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WINNINGTON-INGRAM, Reginald Pepys, (1904-1993)

  • K/PP164
  • Collection
  • [1922-1995]

Papers of Professor Reginald Pepys Winnington-Ingram, [1922-1995] including research papers relating to Studies in Aeschylus (Cambridge University Press, 1983) comprising manuscript and typescript drafts and notes by Winnington-Ingram including on the Erines in the Oresteia , the Seven against Thebes and Prometheus Bound ; off-prints of articles; correspondence with other classicists including his students John Lavery and Michael Evans. Working notes, draft articles, off-prints and correspondence on the following themes: the works of Euripedes, notably Bacchae, Heracles, Hippolytus and Electra ; the works of Proclus, the works of Pindar and the works of Sophocles notably Oedipus Tyrannus, Ajax, The Trachiniae, Electra , and Philoctetes . General correspondence, 1939-1990. Papers relating to Plato including notes for Winnington-Ingram's inaugural lecture at King's College London 'The Unity of Plato's Phaedrus'. Draft lecture notes, including for 'Swan's Hellenic Cruises', 1973, lectures on Aristophanes and lectures on Greek drama for a lecture tour of USA and New Zealand. Teaching notes on Thucydides and the development of Greek prose. Unpublished articles on subjects including 'Revenge, justice and tragedy', 'The staging of the Peace of Aristophanes' and 'Greek stage conventions and their ancient critics.' Notebook containing notes on pupils and on Greek palaeography. Scrapbook containing press cuttings of reviews of Winnington-Ingram's publications, 1936-1949. Correspondence with Edward O. Symonds, a close personal friend of Winnington-Ingram, 1922-1949. Press cuttings of reviews by Winnington-Ingram.

Ingram, Reginald Pepys Winnington-, 1904-1993, Professor of Greek Language and Literature

WINCH, Professor Peter Guy (1926-1997)

  • K/PP171
  • Collection
  • 1936-1996

Papers of Prof Peter Guy Winch, 1936-1996, including professional correspondence; teaching notes; lecture notes and handouts; draft and proofs of articles by Winch; proof copy of The Idea of Social Science and its Relation to Philosophy, 2nd edition; papers relating to the University of Swansea including minutes of departmental meetings, 1984; papers relating to Winch's time at King's College London including papers relating to publication of Winch's Ethics and Action, 1971-1972 and Winch's inaugural lecture for the Chair of Philosophy, 1968; papers, lecture notes, correspondence, handouts and student work relating to teaching at University of Illinois, 1990-1996 and research notes on topics including social science, ethics, Ludwig Wittgenstein, logic, Baruch Spinoza, epistemology and political philosophy.

Winch, Professor Peter Guy, 1926-1997, philosopher

WILLIAMSON, Frederick (fl 1882-1884)

  • K/PP30
  • Collection
  • 1884

Notebook of Williamson, 1884, created whilst a student at King's College, London, and containing notes on Divinity, Greek, Mathematics, Physics, History, Latin, Greek Testament and English Literature.

Williamson, Frederick, fl 1882-1884

SCULLARD, Professor Howard Hayes (1903-1983)

  • K/PP35
  • Collection
  • [1890-1900]

