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  • Collection
  • c1903-1995

Records of the magazine Adam International Review and its editor, Miron Grindea, 1941-1995, and associated papers dating back to c1903, consisting of a wide range of material dealing with aspects of British and European cultural activity, particularly since the 1930s, and relating to art, literature, music, literary criticism, and the history of ideas. The archive includes the Adam International Review , issues 152-499 (wanting 186, 210-211, 218, 224-228, 331-54), 1941, 1946-1988, and indexes; microfilm copies of nos 13-14, 65, 148-149, 151, and issues dating from 1936 and 1938; and published copies of Christopher Fry, 'Genius, Talent and Failure: the Brontes' (The Adam Lecture 1986); Yehudi Menuhin, 'Tolerance' (The Adam Lecture 1987); Frances Stern, 'A Concordance to Proust' (Adam Books, 1987); 'Miron Grindea 1909-1995: a Celebration'. Unpublished papers of the Review were created by or relate to many prominent writers, artists and musicians of the 20th century including Natalie Clifford Barney, Samuel Beckett, Max Beerbohm, Nicolas Bentley, Isaiah Berlin, Edmund Blunden, Agatha Christie, Jean Cocteau, Ivy Compton Burnett, Cyril Connolly, Benedetto Croce, Cecil Day-Lewis, Lawrence Durrell, T S Eliot, George Enescu, E M Forster, Christopher Fry, William Golding, Duncan Grant, Robert Graves, Graham Greene, L P Hartley, Storm Jameson, Augustus John, Arthur Koestler, F R Leavis, Rose Macaulay, Compton Mackenzie, Thomas Mann, Katherine Mansfield, Walter de la Mare, John Masefield, Somerset Maugham, Yehudi Menuhin, Arthur Miller, Henry Miller, Joan Miro, Henry Moore, Iris Murdoch, Pablo Picasso, Anthony Powell, J B Priestley, Marcel Proust, Herbert Read, Jean Rhys, Ralph Richardson, Vita Sackville-West, Jean Paul Sartre, Siegfried Sassoon, Ronald Searle, George Bernard Shaw, Georges Simenon, the Sitwell family, C P Snow, Stephen Spender, Frances Stern, August Strindberg, Dylan Thomas, Arnold Wesker, Angus Wilson, Stefan Zweig, and others. Other material relates to the management of the magazine and includes editorial material (notes, proofs, preparatory research material, and correspondence required for production of an issue) and papers relating to circulation. The material is varied in form and comprises correspondence, manuscripts, typescripts, proofs with author's and editor's corrections and printed documents, including poems, stories, and criticism, both published and rejected for publication; photographs; original drawings and illustrations; news cuttings and other ephemera such as programmes for events; tape recordings including the Adam lectures, 1985-1987; and interview transcripts.

Adam International Review, 1929-1988, magazine

AITKEN, William Francis (fl 1900-1936)

  • K/PP182
  • Collection
  • 1919-1936

Notebook entitled 'Literature' with alphabetical bibliography and shorthand notes on Hatfield House, Hatfield, Hertfordshire; letter from Helen Waddell to Aitken, 11 Apr 1933, about a poem of Peter Abelard; manuscript and typescript notes on William Shakespeare; fragments of an article on an edition of Michel de Montaigne; file of printed material, mostly comprising undated lectures on Shakespeare by Cumberland Clark, article on Shakespeare's London by Wilson Benington, Pall Mall Magazine , Aug 1912, and related ephemera; file of press cuttings, mainly relating to book reviews on the works of Shakespeare and Shakespeare's London, 1919-1936.

Aitken, William Francis, fl 1900-1936, author and editor


  • AHL
  • Collection
  • [1912]-1948

Seven volumes of newspaper cuttings from British newspapers concerning Greece, 16 Nov 1915-2 Aug 1919, particularly the political repercussions of events of World War One in Greece; four volumes of newspaper cuttings from British newspapers concerning Greece, 2 Feb 1938-27 Mar 1948, mainly relating to the German occupation of and Allied liberation of Greece during World War Two, and subsequent Greek Communist military operations; manuscript and corrected typescript of 'The perfidy of Constantine - a history of Greece, 1912-1917' by Leonard Arthur Magnus, presented to the Anglo-Hellenic League by Magnus in 1919; Greek vocabulary by R A Bickford Smith.

