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Only top-level descriptions Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives World War One (1914-1918)
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CUMMINS, Col Stevenson Lyle (1873-1949)

  • Collection
  • 1898-1917

Papers of Colonel Stevenson Lyle Cummins comprising memoirs of service in Africa and France, 1898-1918, and war diaries and other papers, 1914-1916. Copy memoir, 1873-1904, detailing service with Medical Service Corps in Egypt and the Sudan, including accounts of medical work handling wounds and cases of typhoid, diarrhoea, malaria, fevers, dehydration and scorpion stings at locations including: Genetti Fort, Sudan, Darmali Camp, Sudan; Omdurman Camp, Sudan; Waw Garrison, Sudan and the Kassala District, Sudan; also accounts of Battle of Omdurman, 1898; an expedition to recapture the town of Gallabat, Sudan, from Abyssinian forces; expeditions in the Bar el Ghazal region, Sudan, to capture cattle and burn huts in Dinka villages and visit friendly Dinka chieftains; and an attack on Ibrahim Wad Mahmud, slaver, at Jerok, Sudan. Includes detail of hunting expeditions and daily life for troops. Copy memoir of World War One service, 1914-1918. War diary kept by Cummins as Deputy Assistant Director General, Medical Services, British Expeditionary Force, France, 1 Jan - 31 Dec 1915, with appendiced reports, memoranda and correspondence on: treatment of cerebro-spinal meningitis, trench foot (described as 'chilled feet' or frost-bite) and the supply of waterproof paper stockings, gum boots and whale oil as preventatives, anti gas precautions; logistical reports concerning personnel, evacuations, ambulance trains and barges; reports of an enquiry into an enemy chlorine and bromine gas attack to the south of "Shell Trap Farm" (village of St Julien, near Ypres), 24 May, 1915; report on captured German trenches, 16 June 1915; copy letter from General Sir Cecil Frederick Nevil Macready to the War Office regarding the establishment of a Central Laboratory for experimental work on prevention of gas asphyxiation; copy letter from Sir Arthur Sloggett to Sir Alfred Keogh, 9 Dec 1915, on the possibility of researching improved personal armour at Imperial College London. War diary for Report Centre GHQ, Hazebrouck, 10-17 March 1915, detailing logistics of transportation of wounded from Clearing Stations. War diary for Advanced GHQ, 8-23 May 1915, including casualty figures at Gas Clearing Stations; routine orders issued by General Sir Cecil Frederick Nevil Macready, Adjutant General, British Expeditionary Force, 18 Aug 1914, concerning procedures if taken prisoner, if a white flag should be hoisted by the enemy, the speed at which to drive motor-cars, and the correct procedure for saluting; report on the provision and stocking of ambulance trains, 9 March 1916; report on provision of extra personnel for Casualty Clearing Stations during heavy fighting, 9 March 1916; undated casualty figures at Casualty Clearing Stations for the 1 Army, 2 Army and 3 Army.

Cummins, Stevenson Lyle, 1873-1949, Colonel

COVERNTON, Capt Ralph Henry (1869-1952)

  • Collection
  • [1945-1967]

Bound typescript entitled 'Fifty odd years of memoirs', covering his life and career, 1893-1945, notably his work as an engineer in South Africa, 1894-1899, 1901-1904, 1909-1911, his travels in South Africa, 1895, East Africa, 1904, and Canada, 1907, his service as a volunteer stretcher bearer with the Royal Army Medical Corps, South Africa, 1899-1900, including the siege of Ladysmith, 1899-1900, his service with the South African Engineer Corps, German South West Africa, 1914-1915, and with the South African Signal Company, Royal Engineers, France, 1916, including the Battle of the Somme, Jul 1916, and his experiences in the Channel Islands during German occupation, 1940-1945, dated [1945-1967].

Covernton, Ralph Henry, 1869-1952, Captain

COUSLAND, Lt Col Kenneth Harrington (1894-1987)

  • Collection
  • 1974

Photocopy of privately published memoir, 'The Great War, 1914-1818: a former 'Gunner' of the First World War looks back', a detailed account of his military career, 1913-1919, covering mobilisation in Edinburgh, artillery, gas warfare and veterinary training, service with the Royal Field Artillery on the Western Front, 1915-1918, notably action around Vimy, May-Jun 1917, Lens, June-Oct 1917, and the Somme front, Feb-Oct 1918, and entry into Lille, Oct 1918, and demobilisation in Brussels, Feb 1919, written in [1974]. Includes reproductions of photographs and extracts from his letters home and his diary.

