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93 Archival description results for Government

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SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London governance records

  • KAS/GC
  • Collection
  • 1828-1992 (ongoing)

From 1828-1909 the Council was the College's governing and executive body, exercising the powers of the College as provided in the Charter or Statutes. The King's College London (Transfer) Act 1908 incorporated the college into the University of London, and the Delegacy became the governing body of King's College. The Council thereafter governed the Theological Department only, which was separately administered from the rest of the College. The Delegacy was a committee of the Senate of the University of London, which had to ratify all major decisions. By the Royal Charter of 1980, King's College London was reconstituted, merging the Theological Department with the Faculty of Theology and the Council again became the governing body for the whole College. Between 1909-1980 the Court, as the financial board of the University of London, controlled the finances of the College through the custody, control and disposition of all property, funds and investments. The Academic Board advises the Council on all academic matters. The Professorial Board became known as the Academic Board in 1980.

The records comprise five series covering the period 1828-1992: records of the College's governing bodies, records relating to College constitution, policy and structure, relationship with the University of London, external bodies and the Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals. These include minutes, papers and correspondence, 1890-1983, of the following: the Court, 1906-1938, 1966-1979; College Council and its committees, 1890-1983; Delegacy, 1909-1989, including the new site at Bloomsbury, 1921-1926; building works estimates, 1963-1977; the international interchange of students, 1909-1918; research into Radio Telegraphy, 1924-1941; Delegacy membership 1960-1980; Professorial Board minutes and papers, 1936-1939, 1958-1979; Academic Board minutes and papers, 1980-1983; Academic Board correspondence, 1917-1983 notably relating to appointments and alternative BSc examinations, 1929-1939; Theological Professorial Board minutes, 1920, agendas and papers, 1932-1938, 1967-72; Committee of Deans minutes and papers, 1921, 1956-1982; Heads of Departments' meetings with the Principal, 1976-1983; Joint Committee of the Council and Delegacy minutes and papers, 1972-1973; various development committees, 1976-1983, 1991-1992 (KAS/GC1). Provisional Committee of King's College London original resolution, report and petition for establishment, 1828-1833; draft charter (not granted), 1855-1863; papers and correspondence relating to the proposed 'University for London', 1844-1892, including draft charter for 'Albert University', 1891; University of London Act (1895) and Commission with related papers and correspondence, 1889-1901; King's College London Act (1903) with related correspondence, 1902-1903; papers relating to the incorporation of the College into the University of London, 1904-1913; papers relating to the development and rebuilding of King's College London, 1910-1919; papers relating to the Royal Commission on University Education in London, 1909-1915; University of London and King's College Committees minutes, correspondence and reports on the proposed Bloomsbury site, 1920-1924; papers relating to the Statutory Commission concerning the revision of University statutes, 1925-1928; papers relating to the merger of King's College London and the Arts and Sciences Departments of King's College for Women, 1928; papers and correspondence relating to the possible disincorporation of King's College London, 1964-1965; student participation in College government, 1969-1974; minutes of Joint and Steering Committees of the Council and Delegacy on the Murray Report, 1972-1979; Committees concerning the drafting of College regulations required under the new Charter and Statutes, 1977-1980; Committee structure of the College, 1978-1988; new faculty of Theology on reunification with the College, 1976-1977; the Flowers Report concerning medical education in London, 1979-1981; scheme for the integration of St Thomas' Medical School, Westminster Medical School and the Biological and Medical Departments of King's College London to form a School of Biology and Medicine, 1969-1972; proposed amalgamation of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies with King's College London, 1971-1976; reunification of King's College London and King's College Hospital Medical School, 1981-1983; merger of King's College London and Bedford College, 1981-1982; merger of King's, Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges, 1983-1985; Assistant Secretary's general correspondence and papers, 1982-1985; the development of the sites of King's, Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges, 1982-1983, and the College's Development Plan, 1985 (KAS/GC2). Correspondence with the University of London, 1901-1954, 1966-1988; correspondence and notices of Senate proceedings and resolutions, 1910-1918, 1934-1942; reports of the Delegacy to the Senate, 1911-1918, 1934-1914, and to the Court, 1929-1946; membership of the Delegacy and College representation on University of London boards and committees, 1939-1960; membership of Senate Committees and electoral procedures, 1978-1983; King's College London's submissions to the Robbins and Murray Committees, 1961-1972; reports and correspondence relating to the University of London Act 1978, 1974-1978; response to new statutes, 1976-1983; correspondence and papers relating to student discipline, 1968-1979; response to the University of London Committee on Academic Organisation, 1980-1982; registration of teachers, appointment of staff and conferment of titles, 1890-1918; registration of students, 1909-1921; University of London inspections on King's College London teaching and equipment; 1909-1910, 1932-1939, 1949-1950 (KAS/GC3). Papers and correspondence relating to the allocation, application and appeals for Treasury and Board of Education grants, 1889-1918; Treasury Commissioner Inspections, 1889-1904; returns to the Board of Education and University Grants Committee for the annual report to Parliament, 1897-1921; response to the Board of Education's proposals to revise secondary school examinations, 1913-1918; correspondence, minutes and papers relating to University Grants Committee visits and meetings, 1921-1934, 1950-1983; University Grants Committee accounts of air-raid damage repairs, 1938-1945; papers relating to Quinquennium reports, 1947-1961, 1966-1980; circulars from Science Research Councils, 1976-1981; correspondence with London County Council and reports notably relating to grants, scholarships, bursaries, appointments and teachers' classes, 1894-1927 (KAS/GC4). Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals' general correspondence, circulars and reports relating to the National Union of Students, College societies, tuition fees, data protection, finance and higher education, 1954-1982 (KAS/GC5).

