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ATAÍDE, António de, 1st Count of Castro-Daire (1567-1647)

  • K/PP165
  • Collection
  • 1628-1633

Bound volume containing papers relating to the activities of the Portuguese East India Company, 1628-1633, collected and annotated by Ataíde, and including letters from company representatives at Goa, papers relating to the fitting out and repair of company ships at Lisbon and Goa; memoranda of company export purchases, particularly pepper and indigo, price lists and balance sheets, 1629-1633, and report of judicial court of enquiry held at Goa in 1630 in connection with the fitting out of the carracks SANTO IGNÁCIO DE LOYOLA and BOM JESUS DO MONTE CALVÁRIO.

Ataíde, António de, 1567-1647, 1st Count of Castro-Daire

MORRISON, George Ernest (1862-1920)

  • K/PP140
  • Collection
  • 1668-1685

Papers, 1668-1685, from George Ernest Morrison's collection relating to the activities of Jesuit missionaries, principally in the Far East, including a legal document on Roman Catholic martyrs in Flanders, Japan, England and elsewhere, signed by the notary Hermanus Bex and others and with the great seal of the City of Liege, 1668, and correspondence and other documents concerning missions including transcripts of petitions protesting against the activities of the Vicars Apostolic, and in favour of the Jesuits, of Christians in Cochin China (Annam) and Indochina, 1681-1682.

Morrison, George Ernest, 1862-1920, foreign correspondent of The Times

FURNIVALL, Frederick James (1825-1910)

  • K/PP132
  • Collection
  • 1760

Papers, 1841-1967, including: correspondence and papers relating to Furnivall's family, his inheritance and the family home, Great Fosters House, Egham, Surrey, 1865-1926; papers relating to Furnivall's university education, including notes of Professor Thomas Graham's lectures on chemistry and Professor Henry Malden's lectures on the Greek language, University College London, 1841-1842; personal accounts, invoices and receipts, 1863-1908; correspondence to and from friends and acquaintances, 1865-1910, including William Woodham Webb, Walter Brindley Slater, George Edward Cockayne, Thomas Arnold and Beatrice Harraden; Teena Rochfort-Smith. A Memoir , publication paying tribute to Furnivall's mistress, 1883; photographic images of Furnivall, 1876-[1910]; papers relating to the study of philology and the Philological Society, 1858-1909, notably letters and publications concerning the New English Dictionary , 1859-1909; journals, correspondence, lecture notes and printed material relating to the Working Men's College, education and social reform, 1842-1912; papers relating to the Early English Text Society, 1865-1910, notably letters from Walter William Skeat concerning the editing and publication of William Langland's Piers Plowman , 1866; correspondence, proofs, notes relating to the Chaucer Society, 1866-1900; papers relating to the Ballad Society, 1867-1875, principally correspondence and proofs concerning the publication of Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript , 1867-1868; correspondence and notes regarding the formation of the proposed Lydgate and Occleve Society, 1872; correspondence, publications and proofs relating to the New Shakspere Society, 1873-1886; articles and printed circulars relating to an acrimonious dispute with Algernon Swinburne, 1876-1881; notes of lectures on Shakespeare and Elizabethan literature given by Furnivall, John Llewellyn Davies, John Wesley Hales, George MacDonald and William Spalding, 1874-1876; papers relating to the Browning Society, 1881-1967, notably Woodburytype image of Robert Browning, 1881; Browning Society proceedings, entertainment programmes and papers, 1884-1892; two letters from Robert Browning, 1874-1888; letters from Alma Forman [Alma Murray] concerning the Browning Society's theatre productions, 1885-1888; correspondence relating to a lawsuit brought by Leonard Outram, 1886-1888; prospectus, reports, letters and newspaper cuttings relating to Shelley and the Shelley Society, 1886-1892; publications relating to Thomas James Wise's Ashley Library, 1887-1895; correspondence relating to fundraising for the Maurice Rowing Club, 1886-1887; correspondence and newspaper cuttings relating to the debate over the superiority of sculls over oars, 1886; letters, memoranda and bills of sales relating to the purchase and repair of boats and sculls, 1886-1889; photographic postcards of the Hammersmith Girls Sculling Club [later the Furnivall Sculling Club], 1907; leaflets, prospectuses and letters relating to other societies, 1870-1910; obituaries and memorials to Furnivall, 1910-1949; miscellaneous material including Genuine and Curious Memoirs of the Famous Captain Thurot by John Francis Durand. (London: J Burd & J Williams, 1760) and Pigot & Co's New Map of the Environs of London Extending 14 Miles round St Paul's in Every Direction , 1832.

