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LIDDELL HART, Capt Sir Basil Henry (1895-1970)

  • Collection
  • 1870-1976

Capt Sir Basil Liddell Hart's papers reflect his position as the foremost military theorist in Britain between World Wars One and Two, as an influential military correspondent and as a prolific author of books on military theory and history. As such he sustained throughout his life an extensive correspondence with a wide variety of prominent individuals, including those in the armed forces, politicians, playwrights, journalists, military historians, embassy officials and clergymen.The collection includes Liddell Hart's files containing correspondence with several thousand individuals, as well as with government departments and military establishments, and clubs and political parties; his own military writings, including diary notes, memoranda, books, articles, letters to the press and texts of lectures; and an extensive collection of reference material, mainly comprising newspaper cuttings and pamphlets, covering a wide range of topics including military history, politics and society. The collection includes a small quantity of correspondence with Lady Liddell Hart, particularly after 1970.Correspondence with individuals, 1916-1970, with related papers, 1/1-780; general correspondence, 1904-1976, including with Embassy staff, Israeli military personnel, and researchers, 2/1-3241; correspondence with British and overseas publishers, military and non-military journals, news agencies, literary and legal advisers, 1919-1970, 3/1-196; correspondence with official institutions, 1927-1970, including government departments, military establishments and museums, with correspondence relating to official histories of World Wars One and Two, 4/1-39; correspondence with political parties, clubs and organisations, 1922-1970, 5/1-35; letters to newspapers and journals, 1927-1968, 6/1927/1-6/1968/2; writings relating to military matters, 1910-1925, including diaries and notebooks, 7/1910/1-7/1925/13; papers relating to early life and career, 1895-1925, including service in World War One, 8/1-355; manuscripts, typescripts, proofs and reviews of books written or edited by Liddell Hart, with related papers, 1925-1970, 9/1-32, which includes notes on talks with T E Lawrence, 9/13, papers relating to German generals of World War Two, 9/24, and correspondence and papers relating to tanks, 9/28; published articles, including book reviews, with related papers, 1925-1969, 10/1925/1-10/1969/19 plus miscellaneous and supplementary papers; unpublished papers, 1925-1970, including appointment diaries, records of conversations and papers on military matters, and papers relating to Leslie Hore-Belisha, 1937-1957, 11/1925/1-11/1970/1 plus undated memoranda; notes for lectures, speeches, broadcasts and interviews, 1926-1969, with related correspondence, 12/1926/1-12/1969/4 plus miscellaneous papers; papers including presscuttings and copy letters relating to life and career, 1925-1970, 13/1-112; non-military material, including papers relating to religion, philosophy, sport, aviation, science, psychology and fashion, 1913-1969, 14/1-93; reference material, including original and published papers and proofs of publications, relating to military history, politics and society, 15/1-7, 16; military manuals and pamphlets, 1870-1961, 15/8.

See below for those individuals who passed their own private papers to Liddell Hart.

The following individuals passed their own private collections of papers to Liddell Hart: Brig George Fothergill Ellenberger (1895-[1974]), 15/9; Maj Henry Ellis D Harris (1913-1983), 15/10; Maj Gen Sir Percy Cleghorn Stanley Hobart (1885-1957), 15/11; Maj Gen George Mackintosh Lindsay (1880-1956), 15/12; Col Karol Lubinski (1890-[1972]), 15/13; Col Roderick ('Rory') Macleod (1891-1984), 15/14; Reginald William Winchester (Chester) Wilmot (1911-1954), 15/15.