Anglo-Hellenic League, 1913-

DEAN'S OFFICE: King's College London records

  • KAD
  • Collection
  • 1907-1987

The records of the Dean's Office at King's College London comprise minutes, correspondence, papers and reports, 1907-1987. These include minutes of the Conference of Principals of Theological Colleges, of which the Dean was a member, 1907-1932; minutes of meetings of Associates of King's College to elect Council members, 1911-1972; general correspondence covering a wide variety of College business including College finances, the University of London Board of Studies in Theology, the organisation of the AKC programme, the training of ordinands, external examiners, scholarships and prizes, staff applications and proposed appointments, public lectures and sermons, the publication of books by staff, Church music and art including the maintenance of the Chapel, the Student Christian Movement, the University of London Chaplaincy, King's Theological Society, and the theological College at Warminster, 1916-1987; reports considering the direction and future of Warminster College, 1945-1968; papers on the King's College Hostel, Vincent Square, including plans, newspaper cuttings and a pamphlet, 1918-1951; the Annual Giving Campaign reports and minutes of meetings, 1962-1965; reports dealing with arrangements for the 150th anniversary of the College, 1978-1979.

King's College London Dean's Office, 1903-

DIPLOCK, Arthur (fl 1903)

  • K/PP183
  • Collection
  • 1857

The collection comprises correspondence, British Library readers' book application slips, manuscript notes on the life and career of the poet, Ben Jonson, and press cuttings; notably including letters to Arthur Diplock concerning the poetry of Jonson and of William Drummond, 1903; manuscript notes, in particular extracts from Jonson's poems, reference to the work of John Selden, John Donne and Henry Holland, lists of various editions of the works of Jonson, [1903]; British Library book application tickets for books by Jonson, signed by Diplock, 1903; press cuttings on Drummond from Reynolds's miscellany and other journals, [1857].

Diplock, Arthur, fl 1903, writer on Ben Jonson, poet

DUGMORE, Rev Clifford William (1909-1990)

  • K/PP97
  • Collection
  • 1956-1978

The papers of Clifford William Dugmore contain correspondence relating to the Journal of Ecclesiastical History , and printed booklets, 1956-1978; notably including correspondence with a number of leading historians such as Professors Murray Tolmie and Alfred Cobban, William Cargill-Thompson, and Geoffrey Nuttall, relating to Dugmore's editorship of the Journal of Ecclesiastical History , remarking upon aspects of publication, proofs and the chasing-up of contributors, 1956-1978; correspondence concerning senior staff appointments, 1958-1977 (closed); press cuttings describing the career of Professor Dugmore, 1957-1971; text, reviews and correspondence concerning Professor Dugmore's inaugural lecture in the Chair of Ecclesiastical History, 'Ecclesiastical History. No Soft Option', 1959-1960; copies of printed booklets entitled 'Rome and the Churches', the inaugural lecture of Professor Stuart Hall of King's College, delivered in 1979; Grace Abounding. A Comparison of Frederick Denison Maurice and Karl Barth by Dr Ellen Flesseman-Van Leer (1978).

Dugmore, Clifford William, 1909-1990, historian

ENK, Professor Petrus Johannes (1885-1960)

