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Transcript of interview with Kathleen Harriman Mortimer, daughter of diplomat Averell Harriman, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Kathleen Harriman Mortimer, daughter of (William) Averell Harriman, US Ambassador to the USSR, 1943-1946, and to the UK, 1946, Special Assistant to US President Harry S Truman, 1950-1951, relating to morale and conditions on Harriman's arrival in the USSR, 1943; the Soviet regulations to prevent ordinary Soviet citizens from meeting and socialising with foreign nationals, 1943-1945; co-operation between the UK, USA and USSR, 1943-1945; the US lend-lease programme, and the supply of US armaments and equipment to the USSR, 1943-1945; US Ambassador Harriman's reaction to Soviet non-intervention in the Warsaw Rising, Aug 1944; the Allied Teheran conference, codenamed EUREKA, to co-ordinate strategy between the USSR, the USA and the UK, Teheran, Iran, 28 Nov-1 Dec 1943; the relationship between Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin and US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1943-1945; discussions on the foundation of the United Nations Organisation, Teheran, Iran, Nov-Dec 1943; the Allied Yalta conference, codenamed ARGONAUT, Yalta, Crimea, USSR, 4-11 Feb 1945; US President Roosevelt's poor state of health during the Yalta conference, Feb 1945; the appearance and character of Stalin at Yalta, Feb 1945; discussions on the postwar future of Poland, Yalta, Feb 1945; the visit to Moscow, USSR, by US Gen Dwight David Eisenhower, Aug 1945; the relationship between Eisenhower and Soviet Marshal Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov, Aug 1945; the Soviet intervention in the war against Japan, 9 Aug 1945; the Potsdam conference, codenamed TERMINAL, between the leaders of the USSR, USA and UK to decide the future boundaries of East European states, Potsdam, Germany, 17 Jul-2 Aug 1945; the settlement of the postwar borders of Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Italy, Potsdam, Germany, Jul-Aug 1945; the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949. 31pp

Transcript of interview with journalist Stefan Doernberg, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Stefan Doernberg, German journalist, 1948, relating to the reaction of the German population to the Soviet occupation of eastern Germany, 1945; the looting of German property and rapes committed by Red Army soldiers on German civilians, 1945; the removal of industrial plant and equipment by the Soviets from occupied Germany as war reparations, 1945; economic reconstruction in the Soviet occupied zone of Germany, 1945-1946; the deterioration in relations between the USSR and the Western Allies in Germany, 1945-1946; the announcement of the Truman Doctrine, the provision of US military and economic aid for any country threatened by Communism, Mar 1947; German currency reform, Jun 1948; public demonstrations in Berlin organised by the Social Democratic Party against communist inspired anti-democratic activity and the attempt to prevent the introduction of the Deutschmark in Berlin, Sep 1948; the Soviet blockade of West Berlin and the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; the consequences of the Berlin Airlift on the German Social Democratic Party, 1948-1949; the importance of Radio in Amerikanischer Sektor (RIAS) for the population of Berlin during the airlift, 1948-1949; the role of Radio Berlin, the Soviet controlled radio station in East Berlin, 1948-1949; the creation of the German Democratic Republic, Oct 1949; Doernberg's pro-Soviet articles, published during the Soviet blockade of West Berlin, 1948-1949; the communist coup d'etat in Czechoslovakia, Feb 1948; the expulsion of Yugoslavia from the Cominform (Communist Information Bureau), an organisation to co-ordinate Communist Party activities throughout Europe, Jun 1948; the impact of anti-Semitism in the German Socialist Unity Party, [1949]-1953; Doernberg's reaction to the death of Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, 5 Mar 1953; the East Berlin uprising, 17 Jun 1953; and the construction of the Berlin Wall, Aug 1961. 33pp

