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King's College Hospital, London, 1840- Higher science education
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GOUDGE, George Wilfred (1907-1979)
GOUDGE, George Wilfred (1907-1979)
COUNCIL SPECIAL COMMITTEES: King's College London records
COUNCIL SPECIAL COMMITTEES: King's College London records
SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London governance records
SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London governance records
Lecture notes, 1907-1911, compiled by surgeon Albert Carless
Lecture notes, 1907-1911, compiled by surgeon Albert Carless
Index of pupils, 1891-1901, under Willoughby Lyle and loose papers chiefly biographical information on King's College Hospital staff
Index of pupils, 1891-1901, under Willoughby Lyle and loose papers chiefly biographical information on King's College Hospital staff
Papers of Nestor Isidore Charles Tirard chiefly relating to hospital reform and King's College Hospital, 1905-1914
Papers of Nestor Isidore Charles Tirard chiefly relating to hospital reform and King's College Hospital, 1905-1914
Papers, 1875-1953, of William Speed Hayman including photographs taken of Joseph Lister
Papers, 1875-1953, of William Speed Hayman including photographs taken of Joseph Lister