  • K/PP108
  • Collection
  • 15th century

Papers of Enk, mainly comprising notebooks, relating to his work in school and college on classical texts and Latin literature, (predominantly 1894-1907), including notes on and partial translations into Dutch of the Annals of Publius Cornelius Tacitus, the Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidius Naso, the works of Marcus Tullius Cicero, the Elegiae of Sextus Propertius, the Carmina of Giovanni Pascoli; working papers, 1876-1923, of Enk's former teacher, Professor Jacobus Johannes Hartman of Leiden (1851-1924), mainly comprising notebooks and partial translations into Dutch, of the Adelphoe , Andria , and Hecyra of Publius Terentius Afer, the Epistulae Ex Ponto of Publius Ovidius Naso, the Aeneid of Publius Vergilius Maro, the Seven against Thebes of Aeschylus; notebook by Hartman entitled 'Adversaria Lucianen', 1876; manuscript topographical notebook by Hartman entitled 'Romeinsche Antiquiteiten', 1905; press cuttings and obituaries of Hartman (predominantly 1924); correspondence of Enk and Hartman with Dutch, English and German scholars of Latin, [1920s and 1930s]; photographs and illustrations of classical sculpture and architectural sites; typescript inventories of Enk's library of classical texts and pamphlets as at 1 Jun 1960. With bound manuscript of the Thebais by Publius Papinius Statius, in an Italian humanistic script of the late 15th century.

Enk, Petrus Johannes, 1885-1960, Professor of Latin

GATES, Professor Reginald Ruggles (1882-1962)

  • K/PP65
  • Collection
  • 1896-1969

Papers of Reginald Ruggles Gates, 1896-1969, including diaries and research notebooks, papers relating to Botanical Biology ; Gates' research files; photographs; appointment diaries; correspondence; papers relating to professional memberships and conference material; press cuttings and published articles on his research interests. Including diaries and research notebooks, 1906-1962. Papers relating to Botanical Biology , an unpublished work by Gates, including manuscript notes, statistics, photographs and plant seeds. Research files, including draft papers by Gates such as notes from publications, articles, lecture transcripts, lecture notes, chapters of books, book reviews and others. Also photographs, articles, tables of data on physical characteristics of various peoples, graphs and charts, press cuttings and correspondence, on a variety of subjects including botany, oenothera , ethnic groups, race, genetics, biology, anthropology and Gates' anthropological studies in Australia, Canada, Cuba, India, Japan, Mexico, New Guinea, Okinawa, South Africa and Taiwan. Photographs from Gates' travels to Algeria, the Amazon river, Andamanese Islands, Australia, California, Canada, Canadian Arctic, Cuba, England, Gibraltar, Italy, India, Japan, Kenya, Morocco, New Guinea, Russia, Sicily, South Africa, South Rhodesia, Spain, Swedish Lapland and Tunisia; photographs of plant life, particularly oenothera ; lecture slides; photographs used for publication in various books and articles by Gates; photographs of human and ape skulls and skeletons, photographs of people suffering from genetic diseases and personal photographs. Appointment diaries, 1921-1962. Personal and professional correspondence, including personal financial papers, 1903-1962. Papers relating to professional memberships and conference material, 1922-1962; press cuttings collected by Gates, 1915-1962 and printed material collected by Gates and his widow, 1928-1966, on subjects relating to his research including oenothera , botany, race, blood groups, physical anthropology, human biology, genetics, prehistoric man and population.

Gates, Reginald Ruggles, 1882-1962, anthropologist, biologist, botanist and geneticist

HUGHES, Anthony Dowdall (b 1933)

  • K/PP28
  • Collection
  • 1955-1968

Handwritten notes and newspaper cuttings, 1955-1968, on legal subjects, including Common Law, Equity, Conflicts, Evidence, Land Law and Trade Law.

Hughes, Anthony Dowdall, b 1933, Lecturer in Law

JOURNALISM: King's College London departmental records

  • KDJ
  • Collection
  • 1923-1946

The records of the Journalism Department at King's College London comprise minutes, correspondence, lecture notes and some printed pamphlets, newspapers and publicity material, 1923-1946; notably including minutes of the Journalism Committee of the University of London, the course's governing board, with some related papers, 1931-1945; manuscript and typescript correspondence, mainly with students, especially applications to study, regarding assignments and work placements, including correspondence with regional newspapers and publishers, but also illustrative of the broadcasting and lecturing work of Tom Clarke particularly on the freedom of the press in the late 1930s, 1923-1939; letters of enquiry from prospective students concerning the possible reinstatement of the diploma course, 1946; papers concerning The Electrical Association for Women and the Retail Trading Standards Association, including booklets and memoranda, 1935-1936; summaries of lecture notes compiled by Tom Clarke for teaching the practical journalism component of the diploma, 1935-1936; copies of The L.U.J.S. gazette , produced by journalism students, 1927-1935; newspaper cuttings concerning the teaching of journalism, 1923-1938. This series also includes records, 1933-1939, containing some student information, including application forms, admission counterfoils giving name, address, year and optional subject, vacation work reports from editors, correspondence regarding students and potential students, some marks, and a register of former students.

