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LOVE, Col Stephen (1931-1999)

  • LOVE, S
  • Collection
  • 1979-1983

Papers of Col Stephen Love on his military service, 1979-1983; principally comprising papers (3 files) on his service as Defence Attaché, British Embassy, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1979-1982; including details of organisation and deployment of Argentine army and air force; lists of senior army and air force officers; copies of Love's official correspondence on the threat of invasion of the Falkland Islands, Mar-Apr 1982; copy of Love's evidence to the Falklands Islands Review Committee, chaired by Oliver Shewell Franks, Baron Franks, Oct 1982; copies of English and Spanish language newspapers on the Falkland War, Mar-Apr 1982; file of correspondence and album of album of photographs on his work as Project Director of the 'Falklands Pilgrimage' by relatives of British casualties, 1983.

Love, Stephen, 1931-1999, Colonel

CLEARWATER, Dr John Murray (b 1966)

  • Collection
  • 1943-1996

Typescript text of doctoral thesis entitled 'The birth of Strategic Arms Control during the Johnson Administration, 1964-1969', King's College London, 1996, with copies of US Government documents, 1964-1972, used by Clearwater in his research. Also, typescript transcripts of interviews with US politicians and foreign policy advisers, including Walt Rostow, Butch Fisher, Paul Warnke, (David) Dean Rusk, Clark McAdams Clifford, Alain Enthoven, Bus Wheeler, John McConnell, John Davis, Robert Strange McNamara and Paul H Nitze. Newspaper cuttings and articles, 1982-1983, relating to the Falklands War, 1982, from US, Argentinian and Canadian sources. Canadian and US newspaper cuttings, articles and copies of official documents relating to the USSR, 1943-1990.

Clearwater, John Murray, b 1966, military analyst and historian

EISENHOWER, DWIGHT D: US President's diaries, 1953-1961

  • MF293-MF320
  • Collection
  • 1953-1961

The Diaries of Dwight D Eisenhower, 1953-1961, consists of a varied body of microfilmed manuscripts that contain several categories of material, arranged chronologically by month and year. Diary entries and dictated correspondence are filed in folders entitled 'DDE Diary'; 'DDE Personal Diary'; or 'DDE Dictation'. The bulk of actual diary entries falls into the years 1953-1956. Another prominent category is memoranda of telephone conversations with the more detailed conversations dating prior to 1959. The largest body of material is the official White House staff memoranda, reports, correspondence, and summaries of congressional correspondence. These types of documents are found in folders labelled 'Miscellaneous', 'Goodpaster', 'Staff Memos', and after 1957, 'Staff Notes'. Herein are the memoranda of conversations, or 'memcons', prepared by Gen Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, Defense Liaison Officer and Staff Secretary to the President of the United States. From 1956 to the end of the administration, 'Toner Notes' were produced, so named for White House staff member Albert Toner, who with fellow White House Research Group member Christopher Russell, prepared daily intelligence briefings for the President. Material in the collection includes entries relating to Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy and the trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg; correspondence with Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon; Prisoners of War exchanges in Korea; rapprochement between Argentina and the US; military aid to Yugoslavia; Eisenhower's 'Atoms for Peace' speech 1953; the situation in Indochina, 1954; the use of psychological warfare in the Third World; relations between the US and the People's Republic of China; France and the European Defence Community; waning British and French colonial ties; the Baghdad Pact, 1955; the Suez Crisis, 1956; US Joint Chiefs of Staff strategic planning in Europe; the Soviet invasion of Hungary, 1956; plans for mutual security arrangements with favoured nations; the Military Assistance Program; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; the African- American civil rights movement; military officer exchanges between Israel and the US; the American, British and Canadian Army Standardization Program; US Department of Defense budgetary matters; the 'Vanguard' satellite program, 1957; nuclear weapons, nuclear strategy and the US-Soviet 'missile gap'. Correspondents include HM King George V; Gen Juan Domingo Peron, president of Argentina; Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill; Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India; Dr Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Gen Douglas MacArthur; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr; Special Assistant to the President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller; Gen Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle, President of France; Rt Hon (Maurice) Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers; (David) Dean Rusk, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, 1953-1959; Herbert Hoover, Jr, Under Secretary of State, 1954-1957; Christian Archibald Herter, Under Secretary of State, 1957-1959.

