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ARTS: King's College London faculty records

  • KFA
  • Collection
  • 1898-1995

The records of the Faculty of Arts/School of Humanities at King's College London comprise minutes, correspondence and other papers, 1898-1995. These notably include bound Faculty Board minutes covering academic issues such as teaching, examinations and staffing, 1898-1989; minutes of the Humanities Computer Users' Committee with supporting materials, 1990-1993; correspondence on the relationship between the School and the Library, including School of Humanities Library Committee minutes, 1989-1993; research grant applications, proposals and costings, financial forecasts and budgetary planning for the School, 1990-1993; statistics on staff-student ratios and examination results within the various constituent departments of the Faculty, 1982-1985; typescript memorandum relating to the relocation of the College to Bristol during World War Two and air raid protection, 1941; papers relating to the Graduate School of the Prince of Wales's Institute of Architecture, 1994-1995; Faculty photographs of class intakes, 1965-1973.

King's College London Faculty of Arts

JAMESON, Professor Alexander Hope (1874-1952)

  • K/PP24
  • Collection
  • 1935

Presentation volume of signatures of past and present members of the Engineering Faculty, University of London, presented to Jameson on his retirement from the Chair of Civil Engineering, Dec 1935; menu and ticket, Dec 1935, for the 38th Annual Dinner of the Engineering Society, where the above presentation was made.

Jameson, Alexander Hope, 1874-1952, Professor of Civil Engineering

FRENCH: King's College London departmental records

  • KDF
  • Collection
  • 1926-1983

The records of the King's College London French Department comprise a series of personnel files of senior members of staff, 1926-1988, and a small quantity of correspondence and papers relating to student numbers and timetabling of courses, 1926-1934.

King's College London Department of French

LIFE SCIENCES: King's College London faculty records

  • KFLS
  • Collection
  • 1976-1998

Faculty of Life Sciences/School of Life Sciences material at King's College London comprises minutes, correspondence, memoranda and personnel files, 1976- 1998. These notably include the School general files, 1990-1994; Divisional Executive Committee minutes, 1989-1996; papers relating to the strategic direction of the Faculty and School including the Subject Area Review Committee (SARC); typescript Strategic Plan, 1989-1993; minutes of the King's College London Academic Policy Group, 1990-1994; minutes of the King's Planning and Resources Committee, 1989-1994; papers relating to the merger of King's with the United Medical and Dental Schools, 1991-1993; minutes of the Academic Committee of the School of Biological Sciences, 1976- 1984; papers relating to the Interdisciplinary Research Centre, 1988-1989; correspondence concerning the establishment and function of the Centre for Mental Health Services Development, 1992-1993; correspondence on the International Centre for Underutilised Crops, King's College, 1991; research funding memoranda, correspondence and reports, notably with the Science and Engineering Research Council, 1988-1994; correspondence concerning student prizes in the Faculties of Natural Science and Engineering, 1978-1990; papers relating to a legal case involving the Department of Biochemistry, 1987; Divisional staff appointments, 1987; some staff personnel files, 1979-1998.

King's College London Faculty of Life Sciences

LOW, David Morrice (1890-1972)

  • K/PP70
  • Collection
  • 1911-1952

Notes and papers, 1911-1952, of David Morrice Low, including scrapbook of news cuttings and pictures, 1911-1913; printed Marlborough school lists, 1914-1918, and extracts from school rules, 1916; list of Oriel men on service; notes on Italy and Latin, 1924-1925 and undated; notes on teaching classics and mathematics [1914-1921]; notes, manuscripts and typescripts for novels or short stories; material relating to Low's novel Twice Shy (1933) including notes, reviews, and a contract with Chatto & Windus; other material relating to Chatto & Windus, 1927-1933; notes on Greece and Nice; manuscript notes and letter, 1927, from V H Collins on 'Scotticisms'; manuscript personal notes on his mother, childhood, first memories, use of language and attitude to women; typescript note on role as examiner of English, 1940; notebooks on Edward Gibbon, some dated 1934-1935, from various sources including Gibbon's journal and letters; printed catalogue of Gibbon's library, 1934, and typescript essay on it; photographs of portraits of Gibbon and places associated with him; typescripts on 'The Grand Tour'; notes on aeronautical terminology in Spanish and Portuguese [1941-1943]; offprint of E M Wilson, 'La Estroga Sexta de la Cancion a la Flor de Guido', Miscelanea (1952), dedicated to Low; Enid Marx, The Pigeon Ace [undated].