King's College London Department of Journalism


  • KW
  • Collection
  • 1878-1939

Records, 1878-1939, of King's College London Ladies' and Women's Departments and King's College for Women from inception, and including material postdating absorption by King's College London in 1915. Comprising minutes, 1878-1928, including the Executive Committee of the Ladies' Department, 1878-1902, Committee of Management of the Women's Department, 1902-1910, Committee of Management of King's College for Women, 1910-1913, King's College for Women Delegacy, 1913-1915, Board of Principal Teachers of King's College for Women, 1910-1928, King's College for Women Board of Studies for Home Science and Economics, 1908-1914, and various finance committees from 1891 and other subordinate committees; agendas and draft minutes, 1885-1915; accounts, 1878-1916, comprising annual balances, 1878-1885, termly balances, 1889-1890, printed balance sheets, 1878-1905 (incomplete) with annual reports to the Committee of Management to 1887, comparative statements of income and expenditure, 1904-1916, printed accounts, 1910-1914, estimates, 1913-1915, and memoranda on estimates, 1914-1916; ledgers, 1890-1910, and journal, 1890-1896; cash books, 1890-1919; fees books, 1906-1919, and miscellaneous vouchers, receipts and bills, 1907-1914; warden's outletter books, 1910-1915; general and policy files, 1899-1919, on subjects including scholarships and prizes, courses, staff appointments, incorporation into the University of London, development of the college including establishment of the home science course, proposed amalgamation with King's College, and files relating to administration after amalgamation with King's College London in 1915, including proposed acquisition of a hostel for women; building and maintenance files, 1882-1917, including premises in Kensington Square; student address books, 1894-1917 and undated, most including details of courses being taken; record books, 1897-1918, with students' details; registers of attendance for various courses, 1909-1914; registers, 1878-1919, including exam class lists and lists of students; miscellaneous records, 1901-1914, comprising some student records and a manual of instructions for the Bursar; syllabi and prospectuses, 1878-1916; scrapbooks, 1888-1910, including lecture notices and press cuttings; rough notes summarising a course of lectures on hygiene and sanitation, 1913; printed ephemera, 1888-1923, with material postdating fusion with King's College in 1915, including historical sketch of King's College Ladies' Department, c1902, undated history of nos 11-12 Kensington Square, lectures, reports, prospectuses, and an appeal for the Home Science Department, 1914; material relating to King's College Hostel for Women, 58 Queensborough Terrace, Bayswater, 1921-1939, including minutes of the management committee, ledgers, cash books, wages books and inventory; 16mm film of King's College for Women staff and students, 1927-1928, with explanatory notes; entrance schedules for arts and sciences, 1914-1921, giving students' details; papers and correspondence, 1880-1924, on general administration, buildings and accommodation at Kensington Square and Bayswater, grants to the College, staff appointments, and transfer of King's College for Women to King's College and the future of the Home Science Department.

King's College for Women, 1908-1928


  • KH
  • Collection
  • 1562-2001

Records of King's College Hospital, 1562-1999, comprising the governing and management bodies' and sub-committees' minutes and papers, 1839-1976; files of senior administrative staff including the Hospital Secretary, House Governor and District Administrator, 1853-1990; title deeds and other legal documents, 1562-[1970]; registers, indexes and inventories, 1879-1980; Medical School papers, 1833-1997, including the Medical Society/Listerian Society, the Clubs and Societies Union, and the Medical School Library; private papers of several professors, 1834-1988, including Albert Carless, Arthur Edmunds, Sir (Harold Arthur) Thomas Fairbank, and Herbert Willoughby Lyle; case notes, 1820-1959; ephemera, 1742-1998, including programmes for ceremonies and events, Hospital serials and publications, appeals and publicity, photographs and press cuttings; minutes and annual reports of the Friends of King's College Hospital, 1955-1988; Hospital accounts, 1961-1981; records of the Thrombosis Research Unit, [1972-1996]; records of the Nightingale Institute, 1813-1999.