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London administrative records

  • KAS/AD
  • Collection
  • 1750-1991

Eight series of records relating to administration, finance, estates and special purposes, including papers relating to Secretaries' and Bursars' general correspondence, 1872-1953, 1977-1982, notably including Royal patronage of King's College London, 1901-1911; Indian students, 1906-1922, 1948; appeals by King's College London for endowments and funds, 1872-1907; exhibitions, 1897-1912, 1977-1979; gift of Holbein prints, 1921-1934; the King George III collection of mechanical models and scientific instruments, 1926-1977; Royal visits, 1955-1959, 1978; opening of the new Strand building, 1970-1972; King's College London Annual Dinner Committee minutes and accounts, 1875-1876, 1896-1920; Fellows of King's College London, 1896-1916, 1961-1983; representation of King's College London on the governing bodies of various schools and colleges, 1952-1983, the City Parochial Foundation, 1941-1983, and St Mary-le-Strand Charity, 1923-1985 (KAS/AD1). Annual statements of accounts including departments, 1828-1980; final accounts and reports, 1910-1959; assets and liabilities annual statements, 1833-1853; copy documents of the Royal warrant and grant, charter and various acts, 1829-1906; funds and appeals accounts with lists of donors, 1895-1928, correspondence and working papers relating to financial reorganisation, 1896, 1905-1906; estimates and revised estimates with reports, 1910-1960, printed accounts, abstracts and reports, 1910-1959; Theological Department final accounts and estimates, 1926-1960; Quinquennium reports, grants, estimates and related papers, 1910-1935, 1946-1952, 1974-1975; special apparatus accounts and correspondence, 1920-1952; accounts and correspondence relating to the separation of King's College School, King's College Hospital and Strand School from King's College London, 1908-1911; correspondence and papers relating to non-recurrent, capital and block grants, 1947-1951, 1965-1982; report on the merger of King's College London, Queen Elizabeth College and Chelsea College, 1984; correspondence concerning loans, debts, income tax, insurance, investments, and departmental expenditure, 1897-1981; trust deeds, correspondence and reports relating to the Staff and College retirement funds and superannuation schemes, 1898-1923, 1930-1931, 1948-1953, 1971-1985 (KAS/AD2). Title deeds and correspondence relating to the advowson of West Barkworth, Lincolnshire, 1750-1957, the benefice of Westmill in Hertfordshire, 1901-1985, and the benefice of Bolney in Sussex, 1957-1968; Building Extension fund donations, 1881-1896, 1907-1910; Agreements, leases, plans, correspondence and reports relating to the letting, purchase, alteration and refurbishment of buildings, 1892-1987, notably laboratories, 1898-1915, 1945-1952, 1960-1966; establishment of the Architectural Museum, 1896-1897; repairs and maintenance of the College organ, 1910-1911, 1929-1932, 1974-1976; various Strand buildings, 1907-1920, 1935-1945; properties in Bristol, 1939-1942; chapel alterations, 1930-1935, 1946-1948; inventories of departmental apparatus 1906-1968; war damage, 1945-1952; Accommodation Committee minutes and correspondence, 1948-1987; development of 62-68 Half Moon Lane site, London (Botany and Zoology departments), 1950-1968; Planning and Steering Committees and various subcommittees minutes and papers, 1954-1969; development of King's College London Quadrilateral (Strand site) correspondence, papers, plans and Subcommittee minutes, 1954-1976; alterations to Medical Faculty Building minutes and papers, 1960-1979; correspondence with the National Trust concerning the Roman Bath, 1962-1974; campaign to acquire the East wing of Somerset House public access, 1963-1976 (KAS/AD3). Correspondence, minutes, plans, accounts and inventories relating to the establishment, running and development of King's College London's hostels for students, 1902-1982, notably King's College Hall, 1910-1982, including use by the RAF, 1940-1946; King's College Hostel, Vincent Square, London, 1908-1982, including use as a military hospital during World War One, 1914-1919, and air raid warden station during World War Two, 1939-1942; Halliday Hall, London, formerly Montrose Court Hotel, 1949-1976; Women's Hostel, Queensborough Terrace, London, 1920-1946, Theological Hostel, 42-43 Mecklenburgh Square, London, 1902-1908 (KAS/AD4). Correspondence and papers relating to Service Units and functions, 1966-1977, notably the Animal Unit, 1966-1981, Boat House, 1926-1947; establishment and development of the Computer Unit, 1964-1983; Dining Hall/Catering Department/Refectory Committee 1889-1920, 1942-1983; Rogate Field Centre near Midhurst, Sussex, 1965-1982; Safety Committees, 1957-1982 (KAS/AD5). Papers, relating to personnel including appointments, salaries, sabbatical leave, training, student demonstrations, negotiating, staffing and consultative committees, overall policy and welfare, 1895-1924, 1931, 1938-1939, 1944-1991, notably Advisory Committees on Academic, Clerical, Technical and Manual Staff, 1952-1986; Association of University Teachers Committees, 1938-1939, 1952-1985; various staff appointments and retirements including the Principal, the Dean, and Chairs and Established Readerships, 1895-1920, 1944, 1947-1952, 1956-1991 (KAS/AD6). Papers relating to the Union of Students notably grants, student discipline, clubs, welfare and day nursery, 1898-1922, 1948-1983 (KAS/AD7). Papers relating to World War One, notably research work and munition training to support the war effort, 1914-1921; war memorials, 1918-1941, 1950-1952, 1972-1983; Mitcham Sports Ground, 1919-1931, 1968-1975; emergency arrangements made by King's College London during World War Two 1938-1948; Fire and air raid precautions, 1938-1945; staff and students deferral of National Service 1939-1956; Centenary committees and appeal, 1927-1933; 150th Anniversary celebrations 1975-1981; Development Trust programme 1978-1984 (KAS/AD8).