Hart, Sir Basil Henry Liddell, 1895-1970, Knight, Captain, military historian

BERLIN CRISIS, THE: US Government papers

  • MFF12
  • Collection
  • 1953-1988

The collection presents an integrated record of US decision making during the 1958-1962 confrontation between the Soviet Union and the United States over the situation of Berlin specifically, and Germany generally. The collection includes primarily records of Eisenhower's telephone conversations with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Under Secretary of State Christian Archibald Herter and minutes of Eisenhower's discussions with Gen Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, Defense Liaison Officer and Staff Secretary to the President and, for the Kennedy administration, records mainly prepared by McGeorge Bundy, Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and Laurence J Legere, Assistant to the Military Representative of the President, 1961-1962 and Senior National Security Council Staff Member, 1962-1963. The collection also includes records of East-West negotiations over Berlin and Germany, including US-Soviet 'exploratory discussions', 1958-1962; material relating to Allied efforts to develop a co-ordinated negotiating position during the first months of 1959 and the subsequent protracted talks in Geneva, Switzerland, May-Aug 1959; material relating to LIVE OAK, the tripartite American-British-French Berlin military contingency planning group under the direction of Gen Lauris Norstad, Commander- in-Chief US European Command and Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Apr 1959; papers relating to US and Soviet nuclear capabilities, 1959-1962; Berlin checkpoint crises, 1959-1961; a complete record of the summit meeting in Sep 1959 between Eisenhower and Soviet Prime Minister Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev at Camp David, Maryland, USA; papers relating to Western preparations for discussions on Berlin at the aborted summit of May 1960; papers relating to the 'Wall Crisis', including material relating to the refugee problem in the German Democratic Republic and US and Allied reactions to the construction of the Berlin Wall, Aug 1961; US and Soviet confrontations at US zone checkpoint, 'Checkpoint Charlie', Oct 1961; minutes of conversations between Soviet and US policy makers during the Kennedy administration, including a compete record of the talks between (David) Dean Rusk, US Secretary of State, and Andrei Andreevich Gromyko, Soviet Foreign Minister, Gromyko and Llewellyn E Thompson, US Ambassador to the Soviet Union, and Rusk and Anatoly Federovich Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the US, 1962. It should be noted that papers of major Kennedy administration officials remain closed due to security processing delays at the John F Kennedy Library. Thus, files after Sep 1961 in the National Security Files remain largely sealed. Moreover, documents from files that have been reviewed continue to be withheld or heavily excised. Also, many of the Central Intelligence Agency and US Department of Defense files from 1961-1962 continue to be withheld or heavily excised.

CAPPER, Cdr Douglas (1898-1979)

  • Collection
  • 1945

Official 'War Cabinet Chiefs of Staff Committee weekly résumé (No 297) of the naval, military and air situation from 0700 3rd May to 0700 10 May, COS (45) 101, 10 May 1945'.

Capper, Douglas, 1898-1979, Commander


  • MF441-MF451
  • Collection
  • 1950-1957

A themed microfilm collection containing copies of messages, telegrams, and reports sent from US Department of State personnel to the United States Executive Branch relating to civil, military, and political events in Korea, 1950-1957.