King's College Hospital, London, 1840-

LEETE, David L (b 1918)

  • K/PP42
  • Collection
  • 1929

Two scrapbooks, 1938-1940, relating to student life at King's College London and at Bristol University during the evacuation of the College there, containing photographs, newspaper cuttings, programmes and Christmas cards; material relating to a 1990 reunion and a special degree presentation ceremony in 1992; bound copies of The King's Engineer , 1937-1941, and the King's College Review , 1937-1941; mounted photographs showing the Engineering finalists, 1940-1941, and the Engineering students returning from a parade to the Daily Herald offices with Reggie [the lion and King's College mascot], 1938, with a medallion presented to Leete for rescuing Reggie from kidnap by Bristol students during a Union Society debate, Nov 1940. Books relating to the history of King's College, namely King's College Engineering Society, 1847-1957 (Private, London, 1957), by William Oswald Skeat, and The Centenary history of King's College London, 1828-1928 , 1929, by Fossey John Cobb Hearnshaw.

Leete, David L, b 1918

LIBRARY: Chelsea College administrative records

  • CAL
  • Collection
  • 1895-1987

Chelsea College Library records, 1895-1987, comprise papers collected by the College Library or describing the work of the Library on the Chelsea campus following the merger with King's College in 1985, notably correspondence with the College Secretary and departments, 1974-1980; papers relating to Library computerisation, 1979-1987; staffing and salary matters, 1978-1985; University Grants Committee papers on libraries, 1974-1982; History and Philosophy of Science Library correspondence and bibliography, 1964-1987; Chelsea Campus Libraries Users Committee notes, 1985-1987; finance, 1975-1977; concerning the College History Collection, 1965-1974; notes relating to building and planning at the King's Road site, 1971-1987; University of London merger and other papers, 1978-1983; reports on medical education in London, 1980; concerning Library private papers, 1949-1970; Library Annual Reports, 1963-1987 (1992/CAL, CAL/1986); correspondence concerning Library donors and Zoology reprints, 1967-1985 (Ref: 1986/CAL); accessions registers, 1921-1975 (Ref: CAL/RG); lists of current periodicals, 1960-1974 (Ref: CAL/RGJ); payments books for stock, equipment and expenses, 1960-1973 (Ref: CAL/CB); Library staff personnel files for leavers between 1970-1976 (Ref: CAL/FP); material concerning the history of the College accumulated by the Library, including charters, official reports, with some press cuttings, 1914-1981 (Ref: CAL/H).

Chelsea College Library, 1972-1985

LOW, David Morrice (1890-1972)

  • K/PP70
  • Collection
  • 1911-1952

Notes and papers, 1911-1952, of David Morrice Low, including scrapbook of news cuttings and pictures, 1911-1913; printed Marlborough school lists, 1914-1918, and extracts from school rules, 1916; list of Oriel men on service; notes on Italy and Latin, 1924-1925 and undated; notes on teaching classics and mathematics [1914-1921]; notes, manuscripts and typescripts for novels or short stories; material relating to Low's novel Twice Shy (1933) including notes, reviews, and a contract with Chatto & Windus; other material relating to Chatto & Windus, 1927-1933; notes on Greece and Nice; manuscript notes and letter, 1927, from V H Collins on 'Scotticisms'; manuscript personal notes on his mother, childhood, first memories, use of language and attitude to women; typescript note on role as examiner of English, 1940; notebooks on Edward Gibbon, some dated 1934-1935, from various sources including Gibbon's journal and letters; printed catalogue of Gibbon's library, 1934, and typescript essay on it; photographs of portraits of Gibbon and places associated with him; typescripts on 'The Grand Tour'; notes on aeronautical terminology in Spanish and Portuguese [1941-1943]; offprint of E M Wilson, 'La Estroga Sexta de la Cancion a la Flor de Guido', Miscelanea (1952), dedicated to Low; Enid Marx, The Pigeon Ace [undated].

