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KING'S COLLEGE LONDON: University of London examination results

  • UL/ER
  • Collection
  • 1920-1990

Pass lists for King's College London students covering all faculties, 1920-1968, 1970-1990 (Ref: UL/ER), created by the University of London Registry. Information contained typically includes name, subject and class of degree, although this is not a comprehensive series.

University of London Registry


  • UL
  • Collection
  • 1844-1990

The records of the University of London in King's College London Archives consist of Senate minutes, University regulations and calendars, 1844-1990. These comprise minutes of the University Senate, including some appendices, covering regulations, scholarships, finance, social affairs, libraries, general administration and strategic planning, 1950-1981; printed and bound Regulations for Internal Students of the University, 1973-1988; Calendars of the University of London, 1844, 1850, 1869, 1878, 1918-1919, 1923-1930, 1934-1935, 1937-1939, 1947- 1957, 1959-1990. These contain a wealth of information concerning the University and its staff and students, covering the history of the University, regulations, clubs and societies and list the teaching staff of the University and its officers. Calendars up to 1930 also list internal students of the constituent colleges including King's College.

University of London, 1836-

PHYSIOLOGY: Queen Elizabeth College departmental student records

  • QDPI
  • Collection
  • 1969-1984

Queen Elizabeth College Physiology Department undergraduate record cards, 1969-1982 (Ref: QDPI/FP), Physiology Department results book, 1917-1923 (Ref: 1999 QAR/6), Physiology Department test results book, 1924-1931 (Ref: 1999 QAR/7). Information contained on record cards typically includes name of student, photograph, address, entrance qualifications, course codes and results. The departmental results books give the name of student, percentages for subjects taken, final results, and some examination question papers.

Queen Elizabeth College Department of Physiology

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: Queen Elizabeth College administrative records

  • QAS
  • Collection
  • 1914-1985

Records, 1914-1985, of the College Secretary of Queen Elizabeth College and predecessor bodies, comprising general and policy files, 1914-1985, on matters including social events, buildings, College coat of arms and motto, aerial photographs of the College, and statistics on students (Ref: QAS/GPF1); files on prizes and scholarships, 1945-1985 (Ref: QAS/GPF2); departments and staff, 1947-1985, largely relating to outside funding for research (Ref: QAS/GPF3); buildings, premises and equipment, 1953-1977, including laboratories and science departments, sports facilities, students' unions and other properties (Ref: QAS/GPF4); College committees, 1966-1985, comprising papers of meetings with the Secretary's annotations and correspondence (Ref: QAS/GPF5); University of London, 1927-1985, including regulations and statistics concerning students, staff and facilities (Ref: QAS/GPF6); University Grants Committee, 1957-1983 (Ref: QAS/GPF7); other outside bodies, 1938-1985, including letters from the Queen Mother, 1970-1985 (Ref: QAS/GPF8); safety, 1977-1985 (Ref: QAS/GPF9); files relating to the merger with King's College London and Chelsea College, 1982-1985 (Ref: 1987/QAS); staff records, comprising unsuccessful applications, 1959-1980 (Ref: QAS/FP/II); contracts and conditions of employment for some posts, 1958-1977 (Ref: QAS/FP/III); material relating to research grants; individual pay records, traders' credits lists, 1967-1969, and listings of College cheques, 1962-1973.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

REGISTRY: Queen Elizabeth College student records

  • QAR/FP
  • Collection
  • 1918-1987

Household and Social Science Department, King's College for Women, King's College of Household and Social Science and Queen Elizabeth College student files, 1918-1987 (Ref: QAR/FP), Queen Elizabeth College student record cards [1960-1985] (Ref: QA/FPC). The level of information contained varies, but undergraduate files typically give the name and address of students, student number, transcript printout, 'A' Level results, description of course, course units and examination results for each session, value and grades, title of course, notification of student grant, total awarded and amount paid each term. Later files also include UCCA (Universities Central Council on Admissions) forms. Information contained in postgraduate files includes enrolment form, letter of acceptance, admission form, transcript information, Federal Government Scholarship form and correspondence. The record cards supplement the file series and generally include name, student number, photograph, nationality, date of birth, dates of entry and leaving, address, previous education, course units, values, grades and final degree result.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

REGISTRY: Queen Elizabeth College administrative records

  • QAR
  • Collection
  • 1968-1987

The records of the Registry at Queen Elizabeth College, 1968-1987, are comprised of committee files and working papers on the academic work of the College, notably including various notes and papers of the Academic Board and committees including the Biological Services Committee and Publicity Committee, working parties and reports on numerous issues such as first year teaching, regulations, fees, statutes, examinations, accommodation and intercollegiate courses, and on aspects of strategic development, notably the Swinnerton-Dyer Report on Higher Education and on the merger with King's College London in 1985 (Ref: 1989/QAR); notes on student numbers, teaching loads and statistics on constituent courses, 1971-1985 (Ref: 1995/QAR).