Low, David Morrice, 1890-1972, writer

MAURICE, Professor (John) Frederick Denison (1805-1872)

  • K/PP83
  • Collection
  • c1830-1972

Correspondence and papers of and relating to Frederick Denison Maurice, c1830-1972, including a letter from Maurice to his mother, 1833; the manuscript, c1830-c1834, of Maurice's novel Eustace Conway (published in three volumes, Richard Bentley, London, 1834); ordination certificates and licences to preach, 1834-1871; various pamphlets by Maurice, 1841-1859, including a letter to Samuel Wilberforce on reasons for not joining a party in the church, 1841, one on education, 1847, and a plan for a female college, 1855; five manuscript letters, undated [? 1843], to Sara Coleridge, daughter of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, on religious subjects and bereavement and commenting on her Essay on Rationalism (1843); King's College London correspondence, comprising letters from Maurice, 1841-1853 and undated, pertaining to teaching, students, academic and College matters, including his professorship of Divinity, 1846, and correspondence between Maurice and Richard William Jelf, Principal of King's College London, to be laid before Council, 1853; printed material including copies of the correspondence between Maurice and Jelf, 1853; manuscript letter from Maurice to 'My dear Friends' via Brooke Lambert on leaving King's, 1853; manuscript letter from J[ulius] C Hare to [Derwent] Coleridge (son of Samuel Taylor Coleridge), 1853, concerning a protest against Maurice's expulsion from his theological professorship at King's College; newspapers and news cuttings on Maurice's dismissal by the Council of King's College, 1853; a copy of Maurice's The Doctrine of Sacrifice (1854), inscribed by him; manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley, 1859, soliciting Maurice's help in finding a curate; engraving of Maurice, 1860; manuscript sermon by Maurice on Proverbs c XII v 20, 'Deceit is in the heart ... ', given at St Peter's, Vere Street, [1860s]; copy of Maurice's The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven (1864), inscribed to his son J F Maurice. A scrapbook contains two letters from Maurice to Miss Duncan, one dated 1868 and thanking her for a gift; printed obituaries of Maurice, including news cuttings; portraits of Maurice, including a photograph; a printed catalogue of his works; a printed leaflet on the Working Men's College, London, 1872; manuscript notes (not Maurice's) on sermons preached by him; a printed sermon on Maurice by Charles Kingsley, 1873, for an industrial school for girls in Charlotte Street, Portland Place, London (established by Maurice in 1867); manuscript extracts of letters from T[homas] Hughes (the author?) to Maurice. Other printed material comprises articles and sermons on Maurice's death in 1872, and items relating to a dinner held at Lincoln's Inn, 1972, for its centenary. A manuscript letter from Emily Hill to Mrs Shaen, 1872, describes Maurice's death and a manuscript letter from Charles Kingsley to Maurice's widow, 1872, thanks her for a Greek testament. Other memorabilia relate to Maurice, his family, and friends.

Maurice, John Frederick Denison, 1805-1872, theologian and Christian Socialist

STAFF SOCIAL CLUB: King's College London records

  • KSC
  • Collection
  • 1948-1982

Records, 1948-1982, of King's College London Staff Social Club, comprising minutes, 1948-1982 (Ref: KSC/M); correspondence on hiring rooms, arrangements for parties, sports tournaments and outings, and other matters, 1952-1979; notices of meetings, arrangements for outings and lists of ticket-holders for a New Year dance, 1968-1972 (Ref: KSC/F).

