Typescript transcript of interview with Frank Snepp, US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Chief Strategy Analyst, Republic of South Vietnam, 1969-1975, relating to the experience of living in Saigon during the US involvement in Vietnam, 1969-1975; the impact of the Vietnam War in the Vietnamese countryside and in Saigon, 1969-1975; the security of US staff in the US Embassy, Saigon, Republic of South Vietnam, 1969-1975; the evacuation of Nguyen Van Thieu, President of the Republic of South Vietnam, from Saigon to Taiwan, Apr 1975; Snepp's opinion of Nha Duc Hoang, President Thieu's closest adviser, 1969-1975; Thieu's lack of information on the anti-Vietnam War sentiment in the USA, 1969-1975; Snepp's opinion of Graham Anderson Martin, US Ambassador to the Republic of South Vietnam, [1973-1975]; Ambassador Martin's role in the US withdrawal from Vietnam, 1973-1975; the capture of Saigon by the North Vietnamese Army (NVA), Apr 1975; the abandonment by the USA of South Vietnamese citizens who aided the US military and intelligence agencies during the Vietnam War, Apr 1975; the final helicopter evacuation from the US Embassy, Saigon, Apr 1975; the failure by the CIA to destroy or remove classified documents and intelligence information during the final US withdrawal and evacuation from Saigon, Apr 1975; the publication of Decent interval: an insider's account of Saigon's indecent end, told by the CIA's Chief Strategy Analyst in Vietnam, Frank Snepp (Random House, New York, USA, 1977). 29pp