State security



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State security

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State security

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State security

549 Archival description results for State security

549 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

NUCLEAR AGE, THE: television documentary series

  • Collection
  • 1948

The Nuclear Age archive consists of typescript transmission scripts, interview transcripts and videotapes concerning the development of nuclear technology and strategy from 1938 to 1989. It includes twelve typescript transmission scripts and VHS (Vertical Helix Scan) videotapes for episodes 1-12, Jan-Mar 1989, and 267 typescript transcripts of interviews with 195 individuals, prominent in the political, diplomatic, scientific and military aspects of the development and deployment of nuclear technology, from the USA, USSR, UK, Federal Republic of Germany, Israel, Japan, India, Pakistan and the People's Republic of China, 1938-1989, notably including Professor Georgiy Arkadevich Arbatov, Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1974-[1989]; Professor Hans Albrecht Bethe, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, 1937-1975; Dr Norris Edwin Bradbury, Director, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico, USA, 1945-1970; Dr Harold Brown, Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California, USA, 1960-1961; Zbigniew (Kasimierz) Brzezinski, US National Security Advisor, 1977-1981; James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter, US President, 1977-1981; Rt Hon Denis Winston Healey, Secretary of State for Defence, 1964-1970; Rt Hon Michael Ray Dibdin Heseltine, Secretary of State for Defence, 1983-1986; Dr Henry (Alfred) Kissinger, US Secretary of State, 1973-1977; Andrei Afanasevich Kokoshin, First Deputy Minister of Defence, Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR), 1992-1997; Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, 1961-1968; Professor Philip Morrison, Physicist, Metallurgy Laboratory, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1943-1944; Paul Henry Nitze, Head of the US INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) negotiations, 1981-1984; Rt Hon Sir John (William Frederic) Nott, Secretary of State for Defence, 1981-1983; Professor Sir Rudolf (Ernst) Peierls, Professor of Mathematics and Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland, 1937-1963; Professor Isidor Isaac Rabi, Professor of Physics, Columbia University, New York, USA, 1937-1967; Lt Gen Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1974-1977; Professor Joseph Rotblat, Director of Research in Nuclear Physics, University of Liverpool, 1945-1949; (David) Dean Rusk, US Secretary of State, 1961-1969; James Rodney Schlesinger, US Secretary of Defense, 1973-1975; Helmut (Heinrich Waldemar) Schmidt, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1974-1982; Professor Edward Teller, Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, USA, 1960-1975; Cyrus Roberts Vance, US Secretary of State, 1977-1980; Professor Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov, Soviet Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, 1961-1984, and Professor of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, 1973-1986; Caspar Willard Weinberger, US Secretary of Defense, 1981-1987; Professor Victor Frederick Weisskopf, Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1946-1960; Professor Freiherr Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Head of Department, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Göttingen, Federal Republic of Germany, 1946-1957; Rt Hon George Kenneth Hotson Younger, Secretary of State for Defence, 1986-1989; Solly Zuckerman, Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, Chief Science Adviser to the Secretary of State for Defence, 1960-1966, and Chief Science Adviser to HM Government, 1964-1971.

Central Independent Television and WGBH Boston.

NORTON, Edward Felix (1884-1954)

  • Collection
  • 1909-1912

Copies of photographs relating to his service with the Royal Artillery in India, 1909-1912, and in France and Belgium, 1914-1919; photographs and press cuttings relating to Norton's service as Acting Governor, Hong Kong, 1940-1941.

Norton, Edward Felix, 1884-1954, Lieutenant General

NORTH, Maj John Francis Allen (1894-1973)

  • Collection
  • 1927-[1968]

