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GUEST, Professor Anthony Gordon (b 1930)

  • K/PP96
  • Collection
  • 1976-1977

The papers of Professor Anthony Guest consisting of minutes and correspondence, notably relating to a working party on Religious Studies at King's College London, set up to consider the future of the discipline, and of which Professor Guest was chairman, 1976-1977.

Guest, Anthony Gordon, b 1930, Professor of English Law

GRAVESON, Professor Ronald Harry (1911-1991)

  • K/PP39
  • Collection
  • 1923-1988

Papers, 1929-1988, containing articles relating to law by Graveson, correspondence with academic institutions and publishers concerning Graveson's articles, reviews by Graveson of others' work, texts of lectures and addresses given by Graveson, contributions to various law committees and law conferences, Graveson's notes taken as a law student, and papers of the Commonwealth-American Legal Studies course, 1959-1965. Printed material, 1923-1977, including books and articles by Graveson, and law reviews, journals and periodicals collected by him, many relating to legal education. Theses, 1935-[1957], containing various drafts and manuscripts of Graveson's theses, including chapters written by Graveson for A century of family law (1857-1957) with Francis Roger Crane (Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1957).

Graveson, Ronald Harry, 1911-1991, Professor of Law

GERMAN: King's College London departmental student records

  • KDG/FP
  • Collection
  • 1918-1992

King's College London Department of German register of students, 1918-1937 (Ref: KDG/RG), record cards, [1950-1952], 1966-1982 (Ref: KDG/FPC), postgraduate student files, 1997-1998 (Ref: KDG/FPPG), student correspondence in the administrative series, 1955-1992 (Ref: KDG). The record cards cover all pass students and are subdivided into those taking German as part of a general degree or subsidiary subject, and German Honours students. Information contained typically includes photograph, name, college number, addresses, date of entry, honours course, subsidiary course, general degree subject, age, date of birth, previous education and examinations passed, National Service, proposed occupation, and scholarships. The Honours students' records include some details on the degree examination, higher degrees taken and studies abroad. The postgraduate series contains only a few files for PhD and research students. Information includes an application for admission as a postgraduate student, correspondence, awards application, details of previous degree, supervisor's report, dissertation/thesis outline and submission. The administrative series includes correspondence with and concerning students, 1955-1984, correspondence concerning awards and prizes to students, 1973-1992, correspondence regarding the registration of postgraduate students, 1969-1988, which includes whether the students were full or part-time, the name of their supervisor and date of registration.

King's College London Department of German

GERMAN: King's College London departmental records

  • KDG
  • Collection
  • 1932-1995

The records of the King's College London German Department consist of correspondence, order books and photographs, 1932-1995. These include correspondence concerning awards and prizes to students, correspondence with alumni, the method of student appraisals, applications for research funding granted to members of staff, the appointment of language assistants in the department as part of a German academic exchange scheme, relating to the heads of department, notably including correspondence with prominent scholars such as Professor Wolfgang Mohr, and especially concerning German Society drama productions including their organisation, funding and publicity, with photographs, 1959-1995; papers relating to the Beaver College Center for Education Abroad, 1982-1986; papers relating to applications for the vacant Chair of German, 1993- 1994 (closed); order books for publications requested by the department for incorporation in the library, 1932-1960; lists of students, [1944-1946].

King's College London Department of German

GEOLOGY: King's College London departmental records

  • KDGL
  • Collection
  • 1828-1975

Geology departmental records at King's College comprise correspondence, diagrams of fossils, exhibition photographs and negatives, 1828-1975. These notably include correspondence between Sir Charles Lyell, Professor of Mineralogy and Geology, King's College London, William Buckland, one time Professor of Geology, University of Oxford, and others concerning glaciation and descriptions of a tour of Italy undertaken by Lyell, 1828-1842; lecture notes on spectra, possibly compiled by Henry Clifton Sorby, geologist and Fellow of the Royal Society, [1859]; printed pamphlets on aspects of geology including microscopy and photography, 1857-1872; large hand-drawn diagrams of vertebrate fossils by Harry Govier Seeley, Professor of Geology and Geography, with Mineralogy, King's College London, [1876-1909]; manuscript catalogue of 200 different minerals belonging to Harry Govier Seeley, [1876-1909]; mounted photographs of Geology Department staff including Lyell, William Thomas Gordon and Professor James Taylor, and of Lyell's family estate, Kinnordy House, Kirriemuir, Scotland, fossils, various landscapes showing geological features and extracts from Lyell's papers, with negatives, for an exhibition marking the centenary of the deaths of Lyell and Charles Wheatstone, held at King's College, 1975; visitors' book, information leaflets and colour transparencies showing the exhibition on Lyell and Wheatstone, 1975; large display case containing the fabric banner commemorating Lyell's presidency of the British Association, 1864.

