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Transcript of interview with adviser on Korean Affairs, Niles Woodbridge Bond, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Niles Woodbridge Bond, Officer in Charge, Korean Affairs, US State Department, 1949-1950, First Secretary, Office of US Political Adviser to US Gen of the Army Douglas MacArthur, Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, Tokyo, Japan, 1950, Counsellor, US Embassy, Tokyo, 1952, and Seoul, Republic of Korea, 1953-1954, relating to Bond's opinion of Syngman Rhee, President of the Republic of Korea, 1948-1960; the relationship between the USA and President Rhee's administration, 1948-1950; the US involvement in the creation of the Republic of Korea, 1948-1950; the lack of US military aid given to the Republic of Korea, 1948-1950; the speech made by Dean Gooderham Acheson, US Secretary of State, to the National Press Club, Washington DC, USA, alluding to a US 'defense perimeter' in the Far East that did not include Korea or Taiwan, 12 Jan 1950; speculation on whether Acheson's speech implied US non-intervention in a North Korean invasion of the Republic of Korea, 1950; the US reaction to the North Korean invasion of the Republic of Korea, 25 Jun 1950; the US decision to refer the invasion of the Republic of Korea to the Security Council of the UN, Jun 1950; the opinion in the USA that the North Korean invasion of the Republic of Korea was orchestrated by the USSR, Jun 1950; the influence of the proclamation of the People's Republic of China, Oct 1949, on the US decision to go to war against Communism in Korea, 1950; the boycott of the UN Security Council by the USSR, Jun 1950; the decision by US President Harry S Truman for a US military intervention in Korea, Jun 1950; the role of the UN in countering the North Korean invasion of the Republic of Korea, 1950-1953; the advance northwards of UN forces beyond the 38th Parallel, Oct 1950; the halt of the UN advance northwards at the Yalu River on the border with the People's Republic of China, Oct 1950; the character and leadership of US Gen MacArthur, 1950-1951; the dismissal of MacArthur by US President Truman, Apr 1951; MacArthur's departure from Japan, Apr 1951; the positive effect of the Korean War on the economy of Japan, 1950-1953; speculation on the success of Truman in waging a limited war in Korea, 1950-1952. 34pp

Transcript of interview with Admiral Stansfield Turner, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with US Adm Stansfield Turner, President, Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, 1972-1974, Commander, US Second Fleet, 1974-1975, Commander-in-Chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe, North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), 1975-1977, and Director, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 1977-1981, relating to the reasons for the development, manufacture and deployment of large numbers of nuclear weapons by the USA and the USSR during the Cold War, 1945-1990; the targetting with nuclear weapons of minor military and industrial installations during the Cold War, 1945-1990; the peak deployment by the USA of 32, 500 nuclear warheads, and the Soviet deployment of approximately 40, 000 warheads, [1968-1969]; the reasons why there has not been a massive reduction in nuclear arsenals since the end of the Cold War, 1990; the signing of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) by US President George (Herbert Walker) Bush and General Secretary Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, Moscow, USSR, 31 Jul 1991; the decommissioning and dismantling of nuclear weapons by the USSR and the USA, [1991-1995]; the danger of nuclear proliferation since the dissolution of the USSR, 1991; the danger of a nuclear confrontation between the superpowers during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; the legacy of the Cold War, 1945-1997; Turner's opinion of the effectiveness of the CIA when he became Director, 1977; the role of the CIA, 1977-1981; Turner's opinion on the effectiveness of espionage via the employment of technically advanced equipment, 1977-1981; the various electronic, photographic and human systems for the collection of intelligence, 1977-1981; the differences in operational methods employed by the CIA and the KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopastny, the Soviet Committee for State Security), 1977-1981; the deposition of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, Jan 1979; the lack of knowledge and information, acquired by the CIA, prior to the Iranian revolution, 1979; Turner's commitment to making the CIA more accountable to the US government and the general public, 1977-1981; Turner's opinion on the contribution made by intelligence agencies to the Cold War, 1945-1990. 26pp

Transcript of interview with Admiral of the Fleet Lord Lewin, 1991

Typescript transcript of interview with AF Terence Thornton Lewin, Baron Lewin of Greenwich in Greater London, British Chief of the Defence Staff, 1979-1982, relating to his role in the British war cabinet meetings following the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands (2 Apr 1982) including defining the operation objectives for British forces and briefing the cabinet members on developments. Also describes British tactics in declaring an exclusion zone around the Falkland Islands (7 Apr 1982); the roles of Rt Hon Sir John (William Frederic) Nott, Secretary of State for Defence, 1981-1983, and Rt Hon Francis Leslie Pym, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1982-1983, within the cabinet meetings; definition of the British rules of engagement (Apr 1982); the British government decision to recover the South Georgia Islands. Also comments on the British Cabinet's view of the possibility of a negotiated settlement with Argentina, and his discussions with Alexander Meigs Haig, US Secretary of State, 1981-1982, and Gen Vernon Anthony Walters, US Ambassador-at-large, 1981-1985, (Apr 1982). 26pp

Transcript of interview with Admiral Nikolay Usenko, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Soviet Adm Nikolay Idalich Usenko, relating to the Soviet development of a navy that could compete with the US Navy, 1956-1989; the development of nuclear powered submarines by the US Navy, 1952-1964; US development of Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs), [1955]-1959; the fire on board the Soviet nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine K-19, in the North Atlantic Ocean, 24 Feb 1972; the collision between the USS TAUTOG, a Sturgeon-class nuclear-powered attack submarine, and K-108, a Soviet Echo II-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine, Jun 1970; Soviet submarine patrols, [1960-1969]; the US naval blockade of Cuba, Oct 1962; the forcing to the surface of a Soviet submarine by the US Navy durng the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962; US/Soviet tension in the Indian Ocean during the Indo-Pakistan War, 1965; the ideological differences between the USSR and the USA, [1960-1969]; the Palomares incident, the collision of a Boeing B-52 Stratofortress and a Boeing KC-135 tanker aircraft over Spain resulting in the loss of the two aircraft and the crash landing of four thermonuclear weapons, Jan 1966; the financial burden of the nuclear arms race on the USSR, 1945-1991. 19pp