King's College London Staff Social Club

NURSING: St Saviour's Infirmary Nursing School register

  • SSH/FP
  • Collection
  • [1890]-1931

St Saviour's Infirmary Register of Assistant Matrons, Night Superintendents, Head Nurses, and Staff Nurses, [1890]-1931, including details of name, address, age, religion, date of entry, name and type of ward worked on, previous experience, remarks.

St Saviour's Infirmary Nursing School

EDUCATION: Chelsea College Schools Council Integrated Science Project records

  • C/SC
  • Collection
  • 1968-1984

Records, 1968-1984, of the Schools Council Integrated Science Project (SCISP), created by the senior members of the SCISP team, comprising papers of the SCISP consultative committee, 1969-1981, including minutes and other meeting papers, correspondence, comments on the trials course material, and publicity; papers relating to Phase 1 and Phase 2 trials schools, 1970-1979, largely correspondence with and feedback from individual schools; correspondence files concerning implementation of the scheme in schools participating in Phase 3 of the Project, 1970-1983, including correspondence of the Project Co-ordinator with the Area Co-ordinator, Area Local Education Authorities, and Area Schools; papers relating to Area Co-ordination, 1970-1982, including minutes and other meeting papers; correspondence and papers, 1968-1982, including material relating to the SCISP Advisory Group, financial and administrative matters, personnel files, the preparation of the course and teaching material, apparatus, correspondence with individual colleges of education requesting information and material, publicity, participants, the acceptability of the qualification, and SCISP overseas; papers relating to SCISP and other conferences, 1971-1979; papers relating to SCISP publications on Patterns (pupils' and technicians' manuals and teachers' guide), background books, Exploring Science and others such as SCISP leaflets and Newsletters , 1970-1983, including trial versions and supporting papers; papers on assessment, 1968-1984, including meeting papers of the SCISP Assessment Working Party and correspondence with the Associated Examining Board; papers on SCISP in Northern Ireland, 1969-1975, including feedback; papers on evaluation and feedback, 1970-[1982], including feedback from schools and pupils, data on their performance, and evaluation of course content; correspondence on acceptability of the SCISP O-level with professional and educational organisations, 1970-1984; papers on Mode 3 CSE based on SCISP, 1974-1982, including planning and reports; reports, 1977, of the Schools Council Syllabus Steering Groups on various subjects, relating to proposals for reform of sixth-form curricula and examinations and the replacement of A-levels with N- and F-levels; miscellaneous Schools Councils publications, 1971-1983, some including sections on Nuffield Science Projects; publications of the Schools Council's Project Technology, 1969-1971, offering guidance to schools wanting to include technology studies in their curriculum; publications, 1968-1973, and reports, 1971-1973, of Science 5/13, a project sponsored partly by the Schools Council and the Nuffield Foundation to assist teachers in helping children aged between five and thirteen to learn science; publications, 1965-1974, of miscellaneous bodies, including the British Petroleum Company Ltd, Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project, the Peak Park Planning Board and Unilever Ltd, on various scientific topics.

Chelsea College, Schools Council Integrated Science Project

PERSONNEL: Queen Elizabeth College staff records

  • QA/FP
  • Collection
  • 1909-1985

Staff files, 1909-1985, of Queen Elizabeth College and predecessor bodies, comprising Academic and Academic related staff files, 1909-1985 (Ref: QA/FPA); Manual and Technical staff files, 1919-1985 (Ref: QA/FPT); Clerical and Secretarial staff files, 1922-1985 (Ref: QA/FPC). Academic staff includes professors, lecturers, research staff and academic related staff such as senior administration officers and professional staff such as librarians. The Manual and Technical staff files include porters, catering and kitchen staff, laboratory and research technicians, cleaners, carpenters, nurses, telephonists and receptionists. The Clerical and Secretarial staff files include bursars, typists, clerks, secretaries, library assistants, administrative assistants and computer operators.

