Key Information
Reference code
- 1908-1974 (Creation)
Level of description
0.5 box or 0.05 cubic metres
Scope and content
Papers, 1908-1974, including Wynne's letters home to his father from Germany, 1908-1911, including detailed descriptions of illegal duelling by students in Hannover, Germany and calling card of General Otto von Emmich, Commander, 10 Army Corps, Hannover, Germany, 1909-1915. Bound typescript account by Wynne, 29 Jul-4 Sep 1914, on his experiences in the BEF's (British Expeditionary Force's) retreat from Mons, Belgium, the Battle of Le Cateau, France, and capture by German forces during the Battle of Le Cateau, France, 26 Aug 1914, written as a POW in Germany, Sep-Oct 1914. Correspondence, press cutting, menus and Christmas cards relating to time as POW, Germany and Netherlands, 1914-1918, including letters written to parents from Portobello Barracks, Dublin, immediately before embarkation for France, Aug 1914; cutting from The Morning Post , 3 Sept 1914, listing Wynne as killed; letter home from POW camp, Magdeburg, Germany, 30 Dec 1914, referring to incorrect report of his death; menus, playing cards and Christmas cards with watercolours by Wynne and signatures of fellow POW's. Correspondence and papers relating to Wynne's work for the Historical Section, Cabinet Office, and to his publications, 1928-1958, including two letters from Maj Gen Sir Ernest (Dunlop) Swinton relating to German defence systems, 30 Sep 1939, and to Wynne's book, If Germany attacks. The battle in depth in the west (Faber and Faber, London, 1940), 2 Feb 1940; manuscript diary and typescript report by Wynne on an official visit to North Africa, 12 Apr-23 May 1943; letters to Wynne from Lt Gen Sir Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson, General Officer Commanding 1 Army, North Africa, rebutting allegations reported to Wynne by troops of 8 Army of Anderson's poor handling of 1 Army in operations in North Africa, May 1943; three letters from Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, dated Jan-Jul 1958, relating to Wynne's article on the Schlieffen plan and The Schlieffen plan. Critique of a myth by Professor Gerhard Ritter (Oswald Wolff, London, 1958). Correspondence, 1939-1974, relating to Wynne's publications, including his book If Germany attacks. The battle in depth in the west (Faber and Faber, London, 1940). Also photograph of Wynne's father, General Sir Arthur Singleton Wynne, c.1914.
System of arrangement
The collection is arranged chronologically.
General Information
Name of creator
Biographical history
Born 1889; commissioned into the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 1907; Lt, 1912; Platoon commander, 2 Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, Dublin and Carrickfergus, Ireland, 1914; served in World War One, 1914-1918; service with 2 Bn, King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, 13 Infantry Bde, 5 Div, 2 Corps, British Expeditionary Force (BEF), France and Belgium, Aug-Sep 1914; retreat from Mons, Belgium, Aug 1914; Battle of Le Cateau, France, 26 Aug 1914; captured by German forces, Le Cateau, France, 26 Aug 1914; POW, Germany, Sep 1914-Jan 1918; Capt, 1915; interned in the Netherlands, Jan-Nov 1918; employed by the Historical Section, Committee of Imperial Defence ( later Historical Section, Cabinet Office), 1918-1956; resigned from Army, 1927; retired 1956; died 1964. Publications: Compiled, with Brig Gen Sir James (Edward) Edmonds, Military operations, France and Belgium, 1915. Volume I ( Macmillan, London, 1927); If Germany attacks. The battle in depth in the west (Faber and Faber, London, 1940).
Custodial history
Presented to the Centre by the family in 1964 and 1965, with a second accession in 2006.
Conditions governing access
Open, subject to signature of Reader's undertaking form, and appropriate provision of two forms of identification, to include one photographic ID.
Conditions governing reproduction
Copies, subject to the condition of the original, may be supplied from open material for research purposes only.
Requests to publish original material should be submitted to the Trustees of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, via the Archives.
Language of material
- English
Script of material
Finding aids
This collection level description.
Related materials
Decorations: OBE
Alternative identifier(s)
- Armed forces
- Authors
- Communication personnel
- Documents
- Higher science education
- History
- Information sources
- International conflicts
- International relations
- Memoirs
- Military history
- Military organizations
- Military theory
- Organizations
- State security
- War
- War prisoners
- War victims
- World War One (1914-1918)
- World wars (events)
- World War Two (1939-1945)
- Wars (events)
Place access points
People and Organisations
- Anderson, Sir Kenneth Arthur Noel, 1891-1959, Knight, Lieutenant General (Subject)
- Ritter, Gerhard, fl 1958, Professor (Subject)
- Swinton, Sir Ernest Dunlop, 1868-1951, Major General (Subject)
- British Army (Subject)
- German Army (Subject)
- Hart, Sir Basil Henry Liddell, 1895-1970, Knight, Captain, military historian (Subject)
Genre access points
Rules and/or conventions used
Compiled in compliance with General International Standard Archival Description, ISAD(G), second edition, 2000.