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CROSSMAN, Col George Lytton (1877-1947)

  • Collection
  • 1899-1928

Manuscript extracts from Regimental diary, Second Boer War, South Africa, 23 Dec 1900-4 Mar 1901; six letters relating to operations against Boer forces in the Transvaal, South Africa, 1899-1901, with manuscript sketch map of a Boer night attack, Lake Chrissie (Chrissiesmeer), 6 Feb 1901, approximate scale 1: 10, 660. Photograph album with 106 photographs, mostly relating to service in South Africa, 1900-1904, Ireland, 1904-1905, and the UK, 1906-1907; photograph album with 485 photographs relating to service in Scutari, Albania, 1913, with German map entitled Scutari (Militärgeographisches Institut, Berlin, Germany, 1912), scale 1: 200, 000, and typescript copy of article from the Yorkshire Post entitled 'The West Yorkshires in Scutari. Incidents of International Control', 28 Aug 1913; photograph album with 283 photographs, mostly relating to service in India, Aden, Egypt and the Sudan, 1925-1928.

Crossman, George Lytton, 1877-1947, Colonel

CROOKENDEN, Lt Gen Sir Napier (1915-2002)

  • Collection
  • 1969-1980

Official and personal correspondence and typescript and manuscript texts of speeches of Lt Gen Sir Napier Crookenden relating to service as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief Western Command, 1969-1972; correspondence relating to service as Col Commandant, Prince of Wales Div, 1970-1974;photographic slides, film, audiotape and related papers relating to Crookenden's Kermit Roosevelt Lecture Tour of the USA, 1971, relating to the Army's role in Internal Security, with specific reference to operations in Northern Ireland, 1969-1971; research notes and correspondence relating to Dropzone Normandy: the story of the American and British airborne assault on D Day, 1944 (Allan, London, 1976), Airborne at war (Allan, London, 1978) and Battle of the Bulge, 1944 (Allan, London, 1980).

Crookenden, Sir Napier, 1915-2002, Knight, Lieutenant General

CRICK, Dr Alan John Pitts (1913-1995)

  • Collection
  • 1938-1984

Papers relating to Crick's service in the Western Desert, 1941-1943, as Instructor, War Intelligence Course, School of Military Intelligence, Matlock, Derbyshire, 1943-1944, and with Operational Intelligence, G2 Division, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF), 1944-1945, including copy of War Diary, General Staff Intelligence Branch, Headquarters 8 Army, 25 Sep-31 Oct 1941; typescript memorandum by Crick 'The possible effect of CROSSBOW on OVERLORD', on how Operation CROSSBOW, (Allied countermeasures against German V-weapons), could influence Operation OVERLORD, (the Allied invasion of occupied Europe), Mar 1944; typescript memorandum by Crick 'The heart of Germany', on the importance of the Ruhr industrial region to Allied strategy, Mar 1944; typescript report by Crick on visit to OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, the German Armed Forces High Command), Flensburg, Germany, 11 May 1945. Papers relating to Crick's service with the British Joint Services Mission, Washington DC, USA, 1953-1956, including typescript text of lecture by Maj Gen Sir Kenneth William Dobson Strong, Director of Joint Intelligence Bureau, on UK and US Intelligence collaboration and spheres of influence [1953]; typescript memorandum 'Probable Bloc preoccupations in Asia, including Middle East, until mid 1955' [1953]; papers relating to the reorganisation of the Economic and General Division of the Joint Intelligence Bureau, 1956. Papers relating to the Imperial Defence College tour of Pakistan, India, East Pakistan, Ceylon and Aden, Aug-Sep 1960, including itineraries, travel arrangements, three photographs, invitations and a printed map of the Middle East showing oil wells, refineries and pipelines, 1960. Manuscript and typescript notes for a lecture by Crick entitled 'A career in Intelligence', given at Intelligence Corps course, with one audio tape of 20 minute lecture by Crick on interrogation techniques, Ashford College, Kent, Oct 1984. Edition of In the caves of the mind. Poems by Alan Crick (Privately published, Rye, Sussex, 1992). Newspaper cuttings, photographs and publications, 1938-1959, including German newspaper cuttings relating to the visit to Danzig by Rt Hon Alfred Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty, Aug 1938; three editions of Battledress. The Cadet magazine, Feb-Jun 1940; nine editions of The Crusader Eighth Army Weekly, Oct 1942-Apr 1943; sixteen editions of 'Interim. British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review', Jun 1945-Apr 1946; three editions of 'Occupation. British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review', May-Jul 1946. Edition of '21st (British) Army Group in the campaign in North West Europe 1944-1945. Lecture by Field Marshal Sir Bernard L Montgomery to the Royal United Service Institution, London, October 1945'; six photographs and five copies of photographs of Crick, Western Desert and Germany, 1941-1945, and two group photographs, Staff and Students, Joint Services Staff College, 1948, and Military Attachés Conference, Episkopi, Cyprus, 1959.