Papers, [1909] and 1930-[1975], relating to Scullard's published work, notably lists of contributors and articles for the first edition, [1938], and correspondence with contributors to the second edition, 1964-1965, of the Oxford classical dictionary (Clarendon, Oxford, 1949 and 1970); annotated photocopy of typescript of The elephant in the Greek and Roman world (Thames and Hudson, 1974), [1973-1974], with notes especially relating to illustrations, [1973-1974], and various offprints of articles on elephants in the ancient world, [1948-1950]; proof copies of Scipio Africanus in the Second Punic War (University Press, Cambridge, 1930), and Scipio Africanus: soldier and politician (Thames and Hudson, London, 1970), with a manuscript of the former, [1930], and notes, [1930-1970] on Scipio and Spain; incomplete typescript of a work entitled 'Scipio Africanus: politics and reform', [1970]; offprints of articles written by Scullard for the Encyclopedia Britannica (Encyclopedia Britannica Company, London and New York), 1967 and 1974; correspondence and notes relating to Roman history articles written by Scullard for Collier's Encyclopedia (P.F. Collier and Son, New York), 1960; school essay by Scullard on 'The comic element in the literature of Greece and Rome', [1909], and incomplete annotated typescript [on the same subject], [1930-1940], possibly part of Scullard's History of the Roman world from 753 to 146 BC (Methuen, London, 1935); papers, 1954 and [1973-1975], relating to Scullard's revision of A history of Rome down to the reign of Constantine (Macmillan, London, 1954) by Max Cary, including typescripts, annotated proofs, and a printed copy of the original work; a printed copy of the 3rd edition of A history of the Roman world from 753 to 146 BC (Methuen, London, 1963). Papers, [1925-1970], relating to Scullard's teaching career, including teaching and lecture notes on Greek and Roman history, [1926-1970]; typescript book lists and study schemes for courses on Ancient History and Ancient Political Ideas [at King's College London], [1958-1960]; notes taken by Scullard from lectures by Professor Frank Ezra Adcock, Professor of Ancient History at King's College, Cambridge, [1925-1951]; memorabilia, 1938 and 1976-1977, relating to New College, London, including programmes, menu, and reports relating to its closure in 1977. Publications by, or relating to, Scullard's father, the Reverend Herbert Hayes Scullard, Free Church Minister at Howard Congregational Church, Bedford, and Professor of Church History at New and Hackney College, London University, mainly comprising copies of Life of John Howard the philanthropist (1911), 1907-1911. Three photograph albums, containing photographs of a tour in Norway, British and French towns and cities, and views of the Lake District and Scottish Highlands, [1890-1900].

Scullard, Howard Hayes, 1903-1983, Professor of Ancient History

LOW, David Morrice (1890-1972)

  • K/PP70
  • Collection
  • 1911-1952

Notes and papers, 1911-1952, of David Morrice Low, including scrapbook of news cuttings and pictures, 1911-1913; printed Marlborough school lists, 1914-1918, and extracts from school rules, 1916; list of Oriel men on service; notes on Italy and Latin, 1924-1925 and undated; notes on teaching classics and mathematics [1914-1921]; notes, manuscripts and typescripts for novels or short stories; material relating to Low's novel Twice Shy (1933) including notes, reviews, and a contract with Chatto & Windus; other material relating to Chatto & Windus, 1927-1933; notes on Greece and Nice; manuscript notes and letter, 1927, from V H Collins on 'Scotticisms'; manuscript personal notes on his mother, childhood, first memories, use of language and attitude to women; typescript note on role as examiner of English, 1940; notebooks on Edward Gibbon, some dated 1934-1935, from various sources including Gibbon's journal and letters; printed catalogue of Gibbon's library, 1934, and typescript essay on it; photographs of portraits of Gibbon and places associated with him; typescripts on 'The Grand Tour'; notes on aeronautical terminology in Spanish and Portuguese [1941-1943]; offprint of E M Wilson, 'La Estroga Sexta de la Cancion a la Flor de Guido', Miscelanea (1952), dedicated to Low; Enid Marx, The Pigeon Ace [undated].

Low, David Morrice, 1890-1972, writer

LLOYD, Professor Antony Charles (1916-1994)

  • K/PP54
  • Collection
  • [1946-1994]

Papers, 1946-1994, relating to philosophy and Lloyd's academic career and publications, including letters relating to publishing contracts for Form and universal in Aristotle (Liverpool University School of Classics, 1981), and The anatomy of neoplatonism (Clarendon, Oxford, 1990). Lecture notes, [1960-1970], on various philosophical subjects, including Plato, and the History of Philosophy. Papers, [1985-1990], relating to Lloyd's writings, mainly on Greek philosophy, and including manuscript drafts and proofs of The anatomy of neoplatonism .

