berlin City Assembly, 1954-1957 and 1963-1977, member of Bundestag, 1957-1961, member of Bundesrat, 1961-1977, Governing Mayor of West Berlin, 1967-1977, and West German Ambassador to Israel, 1977-1981, relating to the riots, orchestrated by the SED (German Socialist Unity Party), Berlin City Hall, Sep 1948; the large, public demonstration in Berlin against communist inspired anti-democratic activity and the attempt to prevent the introduction of the Deutschmark in Berlin, 9 Sep 1948; the speech to the demonstration made by Ernst Reuter, Social Democrat Mayor of Berlin, 9 Sep 1948; the importance of Reuter to the population of Berlin, 1946-1949; the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; the elections in West Berlin, 5 Dec 1948; the division of Germany into the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany, 1949; the Berlin uprising, 17 Jun 1953; the Soviet intervention in Hungary, 1956; the creation of the Bundeswehr, 1955; the integration of the Federal Republic of Germany into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), May 1955; speculation on the possibility of war between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Democratic Republic of Germany, over Berlin, 1949-1961; anti-communist propaganda broadcast by the Radio in Amerikanischer Sektor (RIAS), and anti-capitalist propaganda broadcast by Radio Berlin, 1949-1961; the construction of the Berlin Wall, Aug 1961, including the reaction of Willy Brandt, Mayor of West Berlin, the influx of refugees from the German Democratic Republic into West Berlin, 1960-1961, and the US response its construction; the visit of US Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson to West Berlin, Aug 1961; the ultimatum, by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, to the western powers to withdraw from West Berlin, Nov 1958; the visit of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy to West Berlin, Jun 1963; the summit meeting between Khrushchev and Kennedy, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1961; the Soviet intervention in Czechoslovakia, 1968; the Cold War acting as a stimulus for the creation of a stable democracy in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949-1989.

Transcript of interview with politician Karl Schirdewan, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Karl Schirdewan, member of the Politburo, German Democratic Republic, 1953, relating to the division of Germany into zones of occupation controlled by the USSR, USA, UK and France, 1945; the creation of the German Democratic Republic, Oct 1949; the announcement, by Walther Ulbricht, leader of the Socialist Unity Party, of the integration of the economy of the German Democratic Republic with the economies of the other East European Soviet satellite states, Jul 1952; the death of Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, 5 Mar 1953; the character of Ulbricht, 1946-1971; the East Berlin uprising, 17 Jun 1953; the denunciation by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, of the Stalin cult and many of the worst excesses of Stalinism at the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, Moscow, USSR, Feb 1956; the rise of Fascism and the National Socialist German Worker's Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party) in Germany, [1920]-1934. 34pp

Transcript of interview with politician Joseph ('Tomy') Lapid, [2005]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Joseph (Tomy) Lapid, founder and President of the Shinui Party 1999-2006, and Minister of Justice and Deputy Prime Minister 2003-2006, describing the reception of the ‘road map for peace’ plan by the Israeli government, including discussions over whether to approve the plan, Apr 2003; the Middle East Peace Summit at Aqaba, Jun 2003; the Israeli policy of targeted assassinations, Aug 2003; the impact of the resignation of Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas), Palestinian Prime Minister 2003, and problems with Abu Ala’a (Ahmed Ali Mohammed Qurei), Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority 2003-2006, Sept 2003; the formulation a unilateral separation plan by Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, Dec 2003. This transcript includes manuscript annotations and corrections. Also transcript of the same filmed interview with minor differences in text and editing.

Transcript of interview with politician Joseph J Sisco, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Joseph John Sisco, US Assistant Secretary of State for International Organisation Affairs 1965-1969, and Assistant Secretary of State for the Near East and South Asia 1969-1974, relating to US foreign policy concerning the Middle East during the 1960s and 1970s including the role of the US in the conflict between Israel and Egypt, during the Six Day War, 1967, and the Yom Kippur War, 1973; US response to Soviet influence in the Middle East, and the negotiation of the UN Security Council resolution 338 relating to the ceasefire between Israel and Egypt, 1973; and US military aid to the Israeli army, 1973. 56pp