Crick, Alan John Pitts, 1913-1995, civil servant and historian

COVERNTON, Capt Ralph Henry (1869-1952)

  • Collection
  • [1945-1967]

Bound typescript entitled 'Fifty odd years of memoirs', covering his life and career, 1893-1945, notably his work as an engineer in South Africa, 1894-1899, 1901-1904, 1909-1911, his travels in South Africa, 1895, East Africa, 1904, and Canada, 1907, his service as a volunteer stretcher bearer with the Royal Army Medical Corps, South Africa, 1899-1900, including the siege of Ladysmith, 1899-1900, his service with the South African Engineer Corps, German South West Africa, 1914-1915, and with the South African Signal Company, Royal Engineers, France, 1916, including the Battle of the Somme, Jul 1916, and his experiences in the Channel Islands during German occupation, 1940-1945, dated [1945-1967].

Covernton, Ralph Henry, 1869-1952, Captain


  • MISC45
  • Collection
  • 1953

Printed programme of the review of the British and Commonwealth naval and merchant fleet by HM Queen Elizabeth II at Spithead, 15 Jun 1953, including map of the review published by the Admiralty, 1953

COOPER, Rt Hon Sir Frank (1922-2002)

  • Collection
  • 1953-1999

Papers of Sir Frank Cooper, 1953-1999, primarily relating to his service as Permanent Under Secretary of State, Northern Ireland Office, 1973-1976, as Permanent Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence, 1976-1982, and post retirement, 1983-1999. The papers include correspondence, articles, press cuttings, press releases, reports, speeches, interviews and conference papers on a variety of topics including: the Air Ministry in the 1950s and 1960s, including the Suez War and Operation MUSKETEER, 1956; the political situation in Northern Ireland, 1973-1976; the Falklands War, 1981-1982, particularly the reaction of the Ministry of Defence and of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, and the sinking of the Argentinean cruiser BELGRANO; the Civil Service, including relationships with the Government, structural reorganisations, Parliamentary Committees and policy making; the Ministry of Defence, including the Defence budget, management policy and accountability, the civilian contribution to the MoD, the relationships between defence procurement, industry and the economy; wider defence issues including the relationships between Britain, Europe, America and NATO, the importance of research and development collaboration, arms sales, the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI), the European aerospace industry, American protectionism and technology transfer; British nuclear weapons policy, nuclear deterrence and disarmament, ATBM (anti tactical ballistic missile) defences and the management of the Trident, Polaris and Chevaline projects; British and French maritime forces; and Westland Helicopters PLC, including correspondence from Cooper's time as Director (1982-1985) and parliamentary reports relating to the sale of the company. Also papers relating to projects and study groups including the Joint Study of European Cooperative Measures for Aeronautical Research and Technology (EUROMART), 1978-1991; the EUREKA research and development programme, 1985-1986; EUROGROUP, 1982; the Foundation for International Security, 1984-1990; the British Rocketry Oral History Project, 1997-1998; the Defence Study Group of the Institute for European Defence and Strategic Studies, 1988-1990; and the Institute for Defence Procurement Studies, 1989-1990. Photographs of the Chiefs of Staff Committee in session, 1965-1977 and the Falklands War, 1982, including Royal Marines progressing through Port Stanley, surrendering Argentinean soldiers and piles of surrendered Argentinean weapons. Prints Ulster Impressions by Joan Wanklyn, 1974, RAF Aldergrove by Ken Howard, 1975 and The Great White Whale by Ronald Dean, depicting the SS CANBERRA, 1982.