Furnivall, Frederick James, 1825-1910, scholar, editor and oarsman

SKEAT, Reverend Walter William (1835-1912)

  • K/PP144
  • Collection
  • 1772

Papers, 1868-1932, of and concerning Walter William Skeat, including correspondence relating to the English Dialect Society, 1887-1912, letters to Skeat, 1868-1912, fragments of letters and drafts of letters by Skeat, 1873-1905, and correspondence of the Skeat family, 1914-1928. The bulk of the collection comprises working papers, almost all undated, including notes and transcripts of various manuscripts and texts, sometimes unattributed but among them Beowulf , The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer, Piers Plowman by William Langland, Bodleian manuscripts, works of William Shakespeare, homilies, and proverbs; bibliographical references; dictionaries, thesauri, word lists, glossaries; notes on etymology, grammar, place-names, and pronunciation; lectures including 'The Language of Chaucer'; articles including philology, the language of Edmund Spenser with special reference to his Faerie Queen , emendations in Piers Plowman , and phonetics; proofs (largely undated) including an English dictionary, publications relating to Chaucer, The Kingis Quair , Pierce the Plowman's Crede , and an incomplete proof copy of The Seven Sleepers ; printed material by Skeat including William of Palerne (unbound, uncut), 'Souvent me Souvient' (reprinted from Christ's College Magazine), Troilus and Criseyde (incomplete) and A Charter of Canute (a passage from the York Gospels, edited by Skeat); printed material relating to Skeat's interests, including articles on etymology and the derivation of words; leaflets (1911) advertising the proposed University of London Institute of Phonetics; an incomplete copy of The Annual Register 1771 (1772); and an examination questions paper (1911) in English Language and Literature for King's College, University of London.

Skeat, Walter William, 1835-1912, Professor of Anglo-Saxon, philologist, Anglican clergyman

PANKRATIEN, Nicodemus (fl 1773)

  • K/PP186
  • Collection
  • 1773

Manuscript transcription of Johann David Lembke's Compendium Physicæ theoreticoexperimentalis, in usum auditorum concinnatum , 1740 by Nicodemus Pankratien, 1773.

Pankratien, Nicodemus, fl 1773

HUNTER, John (1728-1793)

  • K/PP185
  • Collection
  • 1777

The collection comprises one manuscript volume of notes on lectures delivered by John Hunter, Surgeon Extraordinary to King George III, at the operating theatre in Great Windmill Street, London, summarised under the general heading 'The true principles of surgery'. The subject of the lectures include comparison of plant and animal life, such as sensation and movement; treatment of inflamed organs; the effects of poisons; bone fractures; and the identification and cure of various diseases including those of the urinary tract and reproductive organs, 1777.

Hunter, John, 1728-1793, surgeon and anatomist

BURNEY, Charles (1726-1814)

  • K/PP103
  • Collection
  • 1797-1798

Two letters addressed to 'Mrs Chambers', 3 Nov 1797, 19 Jan 1798, concerned with works on composition.