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London academic department administrative records

  • KAS/AC2
  • Collection
  • 1830-1983

Correspondence, reports, minutes, accounts and papers relating to Academic Schools, Faculties and Departments concerning appointments, buildings, bequests, mergers, equipment, finance, scholarships and endowments, courses and examinations, research grants, staff appointments, fees, admissions, students and grants, 1830-1841, 1851-1983, comprising Faculty of Education, 1965-1982; Faculty of Engineering, 1882-1982; Faculty of Medicine, 1923-1930, 1946-1955, 1972-1981; Faculty of Natural Science, 1940-1955, 1969-1975; School of Slavonic Studies, 1915-1937; Faculty of Theology, 1977-1983; Departments of Anatomy, 1900-1913, 1932, 1936-1948, 1966-1981; Arabic, 1894-1904; Architecture, 1890-1914; Arts, 1856-1860, 1897-1917, 1939-1956, 1971-1981; Biochemistry, 1936, 1965-1981; Biological Sciences, 1967-1976, 1983; Biophysics, 1948, 1952, 1962-1982; Botany, 1916-1918, 1923-1936, 1962-1977; Plant Sciences, 1977-1981; Chemical Engineering, 1965; Chemistry, 1897-1918, 1940-1945, 1960-1983; Civil Service Classes, 1892-1918; Classics, 1909-1917, 1970-1982; Commerce, 1872, 1918; Day Training College, 1890-1947; Department for the Training of Teachers, 1914-1939/40; Education Department 1939/40-1952/53; Engineering, 1882-1883, 1890-1980; Civil Engineering, 1977-1983; Mechanical Engineering, 1977-1981; Electrical Engineering, 1978-1981; English, 1840, 1893-1918, 1926, 1931-1934, 1959-1980; Evening Classes, 1896-1916, 1921-1929; French, 1946-1982; Geography, 1951-1953, 1961-1982; Geology, 1896-1918, 1965-1981; German, 1902-1958, 1977-1982; Modern Greek, 1917-1919, 1927, 1945-1946, 1961; Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1961-1977; Histology, 1918; History, 1877-1878, 1909-1918, 1938-1948, 1968-1977, 1981; Human Environmental Studies, 1973-1983; Icelandic, 1914; Italian, 1903, 1915-1918; Journalism 1923-1931, 1936-1939, 1944-1946; University of London Board of Laws, 1900-1952, 1971-1983; Mathematics, 1872, 1906, 1969-1982; Medicine, 1834-1837; 1851-1984; Metallurgy 1919; Music, 1962-1981; Natural Science, 1890-1917; School of Oriental Studies, 1895-1917; School of Chinese, 1899-1916; Palaeography 1972-1976; Pharmacology, 1925, 1966-1982; Philosophy, 1965-1966, 1971-1975, 1981; Physics, 1896, 1904-1918, 1926-1982; Physiology, 1891-1919, 1926, 1935-1939, 1949-1981; Economic Science and Statistics, 1851, 1904-1916, 1931; Portuguese, 1913-1924, 1948-1960, 1958-1982; Psychology, 1902-1904, 1914-1917, 1939-1947; Public Health, 1894-1917; Bacteriology, 1898-1902, 1910-1917, 1923-1925; Spanish, 1913-1922, 1937-1952, 1966-1970, 1977-1982; Theology, 1830-1841, 1862, 1864, 1888-1983; War Office Classes, 1916-1925; War Studies, 1959-1981; Zoology, 1905-1914, 1918, 1925, 1965-1970, 1977-1981.

