Key Information
Reference code
- 1878 (Creation)
Level of description
1 bundle
Scope and content
Manuscript letters to the Secretary of King’s College London including A P Southee, Secretary of the Teacher’s Association, requesting permission to hold the Association’s annual conference at the College; Stephen Salter (1826-1896), College architect, regarding building work at the College, including new cases for photographic equipment; Charles Percy Bysshe Shelley (1828-1891), Professor of Manufacturing Art and Machinery, on the proposals to form a scholarships for sons of workmen and others in mechanical trades; the executors of Sir George Gilbert Scott (1811-1878), informing the College that on his death his business had transferred to his sons; the resignation of Mansfield C Soutter (1844-1896), Evening Class Lecturer on Shorthand and recommending Mr Bicknell as his replacement. Also includes a petition from the resident students complaining about the lack of exits from the buildings in an emergency.