Transcript of interview with journalist Robert J Donovan, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Robert J Donovan, White House correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune, Washington DC, USA, [1949-1952], relating to the reaction in the USA to the declaration of the People's Republic of China, 1 Oct 1949; the speech made by Dean Gooderham Acheson, US Secretary of State, to the National Press Club, Washington DC, USA, alluding to a US 'defense perimeter' in the Far East that did not include Korea or Taiwan, 12 Jan 1950; the criticism Acheson received for not mentioning Korea in his speech, 1950; the reaction of US President Harry S Truman to the invasion of the Republic of (South) Korea by the People's Democratic Republic of (North) Korea, 25 Jun 1950; speculation in the USA that the invasion of South Korea was orchestrated by the USSR to further communist expansionism, 1950; US public support for US military involvement in Korea, 1950; the amphibious landing of UN forces at Inchon, Korea, 15 Sep 1950; the US reaction to the intervention in the Korean War by the armed forces of the People's Republic of China, Oct 1950; speculation on a Soviet military intervention in Korea, 1950; the threat by US President Truman, made at a press conference, of the possible use of the atomic bomb in Korea, 30 Nov 1950; the emphasis in the world's press on Truman's atomic threat, 1950; the relationship between Truman and US Gen of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Commander-in-Chief, UN Forces in Korea, 1950-1951; the dismissal of MacArthur by Truman, Apr 1951; the replacement of MacArthur by US Gen Matthew Bunker Ridgway, Apr 1951; the meeting between Truman and Gen MacArthur, Wake Island, Pacific Ocean, Oct 1950; the impact of the Korean War on the Truman's Presidency, 1950-1952; the emphasis by US Republican candidate Dwight David Eisenhower, during the Presidential election campaign, of the unpopularity of Truman's policies in Korea, 1952. 27pp

Transcript of interview with journalist Fritz Schenk, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Fritz Schenk, relating to the importance of the USSR's political control over the German Democratic Republic, [1950-1953]; the Stalinist centralised economy of the German Democratic Republic, [1949-1953]; the influence of the death of Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin in the German Democratic Republic, 5 Mar 1953; the character of Walther Ulbricht, leader of the Socialist Unity Party, German Democratic Republic, 1946-1971; the industrial unrest in the German Democratic Republic, 1953; the denunciation by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, of the Stalin cult and many of the worst excesses of Stalinism at the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, Moscow, USSR, Feb 1956. 22pp

Transcript of interview with journalist Flora Lewis, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Flora Lewis, journalist and Poland Correspondent, New York Times, 1946-[1963], relating to the atmosphere and conditions in postwar Poland, 1946; the industrial unrest and rioting in Poznan, Poland, Jun 1956; the impact in Poland of the denunciation by Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party, of the Stalin cult and the excesses of Stalinism at the Twentieth Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, Moscow, USSR, Feb 1956; the character of Edward Ochab, leader of the Polish Communist Party and Polish Head of State, 1964-1968, and Wladyslaw Gomulka, Party Secretary, Oct 1956-1970; the mobilisation of the Red Army to advance on Warsaw, Poland, Oct 1956; the reaction in Poland to the Soviet intervention in Hungary, Nov 1956; the Suez Crisis, 1956; the construction of the Berlin Wall, Germany, Aug 1961; the summit meeting between Khrushchev and US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Vienna, Austria, Jun 1961; the death of US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 12 Apr 1945; the foundation of the United Nations Organisation, San Francisco, USA, Jun 1945; the importance of Chancellor Konrad Adenauer in the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1949; the Berlin Crisis, Germany, 1961; the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962. 52pp

Transcript of interview with journalist Egon Bahr, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Egon Bahr, journalist and politician, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), 1948-[1987], relating to the Federal Republic of Germany policy on relations with German Democratic Republic (GDR) following the election of Willy Brandt as FRG Chancellor, 1969; the development of Ostpolitik, (Eastern policy), accepting the existence of the German Democratic Republic and of its eastern border with Poland; relations with the Soviet Union; negotiation of the Moscow Treaty, Aug 1970. 29pp

Transcript of interview with journalist Egon Bahr, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Egon Bahr, Journalist and Politician, Federal Republic of Germany, 1948-[1987], Independent Commission on Disarmament and Security, 1980-[1987], relating to the division of the city of Berlin, Germany, by the occupying Soviet and Western Allies; German reaction to the Khrushchev ultimatum, 1958; and the Berlin Crisis, and construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961. 21pp

Transcript of interview with journalist Artyom Borovik, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Artyom Borovik, Russian journalist and author, relating to Soviet attitudes to the war in Afghanistan, including ignorance of Soviet invasion; Soviet perceptions of US involvement in the war; his experience of moral and discipline in the Soviet forces; Soviet censorship of news about the Afghanistan war, 1979-1989. 29pp

Transcript of interview with journalist and presidential adviser Leslie H Gelb, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Leslie H Gelb, relating to US policy concerning expansion of Soviet influence during the term of office of James Earl Carter, US President, 1977-1981, including the Soviet rejection of proposals by Cyrus Vance, US Secretary of State, 1977-1980, to Andrei Andreevich Gromyko, Soviet Foreign Minister, concerning arms control, 1977; Carter's inclusion of human rights issues in his foreign policy; decisions concerning missile deployment in Europe; the role of the Committee on the Present Danger (CPD) in US politics; and the expansion of Soviet influence in third world nations. 53pp