Papers relating to Gallipoli (Faber and Faber, London, 1936), 1927-1967, principally comprising original typescript, [1936]; correspondence, 1927-1967, notably with Brig Gen Cecil Faber Aspinall-Oglander, 1933-1939, Gen Sir Ian (Standish Monteith) Hamilton, 1934-1941, Capt Sir Basil Henry Liddell Hart, 1936-1937, AF Sir Roger John Brownlow Keyes, Bt, 1934-1939, and Maj Gen Arthur Cecil Temperley, 1935-1939; newspaper cuttings, [1915]-1966, including reviews of Gallipoli, 1936-1937, and cuttings relating to the Gallipoli campaign, [1915]-1966; 'Gallipoli', [script of radio programme] by Val Henry Gielgud, 1936; photographs of Gallipoli taken by North, [1936]. Papers relating to North West Europe (HMSO, London, 1953), 1943-1961, including original typescript, [1953]; correspondence, 1944-1957, notably with Liddell Hart, 1953-1954, and FM Bernard Law Montgomery, 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, 1954-1955; press cuttings, 1943-1961, comprising reviews of North West Europe, 1944-1945, dated 1953-1954, and cuttings relating to World War Two, dated 1943-1961; official US Government and HMSO publications relating to World War Two, 1945-1946. Papers relating to The Alexander memoirs (Cassell, London, 1962), dated 1941, 1945, 1946, 1948, 1959-1964, including draft copy, [1962], and published copy, 1962; correspondence, 1961-1964, notably with FM Harold Rupert Leofric George Alexander, 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis, 1961-1963, Liddell Hart, 1961-1962, and Montgomery, 1962; newspaper cuttings, 1945-1946, 1948, 1959-1963; photographs taken by North and Alexander on a visit to the Middle East and Italy, 1960. Other papers, [1931-1968], including articles by North, [1939-1966], notably concerning training, tactics and weaponry; correspondence, [1933-1960]; maps of UK and North West Europe, 1931-1944; press cuttings, 1939-1966, including reviews of Men Fighting (Faber and Faber, London, 1958), 1958-1959; 'Diary of the Belgian Campaign, May 1940', typescript text by AF Sir Roger John Brownlow Keyes, dated [1940].

North, John Francis Allen, 1894-1973, Major, novelist and military historian

NORMAN, Maj Gen Charles Wake (1891-1974)

  • Collection
  • 1938-1965

Papers of Maj Gen Charles Wake Norman, notably on armoured warfare, 1938-1965, including copy of war diary, May 1940, France and Belgium; report of the Massy Committee on the military education of the army officer, 1938, and first progress reports; papers on armour, including discussion on armoured tactics, 1941, notes on the early history of 9 Armoured Div, order of battle, Jul 1942 for 1 Armoured Div; instructions; extract of letter from Maj John Scott, 12 May 1943; copies of correspondence with Correlli Barnett for on his book Desert Generals, 1961-1965, including copies of contemporary documents and typescript extract of war diary of James Taylor-Whitehead in France, 1914.

Norman, Charles Wake, 1891-1974, Major General

NIND, Maj Philip Frederick (1918-2008)

  • NIND
  • Collection
  • 1943-1944

Scrapbook of his service with SOE Force 133, North West Greece, 1943-1944, compiled in [1944] and [1977-1985], including copy of his official report on resistance activities, Sep 1943-Dec 1944, with particular reference to relations between the National Republican Greek League (EDES) and the National People's Liberation Army (ELAS), written in Dec 1944; essay on the political situation in Greece, 1942-1944, written in May 1944; typescript copies of messages sent by Nind to Force 133 HQ, Cairo, Oct 1944, copied in [1977-1985]; photographs, 1943-1944.

Nind, Philip Frederick, 1918-2008, Major

NICHOLS, Capt Charles Alfred Godfrey RN (1898-1986)

  • Collection
  • [1984-1985]

Papers relating to his service on HMAS SHROPSHIRE in the Pacific Ocean, 1944-1945, dated [1984-1985], principally comprising ''Shropshire' in the Philippines', a pamphlet on the service of HMAS SHROPSHIRE in the Philippines, 1944-1945, including the Battle of Leyte, Oct 1944, and the landings at Lingayen Gulf, Luzon, Jan 1945, written by Frank Hoolahan and published for New South Wales Branch of the Canberra-Shropshire Association, [1984-1985]; Shropshire Times, 25 Oct 1984, special edition commemorating the service of the HMAS SHROPSHIRE in the Philippines, 1944-1945; printed texts of lectures by John C Date to the Naval Historical Society of Australia, 1984-1985, notably on the Battle of Savo Island, Solomon Islands, 9 Aug 1942, and the Battle of Leyte, Philippines, 22-26 Oct 1944.

