Winston, George A R, d 1967, librarian

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Authorized form of name

Winston, George A R, d 1967, librarian

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George Winston served with the Royal Marines during World War One. He was Wills Librarian, Guy's Hospital Medical School London, 1920-1930; Librarian at the Faculty of Science Library, Cairo University, 1930-[1933]. On his return to London, he was again appointed as Wills Librarian, a post he held until his retirement in September 1962. Winston was responsible for the evacuation of the historical collection and other valuable books to Wales at the outbreak of World War Two. During this time, he was also Commanding Officer of he Deptford Unit of the Sea Cadets. As librarian, Winston was also responsible for the care of the Gordon Museum collection at Guy's, as well as being business manager for the Guy's Hospital Reports . He died on 31 Dec 1867.

Relationships area

Related entity

Winston, John Henry Ernest (Jack), died 1956, Secretary of Guy's Medical School

Identifier of related entity


Category of relationship


Type of relationship

Winston, John Henry Ernest (Jack), died 1956, Secretary of Guy's Medical School

is the sibling of

Winston, George A R, d 1967, librarian

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Authority record identifier


Institution identifier

0100 KCLCA



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