Linton, David Leslie, 1906-1971, Professor of Geography

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Linton, David Leslie, 1906-1971, Professor of Geography

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Born, 12 July 1906; Educated at Haberdashers' Aske's School; King's College London, BSc (Geography), 1927, MSc, 1930; DSc 1945; Demonstrator in Geography and Geology, University of London, 1927-1929; Lecturer in Geography, University of Edinburgh, 1929-1945; served in the RAF (Photographic Intelligence), 1940-1945; Professor of Geography, University of Sheffield, 1945-1958; DSc, 1955; Professor of Geography, University of Birmingham, from 1958; William Evans Visiting Professor, University of Otago, 1959; Honorary Editor of Geography, the Quarterly Journal of the Geographical Association , 1945-1965; President of the Institute of British Geographers, 1962, and of the Geographical Association, 1964; Fellow of King's College London (FKC), 1971; received the Murchison Award, Royal Geographical Society, 1943; died 11 April 1971.

Publications: Structure, Surface and Drainage in South-East England with Sidney William Wooldridge (London, 1939); Peeblesshire and Selkirkshire with Catherine Park Snodgrass, (1946); Discovery, Education and Research (Sheffield, 1948); Structure, Surface and Drainage in South-East England with Sidney William Wooldridge (George Philip & Son, London Geographical Institute, London, 1955); editor of Sheffield and its Region. A scientific and historical survey (Local Executive Committee, Sheffield, 1956).

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0100 KCLCA



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