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SAWERS, Chief Inspector Matthew (fl 1994-2011)

  • Collection
  • 1994-1996

Typescript job description for Deputy Chief of Operations, Western European Union Police Contingent [1995]; one manuscript and nine typescript letters by Sawers to his family relating to his service with Western European Union Police Contingent, Mostar, Bosnia, Feb-Aug 1996; two letters praising Sawers' work as Deputy Chief of Operations, Western European Union Police Contingent, Mostar, from Lt Gen Sir (John) Martin (Carruthers) Garrod, Western European Union Special Envoy in Mostar, and Superintendent S P Jordan, Police Commissioner, Mostar, Aug 1996. Typescript notes entitled 'European Union Administration of Mostar, Bosnia. Briefing for officers serving with the WEU Police', 13 Oct 1994; typescript briefing notes on the history of the Western European Union (WEU), on the WEU element of the Unified Police Force of Mostar (UPFM), Bosnia [1995], and on the recent history of Bosnia-Hercegovina [1995]; typescript 'De-brief notes from the first contingent of UK officers seconded to Mostar' [1995]; typescript report entitled 'Policing in Mostar' by Deputy Chief Constable Clive J R Roche, West Midlands Police Force, 27 Sep 1995; typescript report on the policing operation in Mostar by Rt Hon David (John) Maclean, Minister of State, Home Office, 3 Jan 1996; copy of article entitled 'Peace in Bosnia. The Balkan end-game' from The Economist, 20 Jan 1996.

Sawers, Matthew, fl 1994-2011, Detective Chief Superintendent

MOORE, Lt Col Alleyn Cardwell (1898-1983)

  • Collection
  • 1926

Copies of papers relating to his service in Burma, 1926, 1928-1929, [1932]-1933, [1947-1953], principally comprising official report on the military phase of Hwekum Column operations, Burma, 15-20 Feb 1926, written by [Moore]; 'Report on the Naga Hills (Upper Chindwin) expedition for the abolition of human sacrifice', Jan- Mar 1928, written by H J Mitchell, Assistant Superintendent, Burma Frontier Service, printed by the Government of Burma, 1928, and including a report by Moore as Officer Commanding Military Police, Naga Hills Expedition; 'Report on the Naga Hills (Upper Chindwin) expedition for the release of slaves and the suppression of human sacrificing', 1929-1929, written by Mitchell and printed by the Government of Burma, 1929; typescript notes on the Burma Rebellion, 1930-1932, written by Moore for officers of the Chin Hills Bn, [1932]; typescript 'History of the Chin Hills Bn (The Burma Regt)', 1894-1933, written by Moore in 1933; typescript history of the Chin Hills Bn, 1942-1947, written by [Moore], c 1950.

Moore, Alleyn Cardwell, 1898-1983, Lieutenant Colonel

MATURIN-BAIRD, Lt Col Charles Edgar (1899-1994)

  • Collection
  • 1940-1945

Papers relating to his work with the military police, Provost Service, 1939-1945, notably including official notes and operation orders concerning the evacuation of the BEF from France and Belgium, 1940.

Baird, Charles Edgar Maturin-, 1899-1944, Lieutenant Colonel

MARTIN, Ian W G (fl 1957-1994)

  • Collection
  • 1978

Papers relating to his work as an interpreter in Cyprus, 1957-1958, dated 1978, 1991 and 1993, comprising a photocopy of his article 'In the service of Queen and country' from Plebs, The Journal of the British Library of Political and Economic Science , 1978; copy of 'Military memories of Kykko Monastery, 1957-1958', a text written for the Kykko Monastery Research Centre, 1991; photocopy of his article 'The 'Cyprus Troubles', 1955-1960' from Kampos: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek , no 1, 1993.

Martin, Ian W G, fl 1957-1994, interpreter

MACGOWAN, Trooper H E (fl 1901-1902)

  • Collection
  • 1901-1902

Typescript extracts from letters home, 1901-1902, describing MacGowan's voyage to South Africa, Apr 1901, his service with the South African Constabulary, May 1901-Jul 1902, and his work as a miner in the Transvaal, Sep-Nov 1902.