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: Chelsea College administrative records

  • CAS
  • Collection
  • 1889-1998

Chelsea College Secretary's files, 1889-1998. These records reflect all aspects of the academic and administrative work of the College, ranging from strategic planning, building maintenance and finance through to University of London business where applicable to Chelsea College, notably including South-Western Polytechnic and subsequent College schemes and correspondence on the relationship of the College with the University of London, 1889-1985; governance, namely Chelsea College Senate membership, agendas, committees and other business, 1972-1985; Council minutes, agendas and membership, 1972-1987; King's, Queen's and Chelsea (KQC) Management Committee and Joint Policy Committee correspondence and papers, 1983-1985; University of London Senate agendas and minutes, 1983-1985 (Ref: 1985/CAS, 1987/CAS, 1991 CAS); papers relating to major committees such as academic planning group correspondence, 1983-1984; Finance and General Purposes Committee, Planning and Staffing Committee papers, 1983-1985, planning and resources committee papers, 1989-1991 (Ref: 1997/CAS, CAS/GC2); the general running of the College, including patents, 1972-1987; copyright, 1970-1989; College safety, 1977-1985; Data Protection Act, 1985-1987; Students' Union and student welfare, 1966-1985; a proposed merger with Westfield College, University of London, 1982-1987; the Swinnerton-Dyer Committee report documents, 1980-1982; St George's Hospital Medical School papers reflecting administrative concerns, 1976-1986; agreements and contracts with publishing companies and scientific equipment suppliers, 1968-1985; papers relating to the arsenic poisoning of porters at Chelsea College including cuttings and police investigations, 1966-1971, 1998, (Ref: CAS/AD1, 1987/CAS, 1991 CAS); personnel and staff related files including on contracts, salaries, leave entitlements, performance targets, trade unions, principally NUPE and NALGO, staff appointments and lists, 1967-1987; Academic Staff Committee minutes, papers and correspondence, 1969-1985; Technical and Manual Staff Committees, 1971-1985; demonstrators and visiting lecturers, 1975-1981 (Ref: CAS/AD8); papers relating to College property, [1970-1988] (Ref: 1987/CAS, CAS 1989); academic related papers concerning various departments at King's spanning the merger of Chelsea and King's in 1985, including Biophysics, Chemistry, English, Physiology, Spanish, Theology and War Studies, 1977-1989, Chelsea Departmental papers including the Nuffield programme, Library and Computing Department, 1966-1988 (Ref: 1987/CAS, 1991 CAS, 1992 CAS).

Chelsea College Secretary, 1972-1985

ROBERTSON, FM Sir William (1860-1933)

  • Collection
  • 1898-1930

Pre-war papers and correspondence, 1898-1914, including lectures, texts and notes written whilst Commandant of the Staff College, Camberley, Surrey. Papers relating to his service as Quartermaster General to the BEF (British Expeditionary Force), Western Front, 1914-1915, including correspondence with Maj Gen Sir Stanley Brenton von Donop, Master General of the Ordnance, and Maj Gen Sir John Steven Cowans, Quartermaster General to the Forces, relating to supplies of equipment, provisions and munitions. Papers and correspondence, 1915, as Chief of General Staff, BEF (British Expeditionary Force), Western Front, principally comprising reports and memoranda prepared for the War Office and the War Council by General Headquarters Staff, 1915; memoranda relating to general military strategy, 1915, notably in the Balkans, Dardanelles, Gallipoli and Egypt; papers in French concerning the Allied Conference at Chantilly, 1915. Papers relating to service as Chief of the Imperial General Staff during World War One, 1915- 1918, principally comprising Army Council and War Cabinet papers relating to manpower, 1915-1918; papers of FM Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener of Khartoum and Broome, Secretary of State for War, given to Robertson following Kitchener's death in Jun 1916; personal telegrams, 1916- 1917, mainly comprising unofficial messages to and from various army commanders and military attachés in Salonika, Russia, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Italy, Romania, Palestine and the Western Front; memoranda and papers on military operations in the Middle East, 1915-1917, and general strategy, 1917-1918, prepared by Robertson for the War Cabinet; documents relating to the creation of the Allied Supreme War Council, and its various powers and functions, 1917-1918. Papers created as Commander in Chief, Eastern Command and Home Forces, 1918-1919, consisting of inspection reports of various depots and units in the UK, and general correspondence. Papers created as General Officer Commanding in Chief, BAOR (British Army of the Rhine), 1919-1920, including printed memoranda by French Marshal Ferdinand Foch, Allied Supreme Commander on the Western and Italian Fronts, on the conditions required to ensure peace in Europe, 1918-1919; papers relating to the organisation and functions of the British Zone of Occupation in Germany, 1919; correspondence with Gen Sir Henry Hughes Wilson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, the Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, Secretary of State for War, and Maj Gen Sir Charles 'Tim' Harington Harington, Deputy Chief of the Imperial General Staff, 1919; inspection reports of BAOR (British Army of the Rhine) units, 1919. Private correspondence, mainly relating to Robertson's work during World War One, including correspondence with Lt Col Arthur John Bigge, 1st Baron Stamfordham, Private Secretary to HM King George V, 1914-1918; Maj Gen Charles Edward Callwell, Director of Military Operations at the War Office, 1915; Gen Sir Archibald (James) Murray, Chief of the Imperial General Staff and General Officer Commanding in Chief, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916; the Rt Hon David Lloyd George, Secretary of State for War, 1916, and Prime Minister, 1916-1918; FM Sir Douglas Haig, Commander in Chief, British Armies in France, 1915-1918; Maj Gen Frederick (Barton) Maurice, Director of Military Operations at the War Office, 1917-1918; and the Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, Secretary of State for War, 1919-1920. Also including correspondence, memoranda and notes concerning the events leading up to the resignation of Robertson as Chief of the Imperial General Staff in Feb 1918, dated Jan-Feb 1918. Semi-official papers and private correspondence, 1915-1918, collected by Brig Gen Cecil Courtenay Lucas, Robertson's Aide de Camp, mainly comprising correspondence between Robertson and Gen Sir Archibald (James) Murray, Gen Sir Beauchamp Duff, Gen Sir Charles Carmichael Monro, and Gen Sir Edward Henry Hynman Allenby, relating to military operations in India, Mesopotamia, Egypt and Palestine, 1916-1918; Lt Col Sir Maurice Pascal Alers Hankey, Secretary to the War Cabinet and the Committee of Imperial Defence, 1916-1917; Lt Gen the Rt Hon Jan Christian Smuts, South African Representative on the British War Cabinet, 1917; Gen Sir (Francis) Reginald Wingate, Governor General of the Sudan, 1916, and High Commissioner of Egypt, 1917; and Lt Col Charles A'Court Repington, Military Correspondent of The Times, 1916-1917. General correspondence with various on military matters, 1916-1918, including Reginald Baliol Brett, 2nd Viscount Esher, Lt Gen George Francis Milne, French Gen Robert Georges Nivelle, Italian Gen Luigi Cadorna, Lt Gen Sir Frederick Stanley Maude, and Gen Sir Herbert Charles Onslow Plumer.

