Refugee education


2 Archival description results for Refugee education

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ENTRANCE PAPERS: King's College London student admission records

  • KA/E
  • Collection
  • 1831-1985

King's College London student entrance papers, 1831-1935 (Ref: KA/E). These comprise first admissions, Senior Department, 1831-1846 (Ref: KA/E/A), General Literature and Science, 1846-1906 (Ref: KA/E/A), Arts, 1907-1935 (Ref: KA/E/A), Applied Science, 184... »

King's College London Registry, 1914-

COLEMAN, Millicent Lucy (1910-1990)

  • K/PP88
  • Collection
  • 1842-1989

The papers of Kathleen and Millicent Coleman comprise three classes of material: the private papers of the sisters and the Coleman family, 1842-1957; records relating to the National Children's Home, 1935-1981 largely CLOSED; and the Pestalozzi Village ... »

Coleman, Millicent Lucy, 1910-1990, psychologist