Burney, Charles, 1726-1814, musician and author

CONIMBRICENSE, Amador (fl 1750-1800)

  • K/PP17
  • Collection
  • [1750-1800]

Volume containing a compilation of poems and narratives, composed by, Pedro António Joaquim Corrêa Garção (1724-1772); José Anastácio da Cunha (1744-1787), mathematician and poet; Sebastião José Ferreira Barroco (1777-1802); Luiz Pinto de Sousa Coutinho Balsemão (1735-1804); João Xavier de Matos (d 1789); Francisco José de Sales; Damiaó José Saraiva; Domingos dos Ras Guitta.

Conimbricense, Amador, fl 1750-1800

ALMEIDA, João de, 2nd Marquess of Alorna (1726-1802)

  • K/PP154
  • Collection
  • [1777-1802]

Manuscript relating to Alorna's imprisonment in the Fortress of Junqueira, Portugal, 1758-1777, on charges of attempted regicide, entitled 'Relação do que contremo Forte da Junqueira, e do que nelle passaram os presos, sieita pelo Marquês da Alorna'. Subsequently published posthumously as Relação dos presos do forte da Junqueira by Almeida (published for José de Sousa Amado, Lisbon, 1857).

Almeida, João de, 1726-1802, 2nd Marquess of Alorna

MARSDEN, William (1754-1836)

  • K/PP136
  • Collection
  • c1580-1805

Manuscripts collected by William Marsden, including letters and other material, 1627-1668, relating to Portuguese Catholic missionaries in India, some from Ajmir and Agra, and Tibet; texts, grammars and vocabularies, [17th-18th centuries], including Welsh; Icelandic; Kannada; Tamil fragments, some on palmyra leaves; Javanese text; Tagalog fragments; manuscript letter from C T de Murr to William Marsden, 24 Feb 1797, regarding the Bibliotheca glottica universalis, with accompanying typescript transcription; Ionian (Greek) newspaper concerning King George III, 1805.

Several items were transferred to the Foyle Special Collections Library at King’s College London in 2018: martyrology of Portuguese missionaries in India and other parts of Asia, [17th century]; manuscript entitled 'Principio do dereito q. tem el Rey de Portugal da Ilha de Goa...1595', bound with 'Livro tresladado dos contos de Goa de todos os ordenados q. Sua Magestade da na India...', both 1658, also with cipher used presumably by the Jesuits, 'Cifra da Compa. q. devem ter todos os superiores...'; 'Bocabulario Tagalo', [c1580]; 'Vocabulario de la lengua Iloca'.

Marsden, William, 1754-1836, orientalist and numismatist

MAURICE, Maj Gen Sir Frederick Barton (1871-1951)

  • Collection
  • [1806]-1812

Papers of Major General Sir Frederick Barton Maurice, relating to his letter to the press concerning the government's statements about the strength of the British Army, May 1918, dated 1917-1971, principally comprising Maurice's diary, Jan-May 1918; printed and typescript texts by Maurice, 1918-1919, 1922, notably including 'The story of the crisis of May 1918', dated 1918; correspondence with family and colleagues, 1918-1922, 1925, 1934, 1936; newspaper cuttings, 1918, 1936, 1939; copies of Parliamentary and War Cabinet papers, 1918; correspondence relating to The Maurice Case (Leo Cooper, London, 1972) by Nancy Maurice (Nancy Spears, wife of Maj Gen Sir Edward (Louis) Spears, 1st Bt), 1967-1971. Papers collected by Maurice during the writing of The life of General Lord Rawlinson of Trent (Cassell and Co, London, 1928) and Haldane (Faber and Faber, London, 1937, 1939), comprising letters received by Rt Hon Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane, 1894, 1898, 1902, 1915-1916, 1919, 1928; letters received by Henry Seymour Rawlinson, 1st Baron Rawlinson of Trent, 1888, 1914-1916, 1918, 1921, notably including letters from Maj Gen Henry Hughes Wilson and Gen Sir Alexander John Godley concerning the Battle of the Aisne, Sep 1914 and operations at Gallipoli, 1915.