Cooper, Sir Frank, 1922-2002, Knight, civil servant

COOK, Pte Charles St George (1891-1972)

  • COOK
  • Collection
  • 1914-1915

Letters From A Volunteer, a pamphlet edition of letters written to his parents while in barracks at Dover with 3 and 10 Bns East Surrey Regt, Oct 1914-Jan 1915, illustrated with photographs and privately published by Don(ald) Cook in 1984; photocopies of two articles by Donald Cook, namely 'The agony of Loos', on the Battle of Loos, France, Sep 1915, from Stand To! The Journal of the Western Front Association, Summer 1985, and 'Divisional Commander in France: General Sir David Campbell GCB', on the military career of Campbell, 1896-1936, particularly his service on the Western Front, 1914-1918, and his role as commander of 21 Div, 1916-1919, from The Army Quarterly and Defence Journal, vol 118, no 2, Apr 1988; copies of sketch maps relating to the above articles, [1984-1988].

Cook, Charles St George, 1891-1972, Private

COLLINS, Gp Capt Arthur Edgar Gerald (1891-1979)

  • Collection
  • 1917-1918

Thirty two British and French printed maps of France, Belgium, Germany and the UK, various scales, 1911-1918, including annotated trench maps of operations and advances during the Battles of Cambrai, 1917, Bellecourt, 1917, and Fourth Battle of Arras, 1918, with newspaper cuttings of the Western Front, 1918 and aerial photograph of Solesmes, France, annotated with position of 461 Field Company Royal Engineers, 19-20 Oct 1918, also painted unit insignia of 62 (2 West Riding) Div, Royal Engineers [1918].

Collins, Arthur Edgar Gerald, 1891-1979, Group Captain

COLEMAN, Millicent Lucy (1910-1990)

  • K/PP88
  • Collection
  • 1842-1989

The papers of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman comprise three classes of material: the private papers of the sisters and the Coleman family, 1842-1957; records relating to the National Children's Home, 1935-1981 largely CLOSED; and the Pestalozzi Village Trust, 1948-1989. Personal papers include a diary and pharmacopoeias, correspondence, examination certificates, photographs and printed books, 1842-1957, notably including a detailed manuscript medical diary describing life on board ship and a medical practice in Africa, 1842-1844, probably compiled by John Albert Sidney Coleman, grandfather of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman; pharmacopoeias containing remedies and prescriptions, with printed pharmacopoeias, compiled by Mark Coleman and others, reflecting the transition of the Coleman family business from patent remedies to modern pharmacy, 1851-1894; correspondence with Kathleen and Millicent Coleman, mainly descriptions of daily life in the National Children's Home and describing psychological testing of the children, 1927-1948 (CLOSED); family correspondence and legal documents including letting agreements and deeds of partnership, the will of Mathew Coleman, the sisters' great uncle, and relating to their father and his career, letters containing family news and gossip, 1845-1928; examination certificates and prize lists relating to the education of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman, 1922-1933; photographs of the Coleman family during the 1890s, during World War One and of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman on holiday, [1928], of Lady Eleanor Holles School, 1921-1933, group photographs of students and staff in King's College London Department of History, 1929-1955, photographs of various National Children's Home establishments, 1934-1957; a small collection of printed books concerned with the history, customs and government of London and the Home Counties, [1945-1985] (Boxes 70-74, now on open access in the Archive reading room).

The CLOSED records of the National Children's Home, 1935-1981, notably comprising Vocational Guidance Record Sheets, consisting of files on individual children that included intelligence test results, memory tests and individual comments, arranged in alphabetical order, 1938-1964 (Boxes 1-23); test results and evaluations of named children for tests organised by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology including the Porteus Maze Test and scoring sheets, 1957-1960 (Boxes 24-28); psychological evaluations of children at different branches of the children's home, notably in Cardiff, Harpenden, Nottingham and Glasgow, including individual test results and assessments with broad statistics and educational recommendations by visitors, 1942-1963 (Boxes 29-40); pupil record cards containing biographical information, aptitude tests and psychological test results for children at various homes, [1948-1960] (Boxes 41-42); material relating to the Brentwood College of Education including a working party on syllabuses, staff lists, the relationship with the University of London Institute of Education, manuscript notes and some psychological test results of children engaged in the so-called Gifted Child Study, 1971-1974 (Boxes 43-44); material relating to vocational aptitude and the placement of older children in trades and professions such as the armed forces and Civil Service, notably including psychologists' reports, 1935-1965 (Boxes 45-56); questionnaires of 18 year-old former residents conducted in 1954-1956 (Box 57); material relating to European refugees resident in the NCH including named children and correspondence with the Central Committee for Refugees, 1942-1949 (Boxes 58-59); general correspondence with Millicent Coleman relating to local authorities, staff and the emigration of children to Australia, 1951-1962; manuscript visitation report book assessing particular homes, 1946-1949; report on the incidence of enuresis (incontinence) in homes, 1946-1950; publicity material mainly created at the time of the centenary and on other children's charities, 1951-1981; careers and apprenticeship literature, 1938-1954; photographs and negatives of students and buildings, 1938-1939 (Boxes 60-62); psychological testing materials including test cards displaying words and pictures, [1958] (Boxes 63-69).