Queen Elizabeth College, Personnel Department

CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE AND HISTORY: King's College London departmental records

  • KDCD
  • Collection
  • 1960-1985

The records of the Department of Christian Doctrine and History, 1960-1984, contain minutes and meeting papers of Department, Faculty and University of London Board of Studies, correspondence and assessment sheets; notably including University of London Board of Studies in Theology minutes, agendas and correspondence, 1981-1982; Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies minutes and papers, 1981-1984; correspondence and papers relating to staff appointments, 1960-1982; Department of Christian Doctrine and History staff meeting minutes, agendas and related papers, 1969-1984; correspondence relating to departmental public lectures, 1980-1983; King's College Association of University Teachers minutes and correspondence, 1982-1985.

King's College London Department of Christian Doctrine and History

CLASSICS: King's College London departmental records

  • KDC
  • Collection
  • 1946-1984

The records of the Department of Classics at King's College London consist of correspondence and photographs, 1946-1984; notably concerning the London Summer School in Classics, including lecture timetables, enrolment and finances, 1980-1984; framed and loose photographs of students and staff, 1946-1978.

King's College London Department of Classics

NURSING: Belgrave Hospital for Children Nursing School student records

  • BH/FP
  • Collection
  • 1903-1950

The collection comprises three registers of student nurses at Belgrave Hospital for Children, including details of name and address of nurse, rank, location of previous training, age, date of entering, date of leaving, description of work undertaken, reasons for leaving, and comments on suitability of candidate, 1903-1950.

Belgrave Hospital for Children Nursing School

PRESS CUTTINGS: Chelsea College printed material

  • C/PC
  • Collection
  • 1895-1984

South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology and Chelsea College Press Cuttings, 1895-1984, comprises one box of loose press cuttings, 1895-1903, and nine volumes of cuttings covering news on the strategic and academic development of the College, on the effects of major events such as the two World Wars, advertisements for Chelsea courses, features on the College with occasional photographs, and relating to individual students and staff, including announcements of prizes and obituaries, 1903-1984.

Chelsea College, 1972-1985

CHEMISTRY: King's College London departmental records

  • KDCH
  • Collection
  • 1906-1986

The records of the Chemistry Department, King's College London, comprise minutes, correspondence, cash books, student progress reports, laboratory experimental reports, syllabuses, photographs and publications, 1906-1985. These notably include committee and staff minutes, 1952-1982; correspondence relating to staff appointments and pay awards, 1951-1972; correspondence and photographs relating to alumni, 1924-1979; grant application reports for proposed projects, 1976-1980; working party reports of a joint committee of chemistry departments in the University of London, 1979-1982; cash books, 1923-1931, 1959-1967; mark books for students' laboratory experiments, 1919-1960; laboratory reports of chemistry experiments carried out by students, 1906-1983; syllabuses and course unit synopses, 1960-1985; photographs of students, staff and laboratories, [1910-1980]; printed publications on chemical laboratory apparatus, 1947-1953; student files, 1946-1986 (Ref: KDCH/FP); student record cards, [1910-1928] (Ref: KDCH/FPC); class files, 1972-1984 (Ref: KDCH/1-9); and tutee reports, 1976-1979 (Ref: KDCH/10-13).