Transcript of interview with politician James Baker, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State, 1989-1992, relating to US Soviet relations during the term of office of George Herbert Walker Bush, US President, 1989-1993, including meetings between Bush and Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, 1985-1991, Baker and Eduard Amvrosievich Shevardnadze, Soviet Foreign Minister, Jul 1985-Dec 1990, and Nov-Dec 1991; Bush's response to the fall of the Berlin Wall, Nov 1989; US support for the reunification of Germany. 15pp

Transcript of interview with politician Imre Pozsgay, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Imre Pozsgay, Hungarian Minister of State, 1988-1989, and reform leader, relating to the economic and political reforms occurring in Hungary, 1980-1989, including, the significance of the policies of Mikhail Gorbachev on the Hungarian government; the opening of the Hungarian borders, Hungary's response to refugees from the German Democratic Republic; support of Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) for economic reform in Hungary; the reassessment of the 1956 uprising and reburial of its leader Imre Nagy, Hungarian Prime Minister, 1953-1955, 1956, executed by the Soviets in 1958; and the visit of George Herbert Walker Bush, US President 1989-1993 to Hungary. 8pp

Transcript of interview with politician Horst Teltschik, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Horst Teltschik, foreign policy advisor to West German Chancellor, Helmut Kohl, during 1989, relating to Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) response to Hungarian reforms, 1989; relations between FRG and the Soviet Union, 1988-1989; FRG response to the increased flow of refugees from German Democratic Republic (GDR) to FRG; possibilities of reform within the GDR government, and the appointment of Egon Krenz as GDR Chairman of the Council of State, Oct 1989; the fall of the Berlin Wall, Nov 1989; and the reunification of Germany, 1990. 22pp

Transcript of interview with politician Holden Roberto, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Holden Roberto, Leader of the National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA), relating to the civil war in Angola following the withdrawal of the Portuguese colonial administration, including his attitude to the threat of communism in Angola, and the involvement of the USSR, Cuba, the US, and South Africa in the conflict. 31pp

Transcript of interview with politician Herbert Brownell Jr, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Herbert Brownell Jr, advisor to Dwight D Eisenhower during his Presidential election campaign, 1952, and US Attorney General, 1953-1957, relating to the communist threat in the US during the 1950s and the development of an anti-communist atmosphere in the US, including the capture of German spies at Long Island; the declaration of the People Republic of China, 1949, under communist regime; his role in the 1952 US Presidential election campaign; Eisenhower's visit to Milwauke, Wisconsin, (McCarthy's home state) during the election campaign, 1952; Eisenhower's view of the communist threat, and the tactics of Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, 1950-1954 in his campaign against alleged communists and communist sympathisers in US society; his role as US Attorney General; the removal of McCarthy from his chair of a Senate Committee, 1954; the influence of J Edgar Hoover, Head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in the anti-communist campaign; and Brownell's general views on the Cold War. 27pp

Transcript of interview with politician Hans-Dietrich Genscher, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Hans- Dietrich Genscher, Foreign Minister of Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) (West Germany) 1982-1992, relating to the opening of the 'iron curtain', the border between Austria and Hungary Jun 1989; the release of East German refugees from the West German Embassy in Czechoslovakia, Oct 1989, and the reunification of Germany, 1990. 11pp

Transcript of interview with politician Giulio Andreotti, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Giulio Andreotti, an Italian Christian Democrat party candidate in Rome, Apr 1948, relating to the leadership of Alcide de Gasperi in the Italian Christian Democrat Party and in the election campaign, 1948; economic hardship in postwar Italy, 1947-1948; the popularity of the Italian Communist Party, 1948; fears that a Communist Party election victory would lead to Italy becoming a satellite of the USSR, 1948; US financial support for the Italian Christian Democrat election campaign, 1948; the Marshall Plan, the US European Recovery Program, 1948; the influence of US Marshall Plan investment in saving FIAT from liquidation, Turin, Italy, 1948-1950. 16pp

Transcript of interview with politician George Shultz, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with George Pratt Shultz, US Secretary of State, 1982-1989, relating to US Soviet relations during the 1980s including US foreign and defense policy under Ronald Reagan, US President, 1981-1989; summit meetings between Reagan and Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, 1985-1991, concerning nuclear disarmament; the influence of Margaret Thatcher, British Prime Minister, 1979-1981; negotiation of the Geneva Accords relating to the conflict in Afghanistan; and the end of the Cold War. 15pp

