International conflicts



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International conflicts

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International conflicts

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International conflicts

650 Archival description results for International conflicts

650 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

GAGE, Lt Col Leonard George (1912-2000)

  • GAGE
  • Collection
  • 1939-1945

Papers of Lt Col Leonard George Gage, on service with Army Postal Service, 1939-1945; principally comprising correspondence on the introduction and operation of the airgraph service to the Middle East; letters of congratulation on mention in despatches, 1941, and award of MBE, 1944; photographs of army postal services in France, 1939-1940 and the Middle East, 1942-1945; copy of Parade No.124, 26 Dec 1942, containing illustrated article 'Mail Up for Christmas'

Gage, Leonard George, 1912-2000, Lieutenant Colonel

FURSE, R Adm Paul (1904-1978)

  • Collection
  • 1940

Copies of two typescript texts of lectures by Furse both entitled 'Assistant Naval Attaché, Europe and the Americas' [1945]; copy of typescript narrative by Furse entitled 'British Naval agent in Scandinavia, Mar-Apr 1940'. Manuscript note by Furse on a reported rumour of a German invasion of the UK, 16-17 Sep 1940.

Furse, John Paul Wellington, 1904-1978, Rear Admiral

FURSDON, Maj Gen Edward (1925-2007)

  • Collection
  • 1910-2000

Papers and publications of Maj Gen Edward Fursdon, 1942-2000. Material relating to Fursdon's career in the Royal Engineers including: research on Army equipment inventions, 1942-1960; orders, instructions, reports, staff lists, duties, returns and aquisitions logs for Headquarters, 19 Infantry Brigade, Operation MUSKETEER, Port Said, Egypt, 1956; The Assault River Crossing in Nuclear War , a dramatic dialogue by Fursdon, 1959; research and reports produced for the War Office Working Party on Infantry Field Defences, 1958-1960; report by Fursdon on an Explosives Course arranged by the Swedish Army at Gyttorp, May-Jun 1960; papers and photographs relating to Operation VANTAGE, Kuwait, Jul-Oct 1961; report by Fursdon on reconnaissance for Exercise VIKING WAY: The Randsfjord Road Project, Norway, 1969; photographs of Royal Engineer activities including the 34 Independent Field Squadron, Kenya, 1961; training including demolitions course, Sweden, 1960; trials, equipment and experiments including trials of digging machines, Sept 1958; explosive and drill excavation; design and materials for battle shelters and mobile roadblocks.

Papers on academic topics including research and interviews for Fursdon's MLitt thesis The European Defence Community Experience: Relevance and Failure, 1950-1989 ; and report entitled MBFR (mutual and balanced force reductions) Talks: the Preliminaries and the First Half Year , 1974.

Papers relating to Fursdon's activities as a journalist including original drafts and cuttings of articles written for various publications including The Daily Telegraph , 1980-1986; Army Quarterly , 1948-1998; Asia-Pacific Defence Reporter , 1982-1995; Navy International , 1986-1994; Salut: Journal of the South African National Defence Force , 1995-2000.

Audio cassette tapes of radio interviews and programmes, 1980-1994, including interviews with Fursdon on the Falklands War for the British Forces Broadcasting Service and BBC World-at-One, 1982; interviews with Fursdon on the aftermath of the Falklands War for Radio Kent, Radio Devon and the British Forces Broadcasting Service, 1988; Fursdon speaking on National Service for the British Forces Broadcasting Service, nd, and on conscription for LBC, London, nd; interviews conducted by Fursdon including with a Swedish Defence Official, 1982 and with Captain Rod Bell on the Falklands War, 1982; a programme on Iraq for the BBC World Service, 1991.

