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Transcript of interview with politician Dr Rainer Barzel, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Rainer Barzel, relating to the division of West and East Germany, the role of Konrad Adenhauer, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) 1949-1962; US German relations; the division of Berlin and construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961; and the visit of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, US President, 1961-1963, to Berlin, 1963. 21pp

Transcript of interview with politician Commander Tomas Borge, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Commander Tomas Borge, Ex-minister of Interior, Ortega government, relating to his opposition to the government of Anastasio Somoza Debayle, 1974-1979, in Nicaragua; the rule of the Government Junta of National Reconstruction 1979-1985 (Sandinista government) in Nicaragua, including compulsory military service and advice from Fidel Castro, Cuban President; Soviet and German Democratic Republic military aid for the Sandinista forces; the civil war, and US aid for the Nicaraguan Contra forces. 13pp

Transcript of interview with politician Clark Clifford, [1995]

Typescript transcript of interview with Clark Clifford, Naval Aide to the President, 1946; Special Counsel to the President, 1946-1950, US Secretary of Defence, 1968-1969, relating to the meeting of US President Harry S Truman and Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, in the US and US public reaction to the 'Iron curtain' speech made by Churchill, at Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, USA, 5 Mar 1946; the development of the Clifford Elsey Report on relations between the US and the USSR, Sep 1946; the alteration in US policy from non-intervention in Europe to the Truman Doctrine, the provision of US military and economic aid for any country threatened by Communism, addressing in particular to the British forces withdrawal from Turkey and Greece, Mar 1947; the development of and support for the Mashall Plan, the US European Recovery Program, 1948; the opposition of Gen George C Marshall, US Secretary of State, 1947-1949, to US recognition of the State of Israel, 1948; Truman's support for a non-confrontational response to the blockade of West Berlin by Soviet forces, 1948; activities of Senator Joe McCarthy including his attacks on Marshall and Dean Acheson, US Secretary of State 1949-1953; Clifford's advice to Lyndon B Johnson, US President 1963-1969, opposing participation of US ground forces in Vietnam, 1965; the effect of the Tet offensive on US optimism for success in Vietnam, 1967-1968; Johnson's decision not to seek re-election, 1969; and the effect of the Cold War on US policy. 39pp

Transcript of interview with politician Bui Diem, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Bui Diem, South Vietnam opposition politician, South Vietnam Ambassador to the US, [1966- ], relating to his assessment of the rule of Ngo Dinh Diem, President of Republic of South Vietnam, 1955-1963; the role of the US government in the coup d'etat which overthrew the government of Ngo Dinh Diem, 1963; his involvement in the South Vietnamese government and censorship of information concerning the arrival US and allied land forces in Vietnam, 1965; Bui Diem's appointment as Ambassador to the US, 1966, and contact with William Putnam Bundy, Assistant Secretary of State for Far East Affairs 1964-1969, and Walt Whitman Rostow, Special assistant to the US President, 1966-1969; visits of Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, 1961-1968, to South Vietnam, 1963 and 1965; the impact of the US presidential election on the Paris Peace talks on Vietnam, 1968; the impact of US policy on Vietnam on the US Presidential election, 1968; the US and South Vietnamese reaction to the North Vietnamese Tet offensive, 1967-1968. 23pp

Transcript of interview with politician Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, [2004]

Typescript transcript of a filmed interview with Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, Defence Minister and Leader of the Labour Party 2001-2002, describing reaction to the assassination of Gen Rehavam ‘Ghandi’ Zeevi, Israeli Minister of Tourism, Oct 2001; meeting with Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of Israel 2001-2006, and Gen Anthony Charles Zinni, US Special Envoy to Israel and the Palestinian National Authority, regarding the capture of a weapons shipment from the Palestinian freighter KARINE A, Jan 2002; making the decision to assassinate Raid Karmi, leading member of Al-Aqsa Brigade, Sept 2001; reaction of the Israeli government to the Passover bombing of the Park Hotel at Netanya, Israel, 27 Mar 2002, including planning of a potential offensive against Hamas, the idea to build the security fence and options for dealing with Yasser Arafat, President of the Palestinian National Authority 1994-2004; Ariel Sharon’s meeting with Gen Colin Powell, US Secretary of State 2001-2005, Apr 2002; the conduct of Operation DEFENSIVE SHIELD, Apr 2002; the assassination of Salah Shehadeh, Hamas military leader, Jul 2002; account of meeting Arin Ahmed, failed suicide bomber, and discussing her experience and motivation, Aug 2002.