Robertson, Sir William Robert, 1860-1933, 1st Baronet, Field Marshal


  • MISC21
  • Collection
  • 1941-1946

Fifty editions of Tee Emm, the Department of the Air Member for Training, Air Ministry, training memoranda monthly magazine, Apr 1941-Mar 1946. In addition to containing RAF training procedures and memoranda relating to RAF administration, navigation techniques, airmanship, crew co-operation requirements, gunnery, and aerial intelligence matters, the magazines included leisure articles and cartoons; fictional accounts of air operations; RAF honours lists; and updates on technological developments in the RAF

PYMAN, Gen Sir Harold English (1908-1971)

  • Collection
  • 1860-1901

The collection covers Pyman's career from 1937 until 1963 when he suffered a severe stroke which forced his retirement in 1964. The earliest papers date from Pyman's work with the Royal Tank Cadre in converting the 17/21 Lancers from a cavalry to an armoured regiment. There are also papers from Pyman's period as an instructor at the Staff College in Quetta, India, 1939-1941. Pyman was involved in the World War Two campaigns by the 8 Army in the Western Desert, in 1941 as General Staff Officer with 7 Armoured Div, 30 Corps and in 1942-1943 as Commander of the 3 Royal Tank Regiment, 10 Armoured Div, 30 Corps. The papers consist mostly of Pyman's assessments of lessons learned from the ongoing campaigns particularly with regard to tanks and armoured units. In 1944-1945 Pyman was Brigidier General Staff, 30 Corps, 2 Army in the Normandy landings and the invasion of Northern Europe, with particular responsibility for organisation and planning of the Rhine crossing and advance to the Baltic. This is reflected in the papers which largely consist of planning studies and reports for the operations involved, this section also contains maps used in the campaign. Pyman's next appointment was as Chief of General Staff, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia, 1945-1946 which is documented by a series of diaries which reflect the tasks faced by Pyman in this command including dealing with the build up of tension between newly liberated former colonies keen to assert their right for independence and the former colonial powers such as France and Netherlands. Pyman spent 1946-1949 as Chief of Staff, Middle East Land Forces and kept monthly diaries which form the bulk of this section of the collection. The diary entries and additional papers reflect the debate over policy in the Middle East in the British Government and Military command, they include detail on the British withdrawal from Greece, the problem of illegal Jewish immigrants and their internment in Cyprus, the end of the British mandate in Palestine and the the effect of this on relations between Britain with Egypt and the other Arab states and the subsequent Arab Israeli conflict. This section of the collection also contains correspondence between Pyman and Maj Gen Sir Miles Christopher Dempsey on personal matters and on the Middle East. There are also papers from Pyman's work at the Ministry of Supply as Director General of Fighting Vehicles, 1951-1953, Director of Weapons Development, War Office, 1955-1956 mostly brief diary entries and lecture texts. Pyman was also General Officer Commanding, British Army on the Rhine, 1953-1955 and General Officer Commanding, 1 British Corps, 1956-1958 and the papers relating to these commands consist mostly of lectures, reports and directives reflecting his interest in armoured divisions and training. There are some papers, mostly personal correspondence and press cuttings, from Pyman's final command as Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces Northern Europe in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). The collection also contains correspondence relating to Pyman's role as Colonel Commandant of the Royal Tank Regiment and The Royal Armoured Corps and a series of letters covering the reorganisation of the Berks and Westminster Dragoons, of which he was Honorary Colonel. The rest of the collection consists of diaries, correspondence, speeches, writings including the draft copy and papers relating to his autobiography, some preparatory work on a history of the 2 Army and reference works. The collection also includes the Boer War diaries and other papers of Col James Redmond Patrick Gordon who commanded the 1 Cavalry Bde of the South African Field Force 1900-1901 which were given to Pyman by a friend.

