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BLAGROVE, Capt Peter (1889-1969)

  • Collection
  • 1915-1917

Copies of papers relating to his service in France, 1917, principally comprising orders and summaries of operations for Royal Field Artillery, 12 Div, 1917, orders, maps and timetables relating to trench mortar batteries on the Somme front, Jul-Sep 1917, and General Staff publications on wiring, signalling, the employment of guns and trench mortars captured from the enemy, and 2 Army operations, 1917; copies of correspondence, 1915-1917, 1969-1970, mainly letters written by Blagrove from the Somme front to his father, Col Henry John Blagrove, 1916-1917.

Blagrove, Peter, 1889-1969, Captain

BLAGROVE, Col Henry John (1854-1925)

  • Collection
  • 1899-1904

Copies of papers relating to his service in the Boer War, 1899-1901, notably two letters from E A Wiggin, giving an account of operations around Greylingstad, July 1900, sketches and notes on scenes of action, [1900], including Spion Kop; notes by way of transcript of statements of witnesses, including Kriegler himself, in the trial of S G Kriegler, a Boer spy, [1899-1901], war news bulletins published by the Boers, 1899-1900, two letters to Col Blagrove from Lt C E Jenkins, a prisoner in Piet Retief Jail, 1900, and printed minutes of Burgher Peace Committee meeting, 20 Dec 1900.

Blagrove, Henry John, 1854-1925, Colonel

BLAGROVE, Supt Edith Gordon (1895-1979)

  • Collection
  • [1945]

Copies of papers relating to her work as an WRNS administrator at Bletchley Park Decoding Centre, notably two drafts of a text on WRNS at Bletchley Park, [1945], an account of the employment of WRNS at Bletchley Park and outstations, [1945]; copy photograph of Blagrove and her assistant Doreen Scott, [1944], and photocopies of photographs of buildings and WRNS personnel at Walton Hall, Wavenden, Gayhurst and Eastcote, 1944-1945; copies of papers relating to a reunion of ex-HMS PEMBROKE V WRNS personnel, 1978, notably a text of Blagrove's speech on HMS PEMBROKE V and an attendance list; copy of obituary from The Wren, Jun 1979.

Blagrove, Edith Gordon, 1895-1979, Superintendant WRNS

BLAKISTON-HOUSTON, Lt Col John Matthew (1898-1984)

  • Collection
  • 1947

Detailed memoir, 'I'd live it again', covering his life and military career, 1898-1945, notably his service in France, 1918, Egypt, 1919-1921 and 1939-1941 and East Africa, 1941-1942, written in 1947 and privately published in pamphlet form.

Houston, John Matthew, Blakiston-, 1898-1984, Lieutenant Colonel

BLOCK, Col Arthur Hugh (1859-1931)

  • Collection
  • 1898-1900

Four copy photographs of 9 Western Div (Heavy Bde) and 72 Company (Heavy Bde), Royal Garrison Artillery, in India, showing elephant battery manoeuvres and parade, 1898-1900.

Block, Arthur Hugh, 1859-1931, Colonel

BLOUNT, Lt Col Hubert (1910-1979)

  • Collection
  • 1942

Copies of two reports on actions of 9 Armoured Bde Group during the second Battle of El Alamein, Egypt, Oct-Nov 1942.

Blount, Hubert, 1910-1979, Lieutenant Colonel

BLOXHAM, Rev John Francis (1873-1928)

  • Collection
  • 1917-1918

Two letters written to his sister describing action at Menin Road, third Battle of Ypres, Sep 1917, and battle of the Selle, Oct 1918; typescript copies of extracts from The Times relating to the award of his MC, 1917, and bar, 1918; card from Maj Gen Reginald John Pinney, Maj Gen Commanding 33 Div, BEF, commending Bloxham for his distinguished service, 1918; two obituaries cut from newspapers, 1928.