Lloyd, Antony Charles, 1916-1994, Professor of Philosophy

LECTURES: King's College London event literature

  • K/LEC
  • Collection
  • 1828-2012

King's College London Lectures. This collection of ephemera contains printed matter relating to public and academic events in the College. It includes the texts of lectures and addresses including inaugural lectures by new staff, some of which date from the opening of the College, predominantly Theology and the Arts,1828-2009, sermons delivered at the opening of departments, the installation of the Dean or at memorial events, [1830]-2011, Gilbart Lectures on Banking, 1897-1994, other lectures and addresses ranging from the future of education in England, modern Greek poetry, or Asian languages, to the role of pure science in the development of industry, Commemoration Orations by distinguished speakers including HRH Prince Philip, Anniversary Lectures, Haldane Memorial Lectures and Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives Annual Lectures, 1832-2014, Eric Symes Abbott Memorial Lectures on ethics and spirituality, 1986-1999; lecture notices including syllabuses, public lecture lists and some attendant correspondence, arranged by faculty or department or yearly/termly for public or general lectures, 1835-2012

King's College London, 1829-

LAVERY, John Francis (1935-2004)

  • K/PP166
  • Collection
  • [1853-1988]

Papers of John F Lavery, consisting chiefly of photographs of Ancient Greek sites. Including photographs, glass slides and negatives of Ancient Greek sites, Greek landscapes and modern Greek buildings. Notebooks containing notes, diary entries and sketches, interspersed with items of correspondence and poems. Typescript bound draft volume: Agamemnon, Choephoria and Eumenides , edited and translated by Lavery. Draft articles and academic notes by Lavery. Lavery's PhD thesis, 1985; personal correspondence [1985-1995]. Sketches, press cuttings, maps, and poems.

Lavery, John Francis, 1935-2004, classics student, King's College London

JUNIOR YEAR ABROAD: King's College London student records

  • KA/JYA
  • Collection
  • 1985-1995

King's College London Junior Year Abroad student files, 1985-1989, 1992-1995 (Ref: KA/JYA). Information typically contained includes student correspondence and signed declarations to abide by the rules of the College.

Junior Year Abroad refers to the programme for undergraduate exchange students, mainly from Beaver College, Pennsylvania State University, USA, who study for a year at King's. The majority of students study English or Music.

King's College London Registry, 1914-

JEBB, Sir Richard Claverhouse (1841-1905)

  • K/PP68
  • Collection
  • 1854-1884

Papers of Sir Richard Claverhouse Jebb, 1854-1884, on Greek subjects, mainly notebooks, comprising notes on classical Greek history, 1854, from Jebb's schooldays at St Columba's, chiefly from lectures of the Reverend W Tuckwell of New College, Oxford, whose principal authority was George Grote, the historian of Greece; notes and essays on Greek history, 1869, 1871; draft history of Bulgaria, 1877; diary of a tour of Greece, 1878; draft of a paper on the remains at Hissarlik read to the Hellenic Society, 1882; letter book of 'Modern Greek Correspondence', 1879-1884, containing original letters sent to Jebb, drafts of his replies, and other material including notes on the language and comments on the teaching of archaeology, relating to the foundation of a School at Athens.

Jebb, Sir Richard Claverhouse, 1841-1905, Knight, classical scholar, educationist and MP

HOLMES, Maj Oliver Wright- (b 1909)

  • K/PP22
  • Collection
  • 1931-1934

Lecture, course and revision notes written by Wright-Holmes whilst studying History at King's College London, 1931-1934; typescript copy of his PhD thesis entitled 'Tertullian on prayer', 1951.