Pyman, Harold English ('Pete'), 1908-1971, Knight, General

PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE: Queen Elizabeth College administrative records

  • QAP
  • Collection
  • 1908-1985

Records, 1908-1985, of the Principal of Queen Elizabeth College and heads of its predecessor bodies, comprising general and policy files on administration of the College, 1912-1984, the subjects including buildings, relationship with the University of London, curriculum, relationship with royalty, evacuation and other arrangements during World War Two, granting of the charter and the name Queen Elizabeth College in 1953, financial matters, employees, catering, student relations, the library, and the future of the College (Ref: QAP/GPF1); papers on departmental and academic affairs, 1922-1985, including curricula and academic appointments (Ref: QAP/GPF2); files on arrangements for public lectures at the College, 1925-1968 (Ref: QAP/GPF3); minutes and other papers of College council, academic board and committees, 1915-1985, including staff appointments, salaries, curricula, timetables, safety, finance, and the merger with King's College London and Chelsea College in 1985 (Ref: QAP/GPF4); papers on the relationship with the University of London, 1915-1985 (Ref: QAP/GPF5); papers relating to the University Grants Committee, 1917-1985 (Ref: QAP/GPF6); correspondence and papers relating to other outside bodies, 1908-1985, including government departments, London County Council and other educational and health bodies, the subjects including students, training, and curricula (Ref: QAP/GPF7); papers on College premises, buildings and equipment, 1912-1985, including sports facilities, hostels and academic accommodation, damage sustained in World War Two, and alterations (Ref: QAP/GPF8); papers on the merger between Queen Elizabeth College, King's College London, and Chelsea College, 1982-1985, the subjects including finance, sites, and staff (Ref: QAP/GPF9).

Queen Elizabeth College, Principal, 1953-1985

PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE: King's College London administrative records

  • KAP
  • Collection
  • 1863-1997

The records of the Principal's Office, King's College London, comprise minutes, correspondence and memoranda, 1863-1997. These notably include minutes of the Delegacy of King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry, 1989-1990, and various committee minutes including those of the Health and Welfare Committee, Joint Medical Advisory Committee and the Committee for the London Institutes for Advanced Study, 1974-1990; a run of general correspondence relating to College business including staff salaries, property, events, scholarships and relations with other universities, 1944-1979; but also more specifically, personal correspondence with Principal Richard William Jelf, 1863-1864; correspondence and papers on quinquennia and outlining the strategic direction of the College and constituent academic departments, including merger negotiations and the College Charter, 1933-1992; Principal's files relating to named departments, faculties and schools, including the United Medical and Dental Schools Merger, 1988-1997; correspondence on students including named individuals, the Student's Union and some pass lists, 1946-1979; correspondence concerning staff appointments, including professorial and other senior vacancies such as Secretaryship and Principalship, individual Chairs, salary scales, sabbaticals and staff-student relations, 1920-1997, correspondence concerning scholarships and awards, 1988-1997; papers relating to College property including proposals for the redevelopment of the College in Bloomsbury, expansion into Somerset House, Strand, and student residences, 1920-1985; minutes and correspondence concerning College libraries including the Ronald Burrows Memorial Library, 1931- 1977; correspondence and papers on the management of the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives, including with donors, 1977-1994; correspondence concerning hospitality and entertainment including Fellows' dinners and graduations, public and inaugural lectures, orations, royal visits and student events, 1946-1997; correspondence and papers charting the relationship of King's with the federal University of London, including Heads of Schools and reports on teaching, post-war reconstruction and the future of Goldsmith's College, 1943-1987; assorted memoranda, 1896-1978.

King's College London Principal's Office, 1831-

POORE, Maj Robert (1834-1918)

  • POORE, R
  • Collection
  • 1887-1924

Papers relating to his life and career, 1887-1924, comprising published pamphlets and articles relating to his establishment of a freehold colony at Winterslow, Wiltshire, [1892], dated 1887, 1891, 1893, 1894, [1912], 1924; correspondence relating to his candidature for a seat on Wiltshire County Council, 1888; photograph of portrait of Poore by T Binney Gibbs, 1912.

Poore, Robert, 1834-1918, Major

PITCHFORTH, Gerald S (1901-2003)

  • Collection
  • [1943-1944]

Copy of dossier containing maps, plans and technical data on the port of Boulogne, produced by the Director of Ports and Inland Water Transport, War Office, for the use of port construction and repair companies engaged on the rehabilitation of ports damaged by enemy action, [1943-1944].