Low, David Morrice, 1890-1972, writer

MACDONALD, George (1824-1905)

  • K/PP82
  • Collection
  • 1845-1997

The collection mainly comprises correspondence, manuscript poems by George MacDonald, photographs, material relating to the membership of the George MacDonald Society and the publication of its journal, North wind , papers relating to plays performed by MacDonald and his family, and offprints of articles and ephemera including lecture timetables, 1845-1997, mainly compiled by Mrs Freda Levson; notably including original correspondence addressed to MacDonald and copies of letters from family members and friends such as his wife, Louisa Powell MacDonald, and John Ruskin, principally on MacDonald's health problems, Octavia Hill, Ruskin's relationship with Rose La Touche, MacDonald's preaching technique and on aspects of theology including the doctrine of providence, 1845-1932; correspondence between members of the Troup family, friends of the MacDonalds, including Charles Edward Troup and Frank Troup, with photographs and extracts from the Troups' published works, 1883-1995; correspondence with William Raeper, author of a biography entitled George MacDonald (Tring, 1987), compiled during its research, including with Lion Publishing, with surviving family members, and with libraries, notably the British Library and Yale University Library, 1984-1987; correspondence with Freda Levson and Richard MacDonald, descendants of George MacDonald, 1970-1982; photographs of MacDonald and family, his various residences and of visits by the George MacDonald Society to Bordighera, Italy, [1860-1986]; manuscript poems by MacDonald, 1876-1887; material relating to the staging of Pilgrim's progress and other drama by MacDonald, 1877-1977; copies of contributions to the journal of the George MacDonald Society, North wind , with proofs of the journal and supporting documentation, 1976-1996; press cuttings and reviews of publications and lecture tours by MacDonald, and of modern editions of his work, 1871-1997; timetables of lectures delivered by MacDonald, copies of library holdings of manuscript material on MacDonald, 1869-1985.

MacDonald, George, 1824-1905, novelist and poet

MAURICE, Professor (John) Frederick Denison (1805-1872)

  • K/PP83
  • Collection
  • c1830-1972

Correspondence and papers of and relating to Frederick Denison Maurice, c1830-1972, including a letter from Maurice to his mother, 1833; the manuscript, c1830-c1834, of Maurice's novel Eustace Conway (published in three volumes, Richard Bentley, London, 1834); ordination certificates and licences to preach, 1834-1871; various pamphlets by Maurice, 1841-1859, including a letter to Samuel Wilberforce on reasons for not joining a party in the church, 1841, one on education, 1847, and a plan for a female college, 1855; five manuscript letters, undated [? 1843], to Sara Coleridge, daughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, on religious subjects and bereavement and commenting on her Essay on Rationalism (1843); King's College London correspondence, comprising letters from Maurice, 1841-1853 and undated, pertaining to teaching, students, academic and College matters, including his professorship of Divinity, 1846, and correspondence between Maurice and Richard William Jelf, Principal of King's College London, to be laid before Council, 1853; printed material including copies of the correspondence between Maurice and Jelf, 1853; manuscript letter from Maurice to 'My dear Friends' via Brooke Lambert on leaving King's, 1853; manuscript letter from J[ulius] C Hare to [Derwent] Coleridge (son of Samuel Taylor Coleridge), 1853, concerning a protest against Maurice's expulsion from his theological professorship at King's College; newspapers and news cuttings on Maurice's dismissal by the Council of King's College, 1853; a copy of Maurice's The Doctrine of Sacrifice (1854), inscribed by him; manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley, 1859, soliciting Maurice's help in finding a curate; engraving of Maurice, 1860; manuscript sermon by Maurice on Proverbs c XII v 20, 'Deceit is in the heart ... ', given at St Peter's, Vere Street, [1860s]; copy of Maurice's The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven (1864), inscribed to his son J F Maurice. A scrapbook contains two letters from Maurice to Miss Duncan, one dated 1868 and thanking her for a gift; printed obituaries of Maurice, including news cuttings; portraits of Maurice, including a photograph; a printed catalogue of his works; a printed leaflet on the Working Men's College, London, 1872; manuscript notes (not Maurice's) on sermons preached by him; a printed sermon on Maurice by Charles Kingsley, 1873, for an industrial school for girls in Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London (established by Maurice in 1867); manuscript extracts of letters from T[homas] Hughes (the author?) to Maurice. Other printed material comprises articles and sermons on Maurice's death in 1872, and items relating to a dinner held at Lincoln's Inn, 1972, for its centenary. A manuscript letter from Emily Hill to Mrs Shaen, 1872, describes Maurice's death and a manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley to Maurice's widow, 1872, thanks her for a Greek testament. Other memorabilia relate to Maurice, his family, and friends.