Research files (including press cuttings, field notebooks, photographs, press releases, correspondence, publicity material and maps) relating to the Iran Iraq war, 1980-1985, including photographs taken during Fursdon's time as a reporter embedded with the Iraqi Army showing: British, American and Soviet tanks, armoured personnel carriers and self propelled guns captured from Iran on display in Baghdad; captured Iranian mine clearing tanks, small arms, mines and other weaponry; an Iranian POW camp, Ramadi; desert battlefields north-east of Basra; Iraqi artillery deployed near border east of Basra; Maj Gen Maher Abed Al-Rashid, Commander 3 Iraqi Corps; Qasr-e-Ahirin, Iran; the battle for Khorramshahr docks, Shatt-al-Arab, Iran; Khorramshahr City, Iran, after capture; oil fires at Abadan, Iran; the first battle of the Howzeh (Al-Hawzah) Marshes at Al-Baydha; troops of the Presidential Guard Special Forces; Iranian attack craft and rubber assault boats; wounded cattle; village women waiting to be evacuated; Carol Jerome, Canadian journalist; Iraqi war memorial and military museum, Baghdad; and the aftermath of the Battle of Al-Azair, Iraq.

Research files (including press cuttings, field notebooks, photographs, press releases, correspondence, publicity material and maps) relating to topics including: the Falklands War and aftermath, 1982-1997; the first Gulf War, 1990; the Bosnian and Kosovan Wars and their aftermath, 1992-2000; post-war Europe, including the fall of the Iron Curtain, peacekeeping and arms control, 1979-1998; the 15th and 20th National Day of Oman, 1985 and 1990; the 50th anniversary of NATO, 1999; Northern Ireland, 1981; the Far East Pilgrimage Remembrance Trip to Burma, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, 1985; the European Defence Community, 1990; British Military Advisory and Training Team, Namibia, 1991; Swedish Naval Forces, 1992, Army Cadet Force Association, 1992; Royal Air Force Red Arrows, 1995; Reserve Forces Act and the Territorial Army, 1996; Royal Air Force Innsworth, 1996; Royal Navy and Marine Reserves, 1996; University Air Squadrons, 1997; University Royal Navy Units (URNUS), 1997; Royal Air Force Cadets (ATC), 1997; University Officer Training Corps, 1997; Army Cadet Force, 1997; Royal Navy Sea Cadets, 1997; Royal Navy and Royal Marines Combined Cadet Force, 1997; Boer War Centenary, 1997; Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, 1998; Royal Marines, 1998; Women in the Armed Forces, 1998; Joint Service Diving, 1998; Royal Air Force St Mawgan and Exercise BRILLIANT FOIL, 1998; simulation of battle including Direct Fire Weapons Effects Simulation (DFWES) and tactical engagement systems (TES) equipment, 1998; 21st Century Warfare, 1999; Joint Force 2000, 1999; Defence Systems and Equipment, 1999; Royal Air Force Kinloss, 1999; Royal Engineers Combat Engineer School, 1999; the efforts of HMS OCEAN and Commando Brigade to provide assistance following Hurricane Mitch, Honduras, 1999; The Regular Commissions Board, 1999; Army Air Corps, 1999; Army School of Logistics, Deepcut, and School of Army Catering, Aldershot, 2000; Defence Animal Centre, 2000; British Army Training Unit, Canada, 2000; Royal Military Police Training School, Chichester, 2000; 'Soaring and Sailing into the Next Millennium', Royal Navy and Royal Air Force potential future ships and aircraft, 2000.

The collection includes approximately 450 of Fursdon's collected books, journals, pamphlets and brochures on military topics.