King's College London Department of Geology

GEOGRAPHY: King's College London departmental student records

  • Collection
  • 1931-1988

Undergraduate files for BA and BSc degrees, 1931, 1941, 1944, 1948, 1951, 1953-1987 (Ref: KDGG/FP), undergraduate withdrawals, 1963, 1966-1985, 1987-1988 (Ref: KDGG/FP(W)), postgraduate files for MSc and MPhil/PhD degrees, [1964-1979] (Ref: KDGG/FPPG). Information contained in undergraduate files typically includes entrance form, school education, date of birth, addresses, photograph, correspondence, degree result, references, tutors' comments and essay marks. Postgraduate files generally include correspondence, references and grant applications that include information on the students' research project.

King's College London Department of Geography

GENERAL COURT AND CORPORATION: King's College London committee records

  • KA/G
  • Collection
  • 1830-1979

The records of the General Court and Corporation consist of minute books, guard books and lists of members of the Court, 1830-1979. These comprise minutes of the Governors and Proprietors of King's College London, which from 1882 was entitled the General Court of the Corporation, including accounts and other papers, 1830-1979 (Ref: KA/G/M1-5); lists of new subscribers and donors, 1832-1834 (Ref: KA/G/M6); minutes of meetings to elect the Principal or Headmaster of King's College School, 1843-1910 (KA/G/M7); rough minutes of meetings,1865-1898 (Ref: KA/G/RM); Corporation guard books, mainly accounts and estimates relating to the Theological Department, 1927- 1978 (Ref: KA/G/GB); lists of members nominated or elected to Council and Court, and names of treasurers and auditors, 1830-1979 (Ref: KA/G/N); minutes and papers of the Annual Court, 1966-1979 (Ref: KA/G/MP).

King's College London General Court and Corporation, 1829-1979

FRENCH: King's College London departmental records

  • KDF
  • Collection
  • 1926-1983

The records of the King's College London French Department comprise a series of personnel files of senior members of staff, 1926-1988, and a small quantity of correspondence and papers relating to student numbers and timetabling of courses, 1926-1934.

King's College London Department of French

FINANCE COMMITTEE: King's College London records

  • KA/F
  • Collection
  • 1829-1996

The records of the Finance Committee/ Council Committee of Finance, consist of minute books, agenda books and guard books, 1829-1996. These comprise a set of bound, manuscript and signed minutes, 1829-1941; bound, typescript minutes, 1941-1980; unbound minutes and papers, 1989-1996; manuscript agenda books relating to the main topics raised in the minute series, 1948-1980; guard book containing meeting papers for members of the Committee, 1980- 1987. Records consist of balances, notes on scholarships, College property, hostels, laboratory and equipment, trust funds and remuneration. From 1910 the Finance Committee was known as the Council Committee of Finance.

King's College London Finance Committee, 1829-

FEES: King's College for Women student records

  • KWA/FB
  • Collection
  • 1906-1919

Women's Department, King's College for Women fees books, 1906-1919 (Ref: KWA/FB). Information typically includes subject being taught, name of tutor, list of students attending, fees received each term, and a termly summary. The fees book post-dating the amalgamation of King's College for Women does not include Home Science students.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

EXAMINATIONS: Queen Elizabeth College student results

  • Q/ER
  • Collection
  • 1908-1966

King's College for Women, King's College of Household and Social Science and Queen Elizabeth College Examination Results, 1908-1966 (Ref: Q/ER, 1999 QAR). Records consists of session results, 1908-1959; records of students' examination marks, 1925-1943; terminal examination results, 1943-1962; mark lists, 1962-1965; mid-sessional and final marks, 1967; BSc examination results, 1952-1966 (Ref: Q/ER); examination results and question papers, 1931-1976, examination results and marks, 1933-1973; (Ref: 1999 QAR/1-5). Courses covered in this series include Sister Tutors, one and two-year courses, Diplomas, and BSc Intermediate, Part I and terminal degree results. Information typically given consists of students' name, percentages for subjects taken, final results, and some examination question papers.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