Maurice, John Frederick Denison, 1805-1872, theologian and Christian Socialist

MILLINGEN, Professor Alexander Van (1840-1915)

  • K/PP139
  • Collection
  • c1870s-c1900s

Papers of Alexander Van Millingen on history, architecture and archaeology, c1870s-c1900s (mostly undated), relating mainly to Constantinople and Byzantium but also to Biblical history, Greek and Roman history, history of philosophy and religion, early church history, and history of art, and including manuscript notes (some in notebooks), manuscript and typescript drafts, news cuttings, sketches, transcriptions and rubbings of inscriptions, and a few items of personal material, notably financial accounts and address books; photographs (some labelled as unpublished), plate proofs and sketches of buildings and monuments, and reproductions of inscriptions, including the walls of Constantinople and churches including Saint Eirene, Theodore, Theodosia, Sergios and Bacchos, Peter and Mark, Andrew in Krisis, Ioannes in Troullos, Christos in Chora, and Pantokrator (some items are endorsed with notes); photograph album of people and places in France, Germany, Italy, Austria, England, Montenegro, India, Tunis and Malta, 1889-1895 (where dated); plans of buildings, comprising the Egyptian obelisk in the Hippodrome, Constantinople, and the churches Saint Mary Mouchliotissa, Thekla, Mary Panachrantos, Peter and Mark, Mary Diaconissa, Theodosia, Saviour Pantepoptes, Theodore Thetiro, Mary Pammakaristos, John the Baptist of the Studion, the Church of the Myrelaion, the Monastir Mesjedi, the Refectory of the Monastery of Manuel, the Bogdan Serai, the Sanjakdar Mesjedi, and the Balaban Aga Mesjedi.