Cousland, Kenneth Harrington, 1894-1987, Lieutenant Colonel

CORSON, Commander Peter Francis Reid (1925-2007)

  • Collection
  • 1905-1963

Published memoir by Cdr Peter Francis Reid Corson: Call the Middle Watch: An Account of Life at Sea in the Royal Navy 1905 to 1963 (Pentland Press, Edinburgh, 1997), narrating the naval career of his father, R Adm Eric Reid Corson (1887-1972), 1905-1941, and Cdr P F R Corson's own naval career, 1943-1963. Includes R Adm E R Corson's letters home, sketches and notes from Port Arthur, China, 1905, the West Indies, 1910, the Persian Gulf, 1913-1914, and the British Grand Fleet, 1916. Also Cdr P F R Corson's memoirs of service with the Eastern Fleet, 1944-1945, in the Persian Gulf, 1946-1948, the Malayan Emergency, 1948, Malta and Gibraltar, 1949-1950, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 1950, service as trainer, Boys Training Squadron, Rosyth, Scotland, 1952-1954, service as naval respresentative, Joint Planning Staff, Middle East, Cyprus, 1956-1958, commanding HMS RUSSELL, Fishery Protection Squad, Iceland, 1958-1962; commanding HMS BARROSA, Radar Picket ship, Far East, 1962-1968.

Corson, Peter Francis Reid, 1925-2007, Commander

CORBETT, Sir Julian Stafford (1854-1922)

  • Collection
  • 1903-1920

Manuscript notes by Corbett, for lectures, given at the Royal Naval War College, Portsmouth, Hampshire, between 1903-1918 relating to the First Anglo-Dutch War, 1652-1654, the War of the Spanish Succession, 1701-1714, the Trafalgar campaign, Napoleonic Wars, 1805, the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905, and combined operations. Six letters to Corbett, dated 1905, on a lecture given at the Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, from Col Sir Henry Seymour Rawlinson, 1st Bt, and R Adm Edmund John Warre Slade. Four letters to Corbett, dated 1906-1907, on a lecture to be given at Aldershot, 1907, from Maj Gen Sir Bruce Meade Hamilton and Adm Sir Lewis Anthony Beaumont. Four letters to Corbett, dated 1919-1920, on the writing of the Official History of the Great War: Naval operations (Longmans, London, 1920-1931), from Sir Maurice Pascal Alers Hankey, Secretary to the Cabinet, AF John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1st Viscount Jellicoe of Scapa (former First Sea Lord) and two from AF David Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty of the North Sea and of Brooksby, First Sea Lord.

Corbett, Sir Julian Stafford, 1854-1922, Knight, naval historian

COOK, Pte Charles St George (1891-1972)

  • COOK
  • Collection
  • 1914-1915

Letters From A Volunteer, a pamphlet edition of letters written to his parents while in barracks at Dover with 3 and 10 Bns East Surrey Regt, Oct 1914-Jan 1915, illustrated with photographs and privately published by Don(ald) Cook in 1984; photocopies of two articles by Donald Cook, namely 'The agony of Loos', on the Battle of Loos, France, Sep 1915, from Stand To! The Journal of the Western Front Association, Summer 1985, and 'Divisional Commander in France: General Sir David Campbell GCB', on the military career of Campbell, 1896-1936, particularly his service on the Western Front, 1914-1918, and his role as commander of 21 Div, 1916-1919, from The Army Quarterly and Defence Journal, vol 118, no 2, Apr 1988; copies of sketch maps relating to the above articles, [1984-1988].

Cook, Charles St George, 1891-1972, Private

CONNELL, Lt Col James Charles Walter (1877-1958)

  • Collection
  • 1916

Copy of field service log book recording service of 8 Bn, Gordon Highlanders and 6 Bn, Royal Scots Fusiliers (commanded by Lt Col Winston Spencer Churchill, Ypres, Belgium, Jan-Mar 1916.