Transcript of interview with activist Erztebet Hrozova, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Erzebet Hrozova, relating to her imprisonment following the 1956 uprising in Hungary; attitudes to reforms in the Soviet Union, 1987-1988; her letter of 'rehabilitation', Jan 1989; and the reburial of Imre Nagy, Hungarian Prime Minister, 1953-1955, and 1956, and leader of anti-Soviet uprising, 1956, executed by the Soviets in 1958; and the reform process in Hungary. 9pp

Transcript of interview with academic Maria Kovacs, 1997

Typescript transcript of interview with Maria Kovacs, Hungarian academic, relating to the cautious Hungarian response to Soviet reforms, 1989-1989; the significance of the reburial of Imre Nagy, Hungarian Prime Minister, 1953-1955, 1956, leader of anti-Soviet uprising, 1956, executed by the Soviets in 1958; and the fall of the communist government in Hungary, 1989. 11pp

Transcript of interview with academic and former intelligence officer Lord Annan, 1996

Typescript transcript of interview with Noël Gilroy Annan, Baron Annan, Political Division, British Foreign Office, Germany, 1945-[1946], relating to Annan's service at Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), North West Europe campaign, 1945; conditions in postwar Germany, 1945-1946; Berlin as a partitioned city, 1945; Soviet coercion of the political process by compelling the German Social Democrats to amalgamate with the German Communist Party, 1945-1946; relations between the administrations of the USSR, the USA, UK and France in Berlin and in Germany, 1945-1946; the financial burden on the UK, 1945-1947; the Soviet blockade of West Berlin and the Berlin Airlift, 1948-1949; the unpopularity of the Soviets in Germany, 1945-1949; the 'Iron Curtain' speech made by Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, USA, 5 Mar 1946; the character of Gen Sir Brian Hubert Robertson, 2nd Bt, Deputy Military Governor, Control Commission for Germany, 1945-1947; the division of Germany by the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany, and the German Democratic Republic, 1949; the demise of the UK as a world imperialist power, 1945-1947.

Transcript of interview given by Ismay to the Mutual Broadcasting System, May 1954, about NATO

Text of interview with Ismay for the Mutual Broadcasting System with questions on the strengthening factors for North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in the past year; NATO's capabilities of preventing Soviet expansion; the possibility of West German entry into NATO; possible aid for Portugal in its dispute with India; NATO's use of bases in Spain. Typescript, 4pp

Transcript of intervidew, 1997, with King Hussein of Jordan

Typescript transcript of filmed interview with Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999, discussing the role of Jordan leading up to and during the Six day war, Jun 1967, including his visit to Egypt, 30 May 1967; the Arab Summit in Khartoum (29 Aug-2 Sep 1967); action of Fedayeen and Jordanian army against Israeli's occupation of the West Bank; events of 'Black September, deterioration of internal security in Jordan, landing of hijacked aircraft in Jordan, formation of new government, battles between Jordan army and fedayeen, and the Syrian invasion (Sept 1970); attendance at the Arab Summit, Cairo (23-27 Sep 1970); meeting with Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister 1969-1974, prior to October war (Yom Kippur War); announcement of Camp David Accord and conversations with Anwar al Sadat, Egyptian President 1970-1981, during the talks (Sep 1978); meeting with Shimon Peres, Israeli Foreign Minister 1986-1988, in London (Apr 1987); role of Jordan during the Persian Gulf War, including his visit to President George Bush at Kennebunkport and defensive mobilisation of Jordan's army (Aug 1990-Mar 1991); activities of the joint Jordanian Palestinian delegation to the Madrid conference (Oct 1991); announcement of Oslo Accord (1993); negotiations resulting in the Jordan Israel Peace Treaty (1994); meeting in Washington with Yasir Arafat, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister 1996-1999, and William Jefferson Clinton US President 1993-1901 (Sep/Oct 1996). 93pp

Transcript of extracts from interviews, 1997, with Walid Moualem (Walid Muallem), Syrian Ambassador to USA

Typescript transcript of extracts of translated interviews (see following) with Walid Moualem, Syrian Ambassador to the US 1990-2000, member of the Syrian negotiating team since the Madrid Conference, Oct 1991, and head of the Syrian delegation to the peace talks with Israel since Jul 1994. 9pp

Transcript of excerpts from interviews, [2001], with Hamas co-founders Ismail Abu Shanab and Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi

Typescript transcript of excerpts from interviews with Hamas co-founders Ismail Abu Shanab, (assassinated 2003), and Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi (also known as Abd al-Aziz Rantisi and Abdel Ali Abdul Majid Aziz al-Rantisi) (assassinated 2004), describing the goals of Hamas, the basis of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin’s ceasefire proposals, and the reason for use of suicide bombers.

Transcript of evidence given by Captain Sir George Arthur to the Dardanelles Commission, Dec 1916 and May 1917, on Field Marshal Lord Kitchener's involvement in planning for Gallipoli

Transcript of evidence given by Capt Sir George (Compton Archibald) Arthur, 3rd Bt, to the Dardanelles Commission, notably on the dealings of FM Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Broome, Secretary of State for War, with his subordinates, especially concerning planning for the Dardanelles operation in 1915. 28pp.

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