International conflicts



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International conflicts

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International conflicts

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International conflicts

650 Archival description results for International conflicts

650 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

GLOVER, Wg Cdr Christopher Charge ([1920]-1998)

  • Collection
  • 1940-1946

Papers, diaries and photographs relating to Glover's RAF service, 1940-1946, including typescript 'Notes on organisation of enemy aircraft section' by Flight Lt P B Horne, 5 Jul 1941; one manuscript narrative diary, 16 Nov 1941-9 Jan 1942, with RAF Officer's service and release book, 1946; two manuscript narrative diaries, 1943 and 1944, with copy of manuscript pocket diary, 1945; two typescript reports by Glover, as member of Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit, South East Asia, relating to landing by US 41 Div on Wake Island (north of New Guinea, Dutch East Indies), 16-17 May 1944, and Biak Island (north west of New Guinea, DutchEast Indies), 27 May 1944; typescript notes on the formation and operations of Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit, South East Asia, 1944-1945; manuscript list of US Navy, USAAF and RAF personnel, Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit, South East Asia, [1945].Photograph album containing 29 captioned photographs, Feb-May 1942, containing Allied officers on board ship KOTA GEDE, following the evacuation of Java, Dutch East Indies, 26 Feb 1942; Calcutta, India, Apr 1942; Mandalay, Burma, Apr 1942; RAF Hawker Hurricane fighters landing at Chittagong, India, May 1942. Sixty seven loose photographs, some captioned, Far East, 1944-1946,including British and US personnel of Allied Technical Air Intelligence Unit, South East Asia [1944-1945]; USAAF C47 Douglas Dakota transport aircraft in flight [1945]; aerial photograph of Allied POW camp, Burma, Aug 1945; official Japanese surrender ceremony, Saigon, French Indo China, 1946; portrait photograph of Glover as a Wg Cdr, RAF [1946].

Glover, Christopher Charge, 1920-1998, Wing Commander

GLENNY, Alfreda (1884-1973)

  • Collection
  • 1915

Correspondence and papers of Alfreda Glenny, 1884-1973, including; typescript draft of memoirs covering the periods 21 Jan 1915 to 18 Jul 1915, and 6 Aug 1915-17 Nov 1915, relating to her journey to Montenegro and work with the Montenegro Red Cross; typescript draft of memoirs titled ‘The Retreat’, covering the period 20 Nov 1915- 27 Dec 1915 relating to her evacuation from Montenegro; typescript report titled, ‘Report on the British Red Cross Society’s Hospital in Montenegro’ by Dr F G Clemow, head of the unit; typescript memoirs covering the period 15 Mar 1920 to 16 Aug 1920, and Sep 1920 to Dec 1920 focussing on her return to Montenegro, subsequent departure and time spent in Rome, Italy and Shkodër (also known as Scutari), Albania; typescript draft of memoir titled, ‘Return Visits to Montenegro in 1964 and 1965’; excerpts from textbooks about Montenegro and Yugoslavia; manuscript and typescript letters from Alfreda Glenny to Ian James, 16 Jan 1965-22 Jun 1966 on the subject of her draft memoirs; typescript correspondence between Dame Beryl Oliver of the Red Cross Society and Ian James, Dec 1965, regarding the Red Cross’s role in providing aid for Turkish and Greek refugees in 1922-1923 and Alfreda Glenny; descriptions of photographs of Montenegro probably taken during the 1964 and 1965 trip (photographs not held in the archive); typed lists of publishers and literary agents; postcards from France, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia.

Glenny, Alfreda, 1884-1973,

GLENNIE, Brig Edward Aubrey (1889-1980)

  • Collection
  • 1915-1959

Seventeen volumes of Survey of India. Geodetic Report, 1922-1940 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1928-1945), with editions of Survey of India. Supplement to the Geodetic Report Volume VI. Indian deflection and gravity stations (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1931) and Survey of India. Supplement to the GeodeticReport 1937. Isostatic reductions of Indian Gravity Stations (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1939). Eight volumes of Survey of India. General Report, 1947-1955 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1949-1959).Twelve volumes of Survey of India. Technical Report, 1947-1954 (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1949-1957). Six volumes entitled Survey of India. Professional Paper No 15. The pendulum operations in India and Burma 1908 to 1913 by Capt Harold John Couchman, Royal Engineers, Deputy Superintendent, Survey of India (Government of India, Dehra Dun,India, 1915); Survey of India. Geodetic triangulation by Capt Guy Bomford, Royal Engineers, Superintendent, Survey of India (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1931); Survey of India. Professional Paper No 27. Gravity anomalies and the structure of the Earth's crust by Maj Edward Aubrey Glennie (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1932); Survey of India. Professional Paper No 30. Gravity anomalies and the figure of the Earth by B L Gulatee, Mathematical Adviser, Survey of India (Surveyor General of India, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1940); damaged volume entitled Survey history [1950]; The Survey of India during war and early reconstruction 1939-1946 by Brig Sir Oliver Wheeler (Surveyor General of India, Office ofthe Geodetic and Research Branch, Survey of India, Dehra Dun, India, 1955). War Office map case containing forty three printed maps of western Europe, mainly France and Germany, and twenty two printed maps of the UK, various scales [1944].