Connell, James Charles Walter, 1877-1958, Lieutenant Colonel

COLLINS, Gp Capt Arthur Edgar Gerald (1891-1979)

  • Collection
  • 1917-1918

Thirty two British and French printed maps of France, Belgium, Germany and the UK, various scales, 1911-1918, including annotated trench maps of operations and advances during the Battles of Cambrai, 1917, Bellecourt, 1917, and Fourth Battle of Arras, 1918, with newspaper cuttings of the Western Front, 1918 and aerial photograph of Solesmes, France, annotated with position of 461 Field Company Royal Engineers, 19-20 Oct 1918, also painted unit insignia of 62 (2 West Riding) Div, Royal Engineers [1918].

Collins, Arthur Edgar Gerald, 1891-1979, Group Captain

CODRINGTON, Lt Col John Alfred (1898-1991)

  • Collection
  • 1898-1947

Typescript edited and unedited versions of memoirs of Lt Col John Alfred Codrington, [1947] entitled 'Gathering moss', 1898-1944, including account of service with British Mission Allied Armies of the Orient, Smyrna, Turkey, 1920, and as British Liaison Officer to French forces in Syria, 1926-1929. Photographs and papers, including notebook with manuscript notes on Regimental history of the Coldstream Guards, military training and preparations for deployment to France, 1917, eight watercolour paintings of churches in French towns, 1918, and photograph of Gen Sir George Wentworth Alexander Higginson at the unveiling of the Guards Memorial, St James's Park, London, 1926.

Codrington, John Alfred, 1898-1991, Lieutenant Colonel

CLIVE, Lt Gen Sir Sidney (1874-1959)

  • Collection
  • 1914-1918

Letter book containing letters and telegrams received and sent by Clive as head of British missions, General HQ, France, 1917-1918, including letters concerning the movement of troops and administration, supplies of artillery and equipment, French infantry resources and liaison between French and British High Commands; letter from [Maj Gen Frederick Barton] Maurice, War Office, 18 Aug 1917, concerning move to establish Allied General Staff in Paris and possible transfer of troops from British front to Italy. Diaries, 1914-1918, containing detailed descriptions of daily events at General HQ, France, 1914-1918.

Clive, Sir George Sidney, 1874-1959, Knight, Lieutenant Colonel

CLIFFORD, Col Esmond Humphrey Miller (1895-1970)

  • Collection
  • 1892-1960

Narrative of operations of 7 Division, 1918 by the Revd E C Crosse including reference to Clifford's service as Officer Commanding 95 Field Company, Royal Engineers; papers relating to Anglo-Italian Jubaland Boundary Commission, 1925-1928 including maps; British Somaliland-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1931-1936, including intelligence reports on French Somaliland, air survey operations, Walwal incident between Italian and Ethiopian troops, and printed reports on the work of the Commission; Chief Engineer, China Command, including report on Royal Engineers in Hong Kong, 1941-1942; Kenya-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, 1950-1957, including diaries, 1951-1955, printed reports, and maps of the boundary, 1946-1949; published articles by Clifford, 1928-1947, mainly on boundary commissions; technical manuals, 1924-1932, including surveying; publications and printed works, 1892-1952, including boundary commissions.

Clifford, Esmond Humphrey Miller, 1895-1970, Colonel

CLARKE, Brig Frederick Arthur Stanley (1892-1972)

  • Collection
  • 1923-1968

Typescript draft of 'The memoirs of a professional soldier in peace and war', an unpublished account of Clarke's career in the army, including service in Gallipoli and Palestine during World War One, 1968; various papers and pamphlets collated by Clarke, mainly relating to the training and performance of the Royal West African Frontier Force, 1923-[1960]; articles written by Clarke and published in British and African journals and periodicals, 1926-1959; printer's transparencies of maps used by Clarke in Part Two of the History of the Royal West African Frontier Force (Gale and Polden, Aldershot, 1964).

Clarke, Frederick Arthur Stanley, 1892-1972, Brigadier

CHATER, Maj Gen Arthur Reginald (1896-1979)

  • Collection
  • 1915-1978

The papers cover the period 1915-1978, and include papers on his service in World War One, in particular extracts from diary on Galliopoli offensive May 1915 and Allied raid on Zeebrugge, Apr 1918; correspondence, narratives of operations and photographs from service as Officer Commanding Sudan Camel Corps, 1927-1930; reports on defence of British Somaliland and accounts of Italian invasion of Somaliland from service as Officer Commanding Somaliland Camel Corps, 1937-1940; papers on service as Military Governor and Officer Commaning, British Somaliland, 1941-1943; papers on service as Officer Commanding Portsmouth Div Royal Marines, including narrative of Operation OVERLORD, 1943-1944; papers on service as Director of Combined Operations, India and South-East Asia, including notes on Operation LIGHTNING, 1944-1945; papers on service as Commander Chatham Group Royal Marines, including lecture notes1946-1948; unpublished manuscripts on aspects of Allied war effort in British Somaliland; papers on service as Honorary Colonel Somaliland Scouts, 1948-1958, and membership of Anglo-Somali-Society, 1960-1978.