  • MFF1
  • Collection
  • 1939-1945

War Cabinet Minutes (HMSO), 1939-1945 is a themed microfiche collection containing copies of the minutes of the War Cabinet Meetings, Sep 1939-Jul 1945, and Cabinet Conclusions and Confidential Annexes, 1941-1945. Meeting minutes include British plans to create discord amongst the German High Command, Nov 1939; criticism of the military campaign in Norway, May 1940; First Lord of the Admiralty Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill's criticism of the Allied propaganda campaign in France, May 1940; speculation on the ability of the German population to sustain prolonged war, May 1940; reaction to the Allied withdrawals in France and Belgium, May 1940; the debate over the possible compromise peace with Germany, 26-28 May 1940; the decision to intern all enemy aliens in the United Kingdom; May 1940; Churchill's reaction to American isolationism, May 1940; the seizing of French warships in British and Egyptian harbours and the sinking of French warships at Mers-el-Kebir, Egypt, 23 Jun 1940; straining Anglo-French relations, Jul 1940; the Anglo-American 'destroyers for bases' agreement, Aug 1940; Churchill's attempt to take to court the Sunday Pictorial and the Daily Mirror over the newspapers' alleged anti-Government editorials, Oct 1940; preparations for the possible German invasion of the Britain, 1940; civil defence precautions in Britain, 1940; the British intervention in Greece, 1941; speculation on Soviet military collapses following the invasion of the Soviet Union by German armed forces, Jun 1941; Churchill's appeals to US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for American intervention in the war, 1941; reaction over the fall of Singapore and Malaya to Japanese armed forces, Feb 1942; Anglo-American preparations for the invasion of North Africa, 1942; naval and air operations against France, 1943; the 'Beveridge Report' on social security in Britain, 1943; reports on Allied conferences at Casablanca, Jan 1943, and Washington, May 1943; the Allied decision to invade France made at the QUADRANT Conference, Quebec, Canada, Aug 1943; the planning and conduct of Operation OVERLORD, the Allied invasion of France, Jun 1944; the effect of the bombardment of London by German V1 pilotless aircraft and possible RAF reprisals against German civilian targets, Jun 1944; post-war reconstruction and rehabilitation in Europe, Jul 1944; plans for the Allied occupation of Germany and Austria, Nov 1944; British intervention in Greece in order to prevent a Communist take-over of the peninsula, Nov 1944; the establishment of the United Nations, 1945; arrangements for celebrating the end of the war in Europe, May 1945; the British General Election, Jul 1945.

STERN, Lt Col Sir Albert Gerald (1878-1966)

  • Collection
  • 1914-1959

Papers relating to his role in the development and production of armoured fighting vehicles, dated 1914-1959, 1964, 1994, principally comprising correspondence, memoranda and minutes relating to the Landships Committee, 1915-1916, and the Tank Supply Committee, Tank Supply Department (later Mechanical Warfare Supply Department) and Mechanical Warfare (Overseas and Allies) Department, 1916-1918; progress reports and memoranda on design and construction of landships, 1915; plans, drawings and blueprints for landships and tanks, 1915-1916; 'Notes on the employment of tanks' by Col Ernest Dunlop Swinton, printed at the Foreign Office, 1916; 'Mechanical warfare, a summary of British tank development, 1914-1918', typescript text by Stern, [1925]; papers relating to the establishment of the Allied Tank Factory at Neuvy Pailloux, Chateauroux, France, dated 1917-1918; notes and reports by Lt J Rackham and George Watson relating to the use of tanks on the Western Front, 1917; 'The tactical employment of tanks in 1918', unofficial report by Col John Frederick Charles Fuller, 1917; correspondence and memoranda relating to Ministry of Supply Special Vehicle Development Committee and the Tank Board, 1939-1943, and the design and development of TOG heavy tanks, 1939-1944 ['TOG' - The Old Gang, informal name for Special Vehicle Development Committee members, some of whom had worked on tank development during World War One], including correspondence with Rt Hon Edward Leslie Burgin, Minister of Supply, 1939-1940, Rt Hon Herbert Stanley Morrison, Minister of Supply, 1940, Rt Hon Sir Andrew Rae Duncan, Minister of Supply, 1940-1941 and 1942, Rt Hon William Maxwell Aitken Beaverbrook, 1st Baron Beaverbrook, Minister of Supply, 1941-1942, Sir James Lithgow, Chairman of the Tank Board, 1941, and Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill 1940-1942, Prime Minister, First Lord of the Treasury and Minister of Defence, Sir William Tritton of Tritton, Foster and Co, and Cdr R H Stokes-Rees, 1943-1944; official reports by Lt Col Gordon Hall on British and Italian use of tanks in the Middle East, 1940-1941, dated 1941; specifications and technical reports relating to tanks, 1939-1944; minutes of Special Vehicle Development Committee, 1939-1942; papers relating to investigation of Stern's position in the Ministry of Supply, 1942, dated 1939-1942, including transcriptions of interviews with Stern, 1942; correspondence and memoranda relating to Stern's evidence before the Sub-Committee on National Production and Supply of the House of Commons Select Committee on National Expenditure; publications and printed material relating to tanks, 1915-1919, 1939-1946, 1959; photographs, 1915-1918, 1939-1945, principally comprising British, French and Canadian photographs of tanks, 1915-1918; photographs of TOG tanks, 1939-1942; films concerning the development of the tank, 1918, 1941-1942, 1957. Other papers relating to his life and career, notably including photographs relating to his service with the Royal Naval Air Service, 1914-1915; copies of personal correspondence, 1918-1919.