Eisenhower, Dwight David, 1890-1969, US President, General

WOOLLY AL WALKS THE KITTY BACK: television documentary archive on US diplomacy in the Falklands War

  • Collection
  • 1982

The television documentary _Woolly Al walks the kitty back _examines the international diplomatic efforts to prevent armed conflict between Britain and Argentina over the Falkland Islands, 1982, focussing in particular on the shuttle diplomacy of Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr, US Secretary of State, 1981-1982. The collection includes video recordings and transcripts of interviews conducted in the making of the documentary, as well as news footage and sound recordings relating to the conflict.

Interviews were conducted with eyewitnesses from the Argentine, Britain and United State of America, and included politicians, diplomats and military personnel involved in the development of the British and American response, both diplomatic and military, to the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), 2 April 1982.

Interviewees include Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr, US Secretary of State, 1981-1982; James M Rentschler, US Special Advisor to US President Ronald Wilson Reagan, and National Security Council Western European Department, 1982; Dr Jeane Duane Jordan Kirkpatrick, US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 1981-1985; Caspar Willard Weinberger, US Secretary of Defense, 1981-1987; Gen Vernon Anthony Walters, US Ambassador-at-large, 1981-1985; Thomas Enders, Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs, US State Department, 1982; Brig Gen Basilio Lami-Dozo, Commander-in-Chief, Argentine Air Force, and member of the ruling Military Junta, 1982; Ambassador Gustavo Figueroa, First Secretary, Argentine Foreign Ministry, 1982; R Adm Roberto Moya, Chief of the Argentine Military Household, and Naval member of the Malvinas Working Group, 1982; Dr Nicanor Costa Méndez, Argentine Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1982; Wenceslao Bunge, Argentine industrialist and unofficial diplomatic representative of the Argentine Air Force, 1982; Estaban Takacs, Argentine Ambassador to the US, 1982; Sir (John) Nicholas Henderson, British Ambassador the US, 1979-1982; Rt Hon Sir John William Frederic Nott, Secretary of State for Defence, 1981-1983; Francis Leslie Pym, Baron Pym of Sandy, Bedfordshire (Lord Pym), Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 1982-1983; Rt Hon Cecil Edward Parkinson, Paymaster General and Chairman of the Conservative Party, 1981-1983, and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, 1982-1983; AF Terence Thornton Lewin, Baron Lewin of Greenwich in Greater London, Chief of the Defence Staff, 1979-1982; and Sir Robin (William) Renwick, Head of Chancery, British Embassy, Washington DC, US, 1981-1984.

Brian Lapping Associates

VICKERS, Col Sir Geoffrey (1894-1982)

  • Collection
  • 1915-1940

Copies of papers relating to Col Sir (Charles) Geoffrey Vickers and of his brother 2nd Lt William Burnell Vickers, 184 Siege Battery, Royal Garrison Artillery, killed in action, Western Front, 21 Jun 1917, including seven manuscript letters and four typescript copies of letters from William Burnell Vickers to his parents and to his brother, Jan 1916-Jun 1917, with two typescript copies of letters of sympathy from Regimental officers, Jun 1917; typescript extracts from William Burnell Vickers' diary relating to service on the Western Front, Nov 1915-Feb 1916 and Jul 1916. Three copies of photograph of (Charles) Geoffrey Vickers [1915]; sixty letters by Lt (Charles) Geoffrey Vickers, to his mother, father and brother, Western Front, Feb 1915-Feb 1917, including letters from hospital after being wounded in action, Battle of Loos, Oct 1915, and typescript copy of letter from Lt Col Arthur William Brewill, Commanding Officer, 1/7 (Robin Hood) Bn, The Sherwood Foresters (Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Regt), Territorial Force, informing Vickers' father that Vickers had been recommended for the VC, 24 Oct 1915; nine letters by Vickers to his parents, France, Apr 1918-Jan 1919. Typescript copy of narrative diary detailing Geoffrey Charles Vickers' service on the Western Front, Feb-Oct 1915. Copy of printed report entitled 'Report by Colonel C G Vickers, VC, on his Mission to the British communities in certain American countries and in Portugal', including information relating to Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Panama, Cuba and Portugal, 16 Dec 1940.

Vickers, Sir Charles Geoffrey, 1894-1982, Knight, Colonel