EXAMINATIONS: Queen Elizabeth College question papers

  • Q/EX
  • Collection
  • 1923-1985

Queen Elizabeth College examination question papers, 1923-1985, constituting an incomplete series of bound BSc examination question papers, 1923, 1970-1985; MSc Nutrition question papers, 1969-1984; undergraduate and postgraduate Manpower Studies examination question papers, 1977-1985; a timetable for BSc exams, 1940.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

EXAMINATIONS: King's College London student results and prize records

  • KA/ER
  • Collection
  • 1860-1996

King's College London prize lists for all faculties, 1866-1922, examination results for all faculties, 1897-1911 (Ref: KA/ER), examination results for all faculties, 1910-1923 (Ref: K/ER), examination results and prizes for Evening Classes, 1860-1868 (Ref: KA/ER/EV), examination results and diplomas for Science and Engineering students, 1902-1924 (Ref: KA/ER/S), examination results for Medical students, 1903-1919 (Ref: KA/ER/M), examination results and diplomas for Arts students, 1903-1914, intermediate results, 1919-1931 (Ref: KA/ER/A), examination results for Music students, 1994-1996 (Ref: KA/ER/FM). Information contained typically includes lists of prize-winners, names, marks, grades, degree, subject, passed/failed, class gained.

King's College London, 1829-

EVENING CLASS: King's College London departmental records

  • KDEV
  • Collection
  • 1858-1939

The records of the Evening Classes Department at King's College London consist of staff committee minute books, 1858-1939, and minutes of the Joint Committee of King's College London and the Carpenters' Company, 1890-1912.

King's College London Department of Evening Classes

ENTRANCE PAPERS: King's College London student admission records

  • KA/E
  • Collection
  • 1831-1985

King's College London student entrance papers, 1831-1935 (Ref: KA/E). These comprise first admissions, Senior Department, 1831-1846 (Ref: KA/E/A), General Literature and Science, 1846-1906 (Ref: KA/E/A), Arts, 1907-1935 (Ref: KA/E/A), Applied Science, 1846-1889 (Ref: KA/E/E), Engineering, 1889-1934 (Ref: KA/E/E), Science, 1901-1935 (Ref: KA/E/S), Medical, 1831-1935 (Ref: KA/E/M), Medical Intercollegiate, 1905-1935 (Ref: KA/E/MI), Theology, 1846-1935 (Ref: KA/E/T), Laws, 1911-1935 (Ref: KA/E/L), Evening Classes, 1855-1916 (Ref: KA/E/EV), Evening Regular, 1916-1934 (Ref: KA/E/EV), Evening Occasional, 1916-1935 (Ref: KA/E/EO), Occasional, 1832-1914 (Ref: KA/E/O), Day Occasional, 1912-1935 (Ref: KA/E/DO), Theological Occasional, 1911-1935 (Ref: KA/E/TO), Matriculation/Preliminary Class, 1898-1935 (Ref: KA/E/P), Military Department, 1849-1859 (Ref: KA/E/ML), Choral Exhibitioners, 1849-1856 (Ref: KA/E/CH), Civil Service Department, 1853-1855 (Ref: KA/E/CI), Day Training Department, 1890-1905 (Ref: KA/E/DT), State Medical Department, 1891-1925 (Ref: KA/E/SM), Bacteriological Department, Public Health and Bacteriology, 1892-1925 (Ref: KA/E/BA), King's Scholars, 1906-1913 (Ref: KA/E/SC), War Refugee students, 1914-1919 (Ref: KA/E/REF), American students, 1919 (Ref: KA/E/AEF), War Service students, 1919-1921 (Ref: KA/E/WAR). This series constitutes the principal source of information on students until 1918. Information typically contained includes name, address, date of entry, age on entering the College, name and address of parent/guardian, major subject(s), fees, previous education. The Occasional and Evening series are generally limited to name, address and course studied. This series is supported by an original set of indices.

The series continues with admission papers for women, 1921-1976 (Ref: KA/E/F), admission papers for men in the Arts Faculty, 1923-1963 (Ref: KA/E/MA), admission papers for men in the Science Faculty, 1923-1976 (Ref: KA/E/MS), admission papers for men and women in the Science Faculty, 1974-1982 (Ref: KA/E/MFS), postgraduate admission forms, 1980-1985 (Ref: KA/E/PG). Faculties and departments covered within the admission papers for women include Arts, Sciences, Law, Journalism, Medicine, Theology, Education, Evening Classes and two-year degree courses. Admission papers for men also include two-year degree courses, Indian students and some non-registered students. The admission papers for men and women in the Science Faculty consist of photocopies of Universities Central Council on Admissions (UCCA) forms and cover the departments of Biology, Botany and Zoology. Information typically contained in this series includes name, age last birthday, name and address of parent/guardian, term-time residence, nationality, previous education, names of referees, course of study proposed, exams passed, scholarships, date of proposed entry, fees, tutor appointments, correspondence, declaration to abide by College rules, and where applicable, National Service number.