Stern, Sir Albert Gerald, 1878-1966, Knight, Lieutenant Colonel

GEOGRAPHY: King's College London departmental records

  • KDGG
  • Collection
  • 1930-1996

The records of King's College London Department of Geography include staff committee minutes, correspondence, working papers and publications, 1930-1996; most notably departmental staff committee minutes, 1980-1993; papers relating to the organisation and reorganisation of the department and the implications for geography of the merger of King's with Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges, 1967-1988; papers relating to the Faculty of Arts, King's College London, 1987-1989; papers relating to research income in the department, 1983-1996; correspondence on appointments to the staff and concerning personnel in general, 1990-1994; staff-student committee minutes, 1969-1990; correspondence with the London School of Economics, 1981-1989; correspondence and statistics relating to the Board of Examiners and examination results, 1980-1987; correspondence concerning proposals for new Domesday survey, 1982; papers including correspondence, typescript reports and printed pamphlets on overseas field expeditions, 1982-1984; minutes, correspondence and safety guidelines relating to the Management Committee of the Rogate Field Centre, the biological, geographical and geological study centre opened in West Sussex in 1968, 1968-1993; working papers and enrolment forms concerning the European Community ERASMUS programme to facilitate co- operation between European universities, 1991-1996; teaching schedules, course information and syllabuses, 1967-1990; minutes, correspondence and printed reports of the King's College and London School of Economics Joint School Society, 1980-1992; MSc thesis by David Linton, lecturer in Geography at King's College, on drainage in Wessex, 1930; typescript copy of a draft of book by Professor John Thornes and Professor Denys Brunsden entitled Geomorphology and time (London, 1977); offprints of articles by David Linton and other members of staff including in the Scottish geographical magazine and Geographical journal on topics ranging from glaciation and drainage to human populations, 1932-1971; printed reports and bibliographies concerning Geography departmental expeditions and the published work of Sidney William Wooldridge, Professor of Geography, King's College, 1964-1966.

King's College London Department of Geography

LIFE SCIENCES: King's College London faculty records

  • KFLS
  • Collection
  • 1976-1998

Faculty of Life Sciences/School of Life Sciences material at King's College London comprises minutes, correspondence, memoranda and personnel files, 1976- 1998. These notably include the School general files, 1990-1994; Divisional Executive Committee minutes, 1989-1996; papers relating to the strategic direction of the Faculty and School including the Subject Area Review Committee (SARC); typescript Strategic Plan, 1989-1993; minutes of the King's College London Academic Policy Group, 1990-1994; minutes of the King's Planning and Resources Committee, 1989-1994; papers relating to the merger of King's with the United Medical and Dental Schools, 1991-1993; minutes of the Academic Committee of the School of Biological Sciences, 1976- 1984; papers relating to the Interdisciplinary Research Centre, 1988-1989; correspondence concerning the establishment and function of the Centre for Mental Health Services Development, 1992-1993; correspondence on the International Centre for Underutilised Crops, King's College, 1991; research funding memoranda, correspondence and reports, notably with the Science and Engineering Research Council, 1988-1994; correspondence concerning student prizes in the Faculties of Natural Science and Engineering, 1978-1990; papers relating to a legal case involving the Department of Biochemistry, 1987; Divisional staff appointments, 1987; some staff personnel files, 1979-1998.