Chater, Arthur Reginald, 1896-1979, Major General

CHARTERIS, Brig Gen John (1877-1946)

  • Collection
  • 1895-[1920]

Microfilm copies of papers relating to his life and career, dated 1906, 1913, 1914-1918, 1925, 1928-1931, [1933]-1934, 1940, 1944-1946, principally comprising letters, telegrams and postcards to his wife Noel Charteris, 1914-1918, notably describing his intelligence work at 1 Army HQ and BEF General HQ, 1914-1918; letters from Brig Gen Sir James Edward Edmonds commenting on the proofs of At GHQ (Cassell and Co, London, 1931), 1929, 1931; correspondence relating to his writings on FM Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig, 1928-1931; typescript text of lecture on the role of the Intelligence Service during World War One, dated 1925; notes and newspaper cutting concerning allegations about British use in World War One of a propaganda story about the German Army boiling down dead troops for fats, 1925; obituary reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal, 1946. Copies of group and family photographs, [1895-1920], with photograph of railway bridge over the River Beas at Rohi, India, under construction by No 1 Company, 1 Prince of Wales' Own Sappers and Miners, 1910.

Charteris, John, 1877-1946, Brigadier General

CHARRINGTON, Brig Harold Vincent Spencer (1886-1965)

  • Collection
  • 1914-1965

Papers relating to service with the 12 (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers during World War One, notably relating the advance into Flanders, the first Battle of Ypres, and the advance to, and fighting around, Amiens, 1914-1935; the writing and publication of Charrington's book Where Cavalry Stands Today (Hugh Rees, London, 1927), 1927-1928; papers from a report by Charrington on the operations of the British Army in Eritrea and Abyssinia during 1941; correspondence, narratives, photographs and maps relating to Charrington's command of 1 Armoured Bde during operations in Greece and Crete, 1941, 1941-1962.

Charrington, Harold Vincent Spencer, 1886-1965, Brigadier

CHAMBERLAIN, Brig Noel Joseph (1895-1970)

  • Collection
  • 1916-1971

Copies of papers and photographs relating to Chamberlain's life and career, 1906-1970, including unpublished manuscript memoirs, 1906-1923; papers relating to pay and postings, 1915-1949; account of service with Royal Flying Corps, 1916-1917; typescript report on visit to Palestine, 1920; papers relating to service as Education Officer, London District, 1924-1928, including typescript official report by Chamberlain to Maj Gen Walter Patrick Hore- Ruthven, 2nd Baron Ruthven, General Officer Commanding London District on visit to the Army of the Irish Free State, 1926; papers relating to service as Education Officer, Headquarters Presidency and Assam District, India, 1934-1938, including letters from Maj Gen John Standish Surtees Prendergast Vereker, 6th Viscount Gort, 1934-1937, Maj Gen George Mackintosh Lindsay, 1938 and Brig Eric Edward Dorman Smith, 1938, and typescript account of tour of Tibet, 1937; uncaptioned photographs of tour of Tibet, 1937; article by Chamberlain from The Journal of the Army Educational Corps, on the Tibet tour, 1938, also two articles from The Journal of the Royal Army Educational Corps, on a visit by HM Queen Elizabeth II in Jul 1950 to the Army College, Wellbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire (1951), and on the Command Education Officers' Conference, 1951, including printed photograph of all officers, including Chamberlain, still serving with the Royal Army Educational Corps who were commissioned into the Army Education Corps on its formation in 1920, with texts of speeches, 1953 and 1955; correspondence including letters from Gort thanking Chamberlain for sympathy on the death of his son, Lt Hon Charles Standish Prendergast Vereker, Grenadier Guards, and on the Governorship of Gibraltar, 1941, and letters from Gen Sir Richard Nelson Gale and Gen Sir James Stuart Steele, congratulating Chamberlain on the award of the CBE, 1956-1957; reports and memoranda relating to service as Chief Education Officer, British North Africa Force, 1943-1945 and Middle East Land Forces, 1947-1948; press cuttings, 1953-1958 and obituaries, 1970-1971.

