The first Professor of Zoology was appointed in 1836 in the Department of General Literature and Science. Zoology was taught in the Evening Classes Department at King's College from 1861 and Comparative Anatomy and Zoology in the Medical Department from 1874. Animal Biology was a component of the Department of Physiology, Practical Physiology and Histology in the Faculty of Science until Zoology and Animal Biology emerged as a department in the Faculty of Science in 1901. It was incorporated into the new School of Biological Studies in 1964 that also comprised the departments of Biochemistry, Biophysics, Botany and Physiology. This prevailed until the merger of King's, Chelsea College and Queen Elizabeth College in 1985, when Zoology and Animal Biology was absorbed within an enlarged Department of Biology, itself part of the Faculty of Life Sciences, and, from 1991, successively part of the Biosphere and Life Sciences Divisions of the School of Life, Basic Medical and Health Sciences. Since 1998 it has been part of the Division of Life Sciences in the School of Health and Life Sciences.