King's College London Faculty of Life Sciences

PERSONNEL: Queen Elizabeth College staff records

  • QA/FP
  • Collection
  • 1909-1985

Staff files, 1909-1985, of Queen Elizabeth College and predecessor bodies, comprising Academic and Academic related staff files, 1909-1985 (Ref: QA/FPA); Manual and Technical staff files, 1919-1985 (Ref: QA/FPT); Clerical and Secretarial staff files, 1922-1985 (Ref: QA/FPC). Academic staff includes professors, lecturers, research staff and academic related staff such as senior administration officers and professional staff such as librarians. The Manual and Technical staff files include porters, catering and kitchen staff, laboratory and research technicians, cleaners, carpenters, nurses, telephonists and receptionists. The Clerical and Secretarial staff files include bursars, typists, clerks, secretaries, library assistants, administrative assistants and computer operators.

Queen Elizabeth College, Personnel Department


Records, 1960-1974, of the Junior Science Project or Section of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, including teaching notes and materials, 1960-1967; paper on the teaching of science in primary schools, 1963; draft press announcement on the teaching of mathematics to pupils between the ages of 5 and 13, 1964; correspondence, including staff appointments, 1963-1964; papers relating to invitations to serve on the consultative committee, 1963-1967; papers relating to planning on subjects in the Primary Science project including teaching aids, 1964; correspondence on Junior Science, including textbooks, 1964-1967; pilot project; Junior Science consultative committee meetings papers, 1964-1966, including minutes; consultative committee policy papers and correspondence, 1964-1965; papers on safety procedure and storage of equipment, 1965; mathematics teaching, 1965-1966; report on pilot stage of Junior Science and proposals for continuation project, 1965-1966; correspondence relating to equipment and apparatus, 1965-1967; correspondence relating to publications, 1965-1967; papers relating to the Junior Science film 'Into Tomorrow', 1966-1967.

Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, Junior Science

PITCHFORTH, Gerald S (1901-2003)

  • Collection
  • [1943-1944]

Copy of dossier containing maps, plans and technical data on the port of Boulogne, produced by the Director of Ports and Inland Water Transport, War Office, for the use of port construction and repair companies engaged on the rehabilitation of ports damaged by enemy action, [1943-1944].

Pitchforth, Gerald S, 1901-2003, civil engineer and astrologer


  • MISC21
  • Collection
  • 1941-1946

Fifty editions of Tee Emm, the Department of the Air Member for Training, Air Ministry, training memoranda monthly magazine, Apr 1941-Mar 1946. In addition to containing RAF training procedures and memoranda relating to RAF administration, navigation techniques, airmanship, crew co-operation requirements, gunnery, and aerial intelligence matters, the magazines included leisure articles and cartoons; fictional accounts of air operations; RAF honours lists; and updates on technological developments in the RAF


  • MISC42
  • Collection
  • 1941-1945

Editions of His Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) pamphlets relating to the British war effort during World War Two, including The Battle of Britain by the Air Ministry (HMSO: London, 1941); Bomber Command by the Air Ministry (HMSO, London, 1941) Coastal Command by the Air Ministry (HMSO, London, 1942); Frontline by the Ministry of Home Security (HMSO, London, 1942); Fleet Air Arm by the Air Ministry (HMSO: London, 1943); The Mediterranean Fleet by the Admiralty (HMSO, London, 1944); RAF Middle East by the Air Ministry (HMSO, London, 1945)

US STRATEGIC BOMBING SURVEY: report on the civil defences in Hamburg, Germany, 1945

