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ADDRESS BOOKS: King's College for Women student records

  • Collection
  • 1894-1955

King's College for Women student address books, 1894-1917 (Ref: KWA/RAD), student address book, 1908-1955 (Ref: Q/RAD1). Information typically includes student addresses and courses being taken.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

ATKINS, Sir John (1875-1963)

  • Q/PP1
  • Collection
  • 1911-1963

The papers of Sir John Atkins, 1911-1963, comprise memoranda and correspondence illustrative of the strategic development of the College through its various stages from its establishment as an independent institution in 1915 to the retirement of Atkins as Chairman of the College's Executive Committee in 1958, including draft speeches and notes on the history of the College.

Atkins, Sir John, 1875-1963, Knight, physician

ATTENDANCE: King's College for Women student registers

  • Collection
  • 1909-1914

King's College for Women registers of student attendance, 1909-1914 (Ref: KWA/RAT). Information typically contained includes students' name, course and tutor.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

CALENDARS: King's College London publication

  • K/CAL
  • Collection
  • 1832-1986

King's College London Calendars, 1832-1986. This series is one of the most important and accessible sources of biographical information on students and staff, an illustration of the changing content of courses, lectures and syllabuses and of the evolution of the administrative structure of the College since its inception. The level of information varies: the earliest and most recent calendars and those published during the two World Wars, for example, contain less detailed information than the period between 1848 and 1976. The first calendar, 1832-1833, contains a table of contents, texts of the sermon preached at the opening of the College and the texts of public lectures, some of which are the only copies extant in the College Archives. The bulk of the series typically consist of a table of contents; calendar of term dates and events; general information on all departments within the College; lists of Governors, the Council, the Delegacy, Professorial/Academic Board members, academic staff, masters, associates, scholars, fellows and prize winners and university distinctions; outlines of lecture courses, syllabi, examination question papers; fees; some texts of lectures and addresses; rules and regulations; and annual reports of the Council and Delegacy. Indices begin in 1846. Comprehensive lists of all students and pupils begin in 1847 and refer to those who enrolled during the previous academic session. Lists of senior academic staff for each department begin in the earliest calendars and additional consolidated alphabetical lists of past and present staff are printed from 1880. The calendar for 1882 contains a copy of the King's College London Act to amend the constitution. Descriptions of associate grammar schools are included up until 1892, and brief descriptions of College societies are given from 1896. The 1903 calendar contains the King's College London Acts of 1882 and 1903. Calendars from 1909 include a copy of an outline history of the College. Lists relating to King's College School's masters or pupils end in 1912. The calendar for 1915 includes tables of past and present members of the College on active service. Calendars from 1942-1943 through to 1947-48 also include a roll of honour of those members of the College killed whilst on active service. The 1948 calendar contains the second version of the history of King's College. From 1964 onwards there is no full list of students in attendance, but information includes a general index and index of names, and the third version of the College history. The printing of Annual Reports ceases in 1976. The 1980 calendar contains the fourth history of King's, and the fifth version of the history appeared in 1984. The 1985 calendar is typical of later volumes, comprising a contents page giving historical background, general information, administrative, committee, faculty and departmental structure, and an alphabetical list of staff. Following the merger of King's with Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges in 1985, the publication of calendars was discontinued.