The records of the Pestalozzi Village Trust, 1948-1989, comprise typescript notes compiled by Millicent Coleman, who served on its governing Council. These consist mainly of Council minutes and supporting material, 1948-1989; Committee minutes including Finance and Management Committees, 1953-1985; Annual Reports and Accounts, 1961-1974; policy reports on the development and strategic direction of the Village, 1959-1973; correspondence with Millicent Coleman regarding Trust business and liaison with the National Children's Home, 1953-1985.

Coleman, Millicent Lucy, 1910-1990, psychologist

COLD WAR, THE: television documentary archive

  • Collection
  • 1995-1998

The Cold War television documentary archive consists of transcripts of 531 interviews concerning events of the Cold War - the political, ideological tension between the United States and the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), 1946-1989, following the end of World War Two, which while falling short of actual war between these two nations, was evident in their foreign and defence policies, and those of their allies.

Interviews were conducted with eyewitnesses from the US, USSR, Germany, Poland, Britain, Czechoslovakia, Italy, France, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Spain, Vietnam, Korea, China, Israel Egypt, South Africa, Angola, Cuba, Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and including politicians, policy makers and advisors, diplomats, journalists, academics, members of armed forces, dissidents, peasants, factory workers and civilians.

Events described include the Berlin blockade, 1948-1949, the Berlin Crisis, 1961, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Oct 1962, the Vietnam War, 1965-1975, the Korean War, 1950-1953, the Hungarian uprising, 1956, the Prague Spring, 1968, the nuclear arms race, 1945-1991, and Chinese communism, 1949-1972.

The collections also contains transcripts of a series of seminars on the Cold War, Oct 1995, as well as an incomplete series of files relating to individual episodes of the documentary series including annotated extracts of interview transcripts and other production information. (Transcripts in this section of the collection are mainly duplicates, however there are a small number which are not found in the main transcript series).

Jeremy Isaacs Productions

CLINTON-ROBINSON, Lt Col Leslie (1908-1992)

  • Collection
  • [1924-1955]

Various photographs, [1924-1955], principally of army personnel, including Royal Review, Aldershot, 1924, Canadian soldiers and troop carrier, 1944, staff of Movement Control, Dover, 1945, Old Sarum, 1955 and photographs relating to Malaya, [1949], and the Ross Battery, ND. Identity card, 1946. Royal Regiment of Artillery Magazine, 1992.

Robinson, Leslie, Clinton-, 1908-1992, Lieutenant Colonel

CLIFFORD, Col Esmond Humphrey Miller (1895-1970)

  • Collection
  • 1892-1960

Narrative of operations of 7 Division, 1918 by the Revd E C Crosse including reference to Clifford's service as Officer Commanding 95 Field Company, Royal Engineers; papers relating to Anglo-Italian Jubaland Boundary Commission, 1925-1928 including maps; British Somaliland-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1931-1936, including intelligence reports on French Somaliland, air survey operations, Walwal incident between Italian and Ethiopian troops, and printed reports on the work of the Commission; Chief Engineer, China Command, including report on Royal Engineers in Hong Kong, 1941-1942; Kenya-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1950-1957, including diaries, 1951-1955, printed reports, and maps of the boundary, 1946-1949; published articles by Clifford, 1928-1947, mainly on boundary commissions; technical manuals, 1924-1932, including surveying; publications and printed works, 1892-1952, including boundary commissions.

Clifford, Esmond Humphrey Miller, 1895-1970, Colonel

CLARE-HUNT, Gp Capt Reginald John (1909-1985)

  • Collection
  • 1928-1958

Flying log books covering service in Egypt, UK and South Africa, 1928-1958, and obituary by Gp Capt George Roberts Montgomery, 1985.