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE: Queen Elizabeth College administrative records

  • QAP
  • Collection
  • 1908-1985

Records, 1908-1985, of the Principal of Queen Elizabeth College and heads of its predecessor bodies, comprising general and policy files on administration of the College, 1912-1984, the subjects including buildings, relationship with the University of London, curriculum, relationship with royalty, evacuation and other arrangements during World War Two, granting of the charter and the name Queen Elizabeth College in 1953, financial matters, employees, catering, student relations, the library, and the future of the College (Ref: QAP/GPF1); papers on departmental and academic affairs, 1922-1985, including curricula and academic appointments (Ref: QAP/GPF2); files on arrangements for public lectures at the College, 1925-1968 (Ref: QAP/GPF3); minutes and other papers of College council, academic board and committees, 1915-1985, including staff appointments, salaries, curricula, timetables, safety, finance, and the merger with King's College London and Chelsea College in 1985 (Ref: QAP/GPF4); papers on the relationship with the University of London, 1915-1985 (Ref: QAP/GPF5); papers relating to the University Grants Committee, 1917-1985 (Ref: QAP/GPF6); correspondence and papers relating to other outside bodies, 1908-1985, including government departments, London County Council and other educational and health bodies, the subjects including students, training, and curricula (Ref: QAP/GPF7); papers on College premises, buildings and equipment, 1912-1985, including sports facilities, hostels and academic accommodation, damage sustained in World War Two, and alterations (Ref: QAP/GPF8); papers on the merger between Queen Elizabeth College, King's College London, and Chelsea College, 1982-1985, the subjects including finance, sites, and staff (Ref: QAP/GPF9).

Queen Elizabeth College, Principal, 1953-1985

LIBRARY: Queen Elizabeth College administrative records

  • QAL
  • Collection
  • 1905-1986

The records of Queen Elizabeth College Library include minutes, correspondence and publications, 1905-1986; notably an incomplete series of Library Committee minute books, 1905-1977 (Ref: QAL/M); loose minutes, correspondence and other papers concerned with the management and operation of the Library, in particular working party notes, policy documents, Library Committee papers, donations, accessions lists, finance, redevelopment, computing, and relating to the teaching of physics and social studies, 1962-1986 (Ref: 1992/QAL/F, QAL/F1); correspondence and architectural plans relating to the planning and development of a proposed new library, statistics and inspections, 1971-1979 (Ref: 1999/QAL); publications including copies of articles from a wide range of physiological and medical journals, mainly concerning obesity, hormonal and metabolic balance with the results of studies carried out on humans and rodents, 1912-1975 (Ref: QAL/PUB1); papers relating to catering, domestic planning and appliances, including on electric cookers and refrigerators, [1963-1970] (Ref: QAL/PUB2); Harrow Consumer Group publications including its magazine, Query, 1967-1971 (Ref: QAL/PUB3); publications concerned with recipes and diet and kitchen hygiene [1915-1960] (Ref: QAL/PUB4); pamphlets, brochures and other publications issued by the Government of Malawi and organisations in Rhodesia and Nigeria, on nutrition, health education, agricultural development and farming practices, 1969-1973 (QAL/PUB5).

Queen Elizabeth College Library, 1953-1985

COMMITTEES: Queen Elizabeth College governing body records

  • QA
  • Collection
  • 1911-1985

Minutes, 1911-1985, of Queen Elizabeth College and predecessor bodies, created by the Executive Committee, 1911-1929, and Council, 1929-1985 (Ref: QA/C/M); sub-committees of the Executive Committee and Council, 1911-1922, on appointments, buildings, scholarships, and the future of the Household and Social Science Department after 1922 (Ref: QA/CS/M); Finance Committee, 1917-1985 (Ref: QA/F/M), and Finance Sub-Committee, 1912-1913, 1916-1917 (Ref: QA/FS/M); Board of Principal Teachers, 1915-1918, and Academic Board, 1918-1985 (Ref: QA/AB/M); Timetable Committee, 1971-1985 (Ref: QA/TC/M); College Board of Examiners, 1968-1985 (Ref: QA/CB/M); Luncheon Club Committee, 1931-1975 (Ref: QA/LC/M); Academic Meetings, 1918-1984 (Ref: QA/AM/M); Trust Fund Committee, 1916-1939 (Ref: QA/TF/M); Organizing Committee, 1916-1917 (Ref: QA/OC/M); House Committee, 1917-1985 (Ref: QA/HC/M); agendas, minutes and papers of other committees, 1935-1985, the subjects including syllabi, development, salaries, examinations, grants, buildings, safety, and sports facilities (Ref: QA/MP); minutes of the Queen Elizabeth College Association of University Teachers local association, 1922-1985 (Ref: Q/AUT).