Bloxham, John Francis, 1873-1928, Reverend

BOER WARS, BALKANS AND IRISH HOME RULE: press cuttings, 1881-1921

  • MISC47
  • Collection
  • 1881-1921

Press cuttings relating to First Boer War, 1881, and the Second Boer War, 1899-1902, notably concerning the death of Gen Sir George Pomeroy Colley at the Battle of Majuba Hill, 1881; the Transvaal Crisis, 1896; the Siege of Ladysmith, Natal, 1899; British rule in South Africa, 1899; the controversy over the publication of official despatches from the campaign at Spion Kop, Natal, 1900. Press cuttings relating to the Balkans, 1908-1913, concern most notably the rise of the 'Young Turks' movement in Turkey and the restoration of the Turkish Constitution, 1908; the first anniversary of the annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina by Austria-Hungary, 1909; the general mobilisation of Bulgarian troops along the Turkish frontier, in the prelude to the First Balkan War, 1912; the mobilisation of Turkish, Serbian, and Greek troops, 1912; the comparative strengths of the Turkish and Greek navies in the prelude to the First Balkan War, 1912; the demands of the Balkan states of Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia, and Greece to Austria-Hungary and Russia, 1912; the formal declaration of war issued by the Balkan States of Bulgaria, Montenegro, Serbia, and Greece to Turkey, 1912; the first battles of the First Balkan War at Lule Burgas, Bulgaria, 1912; the fall of Adrianople, Turkey, 1913; the establishment of the new border between Bulgaria and Turkey, following the defeat of Turkish forces during the First Balkan War, 1913. Press cuttings relating to Irish Home rule concern the issue of the Government of Ireland Bill, Apr 1912; the establishment of a Provisional Government for Ulster, Sep 1913; the Government of Ireland Bill, 1920; the Conference on Ireland and the formation of the Irish Free State, Oct-Dec 1921. Press cuttings relating to the British Army in Ulster primarily concern the resignation of Lt Col Rt Hon John Edward Bernard Seely MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary, and subsequently Secretary of State for War, and the Curragh Incident, Dublin, 1914

BOLITHO, Capt Richard John Bruce (1889-1965)

  • Collection
  • [1962]

Proof copy of article on his military career, 1915-1944, notably concerning his experiments with the transmission and interception of wireless messages and radar, [1962].

Bolitho, Richard John Bruce, 1889-1965, Captain

BOLT, R Adm Arthur Seymour (1907-1994)

  • BOLT
  • Collection
  • 1909-1979

Copies of papers, 1909-1974, comprising typescript copy of the 'Interim Report of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics', 1909; night order book, HMS THESEUS, Korea, 1950-1951; newspaper cuttings on HMS THESEUS' departure from UK to Korea and subsequent return, 1950-1951; typescript transcript of Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies lecture by Bolt, Oct 1951, entitled 'HMS THESEUS in the Korean War and some special problems of naval aviation in that theatre' (subsequently published in the Journal of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies; standard circular letters to all retired admirals, containing Royal Navy news and information, from Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord Adm Sir Varyl (Cargill) Begg, 1966-1968, Adm Sir Peter (John) Hill-Norton, 1971, and Adm Sir Michael (Patrick) Pollock, 1972-1974; article by Bolt on minesweeping in 1940-1941 by Vickers DWI (Directional Wireless Installation) Wellington aircraft entitled 'Minesweeping Wellingtons: Part 1: equipment and technique: early operations in the Thames Estuary', published in Air Pictorial (Apr-May 1979), with nine uncaptioned photographs of Wellington aircraft and a captured German magnetic mine.

Bolt, Arthur Seymour, 1907-1994, Rear Admiral

BOMFORD, Col Guy (1899-1996)

  • Collection
  • 1945

Copy of account of the Survey Service of the Eastern and 14 Army in India and Burma during the period 1942-1945, written in 1945.

Bomford, Guy, 1899-1996, Colonel

BONHAM-CARTER, Victor (1913-2007)

  • Collection
  • [1960-1964]

Papers relating to Soldier true, the life and times of FM Sir William Robertson, 1860-1933 (Frederick Muller, London, 1963), dated [1960-1963], principally comprising Bonham Carter's corrected proof of the book, together with his typescript and notes. Papers relating to BBC television series The Great War , broadcast in [1964], dated [1963-1964], principally comprising programme summaries, Bonham Carter's notes, his drafts of the script and a joint script with Antony Jay.

Carter, Victor, Bonham-, 1913-2007, author

BOSANQUET, Lt Col Neville Richard Gustavus (1911-2003)

  • Collection
  • 1956

Fusilier, memoir of life and service, 1930-1960', typescript memoir by Lieutenant Colonel Neville Bosanquet, including detailed description of living and working in the army in the interwar period, stationed in the United Kingdom, Gibraltar and Hong Kong, with analysis of the attitudes of soldiers in peace time; detailed descriptions of travelling in Communist Russia, 1935; living in Riga, Latvia, to learn Russian, 1938; travelling through Europe, Turkey and Egypt, 1938; life and work in England at the beginning of World War Two; training at Staff College, Quetta, India, 1942-1943; account of service under General Sir Hugh Charles Stockwell in the Arakan region, Burma, 1943-1945; including comparison of British and Japanese tactics, description of attack on Brigade headquarters, conditions experienced by soldiers and psychological effects of jungle warfare; account of service as General Staff Officer Grade Two under General Sir Francis Wogan "Frankie" Festing, 36 Division, including description of securing Shan region for Allies and liaising with American forces; account of service as instructor, British Military Mission in Greece, 1948, working with Greek National Army in Florina, Grammos, Vitsi and Salonika, including descriptions of the tactics of both the Greek National Army and the Democratic Army of Greece, and the difficulty of guerrilla warfare.