Hunt, Reginald John, Clare-, 1909-1985, Group Captain

CHICHESTER, Cdr Michael Guy, RN (1917-2012)

  • Collection
  • 1960-1992

Publications, mostly official, relating to UK defence policy, notably, defence expenditure, and equipment procurement, 1960-1990, including ninety-seven editions of House of Commons Official Report. Parliamentary debates (Hansard) (HMSO, London, 1964-1990) and thirteen editions of House of Lords Official Report. Parliamentary debates (Hansard) (HMSO, London, 1975-1990); fifty, mainly UK and USA official printed reports, 1960-1989, including Navy estimates, 1960-1963, Statement on the Defence Estimates (HMSO, London, 1966-1973, 1975-1981, 1988-1989); reports from the House of Commons Defence Committee, 1981-1989; reports relating to specific issues, notably strategic nuclear deterrence, 1973-1982, and the Falklands conflict, 1982-1987. Newspaper cuttings, 1968-1992, mostly relating to Malta, 1968-1972; Soviet seapower in the Mediterranean, 1969-1972; International naval affairs, 1970-1971; South Africa, 1970-1971; the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988; the Falklands conflict, 1982; US intervention in Grenada, 1983; Soviet defence policy, 1984-1988; NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), 1984-1990; UK, US and European defence policy, 1984-1992; the US bombing raid on Libya, 1986; the Gulf War, 1991.

Chichester, Michael Guy, 1917-2012, RN Commander

CHAMBERLAIN, Brig Noel Joseph (1895-1970)

  • Collection
  • 1916-1971

Copies of papers and photographs relating to Chamberlain's life and career, 1906-1970, including unpublished manuscript memoirs, 1906-1923; papers relating to pay and postings, 1915-1949; account of service with Royal Flying Corps, 1916-1917; typescript report on visit to Palestine, 1920; papers relating to service as Education Officer, London District, 1924-1928, including typescript official report by Chamberlain to Maj Gen Walter Patrick Hore- Ruthven, 2nd Baron Ruthven, General Officer Commanding London District on visit to the Army of the Irish Free State, 1926; papers relating to service as Education Officer, Headquarters Presidency and Assam District, India, 1934-1938, including letters from Maj Gen John Standish Surtees Prendergast Vereker, 6th Viscount Gort, 1934-1937, Maj Gen George Mackintosh Lindsay, 1938 and Brig Eric Edward Dorman Smith, 1938, and typescript account of tour of Tibet, 1937; uncaptioned photographs of tour of Tibet, 1937; article by Chamberlain from The Journal of the Army Educational Corps, on the Tibet tour, 1938, also two articles from The Journal of the Royal Army Educational Corps, on a visit by HM Queen Elizabeth II in Jul 1950 to the Army College, Wellbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire (1951), and on the Command Education Officers' Conference, 1951, including printed photograph of all officers, including Chamberlain, still serving with the Royal Army Educational Corps who were commissioned into the Army Education Corps on its formation in 1920, with texts of speeches, 1953 and 1955; correspondence including letters from Gort thanking Chamberlain for sympathy on the death of his son, Lt Hon Charles Standish Prendergast Vereker, Grenadier Guards, and on the Governorship of Gibraltar, 1941, and letters from Gen Sir Richard Nelson Gale and Gen Sir James Stuart Steele, congratulating Chamberlain on the award of the CBE, 1956-1957; reports and memoranda relating to service as Chief Education Officer, British North Africa Force, 1943-1945 and Middle East Land Forces, 1947-1948; press cuttings, 1953-1958 and obituaries, 1970-1971.

Chamberlain, Noel Joseph, 1895-1970, Brigadier

CAPPER, Maj Gen Sir John Edward (1861-1955)

  • Collection
  • 1900

Papers relating to the military career of Maj Gen Sir John Edward Capper, dated 1900, [1910] and [1913], 1917-1918, principally comprising typescript notes on military aeronautics, [1910]; text of his lecture to the Staff College on the effect of aircraft on war, [1913]; telegrams between German High Seas Fleet and V Adm Sir David Beatty, Commander-in-Chief of the British Grand Fleet, concerning the surrender of the former at Scapa Flow, 1918; 'Report of the commission appointed by Act of Parliament to enquire into the operations of war in Mesopotamia' (London, HMSO, 1917). Copy of typescript text on the Capper Medal Collection, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, [1969], including brief biographies of members of the Capper family.

Capper, Sir John Edward, 1861-1955, Knight, Major General

CADELL, Air Cdre Colin Simpson (1905-1996)

  • Collection
  • 1997

Typescript memoir by Cadell, edited by his son Ian V Cadell in 1997, relating to his RAF career, 1925-1945, including details of the establishment of 80 Wing, RAF Countermeasures Unit, 1940, the establishment of the intelligence listening station, Chicksands, Bedfordshire, 1941-1943, and Cadell's role in the development of radar, 1939-1940.