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

SYLLABUSES & PROSPECTUSES: Queen Elizabeth College printed material

  • Q/SYL
  • Collection
  • 1909-1985

Queen Elizabeth College Syllabuses and Prospectuses comprises a set of the Department/College's prospectuses for prospective students, with brochures covering the work of particular courses and specific qualifications and degrees, including Nutrition, Biology, Physiology and Mathematics, 1909-1985 (Ref: Q/SYL)

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

SERIALS & PERIODICALS: Queen Elizabeth College printed materials

  • Q/SER
  • Collection
  • 1920-1985

Queen Elizabeth College serial publications, including the magazine of the Household and Social Science Department at King’s College for Women, 1920-1928 and the magazine of King’s College of Household and Social Science, 1929-1951 (Ref: Q/SER1); Queen Elizabeth College Students’ Union magazines and handbooks, 1957-1978; (Ref: Q/SER/2); the college magazine of Queen Elizabeth College IOTA, 1970-1973 (Ref: Q/SER3); serials of Queen Elizabeth College Computer Management Committee and the Computer Unit, 1967-1975 (Ref: Q/SER/4); Queen Elizabeth College _Principal’s Newsletter_s, 1979-1984 (Ref: Q/SER5). <em>iota< em=""></em>iota<>

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

MARSH, Neville (b 1943)

  • Q/PP3
  • Collection
  • 1963-1986

The papers of Neville Marsh comprise the manuscript of his history of Queen Elizabeth College with copies of the published work and correspondence connected with its research and publication, 1985-1986; draft lectures by Marsh on blood pressure, circulation and kidney function, 1963-[1981].

Marsh, Neville Alexander, b 1943, lecturer in physiology

HOLDSWORTH, Edna (fl 1913-1928)

  • Q/PP2
  • Collection
  • 1913-1928

The papers of Edna Holdsworth, 1913-1928, comprise one file of correspondence and prospectus information relating to the student record of Edna Holdsworth, nee Johnson, who studied Household and Social Science at King's College for Women, Kensington, notably application letters, references and some printed information booklets and examination papers, 1915-1916.

Holdsworth, Edna, fl 1913-1928, nee Johnson, student

ATKINS, Sir John (1875-1963)

  • Q/PP1
  • Collection
  • 1911-1963

The papers of Sir John Atkins, 1911-1963, comprise memoranda and correspondence illustrative of the strategic development of the College through its various stages from its establishment as an independent institution in 1915 to the retirement of Atkins as Chairman of the College's Executive Committee in 1958, including draft speeches and notes on the history of the College.

Atkins, Sir John, 1875-1963, Knight, physician

OBITUARIES: Queen Elizabeth College staff records

  • Q/OB
  • Collection
  • 1955-1963

Queen Elizabeth College obituaries and press cuttings, 1908-1986, notably including obituaries of a number of former staff of Queen Elizabeth and its predecessors, 1955-1963; bound volumes of press cuttings containing often detailed notices, news stories and features concerning the Department/College from newspapers including The Times, Morning Post and Spectator, covering topics such as the education of women, the teaching of household science internationally, awards, new buildings and wartime disruption, 1908-1986; volumes of cuttings on cooking and recipes from newspaper columns, 1927-1932.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

STUDENTS: Queen Elizabeth College microfilm student records

  • Q/MFF
  • Collection
  • 1971-1985

Microfiche records of Queen Elizabeth College undergraduate and postgraduate students, 1971-1985 (Ref: Q/MFF). Individual fiche items take the form of transcripts. Information for undergraduates typically includes name, matriculation number, date of birth, nationality, home address, term address, previous schooling, session, major subject(s), minor subjects, marks, value, degree awarded, date of award, comments, and whether transferred to another College.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

LECTURES: Queen Elizabeth College event literature

  • Q/LEC
  • Collection
  • 1934-1978

Queen Elizabeth College lectures contains printed and typescript papers, notices and tickets for Inaugural lectures, 1949-1972 (Ref: Q/LEC1-2); notices, invitations and tickets for public lectures and events, 1934-1970 (Ref: Q/LEC3); notices for General Studies lectures, 1968-1972 (Ref: Q/LEC4); lecture papers of Dr Neville Marsh, Department of Physiology at Queen Elizabeth College, 1963-1978 (Ref: Q/LEC5)

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

EXAMINATIONS: Queen Elizabeth College question papers

  • Q/EX
  • Collection
  • 1923-1985

Queen Elizabeth College examination question papers, 1923-1985, constituting an incomplete series of bound BSc examination question papers, 1923, 1970-1985; MSc Nutrition question papers, 1969-1984; undergraduate and postgraduate Manpower Studies examination question papers, 1977-1985; a timetable for BSc exams, 1940.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

EXAMINATIONS: Queen Elizabeth College student results

  • Q/ER
  • Collection
  • 1908-1966

King's College for Women, King's College of Household and Social Science and Queen Elizabeth College Examination Results, 1908-1966 (Ref: Q/ER, 1999 QAR). Records consists of session results, 1908-1959; records of students' examination marks, 1925-1943; terminal examination results, 1943-1962; mark lists, 1962-1965; mid-sessional and final marks, 1967; BSc examination results, 1952-1966 (Ref: Q/ER); examination results and question papers, 1931-1976, examination results and marks, 1933-1973; (Ref: 1999 QAR/1-5). Courses covered in this series include Sister Tutors, one and two-year courses, Diplomas, and BSc Intermediate, Part I and terminal degree results. Information typically given consists of students' name, percentages for subjects taken, final results, and some examination question papers.

Queen Elizabeth College, 1953-1985

Results 1 to 20 of 179