Bosanquet, Neville Richard Gustavus, 1911-2003, Lieutenant Colonel

BOWEN, Ivor (1902-1984)

  • Collection
  • 1926-1973

Papers of Ivor Bowen, 1926-1973, relating to his career in aeronautics, comprising manuscript volume entitled 'Bomb and Bombsight figures'; photographs, some captioned, relating to a long haul flight to Singapore, 1946, including exterior and interior details of plane and an aerial view of Singapore; Air Ministry Laboratory report, 'Bomb ballistics experiments, Orfordness, 1926', written by L C Bygrave and Ivor Bowen, including aerial photographs, photographs of recording equipment, bomb at moment of release, cine film stills of explosion, detailed technical drawings of recording equipment and periscopic bomb sight, and graphs of time lags, trail angles and fall times of bombs; publications relating to aeronautics including Air Ministry manuals, chiefly on air navigation, 1926-1941; typescript draft handbook, 'Aircraft compass installations', by C S Hudson, for publication by HMSO, [1949]; patents issued to General Precision Laboratory, USA, 1956-1959; lecture text, 'The development of visual landing for flight simulators' by G M Hellings, Chief Scientist, General Precision Systems Ltd, Oct 1961; technical product descriptions including for Miniature Inertial Navigation System (MINS), produced by Kearfott Division, USA and Kearfott C702519001 floated rate-integrating gyro, Aug 1962; performance data for floated rate-integrating gyro King II, produced by Kearfott Division, USA, Dec 1962; offprint articles on aeronautics, 1962; memoranda and minutes of meetings of the Air League, 1963-1973; 'Unservile State Papers, no 15: A Defence for Britain' by Anthony Paice, Liberal Publication Dept, [1966]; letter from I J Bettison, General Equipments Ltd, Adelaide, Australia, 3 Jun 1963, on selling flight simulation training systems; and 'extracts from the technical supplement to the annual report of the Aeronautical Research Council', 1 Apr 1965.

Bowen, Ivor, 1902-1984, Aeronautical Engineer

BOWLBY, Surgeon Gen Sir Anthony Alfred (1855-1929)

  • Collection
  • 1916

Report to the Director General of Medical Services, Surgeon Gen Sir Arthur Sloggett, on the introduction of steel helmets, 1916.

Bowlby, Sir Anthony Alfred, 1855-1929, 1st Baronet, Surgeon General

BOWRING, Maj Gen John Humphrey Stephen (1913-1998)

  • Collection
  • 1963

Photocopy of a report on role of engineers of Far East Land Forces in Borneo, 1963, following the Brunei rebellion, 1962; and photocopy of a directive relating to recruitment and training within the Engineering Corps, 1968.

Bowring, John Humphrey Stephen, 1913-1998, Major General

BOYD, Maj Gen Ian Herbert Fitzgerald (1907-1978)

  • BOYD
  • Collection
  • 1933-1959

Photographs of landscape, towns and local Pathans, North West Frontier, India [1930-1936]; photographs of civilian engineering training, UK, 1934-1936; diary, 1939-1940, narrative of service as Engineer Staff Officer and Field Engineer, Rawalpindi and Staff Officer Royal Engineers 3, Delhi; diary, 1957-1959, narrative of service as Chief Engineer, Far East Land Forces. Photographs of official duties as Chief Engineer, Northern Army Group NATO and British Army of the Rhine, 1959-1962.