Transcript of interview with journalist and interpreter Robert Lochner, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Robert Lochner, broadcaster for US military radio station, Voice of America, [1942]-1945, Morale Division, US Strategic Bombing Survey, 1945, Information Control Division, [Allied Military Government] (AMGUS), 1945, Chief Editor, US Radio Frankfurt, Aug 1945-1946, Head of Press Section, US High Commission, Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, 1953, Director of Radio in Amerikanischer Sektor (RIAS), Mar 1961-[1963], and German interpreter for US Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson and US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on their visits to Berlin, 1961 and 1963, relating to Lochner's impressions of Berlin and Germany, 1945; the effect of Allied bombing on German production of war material, 1942-1945; the impact of Allied bombing on German civilian morale, 1942-1945; the opinion held in Germany that the Western Allies liberated Germany from the threat of Soviet invasion and the war should continue against the USSR, 1945; an interview in 1945 between Lochner and Baldur von Schirach, Leader of the Hitler Youth, 1931-1940, and Gauleiter of Vienna, Aug 1940-1945; Lochner's interrogation of a [German] prisoner of war, Hollendorf, SS section chief under Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, 1945; the US takeover of Radio Frankfurt, Radio Stuttgart, Radio Munich and Radio Bremen, and the American Broadcasting Station in Europe (ABSE) broadcasts to the Germans in the US Zone of Occupation, 1945-[1948]; the content of US broadcasts in Germany and the gradual inclusion of material critical of aspects of the Soviet regime in their sector of Germany, 1945-1946; the character of US Gen Lucius DuBignon Clay, US Military Governor in Germany, and Commander in Chief, US Forces in Europe, 1947-1949; US Gen Clay's opinion on the revival of political activity in Germany, 1947-1948; the differences in policy between the USA, UK and France on reviving German political activity, 1947-1948; Clay's relationship with Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1949-1951; Lochner announcement on Radio Frankfurt of currency reform in Germany, 1948; the Marshall Plan, the US European Recovery Program, 1948; the Soviet blockade of Berlin, 1948-1949; the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; Clay's relationship with Ernst Reuter, Mayor of Berlin, 1948-1953; Clay's criticism of the French contribution to the Berlin Airlift, 1949; Clay's retirement as US Military Governor in Germany, 1949; the Berlin uprising, Jun 1953; the construction of the Berlin Wall, Aug 1961; the face off between Soviet and US tanks, Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, Oct 1961; the refugee crisis from East to West Berlin, 1961; the slowness of the US response to the Soviet construction of the Berlin Wall, Aug 1961; the visit of Vice President Johnson to Berlin, 1961; Lochner's poor opinion of Johnson's character, 1961; the visit of US President Kennedy to the Federal Republic of Germany and to Berlin, 1963; the positive impression Kennedy made on Lochner, 1963; the policy of the RIAS over the construction of the Berlin Wall, 1961; the role of RIAS as a source of information for East Berliners, and its influence on the internal politics of the German Democratic Republic, 1949-[1963]; Lochner's experience of McCarthyism, the campaign against alleged communists and communist sympathisers in US society instigated by Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy, 1950-1954; the effect of the Cold War on the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1945-1955. 90pp (page 1 missing)

Transcript of interview with John Ehrlichman, domestic policy adviser to President Richard Nixon, [1996]

Typescript transcript of interview with John Ehrlichman, Counsel to US President, 1969, Assistant to President for Domestic Affairs, 1970-1972, Assistant to President, 1973, relating to US social and political culture in the 1950s and 1960s, his recruitment to assist in the 1960 presidential campaign of Richard Nixon, the political career of Richard Nixon, US President, 1969-1974, and US domestic and foreign policy. 41pp

Transcript of interview with Jeane Kirkpatrick, former US Representative to the United Nations, 1991