  • MISC34
  • Collection
  • 1945

US Strategic Bombing Survey, Civil Defense Division, report entitled Target Report of Civilian Defense Division Field Team No 82, covering air-raid protection facilities and allied subjects in the city of Hamburg, Germany, 1945. The report is in two volumes. The first volume contains the field report of the US Strategic Bombing Survey, Civil Defense Division, and includes information on the organisation and operation of German civil defence, including fire control and incident control precautions; German passive defence installations and precautions, including gas protection and camouflage; information on German evacuation techniques and civil defence training measures. The second volume contains photographic, manuscript, and typescript exhibits for the first volume. Included in the second volume are population figures of Hamburg, 1940-1945; damage statistics for dwellings, cultural buildings, and industrial buildings, 1940-1945; statistics on those killed during the bombing of Hamburg, 1940-1945; organisation of German anti-aircraft divisions; organisational chart of German air raid personnel; photographs of oil refinery and storage fires caused during Allied bombing raids in Jul 1943; photographs of civilians killed during Allied bombing raid in Jul 1943; translation of German instructional regulations on how to handle the dead; report on the activities of German medical and emergency personnel; statistics on the heavy raids on Hamburg, 24 Jul-3 Aug 1943; reports of interviews with German civil servants, police and fire personnel, and air defence personnel.

CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE AND HISTORY: King's College London departmental records

  • KDCD
  • Collection
  • 1960-1985

The records of the Department of Christian Doctrine and History, 1960-1984, contain minutes and meeting papers of Department, Faculty and University of London Board of Studies, correspondence and assessment sheets; notably including University of London Board of Studies in Theology minutes, agendas and correspondence, 1981-1982; Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies minutes and papers, 1981-1984; correspondence and papers relating to staff appointments, 1960-1982; Department of Christian Doctrine and History staff meeting minutes, agendas and related papers, 1969-1984; correspondence relating to departmental public lectures, 1980-1983; King's College Association of University Teachers minutes and correspondence, 1982-1985.

King's College London Department of Christian Doctrine and History

DUGMORE, Rev Clifford William (1909-1990)

  • K/PP97
  • Collection
  • 1956-1978

The papers of Clifford William Dugmore contain correspondence relating to the Journal of Ecclesiastical History , and printed booklets, 1956-1978; notably including correspondence with a number of leading historians such as Professors Murray Tolmie and Alfred Cobban, William Cargill-Thompson, and Geoffrey Nuttall, relating to Dugmore's editorship of the Journal of Ecclesiastical History , remarking upon aspects of publication, proofs and the chasing-up of contributors, 1956-1978; correspondence concerning senior staff appointments, 1958-1977 (closed); press cuttings describing the career of Professor Dugmore, 1957-1971; text, reviews and correspondence concerning Professor Dugmore's inaugural lecture in the Chair of Ecclesiastical History, 'Ecclesiastical History. No Soft Option', 1959-1960; copies of printed booklets entitled 'Rome and the Churches', the inaugural lecture of Professor Stuart Hall of King's College, delivered in 1979; Grace Abounding. A Comparison of Frederick Denison Maurice and Karl Barth by Dr Ellen Flesseman-Van Leer (1978).

Dugmore, Clifford William, 1909-1990, historian

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: Chelsea College administrative records

  • CAS
  • Collection
  • 1889-1998

Chelsea College Secretary's files, 1889-1998. These records reflect all aspects of the academic and administrative work of the College, ranging from strategic planning, building maintenance and finance through to University of London business where applicable to Chelsea College, notably including South-Western Polytechnic and subsequent College schemes and correspondence on the relationship of the College with the University of London, 1889-1985; governance, namely Chelsea College Senate membership, agendas, committees and other business, 1972-1985; Council minutes, agendas and membership, 1972-1987; King's, Queen's and Chelsea (KQC) Management Committee and Joint Policy Committee correspondence and papers, 1983-1985; University of London Senate agendas and minutes, 1983-1985 (Ref: 1985/CAS, 1987/CAS, 1991 CAS); papers relating to major committees such as academic planning group correspondence, 1983-1984; Finance and General Purposes Committee, Planning and Staffing Committee papers, 1983-1985, planning and resources committee papers, 1989-1991 (Ref: 1997/CAS, CAS/GC2); the general running of the College, including patents, 1972-1987; copyright, 1970-1989; College safety, 1977-1985; Data Protection Act, 1985-1987; Students' Union and student welfare, 1966-1985; a proposed merger with Westfield College, University of London, 1982-1987; the Swinnerton-Dyer Committee report documents, 1980-1982; St George's Hospital Medical School papers reflecting administrative concerns, 1976-1986; agreements and contracts with publishing companies and scientific equipment suppliers, 1968-1985; papers relating to the arsenic poisoning of porters at Chelsea College including cuttings and police investigations, 1966-1971, 1998, (Ref: CAS/AD1, 1987/CAS, 1991 CAS); personnel and staff related files including on contracts, salaries, leave entitlements, performance targets, trade unions, principally NUPE and NALGO, staff appointments and lists, 1967-1987; Academic Staff Committee minutes, papers and correspondence, 1969-1985; Technical and Manual Staff Committees, 1971-1985; demonstrators and visiting lecturers, 1975-1981 (Ref: CAS/AD8); papers relating to College property, [1970-1988] (Ref: 1987/CAS, CAS 1989); academic related papers concerning various departments at King's spanning the merger of Chelsea and King's in 1985, including Biophysics, Chemistry, English, Physiology, Spanish, Theology and War Studies, 1977-1989, Chelsea Departmental papers including the Nuffield programme, Library and Computing Department, 1966-1988 (Ref: 1987/CAS, 1991 CAS, 1992 CAS).