King's College London Registry, 1914-

ENTRANCE PAPERS: King's College for Women admission records

  • KWA/E
  • Collection
  • 1914-1921

King's College for Women student entrance schedules, 1914-1921 (Ref: KWA/E). These cover Arts and Science subjects, which from 1919 are treated separately. Information contained typically includes name, address, age, parents' profession, previous education, examinations already passed, proposed course of study and subjects. From 1917-1918 some termly grades are included on the reverse of the form.

King's College London Women's Department, 1902-1908

ENGLISH: King's College London departmental student records

  • Collection
  • 1943-1997

King's College London Department of English undergraduate record cards, 1943-1997, undergraduate miscellaneous students, undated (Ref: KDEN/FP MISC), undergraduate withdrawals, 1990-1992, (Ref: KDEN/FP(W)), non-award student files, 1984-1996 (Ref: KDEN(NA)/FP), postgraduate student record cards, 1944, 1960, 1962-1964, 1966-1997 (Ref: KDEN/FPPG, KDEN/FPPGC), postgraduate miscellaneous student files, undated (Ref: KDEN/FPPG MISC), subsidiary non-award student record cards, 1978-1984 (Ref: KDEN(SUB)/FP), special course student files, 1991-1995 (Ref: KDEN(SPECIAL)/FP), Junior Year Abroad student files, 1979-1996 (Ref: KDEN(JYA)), Penn students, 1981-1997 (Ref: KDEN(PENN)). Information typically contained in undergraduate record cards includes name, year of entry, date of birth, year of graduation, permanent address, term time address, schools, courses, exam results, alternative courses, special subjects, activities and interests, postgraduate work and subsequent career. From 1967 onwards they also include tutor reports for all three terms for the duration of the degree. Information typically contained on postgraduate record cards includes name, date of birth, year of entry, degree and date of award, term and permanent address, name of supervisor, full-time or part-time, source of finance, activities and interests, title of thesis and remarks. Information on subsidiary student record cards includes date of birth, photo, addresses, tutors' reports and grades. Information on Special Course student record cards includes name of English course and name of main department/college. This series also includes withdrawals. The non-award series comprises EEC, Nursing and Occasional students. The information contained on these record cards includes date of birth, addresses, home university, dates of attendance, photo, subjects taken, tutors' term reports.

King's College London Department of English

ENGLISH: King's College London departmental records

  • KDEN
  • Collection
  • 1952-1993

King's College London English records comprise minutes, correspondence, mark sheets and results tables, and printed readers for students, 1952-1993; notably including departmental minutes, 1990-1996; correspondence relating mainly to visiting academics, 1985-1992; mark sheets, results' tables and Examiners' Board memoranda and minutes, 1952-1993; printed course readers for American Studies core courses, 1984-1987.

King's College London Department of English

ENGINEERING SOCIETY: King's College London records

  • KSE
  • Collection
  • 1847-1993

The collection comprises minute books, accounts, records of books on loan from the Common Room, sporting fixtures and editors' reports relating to The King's engineer , 1847-1983; including minute books of the Engineering Society/King's College Scientific Society, recording finance and social business, and with very brief summaries of many of the papers delivered to Society meetings, 1847-1983; attendance register of Society meetings with notices of papers read, 1849-1960; address books of members, [1847-1941]; Vice-Presidents' annual reports on finance, including balances, 1890-1900; account books for the Society Common Room, 1876-1938; register of books loaned out from the Society library, with a summary of rules of the Society and a list of members of the Committee of Management, 1847-1891; signature books of visitors to Society meetings, 1922-1954; cricket score book for the Society team, 1901-1903, 1950; file of correspondence relating to The King's engineer including accounts, lists of officers and committee of management, editors' reports on the journal, 1933-1936, 1944; printed pamphlet entitled In grateful memory of Fougasse containing cartoons sketched by Fougasse (Cyril Kenneth Bird) for programmes of Society annual dinners, 1965; printed publications including copies of The Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Proceedings , 1947-1948, some offprints of papers on aspects of metallurgy in English, French and German, [1972], folio entitled British engineers and allied professionals in the twentieth century , edited by W T Pike (Brighton, 1910).

King's College London, Engineering Society

Results 101 to 120 of 161