Boyd, Ian Herbert Fitzgerald, 1907-1978, Major General

BOYLE, Lt Col Charles Leofric Boyle (1899-1999)

  • Collection
  • 1947

File of papers by Lt Col Charles Leofric Boyle on tensions between Hindu and Muslim troops on HM Troopship EMPIRE PRIDE, Oct 1947. Including report by Maj O A Mitchell, Officer Commanding 105 GPT Company, 10 Oct 1947, for Boyle as Officer Commanding Troops, HM Troopship EMPIRE PRIDE, on the morale of the Indian troops, both Muslim and Hindu (1 page); Seven telegrams between HM Troopship EMPIRE PRIDE and Bombay, 11-16 October 1947, on the worsening relations between the Muslim and Hindu troops on board, and obtaining permission to disembark Muslim troops at Karachi, instead of Bombay, as planned (7 items); report upon the diversion of HM Troopship EMPIRE PRIDE to Karachi, owing to the communal unrest on board by Boyle as Officer Commanding Troops, 19 Oct 1947; file also includes a photograph of Boyle and Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, [1940-45], standing on railway gun 'HMG Boche-Buster', near Canterbury, Kent

Boyle, Charles Leofric, 1899-1999, Lieutenant Colonel

BOYLE, Lt Col Robert Verelst (1907-1988)

  • Collection
  • 1897-1943

Papers of Lt Col Robert Verelst Boyle, 1897-1943, including: Battalion standing orders of the 1st Battalion The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) (Gale & Polden, Aldershot, 1930); notes and correspondence regarding the Combined Operations Training Centre, Comox, Vancouver Island, Canada, 1942-1943; papers relating to lectures given while GSO1, HQ Combined Chiefs of Staff, USA, including: text of lecture on commandos, Economic Society, Detroit, 4 May 1942; article on commandos in Military Review, Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Jul 1942; text of lecture considering how to attack a strongly defended coast, Junior Staff College, RMC Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Aug 1942; text of lecture on commandos given to the Annual Convention of American Newspaper Editors, New York, 1942; text of lecture on ship-to-shore operations, given at the US Army Amphibious Training Centre, 1942; text of lecture on preparations for the resumption of the land offensive, given to US Army Armoured Training Centre, 1942.

Formal photographs of Combined Chiefs of Staff events at Fort Benning and Fort Jackson, USA, including photographs of FM Sir John Dill, General George Marshall, Chief of Staff, US Army, Admiral Louis Mountbatten, Chief of Combined Operations, Lt Gen Mark Clark and Lt Col Dennis Price, meeting troops, watching parades, demonstrations and exercises, and inspecting weaponry. Also photograph labelled 'My official yacht whilst I started and commanded the Canadian Combined Operations Training Centre at Comox, Vancouver Island, 1942-43'.Photograph album, invitation and programme of events for the Presentation of New Colours to the Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire), in Famagusta, Cyprus, 7 Oct 1949.

Also items belonging to Boyle's father in law Lt Col Adrian Grant Duff: The Pathan Revolt in North-West India by H Woosnam-Mills (Civil and Military Gazette Press, Lahore, India, 1897) and Razmak station standing orders (Commercial Steam Press, Dera Ismail Khan, India, 1931).

Boyle, Robert Verelst, 1907-1988, Lieutenant Colonel

BOYS-SMITH, Capt Humphrey Gilbert (1904-1999)

  • Collection
  • 1983 (1904-1983)

Autobiography of Capt Humphrey Gilbert Boys-Smith From the Cradle to Within Sight of the Grave (1983). Including childhood and education; service in Merchant Navy, 1922-1934; account of Invergordon Mutiny, 1931; appointment to command of anti submarine corvette, HMS ANEMONE, 1940; evacuation from Dunkirk, making 6 crossings in requisitioned boats; service in HMS ANEMONE, Atlantic convoys, Jun 1940- Feb1942, including HMS ANEMONE'S sinking of Italian submarine NANI, 1941; comment on shortcomings of Asdic, 1940-1941; patrol against possible approach of the German battleship TIRPITZ, Arctic Circle, 1941; promotion to Cdr, Dec 1941; appointment to command of frigate HMS SPEY, Atlantic convoys, Mar 1942; service in Support Groups, Atlantic, autumn 1942- summer 1943 (hunting U boats, not protecting convoys); invasion of North Africa, late 1942; Capt, 1943-1945, in Officer Appointments, Second Sea Lord's Office, Admiralty; Marine Superintendent, Colonial Office service, South Seas islands, 1946-1950; Senior Officers' War Course, RN College Greenwich, 1950-1951; Staff Recruiting Officer, Courtaulds Ltd, 1951-1968; retirement, 1968-1982 Also file of copies of correspondence and press cuttings on honours and awards and report by Boys-Smith on marine policy in the Western Pacific, Sep 1946

Smith, Humprey Gilbert Boys-, 1904-1999, Captain RNR

Results 81 to 100 of 886