Transcript of interview with politician (and future president) Lucio Lara, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Lucio Lara, Secretary General, People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), relating to the conflict in Angola, 1975-1976, including the failure of the Alvor Accord (1974) to establish a united government; the involvement of the South African army; support from the Soviet union for MPLA forces; involvement of the US and mercenaries forces; and participation of Cuban forces. 27pp

Transcript of interview with politician and diplomat Shaharyar Khan, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Shaharyar Khan, Pakistani diplomat, and Foreign Minister, relating to the role of Pakistan during the war in Afghanistan, 1979-1989, including the strategic importance of Afghanistan; the distribution of US military aid to the Mujahedin forces; Soviet attempts to withdraw from Afghanistan and the drawn out peace process. 19pp

Transcript of interview with politician and diplomat Henry Kissinger, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Henry Alfred Kissinger, US National Security Adviser, 1970-1972, and US Secretary of State, 1973-1977, relating to rapprochement between the USA and the People's Republic of China, 1972-1979; the reaction of the USSR to the improved relations between the USA and China, 1972; the US aim of isolating North Vietnam by improving relations with the People's Republic of China, 1972; Kissinger's arrival in Beijing, China, 1972; the visit to China by US President Richard Milhous Nixon, Feb 1972; the importance of the 'back channel' negotiations between Kissinger and Anatoly Fedorovich Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the USA, 1962-1986, during the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), 1969-1972; the omission of discussions on the limitation of multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles (MIRVs) during the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, 1969-1972; the achievements of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty I (SALT I), 1972; the policy of détente between the USA and the USSR, 1969-1975; the influence of détente in Third World nations, notably in the civil war in Angola, 1975; US opposition to the administration of Salvador Allende (Gossens), President of Chile, 1970-1973; US relations with Israel during the Yom Kippur War, Oct 1973; the US armed forces being placed on alert following the Soviet threat to intervene in the Middle East in support of the Arabs, 20 Oct 1973; Willy Brandt, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany, and the policy of 'Ostpolitik' (Eastern policy), accepting the existence of the German Democratic Republic and of its eastern border with Poland, the Oder-Neisse line, 1969-1974; Kissinger's negotiated agreement with North Vietnam to end the Vietnam War, Oct 1972; the rejection of the peace settlement by Nguyen Van Thieu, President of the Republic of South Vietnam, 1972; the withdrawal of US forces from Vietnam, 1973; the capture of Saigon by the North Vietnamese Army (NVA), Apr 1975; the impact of the Watergate scandal on US support for the Republic of South Vietnam, 1974-1975; the inclusion of the human rights clause in the Helsinki accords, Jul-Aug 1975; the end of the Cold War, 1989-1990; the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), 1983-1986; the reformist policies of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, 1985-1991, and President of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 1988-1991; the importance of a vigorous US foreign policy on the end of the Cold War, 1989-1990. 35pp

Transcript of interview with politician Almerindo Jaka Jama, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Jaka Jamba,National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) leader, relating to the conflict in Angola, 1975-1976, including the aims of UNITA; the role of the Soviet Union ad Cuban forces; the assistance given to the UNITA by the US and by South African forces; and the Battle of Ebo, (Nov 1975). 28pp

Transcript of interview with politician Alfonso Bauer, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Alfonso Bauer, Guatemalan Minister for Economy and Labour, 1944-1951 and President of the National Agrarian Bank, [1951-1954], relating to the agrarian reforms in Guatemala during the term of office of Jacobo Arbenz, President of Guatemala 1951-1954; the US response to the reforms; and his exile to Chile, 1971. 16pp

Transcript of interview with politician Aleksandr Yakovlev, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Aleksandr Yakovlev, advisor to Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR, 1985-1991, relating to the political reforms in the Soviet Union during Gorbachev's term of office of; including the Malta Summit meeting with US President George Herbert Walker Bush, Dec 1989; independence movements in the Baltic States, 1990; the abolition of the 6th Article of the Soviet constitution allowing the creation of new political parties; popular dissatisfaction with reform in the USSR; and the attempted coup d'etat against Gorbachev, Aug 1991. 18pp

Transcript of interview with politician Adolfo Calero, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Adolfo Calero, Nicaraguan Democratic Force (FDN) leader, relating to his opposition to the government of Anastasio Somoza Debayle, 1974-1979; disillusionment of Nicaraguans with the rule of the Government Junta of National Reconstruction 1979-1985 (Sandinista government); the formation of the Contra army and US support for the anti-Sandinista guerrilla forces. 13pp