King's College London, 1829-

COUNCIL SPECIAL COMMITTEES: King's College London records

  • KA/CS
  • Collection
  • 1835-1938

The records of the special committees of the Council of King's College London consist of minutes and some other papers, mainly concerning appointments to posts, 1835-1938; notably including Medical Department, Medical Committee and Hospital Committee minutes and papers on the allocation of teaching space, laboratory provision, appointments to surgical and other posts including Physiology, the Sambrooke Registrarship, a proposed museum for medical exhibits, outpatients and the provision of hospital beds, the Bacteriological Department and the development of other new departments, and the removal of the Hospital, 1835-1910; minutes of a Special Committee into College Finances, 1895-1896; papers relating to King's College School including the selection of pupils, staff appointments, accommodation and the School's relocation, 1849-1910; papers concerning Engineering at King's including the teaching of drawing, the curriculum and appointments, 1891-1910; minutes of the Committee of Education including the financial standing of the Department, 1891-1893; minutes of various committees relating to the education of women, 1881-1905; committees relating to academic Chairs including those of Ecclesiastical History, Exegesis of the New Testament, Fine Art, Arts of Construction, Chemistry, Geology, Italian, Mechanical Engineering, Natural Philosophy, Political Economy and Sanskrit, 1835-1938; relating to the office of the Principal, 1868; relating to the Council's recognition of the General Board and Boards of Departments, 1869; proposals to amalgamate the Chairs of Chemistry, 1870; relating to the teaching of Physics, 1884; proposals to revive the teaching of Oriental languages, 1884; committees concerned with the nomenclature of departments and faculties, most notably the reorganisation of General Literature and Science, 1887; Building Committee minutes and other papers relating to site maintenance including tenders for new construction, laboratories and a photographic room, 1835-1904; Strand School, 1904-1910; Theological minutes and papers including the Theological Professorial Board, Hostel, the Inspection of Theological Colleges and the College Chapel, 1841-1938.

King's College London Council, 1829-

DELEGACY SPECIAL COMMITTEE: University of London King's College committee records

  • KA/DS
  • Collection
  • 1909-1955

The records of the Special Committees of the Delegacy of King's College London consist of minutes of a variety of committees, 1910-1955. These include committees on individual departments including Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Evening Classes, Slavonic Studies and Bacteriology and Public Health, notably covering the Engineering Society, departmental reorganisation and equipment, 1910-1950; Refectory Committee, 1918-1931; Fellows Committee, 1924-1954; Committee of Deans, including the calendar, fees, admission of women, student statistics and social activities, 1921-1943; College Dinner/Fellows Dinner/Luncheon Club Committees, 1924-1954; Public Lectures Committee, including notes on the Gilbart Banking Lectures and programmes of public lectures in each department, 1946-1955; the Conversazione Committee, 1932-1954; Men's and Women's Hostel Committees, with some accounts and prospectuses, 1923-1931.

University of London, King's College Delegacy, 1908-1980

ENTRANCE PAPERS: King's College for Women admission records

  • KWA/E
  • Collection
  • 1914-1921

King's College for Women student entrance schedules, 1914-1921 (Ref: KWA/E). These cover Arts and Science subjects, which from 1919 are treated separately. Information contained typically includes name, address, age, parents' profession, previous education, examinations already passed, proposed course of study and subjects. From 1917-1918 some termly grades are included on the reverse of the form.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

FEES: King's College for Women student records

  • KWA/FB
  • Collection
  • 1906-1919

Women's Department, King's College for Women fees books, 1906-1919 (Ref: KWA/FB). Information typically includes subject being taught, name of tutor, list of students attending, fees received each term, and a termly summary. The fees book post-dating the amalgamation of King's College for Women does not include Home Science students.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

HIPPISLEY, Evelyn Waters (1878-1968)

  • K/PP4
  • Collection
  • [1919-1938]

Correspondence, 1924-1936, notably with Catherine R Newby, Vice Principal of St Christopher's College at Blackheath, London, Deaconness Dorothy Batho, Archibishop's Examiner in Theology at Roedean School, Sussex, and Miss G M Bevan, Archbishop's Examiner in Theology, concerning women theological students taking the 'Lambeth Diploma' at King's College London; volume of transliterations of Babylonian cuneiform text, with descriptions [1919-1938].