Millingen, Alexander, Van, 1840-1915, Professor of History


  • MGA
  • Collection
  • 1935-1992

The Modern Greek Archive Collection includes records of the League for Democracy in Greece,1935-1992, the Greek Relief Fund, 1947-1984, and other associated bodies. Pre-1945 League for Democracy in Greece material includes a set of the Balkan Herald , 1935-1940, and surviving papers, 1943-1945, of the League's predecessor, the Greek United Committee, and one of its supporters, E Athanassoglou. Notably there are proofs of Sir Compton Mackenzie's The Wind of Freedom (published in London, 1944) and a photocopy of a telegram from Winston Churchill prohibiting favourable mention of EAM-ELAS by the BBC, 1944. The papers of the League itself date from 1945 to 1975 and include a large collection of press cuttings covering all British and some foreign press references to Greece during the period of the League's activity, with some later cuttings concerning Greece to 1992; material produced by the Greek News Agency including the Weekly Survey of Greek News and later monthly surveys, covering Greek and foreign press output and the Free Greek Radio Broadcasts, complete from November 1946 to September 1953 and January 1969 to January 1974 but otherwise incomplete, the contents of particular value for the period of the Civil War, 1947-1949, as they form a rare source for the broadcasts of Radio Free Greece; and eight volumes of the League's own duplicated information and organizational circulars. There are copies of all official British reports on Greece: TUC (Citrine), Legal Mission, March 1946 Election Observers, All-Party Parliamentary Delegation (1946); a fairly complete collection of Hansard for parliamentary references to Greece; reports of the UN Commission for observing the Balkans (1947-1950); daily broadcasts of the Greek refugee radio at Bucharest, 1970-1974; a large collection of pamphlets, leaflets and news bulletins, British and foreign; a large collection of material from similar organisations in other countries and from Greek refugee committees; and specialist journals. Over 280 files of the League's correspondence and information material cover its various campaigns. Over 23 files represent other organisations which donated material to the League's archives: British Branch of the Patriotic Anti-Dictatorial Front (PAM), Campaign for the Release of All Political Prisoners in Greece, European-Atlantic Action Committee on Greece, Greek Committee against Dictatorship. The papers include an important collection of archive material, arising from the League's work to stimulate British parliamentary action, particularly regarding persecution, on Greek government repression, Law 375/1936, the Emergency Measures Act of June 1946, Law 509/1947 on 'subversion', the operation of the special courts-material and the security committee, and the conditions in prisons and concentration camps, including dossiers on the cases of individual prisoners, supplemented by thesis material on Greek political legislation since 1921. There is a card index of junta detainees; material from the prisons and concentration camps, including two volumes of smuggled appeals (some in microscopic writing); and personal files on individual political prisoners and concentration camps detainees, 1945-1964, 1967-1974. A small library contains unusual publications of the Greek left. Other material comprises a photographic collection, in 18 albums, on occupation, resistance, liberation, civil war, prisons, prisoners, concentration camps, Greek refugee children, and activities abroad; loose photographic items; four reels of film including a Czech film of evacuated Greek children, c1949; and a collection of organisational stamps. Post-1975 material relates to the League's successor, the Friends of Democracy in Greece. Subjects covered by the Archive include the day-to-day evolution of the Civil War, 1947-1949; Greek political legislative and administrative measures; conditions in the prisons and concentration camps; the Greek trade unions; the 'kidnapped' or 'evacuated' children; the Greek political refugees in Eastern Europe; the operations of Greek anti-junta groups in Western Europe and the United States, 1967-1974; attitudes and action of the British Labour movement (Labour Party and trade unions) in regard to Greece, 1945-1974; individual political prisoners and concentration camp detainees; action regarding Greece in Western European countries, Australia, Canada, and the United States; and the operation of pressure groups (from the League's organisational material and correspondence with Members of Parliament and trade unionists). The papers from the Greek Relief Fund, 1947-1984, also contain material from its predecessor the League for Democracy in Greece Relief Committee, including minutes; administrative, legal and financial material; correspondence with donors and with organisations including branches of the Red Cross, relief funds, and pro-Greek democracy organisations in various overseas countries; material relating to appeals for funds for relief work; press cuttings on the visit of Queen Frederika of Greece to Britain, 1963; papers relating to visits to Greece and to conferences on Greece, including a draft paper, 1979, by Diana Pym on 'The British Philhellenic Movement, 1944-1974'; correspondence concerning the archives of the League for Democracy in Greece; and winding up of the Greek Relief Fund, 1984. The bulk of the material pertains to recipients of aid, including correspondence, and the papers are relevant to the resistance activities and prison records of individual Greeks opposed to the regime in Greece.

League for Democracy in Greece, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1943-1974

MORROW, Michael (1929-1994) and Musica Reservata

  • K/PP93
  • Collection
  • 1960-1992

The records of Musica Reservata comprise original notes, company minutes, correspondence, lyrics and programmes, 1960-1992, notably including manuscript and typescript notes and proofs compiled by Michael Morrow describing the development of Renaissance music for talks, lectures and his published works, [1960-1985]; minutes of the company Council, 1972-1978; company reports, 1972-1974; rehearsal notes, itineraries and tour plans, 1972-1974; correspondence with Michael Morrow and others, mainly concerning the organisation of concerts including fees, 1960-1981; assorted manuscript and typescript lyrics of early modern music, [1960-1980]; programmes and leaflets advertising Musica Reservata performances, 1960-1989; press cuttings on early music, including reviews, 1971-1989.

Morrow, Norman Michael MacNamara, 1929-1994, musicologist

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