Nichols, Charles Alfred Godfrey, 1898-1986, Captain RN

NELSON, Maj Gen Sir John (1912-1993)

  • Collection
  • [1982]

Always a Grenadier', a memoir covering his life and career, 1916-1968, notably his evacuation from Dunkirk, May 1940, his service with the Grenadier Guards in North Africa, 1942-1943 and 1950-1952, and Italy, 1943-1945, including the landings at Anzio, Jan 1944, and with the 1 Guards Parachute Bn, Palestine, 1946-1948, his involvement in the planning of the Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation, 1952-1953, his work as a member of the Planning Staff, NATO Standing Group, British Joint Services Mission, Washington DC, 1954-1956, his service in Germany, 1959-1961, as General Officer Commanding, London District, 1962-1965, including his involvement in the planning of Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill's funeral, 1965, and as General Officer Commanding Berlin (British Sector), 1966-1968, privately printed by the Grenadier Guards in [1982].

Nelson, Sir Eustace John Blois, 1912-1993, Knight, Major General

NEILSON, Lt Col Ian Godfrey (1918-2017)

  • Collection
  • [1994]

The Air Observation Post in Normandy, June 1944', a typescript article on his service with B Flight, No 652 Air Observation Post Sqn, RAF, Jun-Jul 1944, and a copy of The Army Air Corps Journal, 1994, including a cut and illustrated version of the article.

Neilson, Ian Godfrey, 1918-2017, Lieutenant Colonel

MULLENS, Brig Guy John de Wette (1899-1981)

  • Collection
  • 1938-1939

Narrative diaries, nine manuscript volumes, as Maj commanding motorised cavalry sqn, 4/7 Dragoon Guards, Palestine, 1938-1939, with typescript nominal roll of officers, non-commissioned officers and men who served with 4/7 Royal Dragoon Guards Sqn in Palestine, 1938-1939. Also, two albums of related captioned photographs and one map of Syria and Palestine, scale 1: 1,140, 000 [1935].

Mullens, Guy John de Wette, 1899-1981, Brigadier

MULLENEUX, Cdr Hugh Headworth Hubback (1911-1990)

  • Collection
  • 1939-1946

Copies of detailed narrative diaries and transcripts of Naval signal messages on RN operations, 1939-1945, including service at RN Gunnery School, Chatham, Kent, 1939, on HMS JERVIS in the North Sea, 1940, with the Mediterranean Fleet, 1940-1941, with Combined Operations Command, Dieppe and Normandy, 1942-1944, and the British Pacific Fleet, 1945-1946. Also, typescript copies of operational orders for Operation NEPTUNE, Normandy, 1944.

Mulleneux, Hugh Headworth Hubback, 1911-1990, Commander RN

MOWBRAY, Wg Cdr F J (fl 1939-1996)

  • Collection
  • 1996

The Azores expedition: the signals contribution', typescript account of RAF expedition to establish an airbase in the Azores, Oct 1943, written in 1996.

Mowbray, F J, fl 1939-1996, Wing Commander

MOSTYN-OWEN, Col Herbert Louis (1895-1972)

  • Collection
  • 1965

India remembered', a typescript account of political and military life in India during the period 1920-1939, drawn partly from his experiences in the Indian Army, 1917-1946, written in 1965.

Owen, Herbert Louis Mostyn-, 1895-1972, Colonel

MORTON, Wg Cdr James (1916-1982)

  • Collection
  • 1936-1950

Copies of papers relating to his service with the RAF, 1936-1950, principally comprising log books, 1936-1949, notably covering his service in World War Two, UK, 1939-1945, and North Africa, 1943; notebook containing descriptions of his active service, 1939-1943, notably his involvement in the defence of the Forth Road Bridge, Oct 1939, and the Battle of Britain, Jul-Oct 1940;press cuttings relating to the RAF in World War Two, dated [1940-1946].