Hippisley, Evelyn Waters, 1878-1968, Lecturer in Theology


  • KW
  • Collection
  • 1878-1939

Records, 1878-1939, of King's College London Ladies' and Women's Departments and King's College for Women from inception, and including material postdating absorption by King's College London in 1915. Comprising minutes, 1878-1928, including the Executive Committee of the Ladies' Department, 1878-1902, Committee of Management of the Women's Department, 1902-1910, Committee of Management of King's College for Women, 1910-1913, King's College for Women Delegacy, 1913-1915, Board of Principal Teachers of King's College for Women, 1910-1928, King's College for Women Board of Studies for Home Science and Economics, 1908-1914, and various finance committees from 1891 and other subordinate committees; agendas and draft minutes, 1885-1915; accounts, 1878-1916, comprising annual balances, 1878-1885, termly balances, 1889-1890, printed balance sheets, 1878-1905 (incomplete) with annual reports to the Committee of Management to 1887, comparative statements of income and expenditure, 1904-1916, printed accounts, 1910-1914, estimates, 1913-1915, and memoranda on estimates, 1914-1916; ledgers, 1890-1910, and journal, 1890-1896; cash books, 1890-1919; fees books, 1906-1919, and miscellaneous vouchers, receipts and bills, 1907-1914; warden's outletter books, 1910-1915; general and policy files, 1899-1919, on subjects including scholarships and prizes, courses, staff appointments, incorporation into the University of London, development of the college including establishment of the home science course, proposed amalgamation with King's College, and files relating to administration after amalgamation with King's College London in 1915, including proposed acquisition of a hostel for women; building and maintenance files, 1882-1917, including premises in Kensington Square; student address books, 1894-1917 and undated, most including details of courses being taken; record books, 1897-1918, with students' details; registers of attendance for various courses, 1909-1914; registers, 1878-1919, including exam class lists and lists of students; miscellaneous records, 1901-1914, comprising some student records and a manual of instructions for the Bursar; syllabi and prospectuses, 1878-1916; scrapbooks, 1888-1910, including lecture notices and press cuttings; rough notes summarising a course of lectures on hygiene and sanitation, 1913; printed ephemera, 1888-1923, with material postdating fusion with King's College in 1915, including historical sketch of King's College Ladies' Department, c1902, undated history of nos 11-12 Kensington Square, lectures, reports, prospectuses, and an appeal for the Home Science Department, 1914; material relating to King's College Hostel for Women, 58 Queensborough Terrace, Bayswater, 1921-1939, including minutes of the management committee, ledgers, cash books, wages books and inventory; 16mm film of King's College for Women staff and students, 1927-1928, with explanatory notes; entrance schedules for arts and sciences, 1914-1921, giving students' details; papers and correspondence, 1880-1924, on general administration, buildings and accommodation at Kensington Square and Bayswater, grants to the College, staff appointments, and transfer of King's College for Women to King's College and the future of the Home Science Department.

King's College for Women, 1908-1928

REGISTRY: Queen Elizabeth College student records

  • QAR/FP
  • Collection
  • 1918-1987

Household and Social Science Department, King's College for Women, King's College of Household and Social Science and Queen Elizabeth College student files, 1918-1987 (Ref: QAR/FP), Queen Elizabeth College student record cards [1960-1985] (Ref: QA/FPC). The level of information contained varies, but undergraduate files typically give the name and address of students, student number, transcript printout, 'A' Level results, description of course, course units and examination results for each session, value and grades, title of course, notification of student grant, total awarded and amount paid each term. Later files also include UCCA (Universities Central Council on Admissions) forms. Information contained in postgraduate files includes enrolment form, letter of acceptance, admission form, transcript information, Federal Government Scholarship form and correspondence. The record cards supplement the file series and generally include name, student number, photograph, nationality, date of birth, dates of entry and leaving, address, previous education, course units, values, grades and final degree result.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

RICHARDS, Kathleen Elizabeth (fl 1921-1962)

  • K/PP113
  • Collection
  • 1921-1962

Photographs, event invitations and testimonials related to Kathleen Richards, [1900]-1962, notably including photographs of the London shop at 6 Seymour Place belonging to Henry Richards, Kathleen's father, [1914-1918]; Henry and Kathleen Richards, [1914-1918]; Kathleen Richards as a child and young woman, including as a participant in a group photograph at King's College posing with Principal Ronald Burrows, [1915-1920]; photographs of Kathleen Richards as an older woman in church, with her pet dog and greeting a friend, [1950-1970]; invitation to a graduation dinner at the University of London, 1921; Confirmation card, 1910; correspondence including of Kathleen's brother with their mother, testimonials, elevations for a planning application for improvements to Richards' home, 1915-1962.