Glennie, Edward Aubrey, 1889-1980, Brigadier

GIBSON, Brig Arthur Blair (1894-1986)

  • Collection
  • 1915-[1951]

Personal diaries relating to Gibson's service with 15 (Service) Bn, (1 Glasgow) Highland Light Infantry and 4 Army Intelligence Section, on the Western Front during World War One, 1915-1917; war diary and photograph album of a tour of duty with 56 Frontier Force Rifles (2 Bn, 13 Frontier Force Rifles) in Asad Khal and Razmak, North West Frontier, India, 1922-1923; unofficial war history of the 56 Frontier Force Rifles from 1942-1946, [1951].

Gibson, Arthur Blair, 1894-1986, Brigadier

GIBBS, AM Sir Gerald Ernest (1896-1992)

  • Collection
  • 1917-1984

Papers relating to Gibbs' early career, 1917-1927, including typescript copies [1972] of combat reports written by Gibbs, 17 Sqn, Macedonia, 1917-1918; typescript notes by Gibbs entitled 'Service experiences', 1926; typescript Staff College essay entitled 'Leadership and morale', 1927. Nine typescript texts of lectures by Gibbs, 1948-1972, on the RAF in World War Two, post war airpower, India and the Indian Air Force and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), also 'Air power in modern war', by MRAF Arthur William Tedder, 1st Baron Tedder of Glenguin, 1947. Papers relating to Gibbs' career in the RAF, 1945-1954, including correspondence and typescript notes by Gp Capt I C Bird on the war efforts of India, South Africa and the Colonies [1948]; letter andgraph by Wg Cdr J D Warne, dated 1949, on numbers of sorties flown and losses suffered by the Luftwaffe and the RAF during the Battle of Britain, 1940; typescript copies of correspondence between Gibbs and Adm Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, 1953; typescript report by Gibbs entitled 'Report on the progressand the policy problems of the Indian Air Force', 1954. Papers and correspondence, 1955-1984, including typescript article by Gibbs entitled 'The lessons of Skybolt, Britain's new defence plans', with letter from Sir Hugh (Nicholas) Linstead MP, 1963; typescript memorandum by MRAF Sir John Cotesworth Slessor entitled 'Integration of the Services within the new defence organisation', 1964;correspondence with Dr G Vincent Orange, History Department, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, dated 1982, concerning research for A biography of Air Chief Marshal Sir Keith Park GCB, KBE, MC, DFC, DCL (Methuen, London, 1984), with copy of letter from ACM Sir Keith Rodney Park, Air Commander-in-Chief, South East Asia to MRAF Sir Charles Frederick Algernon Portal, Chief of the Air Staff, relating to the possible replacement of Gibbs as Chief Air Staff Officer, Supreme Headquarters South East Asia Command [1945]. Copies of Gibbs' letters to the press, 1955-1982, relating chiefly to defence issues, service pensions, capital punishment, immigration and Rhodesia. Publications and articles, 1928-1961, including copy of Air Ministry Air Publication 1308 entitled 'A selection of lectures and essays from the work of officers attending the fifth course at the Royal Air Force Staff College, 1926-1927', (HMSO, London, 1928), including article by Gibbs 'Lecture on fighter squadrons in air defence'; article by Gibbs 'Aircraft types and strategical mobility', Journal of the Royal Air Force College, 1930; booklet by Gen Sir Archibald Percival Wavell entitled 'Generals and Generalship' (reprinted from The Times, London, 1941); three editions of Impact magazine, subtitled 'US Tactical air power in Europe', May 1945, 'Strategic air victory in Europe', Jul 1945, and 'Air victory over Japan', Sep-Oct 1945; restricted pamphlet by MRAF Hugh Montague Trenchard, 1st Viscount Trenchard of Wolfeton, entitled 'Air power', 1946; restricted pamphlet by US Gen Carl A Spaatz entitled 'American views on air power', 1947; article by ACM Sir Keith Rodney Park entitled 'Background to the Blitz, from Hawker Siddeley Review, Dec 1951; article by Gibbs 'The development of defence in NATO's second decade', The British Survey, Feb 1959; article entitled 'Maintaining the deterrent in the future', by Gibbs, The Aeroplane, Mar 1961.