Typescript transcript of interview with Dr Jeane Duane Jordan Kirkpatrick, US Permanent Representative to the United Nations (UN), 1981-1985, describing her discussion of the South Georgia incident with Estaban Takacs, Argentine Ambassador to the US, 1982, in New York, Mar 1982; her reaction to news of the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands, 2 Apr 1982; state of US relations with Latin American nations; her decision to attend the Argentine Ambassador's dinner, 2 Apr 1982; relations with Sir Anthony Derrick Parsons, British Permanent Representative to the UN, 1979-1982; US National Security Council discussions of policy on the Falkland Islands; tension between the White House officials and the State Department; meeting with Dr Nicanor Costa Méndez, Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1981-1982, Enrique Ross, Director General of Argentine Foreign Ministry, and Wenceslao Bunge, Argentine industrialist and unofficial diplomatic representative of the Argentine Air Force, 1982, (17 May 1982) and her attempts to persuade Argentines of the serious consequences of the military operation. Also comments on the implications of US policy on the Falkland Islands, in the context of the UN discussions, and the general British policy of neutrality on Latin American issues. 39pp

Transcript of interview with James Warren, member of Marshall Plan mission to Greece, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with James Warren, member of the US Marshall Plan mission in Greece, 1949-1952, relating to the Greek Civil War, Dec 1944-Oct 1949; the threat of communist influence; the scope of the Marshall Plan for European reconstruction, 1948-1954, in Greece, including transport infrastructure rebuilding; hydroelectric scheme; mining development; the modernisation of the Greek economy; the supply of mules from the US for transport work where roads were damaged; the clearing of the Corinth Canal and the re-opening of Piraeus harbour, Greece, [1949-1952]; stabilisation of the Greek currency; and atmosphere of the coordinating office in Greece, 1947-1954. 18pp

Transcript of interview with James Rentschler, former Special Advisor to President Ronald Reagan, 1991

Typescript transcript of interview with James M Rentschler, Special Advisor to US President Ronald Wilson Reagan, and National Security Council Western European Department, 1982, describing the reaction of US officials to intelligence reports of an imminent Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands, 1 Apr 1982; the telephone conversation between Ronald Wilson Reagan, US President 1981-1989, and Lt Gen Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri, President of Argentina, 1981-1982, 1 Apr 1982, and messages from Rt Hon Margaret Hilda Thatcher, British Prime Minister, 1979-1990, to President Reagan; US policy on the invasion. Also describes his participation in Haig's diplomatic mission to London and Buenos Aires, including the initial meeting with Thatcher in London, (8 Apr 1982), their arrival in Buenos Aires (9 Apr 1982), the Argentine government's refusal to withdraw their forces from the Falkland Islands, Haig his second visit of to London (12-13 Apr 1982); the impact of the article by Carl Bernstein published in the Washington Post alleging US impartiality in mediation between Britain and Argentina, relations between Haig and Reagan, the pessimistic atmosphere of the second visit of the delegation to Buenos Aires, 15-19 Apr 1982. 60pp

Transcript of interview with James Griffith, personal protection officer to President Franklin Roosevelt, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with James Griffith, US Secret Service Personal Protection Officer to US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, [1941]-1945, relating to preparations for the Allied Yalta conference, codenamed ARGONAUT, Yalta, Crimea, USSR, 4-11 Feb 1945; the relationship between the US and Soviet delegations during the Yalta conference, Feb 1945; the US delegation's accommodation at the Livadia Palace, Feb 1945; US President Roosevelt's poor state of health during the Yalta conference, Feb 1945; the deterioration in Roosevelt's health during the USA's involvement in World War Two, 1942-1945; the character and appearance of Soviet President Josef Vissarionovich Stalin, Yalta, Feb 1945; Soviet security around Stalin, Feb 1945; the diminished status of the UK as a world power, Feb 1945; the 'Iron Curtain' speech made by Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, USA, 5 Mar 1946. 22pp

Transcript of interview with James Baker, Secretary of State, 1991

Typescript transcript of James Addison Baker III, US Secretary of State, 1989 - 1992 being interviewed by Brian Lapping, 9 Dec 1991. Describing his activities from the time of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait on 2 Aug 1990, to the beginning of US military combat against Iraq,16 Jan 1991, including his meeting with Eduard Shevardnadze, Soviet Foreign Minister, in Irkutsk, Siberia, 2 Aug 1990, and later in Moscow with Mikhail Gorbachev as well, 8 Nov 1990. Comments on the significance of international, and especially Soviet, support for the United Nations Security Council resolutions concerning Iraq, and the importance of the wording of Resolution 678, enforcing Iraq's withdrawal from Kuwait by use of 'all necessary means'. Also gives account of meeting with Tariq Aziz, Iraqi Foreign Minister, 1983-1991, in Geneva, 9 Jan 1991, in the 'last mile for peace' - a final attempt to negotiate a resolution. 34pp

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