Richards, Kathleen Elizabeth, fl 1921-1962, secretary

SERIALS & PERIODICALS: King's College London printed material

  • K/SER
  • Collection
  • 1836-2014

King's College London Publications: Serials and Periodicals, 1836-2014. This class of ephemera contains 150 distinct titles of annual/termly periodical comprising newsletters and magazines about the College, its students and staff, illustrating its academic work and social life from the earliest years to the present day. Most series are incomplete and sometimes contain only single editions of predominantly recent titles. The main series of publications comprise long running College magazines such as King's College Review/Lucifer (1899-1966), of which there exist bound and duplicate sets, King's College London News (1981-1984), The King's College London Report (1993-2000), Comment (1984-2001) and the staff bulletin, Viewpoint (1973-1979) and Library staff magazine, Ex Libris (later retitled No Comment ) (1996-2001). They also include departmental and faculty periodicals and newsletters such as The Kingsman (1958-1978), which was one of several journals associated with the Theology Faculty, the War Studies Review (1994-1998), War Studies Journal (1995-1999) and Department of War Studies Diary (1993-1997), The Siphon , magazine of the Faculty of Science (1946-1968), the Nurses' League Journal (1926-2000), King's College School Magazine (1890-1903), King's College London Association newsletter, later retitled In Touch (1972-1999), Computer Unit newsletters (1967-1996) and the Ladies' Department Magazine (1896-1914). They also include support services and Trades Union magazines and newsletters including of the Library and NALGO, Development Office, Chaplaincy and Staff Development and Training, Students' Union and Rag magazines, most prominently, Magus (1974-1985). The collection contains a few examples of periodicals external to King's College, mainly concerned with the Higher Education sector, such as the Newsletter of the Committee of Vice-Chancellors and Principals (1995-1998) and relating to various aspects of the work of the University of London. Content is very broad and diverse, including events listings, College and departmental news, obituaries, sporting fixtures, society business and original articles, particularly in The King's Engineer (1922-1968) and Lucifer (1951-1966), whose distinctive ironical and experimental character was reflected in critical commentary on South Africa and Vietnam, pornography and censorship, examples of cutting edge poetry, alongside theatre reviews and original articles, drawings and caricatures including by Derek Jarman and the writer and broadcaster, Michael Bukht.

King's College London, 1829-

STUDENTS: King's College for Women student registers

  • KWA/R
  • Collection
  • 1878-1919

Ladies' Department, Women's Department and King's College for Women student registers, 1878-1919 (Reg: KWA/R). This series includes a register and file of examination classifications, 1878-1904, 1899, consisting of student listings under subject and class of degree awarded (Reg: KWA/R1, R3a); a register of term lists, 1879-1910, giving the numbers of students (no names) taking each course, tutor and fees for each term, and from 1906 also giving the number of students taking each public examination (Reg: KWA/R2); a register of certificates gained by students, 1884-1896, arranged by subject (Reg: KWA/R3); a register of matriculated students, 1902-1919, containing signature, date and witness (Reg: KWA/R4).

King's College for Women, 1908-1928

STUDENTS: King's College for Women ticket records

  • Collection
  • 1901-1914

Ladies' Department, Women's Department, King's College for Women rough day book, 1901-1910 (Ref: KWA/MISC1), containing the signatures of students admitted without a ticket; King's College for Women counterfoils of tickets for intercollegiate courses at the University of London, 1912-1914 (Ref: KWA/MISC2), giving students' name, course, teacher and institution.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

STUDENTS: King's College London Ladies' Department student records

  • Collection
  • 1897-1918

King's College for Women record books, 1897-1917 (Ref: KWA/REC). This series consists of student record books, 1903-1917, giving name, address, age, parent's profession previous education, date of entry, date of matriculation, examinations prior and subsequent to matriculation, terminal reports, subjects taken, positions of responsibility held, prizes and distinctions, and some information on subsequent achievements; record books of examinations, 1905-1918, which gives name and exam studied for, and can be cross referenced to the student record books; record book of students taking London, Oxford and other examinations, 1897-1903, which contains a similar level of information as the student record books; record book of students taking the Archbishop's Diploma in Theology, 1905-1907, giving address, previous education, parents' profession, date of entry, subjects taken, examinations prior to entry and termly reports.