Gibbs, Sir Gerald Ernest, 1896-1992, Air Marshal


  • MISC30
  • Collection
  • 1915-1918

German socialist propaganda leaflet Die Feldpost, including articles relating to rising commodity and food prices in Germany and the necessity of German troops in the Balkans, Dec 1915; edition of German newspaper for German prisoners of war in France, Grüsse an die Heimat, May 1917; Central Powers propaganda leaflet, in English, calling for a cessation of hostilities, 1917; four Allied leaflets bearing photographs of HM Albert, King of Belgium and HM Elisabeth, Queen of Belgium, 1918.


  • MISC50
  • Collection
  • 1943

German phrase book issued by the US War Department, 1943, for US military personnel lost or taken prisoner behind the front lines during World War Two


  • MISC57
  • Collection
  • 1977

Typescript proof copy of article'German Military Mapping: An Exploratory Survey' by Andrew F Tatham, Map Curator, King's College London, for The Cartographic Journal, 1977. Also, typescript draft of same article, in which the author reviews the range and extent of German military mapping, largely of World War Two, and the role of the cartographer in supplying information during conflicts

GERMAN HIGH COMMAND, WORLD WAR TWO: minutes of meetings on naval affairs, 1944

  • MISC81
  • Collection
  • 1944

The Fuehrer Conferences on Naval Affairs (Admiralty, 1947) comprise minutes of meetings between Hitler and Admiral Karl Doenitz (Dönitz), the Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy, 1944. Topics discussed include the Normandy landings, anti-invasion preparations, the failed attempt by General Ludwig Beck to assassinate Hitler, 20 July 1944, and the deteriorating naval situation, Oct-Dec 1944.


  • MISC6
  • Collection
  • 1940

Collection consists of photocopies of a manuscript letter written by Col Günther Blumentritt, Senior Operations Officer, German Army Group A, relating to German operations in France, 25 May 1940; and Intelligence Branch, General Staff, German 26 Army Corps, memoranda and German Army witness statements relating to the killing of approximately 100 British prisoners of war from 2 Bn, Royal Norfolk Regt, at Long Cornet, France, by soldiers of the SS Totenkopf Div during the retreat of the British Expeditionary Force (BEF), 28 May 1940.


  • MISC3
  • Collection
  • 1918

Manuscript copy of German Machine Gun Order, 1918, which instructed Germany Army personnel in how and when to use machine gun fire against enemy infantry, tanks, and aircraft


  • MISC48
  • Collection
  • 1943

Photocopy of manuscript letter, in German, from Maj Gen Köchy, German Air Force, Airfield Regional Command, to temporary Maj Gen John Ledlie Inglis Hawkesworth, General Officer Commanding 46 (North Midland and West Riding) Div, surrendering German air troops in Tunisia, North Africa, 13 May 1943; photocopy of reply, in English, from Hawkesworth to Köchy, 13 May 1943. Also includes photocopy of typescript translation of Köchy's request for the acceptance of a German surrender

GELB, Norman (b 1929)

  • GELB
  • Collection
  • 1983-1984

Thirty eight audiotapes of interviews, conducted by Gelb between 1983 and 1984, with veterans of the Battle of Britain, 1940, used as research material for Gelb's book Scramble: a narrative history of the Battle of Britain (Michael Joseph, London, 1986), including interviews with ACM Sir Christopher (Neil) Foxley-Norris, AM Sir Denis Crowley-Milling, AVM Harold Arthur CooperBird-Wilson, AVM George Philip Chamberlain, Maj Gen Basil Perronet Hughes, AVM Alexander Vallance Riddell Johnstone, Air Cdre Edward Mortlock Donaldson, Air Cdre John Lawrence Wemyss Ellacombe, Gp Capt Sir Hugh (Spencer Lisle) Dundas, Wg Cdr Robert Roland Stanford-Tuck, 1983-1984; two paperback editions of Scramble: a narrative history of the Battle of Britain (Pan, London, 1986).

Gelb, Norman, b 1929, author

GAVIN, Maj Gen James Merricks Lewis (1911-2000)

  • Collection
  • 1942

Report by Gavin on 101 Special Training School, 1942, including details of its formation, organisation, training and operations in the Far East, May 1941-Mar 1942. The School aimed to train all types of personnel, whether military, civilian, European or native, in irregular warfare.