Other papers relating to his life and career, 1888-1951, dated 1888-1971, principally comprising letters to his wife describing his service in South Africa, 1899-1900, and as General Staff Officer, 3 Div, France, 1914-1915, and Director of Military Operations, Imperial General Staff, 1915; correspondence, 1915-1919, relating to his service as Director of Military Operations, 1915-1918, notably including letters from Maj Gen Archibald Armar Montgomery-Massingberd, Maj Gen John Humphrey Davidson, Lt Gen Sir George (Norton) Cory, Lt Gen Sir William Raine Marshall, Maj Gen Sir Arthur Lynden Lynden-Bell concerning operations on the Western Front, 1916-1917, and in the Balkans, 1916-1917, Mesopotamia, 1917-1918, and Palestine, 1917; correspondence with Gen Sir Charles Harington Harington, [1923], 1925, 1932, 1934; printed and typescript articles, lectures and other writings, 1913-1943, notably including text of 'On the uses of the study of war', his inaugural lecture as Professor of Military Studies, London University, 1927, text of Maurice's Lee Knowles lecture 'Public opinion in war', and articles on arms limitation, 1921, 1926, the Graeco-Turkish War, 1922, the Corfu Incident, [1923], and the possibility of war between the USA and Japan, 1925; newspaper cuttings, 1912-1919, 1924-1927, 1938, 1945, 1951, principally comprising reviews of his books. Family papers, [1806-1812], principally comprising papers relating to Maurice's grandfather, Frederick Denison Maurice, [1833-1869], 1927; papers relating to his wife's family, [1806-1812], 1874-1879, 1896, 1909-[1915], 1921, notably including personal letters written by her great-grandfather, Spencer Perceval, [1806-1812], and an account of a day during the Paris Commune, written in [1871] by [Norman Spencer].

Maurice, Sir Frederick Barton, 1871-1951, Knight, Major General

BURGON, Thomas (1787-1857)

  • K/PP124
  • Collection
  • 1811-1814

Manuscript travel diary of Thomas Burgon, 1811-1814, comprising descriptions and occasional thumbnail sketches within text mainly relating to archaeological expeditions to sites of ancient Greek and Byzantine civilisation in Turkey and Greece including accounts of visits to: Sardis and Thyatira, 25 Oct-1 Nov 1811; Teios, 14-18 Feb 1812; Phocoea, Chios, Andros, Thoricus, Eleusis, Plataea, Thebes and Tanagra, 13 Mar-18 June 1813, including account of excavations in Athens, 12 Apr-31 May, 8 June 1813; lakes near Burnabat, 21 Oct 1813; Tenos, Athens, Kenchreai, Corinth, Sicyon, Patras, Zante, Ithaca, Messina, Catania, Syracuse and Naples visited Burgon’s journey back to London, 11 Mar-23 Nov 1814; list of artefacts, some with thumbnail sketches, found whilst on an archaeological dig in Athens, April 1813.

Burgon, Thomas, 1767-1837, merchant, antiquities collector and numismatist

DILL, FM Sir John Greer (1881-1944)