King's College London Department of Chemistry

CALENDARS: King's College London publication

  • K/CAL
  • Collection
  • 1832-1986

King's College London Calendars, 1832-1986. This series is one of the most important and accessible sources of biographical information on students and staff, an illustration of the changing content of courses, lectures and syllabuses and of the evolution of the administrative structure of the College since its inception. The level of information varies: the earliest and most recent calendars and those published during the two World Wars, for example, contain less detailed information than the period between 1848 and 1976. The first calendar, 1832-1833, contains a table of contents, texts of the sermon preached at the opening of the College and the texts of public lectures, some of which are the only copies extant in the College Archives. The bulk of the series typically consist of a table of contents; calendar of term dates and events; general information on all departments within the College; lists of Governors, the Council, the Delegacy, Professorial/Academic Board members, academic staff, masters, associates, scholars, fellows and prize winners and university distinctions; outlines of lecture courses, syllabi, examination question papers; fees; some texts of lectures and addresses; rules and regulations; and annual reports of the Council and Delegacy. Indices begin in 1846. Comprehensive lists of all students and pupils begin in 1847 and refer to those who enrolled during the previous academic session. Lists of senior academic staff for each department begin in the earliest calendars and additional consolidated alphabetical lists of past and present staff are printed from 1880. The calendar for 1882 contains a copy of the King's College London Act to amend the constitution. Descriptions of associate grammar schools are included up until 1892, and brief descriptions of College societies are given from 1896. The 1903 calendar contains the King's College London Acts of 1882 and 1903. Calendars from 1909 include a copy of an outline history of the College. Lists relating to King's College School's masters or pupils end in 1912. The calendar for 1915 includes tables of past and present members of the College on active service. Calendars from 1942-1943 through to 1947-48 also include a roll of honour of those members of the College killed whilst on active service. The 1948 calendar contains the second version of the history of King's College. From 1964 onwards there is no full list of students in attendance, but information includes a general index and index of names, and the third version of the College history. The printing of Annual Reports ceases in 1976. The 1980 calendar contains the fourth history of King's, and the fifth version of the history appeared in 1984. The 1985 calendar is typical of later volumes, comprising a contents page giving historical background, general information, administrative, committee, faculty and departmental structure, and an alphabetical list of staff. Following the merger of King's with Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges in 1985, the publication of calendars was discontinued.

King's College London, 1829-

EDUCATION: King's College London departmental records

  • KFD
  • Collection
  • 1890-1994

The records of the Education Department of King's College London consists of minutes, correspondence, pass lists, exam papers, printed pamphlets and photographs, 1890-1994; notably including King's Scholars' Common room minute book, 1911-1912; minutes of the Education Society, 1921-1927, 1957-1971; correspondence concerning academic planning at King's, 1982-1983; correspondence relating to the All India Science Education Project, 1983-1986; correspondence relating to the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, 1983-1994; minutes and correspondence of the University of London Board of Educational Studies, Higher Degrees Committee, 1989; correspondence relating to the MEd in Science Education, 1974-1979; material relating to the 150th anniversary celebrations of the College, 1979; typescript of annual report of the Department of Education, with statistics and summary of departmental performance, 1927-1968; registers of attendance of students in the Day Training Department, 1890-1911; logbook of the Day Training Department with correspondence, 1890-1910; notes on Day Training College practical work experience, 1895-1927; examination question papers, 1925-1979; photographs of students and staff, 1930-1958; examination results, 1934-1970; programmes of plays performed by members of the Department, [1947-1969]; copies of journals including Minerva , the Education Society magazine, 1957.

King's College London School of Education, 1985-

ACADEMIC BOARD: King's College London committee records

  • KA/PB
  • Collection
  • 1868-1990

The records of the General Board/Professorial Board/Academic Board and the Committee of Deans at King's College consist of minute books, agenda books, guard books and other papers, 1868-1990; notably including a set of minutes of the Board, 1868-1990, specifically manuscript minute books with signatures, 1868-1948, typescript minute books with signatures, 1948-1980; unsigned typescript minute books, 1980-1985, loose unsigned minutes, 1985- 1990, with rough minutes, 1869-1898 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/M, KA/PB/MP, KA/G/RM); agenda books summarising the minutes of the main series, 1910-1980, and also the main Faculty Board Committee minutes, 1904-1915 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/AM); guard books containing typescript reports presented to the Board and the various sub-committees of the Board, 1927-1970 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/GB); signature books of members of the Professorial Board and the Faculty Boards, 1919-1935 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/SB); minutes of the Professorial Board General Purposes Committee, 1969- 1980; Professorial Board Public Lectures Committee minutes, 1958-1960 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PBS/M); minutes of the Committee of Deans (Ref: KCLCA KA/DE/M); manuscript terms of reference for the Board including notes on its origins, 1870 (Ref: KCLCA KA/PB/RG). The range of topics covered is very broad, including examinations, endowments, public and special lectures, student residences, women students, King's College Hospital, Library, relations with the University of London and the King's Council and Delegacy, and especially staff appointments, obituaries and the development of individual departments and faculties. The more recent volumes of the minutes of the Committee of Deans also contain circulars and memoranda relating to the strategic development of the College.