MacGowan, H E, fl 1901-1902, Trooper

IRAN - THE MAKING OF US POLICY, 1977-1980: papers from the US National Security Archive

  • MFF11
  • Collection
  • 1943-1980

Iran: The Making of US Policy, 1977- 1980, is a themed microfiche collection which presents an integrated record of US foreign policy relating to Iran, 20 Jan 1977-29 Jan 1980. Included are memoranda, cabled messages, US embassy and consulate messages, Department of State reports, Central Intelligence Agency reports, US National Security Council reports and studies, and academic historical and political studies of the Middle East generally and Iran specifically, 21 Jan 1943-30 Apr 1980. Although the focus of this document set is on the 1977-1980 period, nearly one-third of the documents listed in the catalogue relate to the period prior to 1977. These are materials that were used in the preparation of the major internal inter-agency review of US-Iranian relations, the US Department of State 'White Paper'. The collection covers the beginning of the popular protests and mass demonstrations that resulted in the Iranian revolution of Feb 1979, which overthrew the pro-American monarchy of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, and established the Islamic Republic of Iran. The collection also covers efforts by the US and the Iranian Provisional Government under Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan to normalise relations between Iran and the US, which were frustrated by challenges from Islamic organisations including the Revolutionary Council. The collection records in detail the US reaction to the Iranian Constitutional Assembly, which pitted secular against religious forces during the drafting of the new constitution and which led to the formal establishment of a theocracy and the loss of Iran as a US strategic ally, Feb-Jun 1979. Documents include US Department of State report detailing the stability of Iran under the Shah and the effectiveness of SAVAK, the Iranian domestic and foreign intelligence agency, as a law enforcement agency, 28 Jan 1977; US Embassy, Teheran, Annual Policy and Resource Assessment report identifying US interests in Iran as stable, 4 Apr 1977; briefing paper for Cyrus Roberts Vance, US Secretary of State, for his first visit with the Shah, 30 Apr 1977; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report affirming the stability of the Iranian political regime, Aug 1977; US Department of State cables relating to the police suppression of anti-Shah demonstrations at Qom, the religious centre of Iran's Shiite community, and the resulting series of mass demonstrations against the Shah, Jan-Dec 1978; US Department of State inspection memorandum describing US relations with Iran as excellent, 4 May 1978; US Department of State memoranda concerning meeting of 13 May 1978, at which chief Iranian military and security personnel devised plans to deal with the rise of anti- government demonstrations, 23 May 1978; cable from William H Sullivan, US Ambassador to Iran, relating to the increasing dissent in Iran and the Shah's fears of the religious opposition to his monarchy presented by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, 1 Jun 1978; US Department of State airgram relating to meeting held between the Shah and Nasser Moghaddam, Director of SAVAK, in which the Shah ordered that all future demonstrations be broken up by force, 22 Jul 1978; US Department of State cable concerning the Iranian armed forces being put on alert in all major towns in Iran following a series of anti-government bombings, 14 Aug 1978; reports from the US Embassy, Teheran, relating to the 'Black Friday' massacre of anti-government protesters in Jelah Square, Teheran, 8 Sep 1978; US Department of State cable relating to riots in Teheran resulting in the destruction of Western businesses and the occupation of the British Embassy, Teheran, 5 Nov 1978; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report relating to the wave of anti-government protests in Iran during the spring of 1978, 5 Nov 1978; US Department of State cable from Ambassador Sullivan to the White House urging the US government to consider that the Shah may have to abdicate in favour of a coalition government, 9 Nov 1978; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) profile of Khomeini describing him as the central figure in the anti-Shah movement and his proposed regime as xenophobic and hostile towards Western interests in the region, 20 Nov 1978; US Embassy reports to Washington, DC, relating to the Shah's departure from Iran, Jan 1979; US Department of State cables relating to the return of Khomeini to Iran from Paris, France, and his subsequent demands for the resignation of the Iranian Provisional Government, Feb 1979; US Embassy reports relating to the establishment of the Islamic Revolutionary Council under the leadership of Khomeini, Feb 1979; US Department of State cables relating to the deteriorating civil situation in Iran and growing anti-US sentiments, culminating in the seizure of the US Embassy, Teheran, and 66 of its employees, Feb-Nov 1979.

HOGAN, Sir Michael (1908-1986)

  • Collection
  • 1951

Papers relating to the assassination of Sir Henry Gurney, High Commissioner for the Federation of Malaya, by the Malayan Races' Liberation Army on 6 Oct 1951, namely an unsigned official report on the assassination and the subsequent action taken by the police and the military, written in 1951, a plan of the ambush scene, 1951, and two photographs of Gurney's funeral procession, 1951.