Transcript of interview with politician Frantisek Preucil, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Frantisek Preucil, Chairman, Czech Commercial Traders Union, 1947-1948, and member of the Czech Interim Assembly and Member of Parliament, 1947-1948, relating to the reaction of the Czech government to the US proposals that later became the Marshall Plan, the US European Recovery Program, [Apr] 1947; Preucil's support for the inclusion of Czechoslovakia in the Marshall Plan, 1947-1948; the visit of Klement Gottwald, Czech Prime Minister, and Jan Masaryk, Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs, to Moscow, USSR, Jul 1947; the communist coup d'etat in Czechoslovakia, Feb 1948; the reported suicide of Masaryk, Mar 1948; speculation that Masaryk was murdered, Mar 1948; the cessation of democracy and independence in Czechoslovakia, Feb-Mar 1948; Masaryk's funeral ceremony, Prague, Mar 1948; Preucil's arrest by the communists and subsequent trial, sentence of death and imprisonment for fourteen years, Nov 1949-[1963].

Transcript of interview with politician Eugene McCarthy, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Sen Eugene McCarthy, 1968 Democratic Party Contender, relating to US political scene in the 1960s, including his campaign for Democratic Party presidential nomination, 1968; the assassination of Bobby Kennedy; the Democrat National Convention, Chicago, Aug 1968; and the relationship between the civil rights and anti-war movements and the Democrat Party. 25pp

Transcript of interview with politician Ella Barowsky, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Ella Barowsky, German Social Democratic Party member of Berlin City Council (Stadt Verordneten Versammlung), 1946-1950, relating to the attitude to the future of Berliners following the defeat of Germany, 1945; the destruction in Berlin, Germany, 1945; the rapes committed by Red Army soldiers on German civilians, 1945; Barowsky's protection from harm by a Red Army non-commissioned officer, 1945; Soviet plans for occupied Germany, 1945; the creation of a new, communist controlled administration in Berlin, 1945; the arrival of US, British and French occupation forces in Berlin and the administration of West Berlin, 1945-1946; the animosity caused by the requisitioning of German civilian's property for the use of the occupying powers, West Berlin, 1945-1946; the welcome in Berlin for the Western Allies, 1945; the German civilian casualties caused by hunger and cold, Berlin, 1945-1946; the local elections in Berlin, Oct 1946 and the roles of Ernst Reuter, Social Democrat Mayor of Berlin 1948-1953, Louise Schroeder, German Social Democrat and Deputy Lord Mayor, and Acting Lord Mayor, Berlin, 1947, Ferdinand Friedensburg, Christian Democratic Union, Acting Mayor, Berlin, (1948) and Otto Suhr, Speaker of the Berlin Assembly; Berlin City Council meetings, 1946-1950; German currency reform, Jun 1948; the black market in Berlin, 1945-1948; German Social Democratic Party policy on currency reform, 1948; the use of the western Deutschmark and the eastern Ostmark in Berlin, 1948; the ejection of democratic councillors from the Berlin City Council by communist activists, 6 Sep 1948; the public demonstration in Berlin against communist inspired anti-democratic activity and the attempt to prevent the introduction of the Deutschmark in Berlin, 9 Sep 1948; the speech to the demonstration made by Ernst Reuter, Social Democrat Mayor of Berlin, 9 Sep 1948; the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949; Berliners fears of inaction of western powers in assisting Berlin, 1948; the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; the elections in West Berlin, 5 Dec 1948; the victory for the German Social Democratic Party in the West Berlin elections, Dec 1948; the establishment of political ties between the administration of Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949; the influence of politics in Berlin on the rebirth of democracy in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949; the partition of Germany and the creation of the German Democratic Republic, Oct 1949; the blockade of West Berlin by the USSR, 1948-1949; life in Berlin during the blockade and airlift, 1948-1949; air crashes in Berlin during the airlift, 1948-1949; the importance of Radio in Amerikanischer Sektor (RIAS) for the population of Berlin during the airlift, 1948-1949; the reaction to the lifting of the Berlin blockade by the USSR, May 1949. 60pp

Transcript of interview with politician Eleanor Holmes Norton, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, law student, 1960-1964, civil rights and feminist leader, relating to the civil rights movement in the US during 1960s, including her involvement in the Student Non-violent Coordination Committee (SNIC), and views on the anti-war movement, and Johnson's social reform programs. 40pp

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