Gavin, James Merricks Lewis, 1911-2000, Major General

GATHORNE-HARDY, Gen the Hon Sir Francis (1874-1949)

  • Collection
  • 1914-1941

Papers relating to service on the Western Front, World War One, 1914-1919 including correspondence referring to campaigns on the Western and Italian Fronts and account of the battle of Le Cateau, Aug 1914; service as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Northern Command, 1931-1933 including press cuttings; service as General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Aldershot Command, 1933-1937 and ADC General to the King, 1934-1937, including press cuttings; copy photographs, 1916-1937,including Trench Mortar School at General HQ and pontoon bridge over River Piave at Salettuol, Italy; family papers of Lady Isobel Gathorne-Hardy and Elizabeth Gathorne-Hardy, 1914-1937.

Hardy, Sir John Francis Gathorne-, 1874-1949, Knight, General

GASSED: British chemical warfare experiments on humans at Porton Down

  • Collection
  • 1915-2000

Papers, 1915-2000, relating to background research by Rob Evans for his book, Gassed: British chemical warfare experiments on humans at Porton Down (House of Stratus, London, 2000), including: copy Public Record Office papers, 1915-1919, relating to the development and use of poison gas on the Western Front, World War One; copy Public Record Office papers relating to meetings of the Chemical Defence Advisory Board of the Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development, 1947-1968; copy Public Record Office papers relating to the testing of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 1954-1967; Porton Down annual reports, 1991-1994; Public Record Office papers on the testing of V class nerve agents, 1961-1964; copy Public Record Office papers, 1921-1953, on the use of tear gas in the British Empire; papers on the development and use of CS tear gas, 1919-2000; papers on the use of pepper spray, 1922-1999; copy Public Record Office papers on the testing of radioactive material, 1956-1964; Public Record Office papers relating to biological warfare trials, 1953-1977; transcripts of interviews done by Observer Films for ITV documentary, Secrets of Porton Down , broadcast 1994; copies of parliamentary answers relating to chemical testing on volunteers, 1995-2000

Evans, Robert, b 1964, journalist and author

GARSIDE, Lt Col Kenneth (1913-1983)

  • Collection
  • 1940-1983

Papers, 1940-1983, of Lt Col Kenneth Garside, comprising papers relating to his work in Intelligence in Germany at the end of World War Two, comprising German papers taken by Intelligence, including maps and descriptions of parts of England prepared by the Germans for invasion and xeroxes of carbon copies of Adolf Hitler's will and other papers; British Intelligence papers on Germany, including a gazetteer; file, 29 Mar 1945-24 Jul 1947, relating to Garside's work from Nov 1945 to May 1946 at Herford Library, Germany, the Intelligence Library of the Control Commission for Germany, including a draft article on the library; papers relating to EPCOM (Enemy Publications (Requirements) Committee, established in 1945 to ensure that German learned publications of the war years could be made available to British university and other research libraries), 1945-1948; a personal file containing a curriculum vitae drawn up by his widow, Dec 1983, and administrative papers, 14 May 1940-20 Apr 1964, relating to his service in, and retirement from, the Army.

Garside, Kenneth, 1913-1983, Lieutenant Colonel, Librarian of King's College London

GARDEN, AM Timothy (1944-2007)

  • Collection
  • 1982-2006

Papers of AM Tim Garden, 1982-2006, including transcripts of lectures by Garden, 1982-2002; articles by Garden, 1984-2005 and papers reflecting his research on the Falklands War; Kosovo; Iraq; Iran; Afghanistan; nuclear weapons; Northern Ireland; military capabilities in Europe; NATO and the European Union. Papers include press cuttings, articles, correspondence, draft papers pamphlets and other published material.

Garden, Timothy, 1944-2007, Baron Garden of Hampstead, Air Marshal

GALLIPOLI MEMORIAL LECTURE, 1990: given by Robert O'Neill

  • MISC29
  • Collection
  • 1990

Printed edition of For Want of Critics... the Tragedy of Gallipoli, (Gallipoli Memorial Lecture Trust, Holy Trinity Church, Eltham, 1990), the 1990 Gallipoli Memorial lecture given by Professor Robert O'Neill, Chichele Professor of the History of War, Oxford University, at Holy Trinity Church, Eltham, 26 Apr 1990

GALE, Lt Gen Sir Humfrey Myddleton (1890-1971)

  • GALE
  • Collection
  • 1942-1945

Papers, 1942-1945, of Lt Gen Sir Humfrey Myddleton Gale dating from his time at Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF), comprising typescript diaries about his work containing narrative entries on daily events and activities, 1942-1945; office files as Chief Administrative Officer, 1944-1945, including correspondence; five printed volumes, 'History of the Allied Forces Headquarters, Parts I-II', Aug 1942-Dec 1943.

Gale, Sir Humfrey Myddleton, 1890-1971, Knight, Lieutenant General

Results 421 to 440 of 650