Holmes, Oliver Wright-, b 1909, Major

HISTORY: King's College London departmental student records

  • KDH/FP
  • Collection
  • 1947-1994

King's College London Department of History undergraduate student files, 1949-1992, 1994 (Ref: KDH/FP), undergraduate record cards, 1952-1968, 1971-94 (Ref: KDH/FPC), postgraduate files, 1947, 1960, 1962-1993 (Ref: KDH/FPPG), postgraduate record cards, [1950-1992] (Ref: KDH/FPPGC). All students listed in the undergraduate file series from 1949-1966 have both a record card and a file. The majority of postgraduate students up to 1989 also have both a record card and a file. Undergraduate files from 1949-1966 typically contain only general correspondence. From 1968-1976, they also include UCCA (Universities Central Council on Admissions) forms. Information contained on the record cards includes name, permanent address, term time address, previous education, course studied, and photograph. The postgraduate files include an application for admission form, report form, references, degree registration form, admission slip and enrolment form, Faculty of Arts postgraduate form and correspondence.

King's College London Department of History

HISTORY: King's College London departmental records

  • KDH
  • Collection
  • [1876]-1992

Department of History records at King's College London comprises minute books, correspondence, committee papers, student and staff records, sound recordings of lectures and photographs, [1876]-1988. These notably include departmental minute books, 1956-1991; University of London Board of Studies in History minutes and papers, 1973-1989; correspondence relating to the examining of postgraduate degrees in history, 1960-1987; correspondence concerning history lectureships and chairs, 1969-1988; staff committee and working party administrative files, 1979-1985; papers relating to the proposed merger of King's College with Bedford College, 1981-1982, and Westfield College, Hampstead, 1984-1987; papers relating to conferences and colloquia on imperial history, 1981-1992; departmental personnel files, 1963-1989 (closed); register of marks, 1934-1992; sessional examination papers, 1947-1988; reading lists for students, 1951-1974; BA History examination papers, 1960, 1962, 1968-1986; lecture lists, 1962-1986; supervision lists, 1979-1989; photographs of students and staff, [1876]-1990; gramophone records of lectures and talks on the subjects of the British Empire and the League of Nations, [1928]; glass photographic slides depicting portraits and antique maps illustrative of the history of the British Empire [1950-1970].

King's College London Department of History

HEARNSHAW, Fossey John Cobb (1869-1946)

  • K/PP13
  • Collection
  • 1899-1941

Manuscript of The Centenary History of King's College London, 1828-1928 (G G Harrap & Co, London, 1929); research notebooks for The Centenary History , including minutes of Council and notes from calendars, 1926-1929, and notebooks compiled for Hearnshaw by William H Wickwar a former student of King's College London, 1927; 'Rough notes for King's College History' broadly arranged as draft chapters, 1929; letters received from members of staff and former students in response to an appeal by Ernest Barker, Principal of King's College London, for information for The Centenary History , including correspondence relating to the history of the Faculty of Medical Science, evening classes, the School of Slavonic Studies and the Department of Spanish, also a transcription of an article on King's from the Saturday Review , 1833; card index compiled by Wickwar giving biographical information on a number of former members of staff and students, 1927; King's College Volunteer Section minute book, 1915-1920; unpublished typescripts including 'Europe in the Middle Ages' lectures, [1936], 'The paradox of unemployment: a utopian study', 1938, and 'The pathway to permanent peace', [1941]; personal cash and bank finance books, 1899-1940.

Hearnshaw, Fossey John Cobb, 1869-1946, Professor of History

EXAMINATIONS: King's College London student results and prize records

  • KA/ER
  • Collection
  • 1860-1996

King's College London prize lists for all faculties, 1866-1922, examination results for all faculties, 1897-1911 (Ref: KA/ER), examination results for all faculties, 1910-1923 (Ref: K/ER), examination results and prizes for Evening Classes, 1860-1868 (Ref: KA/ER/EV), examination results and diplomas for Science and Engineering students, 1902-1924 (Ref: KA/ER/S), examination results for Medical students, 1903-1919 (Ref: KA/ER/M), examination results and diplomas for Arts students, 1903-1914, intermediate results, 1919-1931 (Ref: KA/ER/A), examination results for Music students, 1994-1996 (Ref: KA/ER/FM). Information contained typically includes lists of prize-winners, names, marks, grades, degree, subject, passed/failed, class gained.

