Showing 3581 results

Authority record

King's College London Department of Public Health and Epidemiology

  • KCL-AF1285
  • Academic department

Throughout the 1990s, Public Health and Epidemiology was part of the Division of Community-based Clinical Subjects in the Faculty of Medicine within the School of Medicine and Dentistry. Following the merger of King's with the United Medical and Dental Schools in 1998, teaching was devolved to the Department of Public Health Medicine in the Division of Primary Care and Public Health Sciences in the Guy's, King's and St Thomas's (GKT) School of Medicine. In 2014 the Department became part of the Faculty of Life Sciences and Medicine.

King's College London Department of Science

  • Academic department
  • 1888-1893

The Department of Science was created in 1888 when the Department of General Literature and Science was split into two separate departments.

King's College London Department of Spanish and Spanish-American Studies

  • KCL-AF1309
  • Academic department
  • 1970-2008

Spanish was taught at King's College from 1831, initially as a course in the Senior Department and then the Department of General Literature and Science, becoming a Faculty of Arts course from 1893 until 1923-1924, when it became recognised in its own right as the Spanish Studies Department. In 1970 the department changed its title to the Spanish and Spanish-American Studies Department in recognition of a broadening Latin American syllabus, and has been part of the School of Humanities since 1989.

King's College London Department of Theology & Religious Studies

  • KCL-AF1321
  • Academic department
  • 1989-

King's College London Department of Theology was established in 1846 for the preparation of graduates and other candidates for Holy Orders. The Transfer Act of 1908 separated the secular and theological components of King's, creating institutions known respectively as The University of London, King's College, and the Theological Department of King's College London. The College Council retained all its powers in relation to the Faculty of Theology, but a Theological Committee was instituted to advise the Council and to superintend, under its direction, the work carried on in the Theological Department of the College. The Theological Department was thereafter a School of the University within the Faculty of Theology and the Head of the Theological Department was the Dean of King's College. Undergraduate courses available included the BD, intended as a first stage for teaching in schools or as a preparation for ordination, and the AKC, which overlapped with the BD but contained a more practical element for those meaning to enter ordained ministry. Postgraduate courses included the MTh, MPhil and PhD. In 1958 the University decided to make money available for more teaching posts in Theology, which were established within the Faculty of Arts, King's College. This led to the development of more non-vocational theological classes including courses in Religious Studies. Theology was formally reunited with the rest of the College in 1980 under the title King's College London. It is currently known as the Department of Theology and Religious Studies, part of the School of Humanities since 1989. Related research institutes include the Centre for New Religions, established in 1982, and the Centre for Advanced Biblical Studies.

King's College London Department of War Studies

  • KCL-AF1332
  • Academic department
  • 1962-

A Department of Military Science existed from 1848-1859. Military Science was subsequently approved as a subject for the BA and BSc general degrees from 1913, and was taught under the Faculty of Arts and also the Faculty of Engineering. The Military Studies Department was established in 1926 and formed part of the Faculty of Arts. It became known as the War Studies Department in 1943 but was discontinued in 1948, although the subject continued to be taught under the Department of Medieval and Modern History. The Department was then reinstated in 1962 to offer postgraduate courses. A BA degree in War Studies was offered from 1992 onwards. The department became part of the School of Humanities in 1989 and the School of Social Science and Public Policy in 2001.

King's College London Department of Zoology

  • KCL-AF1357
  • Organisation

The first Professor of Zoology was appointed in 1836 in the Department of General Literature and Science. Zoology was taught in the Evening Classes Department at King's College from 1861 and Comparative Anatomy and Zoology in the Medical Department from 1874. Animal Biology was a component of the Department of Physiology, Practical Physiology and Histology in the Faculty of Science until Zoology and Animal Biology emerged as a department in the Faculty of Science in 1901. It was incorporated into the new School of Biological Studies in 1964 that also comprised the departments of Biochemistry, Biophysics, Botany and Physiology. This prevailed until the merger of King's, Chelsea College and Queen Elizabeth College in 1985, when Zoology and Animal Biology was absorbed within an enlarged Department of Biology, itself part of the Faculty of Life Sciences, and, from 1991, successively part of the Biosphere and Life Sciences Divisions of the School of Life, Basic Medical and Health Sciences. Since 1998 it has been part of the Division of Life Sciences in the School of Health and Life Sciences.

King's College London Development Office

  • KCL-AF1176
  • Organisation

King's College recognised the importance of external fund-raising during the 1970s, and the Development Trust was set up to co-ordinate efforts. This later became the Development Office in 1993 and recently the Development and Alumni Office. It helps organise funding bids and fund-raising among alumni and has a close working relationship with the King's College London Association (KCLA), which is an independent alumni body comprising volunteers, and which focuses on reunions and maintaining links between past and present students and staff.

King's College London Division of Biomedical Sciences

  • Academic department
  • 1987-1998

The Biomedical Sciences Division formed part of the Faculty of Life Sciences, which later became the School of Life, Basic Medical and Health Sciences. It is now known as the GKT (Guy's, King's and St Thomas') School of Biomedical Sciences, formed in 1998 from the Biomedical Sciences and the Basic Medical Sciences Divisions at UMDS (United Medical and Dental Schools).

King's College London Engineers' Association, 1920-

  • KCL-AF0881
  • Organisation
  • 1920

The King's College London Engineers' Association was established in 1920 as the Engineering Branch of the King's College Old Students' Association, the department dealing with alumni that evolved into the current King's College London Association (KCLA). The organisation is still very active and helps facilitate contact between past and present students and staff.

Results 1841 to 1860 of 3581