Transcript of interview with politician Abdul Rashid Jalili, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Abdul Rashid Jalili, Afghan politician and member of Peoples Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA), relating to the factions within the PDPA, and their role in Afghanistan's government; the coup-d'etat Sardar Mohammad Daud Khan President of Afghanistan, 1973-1978, Apr 1978; the assassination of US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Adolph Dubs Feb 1979; links between the PDPA and the Soviet KGB; and the Soviet invasion, Dec 1979. 21pp

Transcript of interview with politician Abba Eban, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Abba Eban, Israeli Foreign Minister 1966-1974, relating to the impact of US-Soviet relations on conflict between Israel and neighbouring Arab states, including the US policy in relation to the Six Day War, Jun 1967; the resupply of Israeli forces with US military equipment; Soviet relations with Arab states; the Yom Kippur War, Oct 1973; and the role of Henry Alfred Kissinger, US Secretary of State, 1973-1977, in negotiating the ceasefire between Israel and Egypt, Oct 1973. 47pp

Transcript of interview with political analyst Mohamed Sid Ahmed, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Mohamed Sid Ahmed, Egyptian political analyst, relating to the Egyptian relations with the Soviet Union, including the role of the Soviet Union during the Six Day War, Jun1967; and the Yom Kippur War, Oct 1973; the strategies of Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt 1954-1970 and Anwar Al Sadat, Egyptian President 1970-1981, in relations with the USSR. 26pp

Transcript of interview with political analyst Karen Brutents, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Karen Brutents, Deputy Head of the International Department of the Central Committee, Communist Party of the Soviet Union, [1980], relating to US Soviet relation during the 1970s including the emphasis of James Earl Carter, US President, 1977-1981, on human rights issues; the deteriorating health of Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party; the summit meeting between Carter and Brezhnev, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1979; Soviet policy on intervention in third world countries, especially Afghanistan. 17pp

Transcript of interview with political analyst Karen Brutents, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Karen Brutents, Deputy Head of the International Department of the Central Committee, Communist Party of the Soviet Union, [1980], relating to the Soviet involvement in the war in Afghanistan, 1979-1989, including the Soviet attitude to Nur Mohammad Taraki, President of the Revolutionary Council, Apr 1978-Sep 1979, and Hafizullah Amin, President of the Revolutionary Council, Sep-Dec 1979; Soviet suspicions of US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) involvement in Afghanistan; the decision to occupy Afghanistan, 1979; and the decision of Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, 1985-1991, to withdraw the Soviet Army from Afghanistan, (1986). 14pp

Transcript of interview with political analyst Karen Brutents, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Karen Brutents, Deputy Head of the International Department of the Central Committee, Communist Party of the Soviet Union, [1980], relating to the importance of the Middle East in Soviet Foreign Policy, [1965-1980]; the supply of Soviet arms to Egypt prior to the Six Day War, Jun 1967, and the Yom Kippur War, Oct 1973; the Soviet reaction to the loss of Arab territory to Israel during the Six Day War, Jun 1967; the first use of the US/Soviet 'hotline' and the threat by Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin, Soviet Prime Minister, of Soviet military intervention in the Middle East, Jun 1967; the supply of Soviet military aid to Syria and Egypt, 1967-1973; the contribution of Soviet military aid to People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) forces during the conflict in Angola, 1975-1976; the impact of the MPLA victory on Soviet policy of intervention in third world conflicts; relations between the USSR, Somalia and Ethiopia; USSR support for Ethiopia following its invasion by Somali forces, 1977-1978; and USSR foreign policy regarding intervention in China and Afghanistan. 51pp

Transcript of interview with Politburo member Jerzy Morawski, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Jerzy Morawski, member of the Polish United Workers Party, 1954-1964, and member of the Polish Politburo, 1956-1959, relating to Polish aspirations for the creation of an independent Poland, 1945; the Second Warsaw Rising, Poland, Aug 1944; the influence of Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin on Poland, 1945-1953; the character and leadership of Wladyslaw Gomulka, Party Secretary, Polish Communist Party, Oct 1956-1970; the deterioration in the relationship between Stalin and Josip 'Broz' Tito, Prime Minister of Yugoslavia, 1948; the denunciation by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, of the Stalin cult and the excesses of Stalinism at the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, Moscow, USSR, Feb 1956; anti-Semitism in Poland, [1950]-1956; the impact of the death of Stalin, Mar 1953. 34pp

Results 2821 to 2840 of 66921