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GRAHAM, Professor Gerald Sandford (1903-1988)

  • K/PP43
  • Collection
  • 1930-1990

Correspondence, [1947-1983], with fellow academics and graduate students, notably Professor Charles Ralph Boxer, Professor of History, Yale University, and former Camoens Professor of Portuguese, King's College London; Professor John Bartlett Brebner, Professor of History, Columbia University, New York; Professor Donald Grant Creighton, Professor of History, University of Toronto, Canada; Professor Kenneth Onwuka Dike, Professor of History, University College, Ibadan, Nigeria; Professor John Kenneth Galbraith, Professor of Economics, Harvard University; and Professor Charles Anthony Woodward Manning, Professor of International Relations, London School of Economics. Lecture texts with notes, newspaper cuttings and correspondence, [1946-1983], mainly relating to British Imperial and Commonwealth history, colonial history and naval history, and including lectures on Nigeria, New Zealand, India, South Africa and Canada. Reviews of books written by Graham, 1930-1972, notably Tide of Empire: discursions on the expansion of Britain overseas (McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal and London, 1972), British policy and Canada, 1774-1791 (Longmans and Co, London, 1930), A concise history of the British Empire (Thames and Hudson, London, 1970), Great Britain in the Indian Ocean: a study of maritime enterprise 1810-1850 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1967), Empire of the North Atlantic: the maritime struggle for North America (University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1950), and The politics of naval supremacy: studies in British maritime ascendancy (University Press, Cambridge, 1965). Texts of articles, speeches and broadcasts by Graham, 1940-[1983], with relevant notes and newspaper cuttings, including broadcasts made in Canada, [1945-1983], various speeches, 1946-1972, made in Canada and Germany, and copies of reviews by Graham. Numerous drafts of, and notes relating to, The China Station: war and diplomacy 1830-1860 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1978). Photographs, slides and negatives, mainly in connection with Graham's academic voyages [1930-1972]. Offprints and articles by others on historical topics, [1930-1981], relating to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the Admiralty and the Royal Navy, the British Commonwealth, and Africa. Letters of reference, [1956-1981], filed alphabetically, and Royalty Statements, 1954-1980. Correspondence with Joe Malone, 1951-1967, John Flint, 1954-1990, and Malcolm Lester, 1951-1987. Index to Graham's postgraduate students.

Graham, Gerald Sandford, 1903-1988, Professor of History

MARSDEN, William (1754-1836)

  • K/PP136
  • Collection
  • c1580-1805

Manuscripts collected by William Marsden, including letters and other material, 1627-1668, relating to Portuguese Catholic missionaries in India, some from Ajmir and Agra, and Tibet; texts, grammars and vocabularies, [17th-18th centuries], including Welsh; Icelandic; Kannada; Tamil fragments, some on palmyra leaves; Javanese text; Tagalog fragments; manuscript letter from C T de Murr to William Marsden, 24 Feb 1797, regarding the Bibliotheca glottica universalis, with accompanying typescript transcription; Ionian (Greek) newspaper concerning King George III, 1805.

Several items were transferred to the Foyle Special Collections Library at King’s College London in 2018: martyrology of Portuguese missionaries in India and other parts of Asia, [17th century]; manuscript entitled 'Principio do dereito q. tem el Rey de Portugal da Ilha de Goa...1595', bound with 'Livro tresladado dos contos de Goa de todos os ordenados q. Sua Magestade da na India...', both 1658, also with cipher used presumably by the Jesuits, 'Cifra da Compa. q. devem ter todos os superiores...'; 'Bocabulario Tagalo', [c1580]; 'Vocabulario de la lengua Iloca'.

Marsden, William, 1754-1836, orientalist and numismatist

MILLINGEN, Professor Alexander Van (1840-1915)

  • K/PP139
  • Collection
  • c1870s-c1900s

Papers of Alexander Van Millingen on history, architecture and archaeology, c1870s-c1900s (mostly undated), relating mainly to Constantinople and Byzantium but also to Biblical history, Greek and Roman history, history of philosophy and religion, early church history, and history of art, and including manuscript notes (some in notebooks), manuscript and typescript drafts, news cuttings, sketches, transcriptions and rubbings of inscriptions, and a few items of personal material, notably financial accounts and address books; photographs (some labelled as unpublished), plate proofs and sketches of buildings and monuments, and reproductions of inscriptions, including the walls of Constantinople and churches including Saint Eirene, Theodore, Theodosia, Sergios and Bacchos, Peter and Mark, Andrew in Krisis, Ioannes in Troullos, Christos in Chora, and Pantokrator (some items are endorsed with notes); photograph album of people and places in France, Germany, Italy, Austria, England, Montenegro, India, Tunis and Malta, 1889-1895 (where dated); plans of buildings, comprising the Egyptian obelisk in the Hippodrome, Constantinople, and the churches Saint Mary Mouchliotissa, Thekla, Mary Panachrantos, Peter and Mark, Mary Diaconissa, Theodosia, Saviour Pantepoptes, Theodore Thetiro, Mary Pammakaristos, John the Baptist of the Studion, the Church of the Myrelaion, the Monastir Mesjedi, the Refectory of the Monastery of Manuel, the Bogdan Serai, the Sanjakdar Mesjedi, and the Balaban Aga Mesjedi.