Chamberlain, Noel Joseph, 1895-1970, Brigadier

CAWLEY, Capt Harold Thomas 1878-1915

  • Collection
  • 1915

Transcript of uncensored letter from Captain Harold Thomas Cawley, Aide de Camp to Major General Sir William Douglas at Headquarters, 42 Division, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, to his father Frederick Cawley MP, August or September 1915. Includes frank assessment of the military situation at Gallipolli with severe criticism of General Sir Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton, Lieutenant General Sir Aylmer Gould Hunter-Weston and Major General Sir William Douglas; description of landings and attacks carried out between 4 June and 7 August 1915 and evaluation of the Turkish forces.

Cawley, Harold Thomas, 1878-1915, Captain

CAUNTER, Brig John Alan Lyde (1889-1981)

  • Collection
  • 1908-[1960]

Papers and photographs relating to Caunter's career, 1908-[1960], including one photograph album, containing 90 photographs, newspaper cuttings and invitations, 1908-1933, notably photographs of Crefeld POW camp, Germany, 1916, Caunter's return to UK following his escape from Schwarmstedt POW camp, Germany, 1917, group photographs of officers, Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, 1922-1923 and Senior Officers Course, Hythe, Kent, 1927, with thirty five loose photographs, 1909-1941, including Salonika, 1918, Iraq, 1920-1921, Egypt, 1936, and Western Desert, Libya, 1941. Papers relating to the First Libyan Campaign, Western Desert, 1940-1941, and Caunter's command of 4 Armoured Bde in the capture of Fort Capuzzo, Battle of Beda Fomm, Libya, Feb 1941, including typescript memorandum by Caunter entitled 'Notes on the disposal of prisoners captured by AFV (Armoured Fighting Vehicle) units', 1 Oct 1940; two typescript 7 Armoured Div intelligence summaries, Dec 1940; typescript memorandum by Caunter entitled 'Some lessons from the campaign', [1941]; typescript account entitled 'The story of the 4th Armoured Brigade in the First Libyan campaign', Western Desert, 1940-1941; two letters from Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, dated Jan 1947 and Dec 1951, relating to Caunter's deployment of armoured forces in the Battle of Beda Fomm, Western Desert, Feb 1941. Memoranda and reports relating to Caunter's service as Brig General Staff and Deputy Director of Staff Duties, Armoured Troops, General Headquarters, India, 1941-1943, including typescript memorandum by Caunter, 'Defence of the North West Frontier of India and appreciation' [1942]; typescript report by Lt Col Rothwell H Brown, US Army, 'Report of conditions noted in armoured units and ordnance establishments by the US Army Tank Training Detachment', 10 Nov 1942; edition of Tanks and tank folk by Eric Kennington (Country Life, London, 1943).

Caunter, John Alan Lyde, 1889-1981, Brigadier

CARR, Lt Gen Laurence (1886-1954)

  • CARR
  • Collection
  • 1915-1940

Letters to his wife, Elizabeth Montgomery Carr, 1914-1940, including service on the Western Front during World War One, 1915-1918, in India, 1920-1926, and with 2 Infantry Bde, in Palestine, including details of Arab and Jewish unrest and the policing of the area by the British Army, 1936-1937. Certificates recording mentions in despatches during World War One, 1915-1918 and Warrants of Appointment for DSO, 1917 and OBE, 1919.

Carr, Laurence, 1886-1954, Lieutenant General

CAPPER, Maj Gen Sir John Edward (1861-1955)

  • Collection
  • 1900

Papers relating to the military career of Maj Gen Sir John Edward Capper, dated 1900, [1910] and [1913], 1917-1918, principally comprising typescript notes on military aeronautics, [1910]; text of his lecture to the Staff College on the effect of aircraft on war, [1913]; telegrams between German High Seas Fleet and V Adm Sir David Beatty, Commander-in-Chief of the British Grand Fleet, concerning the surrender of the former at Scapa Flow, 1918; 'Report of the commission appointed by Act of Parliament to enquire into the operations of war in Mesopotamia' (London, HMSO, 1917). Copy of typescript text on the Capper Medal Collection, Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, [1969], including brief biographies of members of the Capper family.

Capper, Sir John Edward, 1861-1955, Knight, Major General

Results 141 to 160 of 197