Mayhew, Christopher Paget, 1915-1997, Baron Mayhew of Wimbledon, politician

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Mayhew, Christopher Paget, 1915-1997, Baron Mayhew of Wimbledon, politician

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Born, 1915; educated at Haileybury College, and Christ Church, Oxford; President, Oxford Union, 1937; employed by the Fabian Bureau; served in Territorial Army; served in World War Two in Surrey Yeomanry, Royal Artillery, Territorial Army, 1939-1945; service in British Expeditionary Force (BEF), Belgium and France, 1939-1940; served with British North African Forces, 1943, and Central Mediterranean Forces, 1943-1944; service with SOE (Special Operations Executive); Maj, 1944; served with British Liberation Army, North West Europe, 1944; Labour Party MP for South Norfolk, 1945-1950; Parliamentary Private Secretary to Rt Hon Herbert Stanley Morrison, Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Commons, 1945-1946; Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1946-1950; broadcaster on current affairs, BBC Television, from 1950; Labour MP for Woolwich East (later renamed Greenwich, Woolwich East), 1951-1974; Minister of Defence (Royal Navy), 1964-1966; resigned in protest at cuts in the RN aircraft carrier programme, 1966; joined Liberal Party, 1974; Liberal MP for Greenwich, Woolwich East, Jul-Sep 1974; Liberal Party candidate for Bath, Oct 1974 and 1979; Vice Chairman, Liberal Action Group for Electoral Reform, 1974-1980; Chairman, Liverpool Victoria Staff Pensions Trustee Companies, 1976-1995; contested Surrey for election to European Parliament, 1979; contested London South West for European Parliament, Sep 1979; Liberal Party Spokesman on Defence, 1980-1997; President, Parliamentary Association for Euro-Arab Co-operation, 1980-1997; author of books on national and international politics; created Life Peer, 1981; President, Arab Non-Arab Friendship Foundation, 1992; President, Middle East International (Publishers), 1992-1997; Chairman of MIND (National Association for Mental Health); died, 1997. Publications: Planned Investment: the Case for a National Investment Board (Fabian Society, London, 1939); Socialist Economic Planning: the overall picture (Fabian Publications. Victor Gollancz, London, 1946); What is Titoism? , with Cicely Mayhew (Batchworth Press, London, 1951); 'Those in favour'... (television play, 1951); Dear Viewer... (television play, 1953); Men Seeking God (George Allen and Unwin, London, 1955); Commercial television: what is to be done? (Fabian Society, London, 1959); Coexistence plus: a positive approach to world peace (Bodley Head, London, 1962); Britain's role tomorrow (Hutchinson, London, 1967); Party games (Hutchinson, London, 1969); with various other authors, Europe: the case for going in (published for the European Movement, British Council, by Harrap, London, 1971); Publish it not...: the Middle East cover up , with Michael Adams (Longman, London, 1975); The disillusioned voter's guide to electoral reform (Arrow Books, London, 1976); Time to explain: an autobiography (Hutchinson, London, 1987).

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0099 KCLMA



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