Thomson, St Clair, 1859-1943, Professor of Laryngology

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Thomson, St Clair, 1859-1943, Professor of Laryngology

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Born, 1859; entered King's College London Medical Department, 1878, obtained honours in Medicine, 1883; appointed House Surgeon to Joseph Lister, Professor of Clinical Surgery, King's College London, 1883; practised in Italy and Switzerland and qualified as a Doctor of Medicine at Lausanne, 1891; Physician to the Throat Hospital, Golden Square, London, and Surgeon to the Royal Ear Hospital, 1893-1901; Assistant Physician for Diseases of the Throat and Nose, King's College Hospital, 1901; Physician in Charge of the Department, 1905; Professor of Laryngology, King's College London, 1908- 1924; appointed Emeritus Professor of Laryngology, King's College London, and Consulting Laryngological Physician to King's College Hospital, 1924; President of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1924-1926; died, 1943.

Publications: The cerebro-spinal fluid (London, 1899); Submucous excision of deviations and spurs of the nasal septum (London, 1906); Operations upon the nose and its accessory cavities (Oxford, 1909); Diseases of the nose and throat (London, 1911); Tuberculosis of the larynx (London, 1924); Cancer of the larynx (London, 1930).

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0100 KCLCA



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