  • DILL
  • Collection
  • 1814

Papers, 1814, 1857-1963, of Field Marshal Sir John Greer Dill and his family. Papers relating to Dill's family and family estates date largely from 1857-1953, but include press cuttings, 1814. The collection mainly comprises papers, telegrams and photographs relating to Dill's life and military career, dating from 1901-1944 but particularly from 1914 onwards, and includes correspondence and other papers concerning his service as General Staff Officer 1, 37 Division, and General Staff Officer 1, Operations Branch, General Headquarters, British Armies in France, Western Front, World War One, 1917-1918, notably instructions to 37 Division, 1917; 15 Division Operational Orders for the Battle of Arras, 1917. Official and some personal correspondence and notes, 1916-1939, including record of the advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 1919; lecture notes relating to Dill's service as Chief Instructor, Staff College, Camberley, Surrey, 1920, and to his promotion to Lt Gen, 1936; letters from Captain Basil Henry Liddell Hart, Maj Gen Sir Sydney Frederick Muspratt, Maj Gen Arthur Cecil Temperley, and Maj Gen John Dudley Laverack, 1926-1939; correspondence with Field Marshal Sir Cyril John Deverell, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, relating to Dill's service as General Officer Commanding, Palestine and Transjordan, Sep 1936-Jul 1937. Official correspondence relating to Dill's command of 1 Army Corps France and Belgium, 1939-1940, principally including correspondence between Maj Gen Sir Henry Royds Pownall, Chief of General Staff British Expeditionary Force (BEF), and Lt Gen Ronald Forbes Adam, General Officer Commanding 3 Army Corps, Sep-Oct 1939; correspondence between Dill and Maj Gen Hugh Royds Stokes Massy, Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff. and Chief of General Staff Maj Gen Henry Royds Pownall, Oct 1939; correspondence with US Gen George Catlett Marshal, Chief of Staff US Army, relating to Joint Planning Committee, Mar 1940; correspondence on liaison arrangements between the French and British armies in France, Oct 1939, and letter to Dill as Chief of Imperial General Staff, from Lt Gen Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, General Officer Commanding in Chief, Southern Command, Nov 1940. Typescript report relating to imposition of economic sanctions against Ireland due to the refusal of permission for the use of Irish ports by the Royal Navy, Nov-Dec 1940, with letter from Maj Gen Hubert Jervoise Huddleston, General Officer Commanding Northern Ireland District, to Gen Bernard Paget, Chief of Staff, Home Forces, explaining the need for an appreciation of the political situation in Ireland, Jun 1940. Semi-official letters, diaries and notes to Dill as Chief of the Imperial General Staff, War Office, London, 1940-1941, including letter from Rt Hon (Arthur) Neville Chamberlain, Lord President of the Council, Aug 1940, official diary of tour of the Mediterranean, Feb-Apr 1941, correspondence congratulating promotion to Field Marshal, 1941; copy of personal minutes of Prime Minister, Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, May 1941; notes on Dill's visit to Paris, France, with Prime Minister Churchill, including diary of events, May 1940; typescript notes on telephone conversation with Rt Hon (Robert) Anthony Eden, Secretary of State for War, Nov 1940; correspondence with Field Marshal Rt Hon Jan Christian Smuts, Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, Pretoria, South Africa, Nov 1941,Gen Bernard (Charles Tolver) Paget, Commander in Chief Home Forces, Nov 1941, Lt Gen Arthur Nugent Floyer-Acland, Secretary to the Secretary of State for War, Nov 1941. Letters and notes relating to Gen Sir Archibald Percival Wavell, Commander-in-Chief India, including notes on operations in Greece, the defence of Egypt, Palestine and Crete, Sep 1941, and personal letter from Lt Gen Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Commander-in-Chief, Middle East Command, regarding Prime Minister Churchill's negative attitude to Gen Wavell, May 1941. Four albums of photographs relating to Placentia Bay Conference, Newfoundland, Canada, Aug 1941, official visit to Canada, Aug-Sep 1943, and the Casablanca Conference, code name SYMBOL, Jan 1943, including the Prime Minister, Churchill, aboard HMS PRINCE OF WALES and aboard USS AUGUSTA 1941.

Dill, Sir John Greer, 1881-1944, Knight, Field Marshal

FORDYCE, Capt Charles Elphinstone (1897-1980)

  • Collection
  • 1828

Papers relating to the North West Frontier of India, 1928-1933, principally comprising a letter from Maj J Muirhead, 2 Bn, Seaforth Highlanders, describing his experiences in the region, May 27 1928, and photos of Miri Khel camp and surrounding area, including staff of Seaforth Highlanders, 1930-1931. List of commanding officers and stations of 1 and 2 Bns, Seaforth Highlanders, 1881-1929, published as a supplement to Cabar Feidh, vol 5 no 33, [1929]. Papers of David Ogilvy Stewart, namely his burgess ticket for the Burgh of Hamilton, 1828, and orders to attend St James' Palace in connection regarding his duties at Queen Victoria's coronation, 1838.