Chelsea College Secretary, 1972-1985

DEAN'S OFFICE: King's College London records

  • KAD
  • Collection
  • 1907-1987

The records of the Dean's Office at King's College London comprise minutes, correspondence, papers and reports, 1907-1987. These include minutes of the Conference of Principals of Theological Colleges, of which the Dean was a member, 1907-1932; minutes of meetings of Associates of King's College to elect Council members, 1911-1972; general correspondence covering a wide variety of College business including College finances, the University of London Board of Studies in Theology, the organisation of the AKC programme, the training of ordinands, external examiners, scholarships and prizes, staff applications and proposed appointments, public lectures and sermons, the publication of books by staff, Church music and art including the maintenance of the Chapel, the Student Christian Movement, the University of London Chaplaincy, King's Theological Society, and the theological College at Warminster, 1916-1987; reports considering the direction and future of Warminster College, 1945-1968; papers on the King's College Hostel, Vincent Square, including plans, newspaper cuttings and a pamphlet, 1918-1951; the Annual Giving Campaign reports and minutes of meetings, 1962-1965; reports dealing with arrangements for the 150th anniversary of the College, 1978-1979.

King's College London Dean's Office, 1903-

ACADEMIC BOARD: King's College London committee records

  • KA/PB
  • Collection
  • 1868-1990

The records of the General Board/Professorial Board/Academic Board and the Committee of Deans at King's College consist of minute books, agenda books, guard books and other papers, 1868-1990; notably including a set of minutes of the Board, 1868-1990, specifically manuscript minute books with signatures, 1868-1948, typescript minute books with signatures, 1948-1980; unsigned typescript minute books, 1980-1985, loose unsigned minutes, 1985- 1990, with rough minutes, 1869-1898 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/M, KA/PB/MP, KA/G/RM); agenda books summarising the minutes of the main series, 1910-1980, and also the main Faculty Board Committee minutes, 1904-1915 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/AM); guard books containing typescript reports presented to the Board and the various sub-committees of the Board, 1927-1970 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/GB); signature books of members of the Professorial Board and the Faculty Boards, 1919-1935 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/SB); minutes of the Professorial Board General Purposes Committee, 1969- 1980; Professorial Board Public Lectures Committee minutes, 1958-1960 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PBS/M); minutes of the Committee of Deans (Ref: KCLCA KA/DE/M); manuscript terms of reference for the Board including notes on its origins, 1870 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/RG). The range of topics covered is very broad, including examinations, endowments, public and special lectures, student residences, women students, King's College Hospital, Library, relations with the University of London and the King's Council and Delegacy, and especially staff appointments, obituaries and the development of individual departments and faculties. The more recent volumes of the minutes of the Committee of Deans also contain circulars and memoranda relating to the strategic development of the College.

King's College London Academic Board, 1980-

Results 1 to 20 of 87