Cadell, Colin Simpson, 1905-1996, Air Commodore

BYRNE, Flight Sgt S (fl 1930-1939)

  • Collection
  • [1935-1939]

Copy of text by Flight Sgt S Byrne on 'The Ferry Flight at Henlow and Cardington' during the period 1935-1939, ND.

Byrne, S, fl 1930-1939, Flight Sergeant

BROOKE-POPHAM, ACM Sir Robert (1878-1953)

  • Collection
  • 1890-1902

Papers relating to early career, including material on early aviation, 1911-1913, and texts of lectures given at the RAF Staff College, Andover, 1922-1926. Material relating to post as Air Officer Commanding, British Forces in Iraq, 1928-1935, including correspondence, memoranda and telegrams relating to operations in Iraq and Kuwait, 1928-1930, and negotiations for the Anglo-Iraq Treaty, 1930; news cuttings and notes relating to political and military affairs in Iraq, and the situation of the Assyrians and Kurds, 1930-1935. Papers created as Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Air Defence of Great Britain, 1933-1935, mainly relating to a Royal Review of the RAF at Mildenhall, Suffolk, and Duxford, Cambridgeshire. Papers relating to post as Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Middle East, notably memoranda, cypher signals, letters and notes, 1931-1936, relating to RAF operations, mainly planning and preparation for the possibility of war between the League of Nations and Italy following the Italian invasion and annexation of Abyssinia; correspondence with ACM Sir Edward Leonard Ellington, Chief of Air Staff, 1935-1936; memoranda, telegrams, correspondence and newscuttings on operational matters relating to the Arab Rebellion against the British Mandate in Palestine, 1936; material collated by Brooke-Popham for lectures on the Middle East, 1930, 1936; correspondence, memoranda and minutes relating to the formation and working of an Executive Committee on Assyrian Settlement, 1943-1947. Papers relating to the creation and implementation of the Empire Air Training Scheme in Canada and South Africa, 1939-1945, including personal correspondence with Arthur William Street, Permanent Under-Secretary of State for Air, 1940. Papers relating to post as Commander in Chief, Far East, notably telegrams and memoranda relating to the requirements of the RAF and Army in the Far East, 1940-1949; personal correspondence with Maj Gen Sir Hastings Lionel Ismay, Secretary to the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1940-1941; semi-official correspondence with Street, 1940-1941; material relating to the replacement of Brooke-Popham as Commander in Chief, Far East, Nov 1941; telegrams relating to reconnaissance sightings of Japanese convoys, the decision not to launch Operation MATADOR, the outbreak of war with Japan, and the sinking of RN battleships HMS PRINCE OF WALES and HMS REPULSE, Dec 1941; papers, correspondence and proofs relating to the publication of various despatches and reports concerning operations in Malaya, 1941-1947. Papers created whilst Inspector General of the Air Training Corps, 1942-1947, 1950-1952, mainly comprising inspection reports and material relating to the post-war organisation of the Air Training Corps. Booklets, memoranda, and reports collated by Brooke-Popham relating to RAF training, policy and operations, [1914]-1946. Material relating to research for and writing of articles, lectures and pamphlets, mainly relating to history, aviation or training, 1923-1952. Printed material, 1890-1953, mainly relating to aviation. Maps and photographs, 1917-[1945], including aerial photographs of the Western Front during World War One, 1917-1918.

Popham, Sir Henry Robert Moore, Brooke-, 1878-1953, Knight, Air Chief Marshal


  • MFF13-MFF14
  • Collection
  • 1945-1946

Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series 1, Volume 4, and, Series 2 Volume 2, are microfilmed copies of documents relating to British foreign policy, 1945-1950. Part of a larger collection encompassing British foreign policy, 1945-1955, the microfiche in this collection relate specifically to Anglo-American relations, Dec 1945- Jun 1950. This collection is in two sections. The first includes documents relating to the establishment of an Anglo- American Cold War strategy; the exchange of atomic information and technology between the US and Britain; the use of British mainland and colonial bases by US armed forces; and the allocation of American funds to Britain as part of the European Recovery Program. The second section relates specifically to Anglo-American strategic and defence conferences which took place in London, Jan-Jun 1950. Documents concern the exchange of nuclear technology between the two powers; British and American political and military support to nations wishing to prevent communist insurrection; US involvement in the Middle East; the security of British and American sectors in the Federal Republic of Germany; British and American relations with Western European nations; and the strengthening of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Results 141 to 160 of 182