Morton, James, 1916-1982, Wing Commander

MORRISS, Louis Arnold George (1896-1977)

  • Collection
  • 1940-[1955]

Papers relating to his civil and military career, 1940-1949, dated 1940-[1955], notably including typescript text concerning his service with the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Malaya, 1942, dated [1945-1955]; photographs of Morriss and other POWs, Java and Japan, [1942-1943]; notes relating to his life as a POW, [1942-1945]; newsletters of the Java Fellowship, an organisation for families of RAF personnel missing in Java, 1943-1946; issues of Far East , the official journal of the Far East Section of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation Prisoners of War Department, 1944-1945; 'Publicity in connection with escaped, liberated or repatriated Prisoners of War', restricted circulation circular from General HQ, US Army Forces, Pacific, 1945; 'Homeward bound', pamphlet giving information about the 5th Replacement Depot, a processing camp for liberated POWs near Manila, Philippine Islands, [1945].

Morriss, Louis Arnold George, 1896-1977, Pilot Officer

MORRISON, Lt Col Stanley Paton (1930-1972)

  • Collection
  • [1915]-1972

Group photograph of Taiping Signals Troop, [Singapore], 1957; thirteen photographs of 22 Signals Regt, Royal Corps of Signals, winter warfare training exercise WHITETHRUST, Norway, 1966, with edition of The wire, the Royal Corps of Signals magazine, with article on the exercise by Morrison, Apr-May 1966; edition of The wire, with obituary for Morrison, Oct-Nov 1972.Sixteen photographs relating to the military career of Lt Frank Morrison, Intelligence Corps (father of Lt Col Stanley Paton Morrison), including thirteen photographs of bomb damage in Kiel, Germany, including scuttled German heavy cruiser ADMIRAL HIPPER, and damage to armoured cruiser ('pocket battleship') ADMIRAL SCHEER, Apr 1945. Papers and photographs relating to Lt Robert Harley Nowland, Morrison's brother in law, who served with Gull Force, Australian Imperial Forces, 1941-1942, and was taken prisoner by the Japanese on Ambon, Dutch East Indies, Feb 1942, including copy of letter home by Nowland from HMAS LATROBE, and relating to hisrelease from Amboina prison camp, Ambon, Dutch East Indies, and to his health, Sep 1945; printed article by Nowland, from unknown publication, entitled 'Return to Ambon', relating to the formation of Gull Force, the capture of Ambon by Japanese forces, his time as a POW, and his return to Ambon for an Anzac Day memorial service [1980]; newspaper cuttings from the Brisbane Telegraph relating toreports of Japanese atrocities in POW camps, Sep 1945, and the Anzac Day parade, Brisbane, Australia, Apr 1949; six photographs including artillery exercise and group of Australian officers [1915]; 27 Australian Infantry Bde on parade, Bathurst, Australia, May 1941; Anzac Day parades, Brisbane, Australia, 1936 and 1949.

Morrison, Stanley Paton, 1930-1972, Lieutenant Colonel

MOORE, Lt Col Alleyn Cardwell (1898-1983)

  • Collection
  • 1926

Copies of papers relating to his service in Burma, 1926, 1928-1929, [1932]-1933, [1947-1953], principally comprising official report on the military phase of Hwekum Column operations, Burma, 15-20 Feb 1926, written by [Moore]; 'Report on the Naga Hills (Upper Chindwin) expedition for the abolition of human sacrifice', Jan- Mar 1928, written by H J Mitchell, Assistant Superintendent, Burma Frontier Service, printed by the Government of Burma, 1928, and including a report by Moore as Officer Commanding Military Police, Naga Hills Expedition; 'Report on the Naga Hills (Upper Chindwin) expedition for the release of slaves and the suppression of human sacrificing', 1929-1929, written by Mitchell and printed by the Government of Burma, 1929; typescript notes on the Burma Rebellion, 1930-1932, written by Moore for officers of the Chin Hills Bn, [1932]; typescript 'History of the Chin Hills Bn (The Burma Regt)', 1894-1933, written by Moore in 1933; typescript history of the Chin Hills Bn, 1942-1947, written by [Moore], c 1950.