Hogan, Sir Michael Joseph Patrick, 1908-1986, Knight, Chief Justice of Hong Kong

HAINES, William Arthur Campion (1899-1991)

  • Collection
  • [1980-1990]

A time to remember (1920-1950)', typescript memoir of his career in the Federated Malayan States Police, 1920-1945, and Malayan Union Police, 1945-1950, dated [1980-1991], notably describing police operations against Malay and Siamese bandits in Kedah, 1921-1923, rubber smugglers in Port Dickson, 1923, and the Malayan Communist Party, 1931, 1948-1950, and his experiences during the Japanese invasion of Malaya, 1942.

Haines, William Arthur Campion, 1899-1991, Chief Police Officer

DONLEA, Patrick Plunkett (1877-1936)

  • Collection
  • [1911]

Copies of papers relating to his life and career and other family members, 1911, 1915, 1932, comprising: letter from Lt Col Sir George Roos-Keppel, Chief Commissioner and Agent to the Governor General, North West Frontier Province, to the Secretary to the Government of India, Foreign Department, reporting the capture of a party of raiders at Tarnab and commending various army and police officers, including Michael Donlea, Inspector of Police, North West Frontier (brother of Patrick), for their services in the incident, 2 March 1911; photograph [of raiders referred to in the above letter, 1911]; press cuttings describing charge of 21Lancers at Shabkadr, Aug 1915; brief typescript account of opium production and the organisation of Opium Department, United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, 1932; copy of letter to Mrs Lucy Sophia Le Marchand (aunt by marriage of Patrick's wife) from Maj Cecil Allanson, 1/6 Gurkha Rifles describing the death of her son, Lt John Wharton Jones Le Marchand, Gallipoli, 1915.

Donlea, Patrick Plunkett, 1877-1936, Indian civil servant

COURTNEY, Cdr Anthony Tosswill, RN (1908-1988)

  • Collection
  • 1922-1985

Typescript intelligence report by Courtney entitled 'Remarks on a visit to Soviet Russia-August 1935', with notes, publications and related correspondence, 1922-1936; group photograph of Courtney and officers of the Naval Mission to the USSR [1942]; two notebooks with manuscript notes by Courtney on German and Allied ship movements, USSR [1942]; papers relating to the USSR, 1943-1978, including typescript notes by Courtney entitled 'Soviet Russia and the war', Feb 1943, article by William Laurence Burn entitled 'Anglo-Russian relations: an historical retrospect', from The nineteenth century, Jan 1946; edition of US restricted publication 'The Soviet Union', US Government Printing Office, 1947; manuscript notes on Soviet governmental personnel, 1953; typescript note on internal security in the USSR, 1978; correspondence with the Admiralty, 1949-1958, relating to pay and allowances, Courtney's civilian business matters, 1954-1958, and the Admiralty's refusal to grant permission for Courtney to travel in the USSR as a private businessman, 1953-1955; personal and business correspondence relating to the development of Windermere Island, Bahamas, 1963; correspondence, publications and texts of speeches relating to the Monday Club, 1978-1985, including typescript text of speech by Courtney entitled 'The Soviet fifth column', Jun 1978; correspondence between Cdr Geoffrey Briscoe Penn and the Ministry of Defence relating to the vetting and declassification of the Courtney papers, 1991.

Courtney, Anthony Tosswill, 1908-1988, RN Commander

BLACKLEY, Brig Travers Robert (1899-1982)

  • Collection
  • 1943

Texts of lectures and related letters on military government in Tripolitania, Eritrea and Ethiopia, given at the School of Military Government, University of Virginia, 1943; papers relating to the 50th Annual and 2nd War Conference, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Detroit, 9-11 Aug 1943, including lecture notes on military government in Tripolitania; lecture notes dated 1943 relating to pre-World War Two administration in Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. Copy out-letter book kept by Blackley as Area Intelligence Officer, 5 Indian Division, Ethiopia, 1941.

Blackley, Travers Robert, 1899-1982, Brigadier

BERGÈS, Jean Leon (b 1925)

  • Collection
  • 1945

Copies of papers in French relating to the shooting and wounding of Bergès by the Gestapo in an attempt to escape from France to Spain, Jun 1944, and documents to establish his status as a disabled and pensionable victim of the German occupation of France, 1985-1996, including ten testimonies from witnesses and contemporaries relating to the shooting, wounding and recuperation of Bergès, 1945, 1973 and 1985-1987; typescript account entitled 'Jean Bergès: un jeune Biarrot fusillé par les rescapé!', with three maps of the French-Spanish border region [1996]; typescript official form, completed by Bergès, in order to receive an invalidity pension as a victim of World War Two, 1996.

Berges, Jean Leon, fl 1925-1996, jewellery designer