Fordyce, Charles Elphinstone, 1897-1980, Army Captain

MOND, Frida (c1847-1923)

  • K/PP125
  • Collection
  • 1794-1831

Collection of Frida Mond relating to German literature including poems and letters, 1794-1831, by and concerning Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe and a manuscript page (undated) of Wilhelm Tell by Johann Christoph Friedrich Von Schiller; portraits, busts and reliefs of Goethe and Schiller, some of which (including some photographs) are copies of original material held elsewhere; other relics and memorabilia relating to them, some postdating their deaths; and relics comprising jewellery, clothing, hair, possessions and portraits of Lotte Buff (Charlotte Buff, 1753-1828, friend of Goethe 1772).

Mond, Frida, c1847-1923, benefactor of King's College London

PARK, Professor John James (1795-1833)

  • K/PP76
  • Collection
  • [1832-1833]

Volume entitled 'Questions for Debate', [1832-1833], being legal questions devised by Professor John James Park, with some references to cases.

Park, John James, 1795-1833, Professor of English Law and Jurisprudence

EDMONDS, Brig Gen Sir James Edward (1861-1956)

  • Collection
  • 1827-1838

Papers created or collected by Edmonds during the course of his life and career, dated 1827-1838, 1852, 1879-1881, 1890-1957, principally comprising typescript memoirs covering his life and career, 1861-1951, and notably concerning his work at the Royal Military Academy, 1890-1896, and in the Intelligence Division of the War Office, 1899-1901, 1904-1908, his service in South Africa, 1901-1902, and in World War One, 1914-1918, at the Geneva Conference, 1906, as General Staff Officer, 4 Div, 1911-1914, and in the Historical Section of the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1919-1949, written in [1951]; correspondence with Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, 1922-1954, relating to Churchill's book The World Crisis, 1911-1918 (Thornton Butterworth, London,1923-1929, abridged and revised, 1931); letters from FM Douglas Haig, 1st Earl Haig and his wife, 1903-1939, mainly relating to Edmonds' work on the official history of World War One; correspondence with Maj Gen Sir Ernest (Dunlop) Swinton, 1919-1950; texts of lectures,[1908-1947], notably relating to the American Civil War, 1861-1865, laws of war and the organisation of intelligence and information in warfare; typescript and printed articles, 1893-1957, mainly relating to World War One; official army handbooks and reports by Edmonds and others, 1899-1918, 1945; papers related to World War One collected by Edmonds, dated 1900, 1907, 1914-[1945]; presscuttings, [1906-1943], mainly concerning political and military developments and international relations; photographs, 1895-1918, mainly of Edmonds with Army colleagues.

Edmonds, Sir James Edward, 1861-1956, Knight, Brigadier General

BROWNE, Bertha (fl 1839-1840)

  • K/PP192
  • Collection
  • 1839-1840

Notebook compiled by Bertha Browne, 1839-1840, containing miscellaneous extracts and themes for religious contemplation, including notes taken from a lecture course delivered by Hugh James Rose, Principal of King's College London, on 'The evidence of Christianity' in the session 1836-1837.

Rose, Hugh James, 1795-1838, theologian and author

DYCE, William (1806-1864)

  • K/PP77
  • Collection
  • 1843

Charcoal sketches of capitols and other sculpted architectural details, 1843.

Dyce, William, 1806-1864, artist

PLUMPTRE, Very Reverend Edward Hayes (1821-1891)

  • K/PP73
  • Collection
  • 1843

Copy of Sermons by the Right Reverend Joseph Butler, late Lord Bishop of Durham (published by Scott, Webster, and Geary, London, 1841), inscribed by Edward Hayes Plumptre, University College Oxford, 1843, and annotated.

Plumptre, Edward Hayes, 1821-1891, Dean of Wells

Results 1 to 20 of 1334