Pitchforth, Gerald S, 1901-2003, civil engineer and astrologer

PHYSICS: King's College London departmental records

  • KDPY
  • Collection
  • [1850-1870]

The records of the King's College London Department of Physics comprise minute books, correspondence, staff records, mark books, research notes, lecture notes and texts, inventories of equipment, photographs, press cuttings and printed journal articles and catalogues, [1890]-1984. They notably include minutes and correspondence concerned with departmental equipment and maintenance, 1971-1975; records of staff meetings including arrangements for tutorials and lists of staff publications, 1975-1980; Faculty of Natural Science and Faculty of Education minutes and papers, 1975-1982; correspondence relating to the appointment, training and employment of technical staff by the Department of Physics, 1966-1981; correspondence relating to the planning of the 150th anniversary of the Department including photographs, display captions and off-prints of articles on Professor James Clerk Maxwell, Professor Owen Richardson and Professor Edward Victor Appleton, 1978; papers concerning the merger of Queen Elizabeth College with King's College, 1981-1984; University of London Committee on Academic Organisation: discussion documents, 1979-1981; papers compiled by Professor Ernest Wilson including examination question papers and a mark book on electrical engineering, correspondence concerning the publication of Wilson's research papers and nomination for membership of the Royal Society, and photographs of Wilson and colleagues, [1890]-1928; notes, articles and lecture texts concerning conferences and lectures on crystallography, spectroscopy and X-ray topography, 1978-1981; Departmental equipment order book for the Halley Stewart laboratory, Chesterford Gardens, Hampstead, 1923-1971; data book of experiments conducted in the Department, 1932; inventories of equipment at the Halley Stewart laboratory with record of transfer to King's College London, 1947-1966; printed and manuscript notebooks including databooks describing experiments on resonance, optics and nuclear physics, 1965-1971; Special Physics practical class mark book for experiments carried out by students, with printed guidance notes, 1965-1982; references and testimonials for students, 1947-1970; examination results and records of examiners' meetings, 1976-1981; glass slides of traces of elementary particles through bubble chamber, of graphs and diagrams and laboratory equipment, [1950-1970]; passport size photographs of mainly physics students, but also including some mathematics and chemistry students, 1955-1974; photographs of instruments including early electron microscope and model of DNA, [1955]; photographs of the Wheatstone laboratory physics staff, [1922, 1979]; press cuttings concerning physics staff and students, 1957-1960; offprints of Proceedings of the Physical Society and Proceedings of the Royal Society by Edward Victor Appleton and others concerning ionisation of the earth's atmosphere, the principle of conservation of energy and other topics, 1934-1936; instruction booklets for various pieces of laboratory apparatus including electrical generator and gamma ray detector, 1955-1969. Also outsize teaching diagrams [1850-1870], on subjects including: the mechanics of the telegraph; laying of telegraph cables; hydrostatics; perpetual motion; a water clock (‘clepsydra wheel’); a pendulum bucket engine; bridge construction; eighteenth century designs for a diving bell (ref: KDPY/ILL1-2).

King's College London Department of Physics

PHARMACY: Chelsea College departmental records

  • CDPM
  • Collection
  • 1935-1997

Pharmacy material at the South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea College and King's College London, comprises correspondence, minutes, theses, staff publications and exam question papers, 1935-1997. It includes correspondence relating to student prizes, examinations, enrolment of students, and the staffing and management of the Department of Pharmacy, Chelsea College and at King's College London, 1958-1995; minutes, papers and correspondence relating to the University of London Board of Studies in Pharmacy, Chelsea College Department of Chemistry, Departmental Board, and the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 1939-1992; bound copies of postgraduate theses and dissertations for students of Pharmacy, Chelsea College, and of King's College London following the merger of 1985, 1965-1993; off-prints of publications by members of staff of the Department of Pharmacy, Chelsea College, including copies of the Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology and Biochemical pharmacology , 1957-1978; sessional and final exam question papers for students of pharmacy, Chelsea College and King's College London, 1935-1995; lists of exam results and pass lists for undergraduate and postgraduate students of pharmacy, 1976-1988.

King's College London Department of Pharmacy

PERSONNEL: Queen Elizabeth College staff records

  • QA/FP
  • Collection
  • 1909-1985

Staff files, 1909-1985, of Queen Elizabeth College and predecessor bodies, comprising Academic and Academic related staff files, 1909-1985 (Ref: QA/FPA); Manual and Technical staff files, 1919-1985 (Ref: QA/FPT); Clerical and Secretarial staff files, 1922-1985 (Ref: QA/FPC). Academic staff includes professors, lecturers, research staff and academic related staff such as senior administration officers and professional staff such as librarians. The Manual and Technical staff files include porters, catering and kitchen staff, laboratory and research technicians, cleaners, carpenters, nurses, telephonists and receptionists. The Clerical and Secretarial staff files include bursars, typists, clerks, secretaries, library assistants, administrative assistants and computer operators.

Queen Elizabeth College, Personnel Department

PERSONNEL: Chelsea College staff records

  • CA/FP
  • Collection
  • 1953-1985

Records comprise Clerical, Secretarial, Manual and Technical staff files, 1953-1985 (CA/FPC), Academic staff files, 1960-1985 (CA/FPA), Personal record cards, 1977-1985 (CA/RC). On the admission of the College as a school of the University of London in 1966, staff were retained in post and staff files transferred with them. The Clerical, Secretarial, Manual and Technical staff files include porters, catering and kitchen staff, laboratory and research technicians, cleaners, service engineers, clerks, hall managers, secretaries, library staff, carpenters, administrative assistants, computer programmers and operators, research students and assistants.