Moore, Alleyn Cardwell, 1898-1983, Lieutenant Colonel

MONTGOMERY, FM SIR BERNARD: printed speeches, June and Sep 1944

  • MISC63
  • Collection
  • 1944

Copy of official printed message by Gen Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, Commander in Chief, 21 Army Group, to British troops relating to the establishment of an Allied bridgehead in France, 10 Jun 1944; copy of official message by FM Sir Bernard Law Montgomery, Commander in Chief, 21 Army Group, to British troops relating to the liberation of Belgium and France, 17 Sep 1944

MONTANARO, Brig Gerald Charles Stokes (1916-1979)

  • Collection
  • 1938-1965

Personal and military papers of Brig Gerald Charles Stokes Montanaro, 1938-1965. Comprising pocket diaries, 1938-1946, 1948, including detailed diaries for 1941-1945, of service with 101 Troop, Special Service Brigade (Commando Special Canoe Troop), 1941-1942 and as commander of MF Flotilla of large submersible diesel-engined craft designed for anti-submarine work, 1942-1945; correspondence and papers (3 files) on administration and training and operations of 101 Troop, Special Service Brigade, 1940-1942, comprising standing and daily orders, reports on training, including landing and anti-invasion exercises, shooting, map-reading and navigational work, swimming, canoeing, mountaineering, and signalling; chart of proposed general organisation for small boat operations; notes on proposed establishments for Special Boat Squadrons attached to the Royal Navy; memorandum 'Lessons from Crete, with points of particular interest to Commandos' by Brig Joseph Charles Haydon, Commanding Officer Special Service Brigade, Jul 1941; printed leaflet 'Commando Training Instruction No.1', Aug 1940; report on 101 Troop's raid on sinking of an oil tanker in Boulogne Harbour, Apr 1942, including correspondence about the raid with Maj Gen Ridley Pakenham Pakenham-Walsh, 1950; report on reconnaissance between Gravelines and Calais, France, Nov 1941; photographs (4 albums and 15 packets of loose photos) on personal and service subjects (1940-1945), including commando training construction and operation of midget submarines and photgraphs of girlfriends and family friends; propaganda material from Korea, 1952-1954; album of photographs of Montanaro's inspection of 653 Sqn, Army Air Corps, Aden, Feb 1965

Montanaro, Gerald Charles Stokes, 1916-1976, Brigadier

MOCKLER-FERRYMAN, Brig Eric (1896-1978)

  • Collection
  • 1914

Papers relating to his military career, 1914-1945, dated 1914, 1917-1918, [1945]-1978, principally comprising typescript texts of lectures, [1965-1975], on his service with the Australian Military Forces, 1937-1939, the planning and execution of Allied invasion of North Africa, 1942, and his service with the SOE, North West Europe, 1943-1945; correspondence with Sir ArthurWynne Morgan Bryant, 1978, concerning Mockler-Ferryman's service with Maj Gen John Greer Dill, Commandant, Staff College, Camberley, 1933, and Gen Sir Alan Francis Brooke (later FM Alan Francis Brooke, 1st Viscount Alanbrooke of Brookeborough), Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces, 1940-1941.

Ferryman, Eric Mockler-, 1896-1978, Brigadier

MOCKLER, Surgeon Capt Eamon Joseph (1902-1983)

  • Collection
  • 1908

Papers relating to his medical career with the RN, 1939-1952, dated 1908, [1943]-1950, principally comprising typescript texts written as Chief Malariologist with the British Pacific Fleet, [1943-1946], including accounts of his work in Singapore, Hong Kong and Pacific Islands; typescript texts by Mockler and others on malaria and its treatment, [1943-1946]; official annual reportsas Naval Medical Officer of Health, Hong Kong, 1951-1952; lecture notes circulated at the RN Medical School, Alverstoke, to accompany a course on radiological defence, [1947]; British, Australian and US military publications on health and medical issues, 1942-1950, mainly malaria and tropical diseases.

Mockler, Eamon Joseph, 1902-1982, Surgeon Captain RN

Results 181 to 200 of 549