King's College London Academic Board, 1980-

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London academic department administrative records

  • KAS/AC2
  • Collection
  • 1830-1983

Correspondence, reports, minutes, accounts and papers relating to Academic Schools, Faculties and Departments concerning appointments, buildings, bequests, mergers, equipment, finance, scholarships and endowments, courses and examinations, research grants, staff appointments, fees, admissions, students and grants, 1830-1841, 1851-1983, comprising Faculty of Education, 1965-1982; Faculty of Engineering, 1882-1982; Faculty of Medicine, 1923-1930, 1946-1955, 1972-1981; Faculty of Natural Science, 1940-1955, 1969-1975; School of Slavonic Studies, 1915-1937; Faculty of Theology, 1977-1983; Departments of Anatomy, 1900-1913, 1932, 1936-1948, 1966-1981; Arabic, 1894-1904; Architecture, 1890-1914; Arts, 1856-1860, 1897-1917, 1939-1956, 1971-1981; Biochemistry, 1936, 1965-1981; Biological Sciences, 1967-1976, 1983; Biophysics, 1948, 1952, 1962-1982; Botany, 1916-1918, 1923-1936, 1962-1977; Plant Sciences, 1977-1981; Chemical Engineering, 1965; Chemistry, 1897-1918, 1940-1945, 1960-1983; Civil Service Classes, 1892-1918; Classics, 1909-1917, 1970-1982; Commerce, 1872, 1918; Day Training College, 1890-1947; Department for the Training of Teachers, 1914-1939/40; Education Department 1939/40-1952/53; Engineering, 1882-1883, 1890-1980; Civil Engineering, 1977-1983; Mechanical Engineering, 1977-1981; Electrical Engineering, 1978-1981; English, 1840, 1893-1918, 1926, 1931-1934, 1959-1980; Evening Classes, 1896-1916, 1921-1929; French, 1946-1982; Geography, 1951-1953, 1961-1982; Geology, 1896-1918, 1965-1981; German, 1902-1958, 1977-1982; Modern Greek, 1917-1919, 1927, 1945-1946, 1961; Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 1961-1977; Histology, 1918; History, 1877-1878, 1909-1918, 1938-1948, 1968-1977, 1981; Human Environmental Studies, 1973-1983; Icelandic, 1914; Italian, 1903, 1915-1918; Journalism 1923-1931, 1936-1939, 1944-1946; University of London Board of Laws, 1900-1952, 1971-1983; Mathematics, 1872, 1906, 1969-1982; Medicine, 1834-1837; 1851-1984; Metallurgy 1919; Music, 1962-1981; Natural Science, 1890-1917; School of Oriental Studies, 1895-1917; School of Chinese, 1899-1916; Palaeography 1972-1976; Pharmacology, 1925, 1966-1982; Philosophy, 1965-1966, 1971-1975, 1981; Physics, 1896, 1904-1918, 1926-1982; Physiology, 1891-1919, 1926, 1935-1939, 1949-1981; Economic Science and Statistics, 1851, 1904-1916, 1931; Portuguese, 1913-1924, 1948-1960, 1958-1982; Psychology, 1902-1904, 1914-1917, 1939-1947; Public Health, 1894-1917; Bacteriology, 1898-1902, 1910-1917, 1923-1925; Spanish, 1913-1922, 1937-1952, 1966-1970, 1977-1982; Theology, 1830-1841, 1862, 1864, 1888-1983; War Office Classes, 1916-1925; War Studies, 1959-1981; Zoology, 1905-1914, 1918, 1925, 1965-1970, 1977-1981.

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

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