Chelsea College Personnel Department, 1972-1985


Records, 1960-1974, of the Junior Science Project or Section of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, including teaching notes and materials, 1960-1967; paper on the teaching of science in primary schools, 1963; draft press announcement on the teaching of mathematics to pupils between the ages of 5 and 13, 1964; correspondence, including staff appointments, 1963-1964; papers relating to invitations to serve on the consultative committee, 1963-1967; papers relating to planning on subjects in the Primary Science project including teaching aids, 1964; correspondence on Junior Science, including textbooks, 1964-1967; pilot project; Junior Science consultative committee meetings papers, 1964-1966, including minutes; consultative committee policy papers and correspondence, 1964-1965; papers on safety procedure and storage of equipment, 1965; mathematics teaching, 1965-1966; report on pilot stage of Junior Science and proposals for continuation project, 1965-1966; correspondence relating to equipment and apparatus, 1965-1967; correspondence relating to publications, 1965-1967; papers relating to the Junior Science film 'Into Tomorrow', 1966-1967.

Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, Junior Science

NUCLEAR AGE, THE: television documentary series

  • Collection
  • 1948

The Nuclear Age archive consists of typescript transmission scripts, interview transcripts and videotapes concerning the development of nuclear technology and strategy from 1938 to 1989. It includes twelve typescript transmission scripts and VHS (Vertical Helix Scan) videotapes for episodes 1-12, Jan-Mar 1989, and 267 typescript transcripts of interviews with 195 individuals, prominent in the political, diplomatic, scientific and military aspects of the development and deployment of nuclear technology, from the USA, USSR, UK, Federal Republic of Germany, Israel, Japan, India, Pakistan and the People's Republic of China, 1938-1989, notably including Professor Georgiy Arkadevich Arbatov, Soviet Academy of Sciences, 1974-[1989]; Professor Hans Albrecht Bethe, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA, 1937-1975; Dr Norris Edwin Bradbury, Director, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, New Mexico, USA, 1945-1970; Dr Harold Brown, Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, Livermore, California, USA, 1960-1961; Zbigniew (Kasimierz) Brzezinski, US National Security Advisor, 1977-1981; James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter, US President, 1977-1981; Rt Hon Denis Winston Healey, Secretary of State for Defence, 1964-1970; Rt Hon Michael Ray Dibdin Heseltine, Secretary of State for Defence, 1983-1986; Dr Henry (Alfred) Kissinger, US Secretary of State, 1973-1977; Andrei Afanasevich Kokoshin, First Deputy Minister of Defence, Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic (RSFSR), 1992-1997; Robert Strange McNamara, US Secretary of Defense, 1961-1968; Professor Philip Morrison, Physicist, Metallurgy Laboratory, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1943-1944; Paul Henry Nitze, Head of the US INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) negotiations, 1981-1984; Rt Hon Sir John (William Frederic) Nott, Secretary of State for Defence, 1981-1983; Professor Sir Rudolf (Ernst) Peierls, Professor of Mathematics and Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland, 1937-1963; Professor Isidor Isaac Rabi, Professor of Physics, Columbia University, New York, USA, 1937-1967; Lt Gen Yitzhak Rabin, Israeli Prime Minister, 1974-1977; Professor Joseph Rotblat, Director of Research in Nuclear Physics, University of Liverpool, 1945-1949; (David) Dean Rusk, US Secretary of State, 1961-1969; James Rodney Schlesinger, US Secretary of Defense, 1973-1975; Helmut (Heinrich Waldemar) Schmidt, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany, 1974-1982; Professor Edward Teller, Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, USA, 1960-1975; Cyrus Roberts Vance, US Secretary of State, 1977-1980; Professor Evgeny Pavlovich Velikhov, Soviet Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, 1961-1984, and Professor of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, 1973-1986; Caspar Willard Weinberger, US Secretary of Defense, 1981-1987; Professor Victor Frederick Weisskopf, Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 1946-1960; Professor Freiherr Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Head of Department, Max Planck Institute for Physics, Göttingen, Federal Republic of Germany, 1946-1957; Rt Hon George Kenneth Hotson Younger, Secretary of State for Defence, 1986-1989; Solly Zuckerman, Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe, Norfolk, Chief Science Adviser to the Secretary of State for Defence, 1960-1966, and Chief Science Adviser to HM Government, 1964-1971.

Central Independent Television and WGBH Boston.


  • MISC42
  • Collection
  • 1941-1945

Editions of His Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) pamphlets relating to the British war effort during World War Two, including The Battle of Britain by the Air Ministry (HMSO: London, 1941); Bomber Command by the Air Ministry (HMSO, London, 1941) Coastal Command by the Air Ministry (HMSO, London, 1942); Frontline by the Ministry of Home Security (HMSO, London, 1942); Fleet Air Arm by the Air Ministry (HMSO: London, 1943); The Mediterranean Fleet by the Admiralty (HMSO, London, 1944); RAF Middle East by the Air Ministry (HMSO, London, 1945)

MELISSEN, Dr Jan (b 1960)

  • Collection
  • 1949-1958

Copies of documents, 1949-1958, from US Government sources, including the Department of Defense,Department of State, National Security Council and Atomic Energy Commission, 1949-1958, and from British Government sources, including the Cabinet Office, Ministry of Defence and Foreign Office, 1952-1958. Compiled as research for a doctoral thesis, 'The struggle for nuclear partnership: Britain, the United States and the making of an ambiguous alliance, 1952-1959'.

Melissen, Jan, b 1960, Professor of Diplomacy

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