King's College London, 1829-

ENGLISH: King's College London departmental student records

  • Collection
  • 1943-1997

King's College London Department of English undergraduate record cards, 1943-1997, undergraduate miscellaneous students, undated (Ref: KDEN/FP MISC), undergraduate withdrawals, 1990-1992, (Ref: KDEN/FP(W)), non-award student files, 1984-1996 (Ref: KDEN(NA)/FP), postgraduate student record cards, 1944, 1960, 1962-1964, 1966-1997 (Ref: KDEN/FPPG, KDEN/FPPGC), postgraduate miscellaneous student files, undated (Ref: KDEN/FPPG MISC), subsidiary non-award student record cards, 1978-1984 (Ref: KDEN(SUB)/FP), special course student files, 1991-1995 (Ref: KDEN(SPECIAL)/FP), Junior Year Abroad student files, 1979-1996 (Ref: KDEN(JYA)), Penn students, 1981-1997 (Ref: KDEN(PENN)). Information typically contained in undergraduate record cards includes name, year of entry, date of birth, year of graduation, permanent address, term time address, schools, courses, exam results, alternative courses, special subjects, activities and interests, postgraduate work and subsequent career. From 1967 onwards they also include tutor reports for all three terms for the duration of the degree. Information typically contained on postgraduate record cards includes name, date of birth, year of entry, degree and date of award, term and permanent address, name of supervisor, full-time or part-time, source of finance, activities and interests, title of thesis and remarks. Information on subsidiary student record cards includes date of birth, photo, addresses, tutors' reports and grades. Information on Special Course student record cards includes name of English course and name of main department/college. This series also includes withdrawals. The non-award series comprises EEC, Nursing and Occasional students. The information contained on these record cards includes date of birth, addresses, home university, dates of attendance, photo, subjects taken, tutors' term reports.

King's College London Department of English

ENGLISH: King's College London departmental records

  • KDEN
  • Collection
  • 1952-1993

King's College London English records comprise minutes, correspondence, mark sheets and results tables, and printed readers for students, 1952-1993; notably including departmental minutes, 1990-1996; correspondence relating mainly to visiting academics, 1985-1992; mark sheets, results' tables and Examiners' Board memoranda and minutes, 1952-1993; printed course readers for American Studies core courses, 1984-1987.

King's College London Department of English

CLASSICS: King's College London departmental records

  • KDC
  • Collection
  • 1946-1984

The records of the Department of Classics at King's College London consist of correspondence and photographs, 1946-1984; notably concerning the London Summer School in Classics, including lecture timetables, enrolment and finances, 1980-1984; framed and loose photographs of students and staff, 1946-1978.

King's College London Department of Classics

BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES: King's College London departmental student records

  • Collection
  • 1972-1993

King's College London Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies undergraduate student files, 1974-1993 (K/BMG/FP), postgraduate student files, 1972-1993 (K/BMG/FPPG). Undergraduate files typically contain an UCCA (Universities Central Council on Admissions) form, enrolment forms, some termly reports, correspondence, references, attendance/mark sheets and course unit registration forms. Postgraduate files include an application for admission as a postgraduate student, postgraduate reference form and correspondence.

King's College London Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

BROWN, Professor Thomas Julian (1923-1987)

  • K/PP38
  • Collection
  • 1902-1989

Correspondence about posts, grants and awards, with related papers concerning Brown's work and palaeography, [1950-1985]; conference papers, mainly about palaeography, manuscripts and medieval history, often held at the London Medieval Society, the Medieval Institute and SCONUL (Standing Conference of National and University Libraries), 1968-1986; public lectures given by Brown, about scripts, palaeography including Latin palaeography, Anglo-Saxon and medieval history, and the Lindisfarne Gospels, 1958-1985; published work including proofs and drafts, and reviews of others' work, 1954-1988; unpublished notes, 1950-1986; papers, 1902-1989, including New Palaeographic Society reports, photographs, newspaper cuttings and student papers.

Brown, Thomas Julian, 1923-1987

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