Millingen, Alexander, Van, 1840-1915, Professor of History


  • RBNA
  • Collection
  • 1887-1996

Archives of the Royal British Nurses Association (RBNA) and the British College of Nurses (BCN), comprising: RBNA administrative records including: General Council minutes 1887-1961; Annual General Meeting minutes 1889-1946; Executive Committee minutes, 1887-1982; Registration Board minutes, 1890-1904; Registration Committee minutes, 1904-1923; Membership Registers, 1888-1966; Register of Midwives, 1890-1908; Nursing Journal Editorial Committee minutes, 1891-1906; Finance Sub-committee minutes, 1895-1909; Auxiliary Nurses Society minutes, 1903-1904; Trained Nurses Annuity Fund minutes 1912-1931, salary book, 1957-1965; Princess Christian Memorial Committee minutes and accounts, 1919-1927; House Committee minutes, 1921-1926; League of Private Nurses minutes, 1929-1949; Visitors Books, 1917-1961; Annual Reports (printed) 1902, 1913, 1915-1916, 1918, 1926, 1936, 1953-1954- 1959-1971, 1975, 1978, 1982, 1983, 1986; Accounts (printed) 1912, 1914, 1916, 1919-1920, 1923, 1927, 1929, 1932-1938, 1944-1946, 1950-1953, 1955, 1959-1963, 1965-1969, 1971-1973, 1976-1978, 1981-1983, 1985, 1988, 1990-1996; Edith Mary Fletcher Fund accounts (printed) 1963-1969, 1971-1973, 1975-1976, 1978, 1986, 1990-1996; Trained Nurses Annuity Fund Annual Reports (printed) 1887-1888, 1890-1895, 1897, 1899, 1906-1909, 1922-1924, 1929-1949, 1951, 1953, 1980; Trained Nurses Annuity Fund accounts (printed) 1919, 1926-1928, 1935, 1937, 1950, 1952-1955, 1959-1966, 1968-1970, 1972, 1974, 1978-1979, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991-1996 Letters from HRH Princess Christian to officers of the Association (mainly Isabel Macdonald), 1893, 1900, 1917-1921 (22 items) Other Royal correspondence, 1917-1998 including letters from Princess Arthur of Connaught: (25 items) RBNA general letters and papers, 1886-1994, including letters to Ethel Fenwick (Mrs Bedford Fenwick) on the establishment of the RBNA, 1887-1888; correspondence and papers on the Association's application for a Royal Charter, 1891-1893; correspondence and papers on introduction of Nurse Registration Bills, 1908-1910; correspondence and papers on the foundation of the College of Nursing, and possible merger with the RBNA, 1916-1917; correspondence and papers on the College of Nursing's petition for a Royal Charter, and the RBNA's opposition, 1927; correspondence on the RBNA's opposition to the new Nurses' Registration Act, 1940; correspondence with the Standing Conference of Essex Matrons and the Ministry of Health on the position of assistant Nurses, 1942-1944; correspondence with the Ministry of Health on the Society of Chartered Nurses, 1953-1955; British College of Nurses (BCN) general letters and papers, 1926-1955; including Council minutes, 1926-1927; correspondence and papers on constitution and bye-laws, 1926-1927; press cuttings, 1926-1930; visitors book, 1929-1955; Book of Remembrance, 1926-1953; name and subject card indexes BCN: papers on the history of nursing, 1870-1955; including letters on the employment of lady nurses at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, and the East London Hospital for Children, 1870; press cuttings about seven nurses involved in criminal proceedings, 1905-1910; copy of the British Journal of Nursing, containing account of the execution of Nurse Edith Cavell, 1915; correspondence and papers on nurses' registration, 1917-1918; notes on the nursing career of Mildred Heather-Bigg, (1857-1928) and Catherine Wood (1841-1930) BCN: material relating to Florence Nightingale, 1852-1939; including correspondence between Nightingale and William Clark, on sanitary reform in India, 1871-1875; obituaries, 1910; letters to Miss Bushby about Nightingale letters sold, given and loaned to her for the BCN's History of Nursing Section, 1930-1934; Papers relating to Ethel Fenwick (Mrs Bedford Fenwick), 1896-1937, including: press cuttings on exhibition on nursing held at St Martin's Town Hall, Charing Cross, London, 1896; business papers for the Nursing Journal and the British Journal of Nursing, 1899-1909; annotated copy of the Nurses' Registration Bill, 1914; annual reports of the Matrons' Council, 1926-1927; correspondence and papers on the Isla Stewart memorial committee, 1929; file of papers preserved by Fenwick relating to her being voted off the Florence Nightingale Foundation Standing Committee, 1937-1938 Papers relating to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), 1900-1937, including minutes of meeting of Provisional Committee, 1900; letter from Sister Agnes Karll, Berlin, on nurses in Germany, 1911; letter from Margot Larsson, Norwegian Council of Trained Nurses on nurses in Norway, 1915; papers on the 1929 ICN Congress in Montreal, Canada, 1929; papers on the 1933 ICN Congress, in Paris and Brussels, 1933; papers on the 1937 ICN Congress in London Printed material: RBNA Publications including Annual Reports, 1889-1890; Register of Trained Nurses, 1892; Roll of Members, 1909; Books on the history of nursing, Florence Nightingale and the Royal Family; Pamphlets on the history of nursing; Periodicals including British Journal of Nursing , 1888-1955; Nurses' Journal , 1891-1918 [merged with British Journal of Nursing , 1918]; International Nursing Review , 1926-1939; Journal of the Royal British Nurses' Association , 1947-1963 Photographs and illustrations, 1863-1950, including photographs of the Royal Family, Florence Nightingale, Mrs Bedford Fenwick and her family, and other officers of the RBNA including Isobel Macdonald, Margaret Breay and Miss H M Campbell; photographs and illustrations relating to the history of nursing, including photographs, training certificates and papers relating to the nursing career of Agnes Wotherspoon-Baird, 1911-1950; Embroidered silks commemorating the Coronation of King George IV, 1821, the International Exhibition, London, 1862, and Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1897 Artefacts including RBNA badges, other badges and medals and RBNA banner

Royal British Nurses' Association, 1887-