THEOLOGY: KIng's College London departmental student records

  • KFT/FP
  • Collection
  • [1852]-1998

Theology student records, [1852]-1998, specifically undergraduate and postgraduate male student files, 1886, 1908, 1910-1974 (Ref: KFT/FPM), undergraduate and postgraduate male withdrawals, [1914-1951] (Ref: KFT/FPMW), miscellaneous correspondence relating to students whose date of entry is not known, [1939-1969] (Ref: KFT/FPMM), undergraduate and postgraduate female student files, 1929-1974 (Ref: KFT/FPF), undergraduate and postgraduate female withdrawals, 1948-1968 (Ref: KFT/FPFW), miscellaneous correspondence relating to female students whose date of entry is not known [1932-1968] (Ref: KFT/FPFM), occasional students, 1980-1991 (Ref: KFT/FP/OCC), postgraduate occasional students, 1980-1992 (Ref: KFT/FPPG/OCC), undergraduate student files, 1975-1998 (Ref: KFT/FP), postgraduate student files, 1980-1994 (Ref: KFT/FPPG), examination results, [1978-1987] (Ref: KFT/ER), address register of former students, [1871] (KFT administrative series), 2 slip books of male students who took the Theological Associate of King's College examination, [1852]-1921 (Ref: KFT/RC1), 13 slip books of male, and in later years, female students who took the Theological AKC, [1920-1980] (Ref: KFT/RC2), 1 slip book of women theological students, including AKCs, 1946-1982, 1 slip book of male and female BA Religious Studies, Biblical Studies and postgraduate students, 1976-1985, 1 slip book of BD and combined studies students, 1983-1985. The KFT/FPM file series incorporates all students, including withdrawals, AKC, BD and a small number of postgraduates. Information contained typically includes letters of reference, tutors' terminal reports, general correspondence and application for admission, the name of the Bishop by whom the student was confirmed and the name and address of the clergyman from whom a confidential report was received, from 1931 most files have a photograph attached. Prior to 1919 generally only the admission form survives. The KFT/FPMW series is not comprehensive. Information typically includes application for admission, letters of reference and correspondence. Information typically contained in the KFT/FPF file series includes UCCA forms, statement of eligibility, terminal reports, admission form, letters of reference and correspondence, from 1935 files occasionally contain a photograph. The KFT/FPFW series includes those who withdrew their application or who rejected the offer of a place, but again is not comprehensive. From 1996 onwards the main subjects included in the KFT/FP series include BA Religious Studies, BA Theology and BA Biblical Studies. Information contained in the KFT/FP and KFT/FPPG series varies but generally includes statement of eligibility, declaration, application for admission, UCCA form, statement by referee, terminal report and correspondence. The examination results series includes pass lists for the AKC, MTh, MPhil, PhD, BA and BD degrees. Information typically contained in the KFT/RC1 slip books include the date the AKC was passed, any prizes or other qualifications gained at King's or elsewhere, the church at which the student went on to serve, and address. The end of this series also contains a small number of forms relating to deceased former students. The KFT/RC2 slip books have an attached AKC detail sheet giving courses and marks. Other information typically contained in the Theological slip books include name, address, date of birth, date of entry, course, examinations, previous education, and whether ordained.

King's College London Department of Theology & Religious Studies

WOMEN'S COMMON ROOMS: King's College London records

  • KWCR
  • Collection
  • 1925-1972

Records relating to the Women's Common Rooms, 1925-1972, comprising constitution of the Students' Common Room and amendments, 1931-1951 and undated, and a ballot paper concerning its dissolution, 1972; papers relating to the Women's Staff Common Room including its rules, undated, cash books, 1925-1932, 1967-1972, lists of subscriptions, 1971-1972, papers of the interim Common Room committee concerned with the amalgamation of staff common rooms, 1972, and rules for the new Senior Common Room, 1972.

King's College London Women's Common Rooms