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Archival description
Chelsea College of Science and Technology, 1957-1971
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EXAMINATIONS: Chelsea College student results
EXAMINATIONS: Chelsea College student results
EXAMINATIONS: Chelsea College question papers
EXAMINATIONS: Chelsea College question papers
LECTURES: Chelsea College event literature
LECTURES: Chelsea College event literature
STUDENTS: Chelsea College microfilm student records
STUDENTS: Chelsea College microfilm student records
PRESS CUTTINGS: Chelsea College printed material
PRESS CUTTINGS: Chelsea College printed material
PHOTOGRAPHS & ILLUSTRATIONS: Chelsea College records
PHOTOGRAPHS & ILLUSTRATIONS: Chelsea College records
SERIALS & PERIODICALS: Chelsea College printed material
SERIALS & PERIODICALS: Chelsea College printed material
SYLLABUSES & PROSPECTUSES: Chelsea College printed material
SYLLABUSES & PROSPECTUSES: Chelsea College printed material
COMMITTEES: Chelsea College governing body records
COMMITTEES: Chelsea College governing body records
PERSONNEL: Chelsea College staff records
PERSONNEL: Chelsea College staff records
TITLE DEEDS: Chelsea College legal documents
TITLE DEEDS: Chelsea College legal documents
FINANCE: Chelsea College financial records
FINANCE: Chelsea College financial records
LIBRARY: Chelsea College administrative records
LIBRARY: Chelsea College administrative records
REGISTRY: Chelsea College administrative records
REGISTRY: Chelsea College administrative records
SECRETARY'S OFFICE: Chelsea College administrative records
SECRETARY'S OFFICE: Chelsea College administrative records
STUDENTS' UNION: Chelsea College records
STUDENTS' UNION: Chelsea College records