Fursdon, Francis William Edward, 1925-2007, Major General

FURLONGE, Sir Geoffrey Warren (1903-1984)

  • Collection
  • [1932-1983]

Papers of Sir Geoffrey Warren Furlonge relating to the Middle East, [1932-1983] including typescript memorandum by Furlonge entitled 'Memorandum on slavery in Saudi Arabia' [1932]; typescript account by Furlonge entitled 'The mission to Taif', Hejaz, Arabia, with eleven photographs, Jul 1934. Four letters home from Furlonge to his mother relating to Syria and the Lebanon, 1941-1944. Typescript articles by Furlonge, 1959-1977, including 'Mount Kenya', 1959; 'Anglo-Jordanian relations today', 1966; 'Palestinian diaspora', 1969; 'Algeria ten years after', 1972; 'Mauritania', 1974; 'Traditional Islamic society' [1974]; 'Notes on visit to the West Bank and Jordan', 1975; 'The future of the Spanish Sahara', 1975; 'Algeria: the next step forward' [1977]; 'The Arabia that was', 1977. Papers relating to an English Speaking Union lecture tour of North America by Furlonge, Sep-Nov 1964, including bound typescript volume listing speaking engagements, Sep-Nov 1964; typescript account entitled 'North American tour, 1964', written by Furlong, Dec 1964. Printed text of lecture by Furlonge entitled 'Jordan today', given to the Royal Central Asian Society, 8 Jun 1966, and published in the Royal Central Asian Journal , Oct 1966. Typescript draft chapters from an unpublished book on the Middle East, including chapters entitled 'Morocco', 'Spanish Sahara', 'The Nile valley', 'An antique land [Libya]', 'The Maghrib' and 'Algeria' [1965]. Four typescript draft chapters and typescript notes on the French mandated territories of Syria and the Lebanon, for an unpublished book entitled 'The liberation of the Levant', 1971. Correspondence 1971-1974, including with Sir Alec Seath Kirkbride, 1971-1972; the British Embassy, Rabat, Saudi Arabia, 1974; The Times , 1974. Typescript draft obituaries by Furlonge relating to individuals connected to the Middle East [1976-1983], including Maj Gen Seyyid Mudar Badran, Prime Minister of Jordan, 1976-1979; Sir Alec Seath Kirkbride, Diplomat, 1922-1954; Muhammad Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt, 1970-1981; Khalid ibn Abd al-Aziz, King of Saudi Arabia, 1975-1982; Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini, Islamic leader of Iran, 1979-1989; Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, 1941-1979, with related correspondence with the Obituary Department, The Times , 1981.

Furlonge, Sir Geoffrey Warren, 1903-1984, Knight

FULLER, Maj Gen John Frederick Charles (1878-1966)

  • Collection
  • 1897-1966

Bound typescript histories of Tank Corps battalions, brigades and groups during World War One, 1914-1918, written by Tank Corps personnel in [1918-1919]. Bound volumes of official correspondence, reports, memoranda, notes, maps, photographs, operation orders, summaries of information and other papers concerning tank strategy and tactics, 1916-1918, the Battle ofCambrai, 1917, and Tanks Corps operations, 1914-1918, dated 1917-1919. Correspondence between Fuller, M Mitzakis and various military personnel relating to the use of Canal Defence Light (CDL) tanks during World War Two, 1939-1945, dated 1946. Other papers relating to his life and military career, [1889]-1965, including letters to his parents, 1897-1921, notably covering his service in South Africa, 1899-1902, and in World War One, 1914-1918; narrative diaries covering his service in South Africa, 1901-1902, and World War One, 1914-1915; book agreements, 1919, 1956-1965; correspondence with publishers, 1956, 1961-1965; newspaper cuttings, 1945, 1952, 1965-1966, including obituaries of Fuller, 1966; papers relating to the occult, notably including letters from Aleister Crowley, 1905-[1924], and manuscript and typescript texts by Fuller and others, 1910, 1926, [1930] and 1966. Bound typescript text on Gen (William) Edmund Ironside, mainly consisting of extracts from Ironside's letters to Col Roderick MacLeod, 1927-1958, compiled by MacLeod in [1959], and 'A secret service agent in South-West Africa', a bound typescript text on Ironside's service as a British agent among the Boers in German South West Africa, 1902-1904, written by MacLeod in [1965] using Ironside's notes.

Fuller, John Frederick Charles, 1878-1966, Major General

FRYER, Lt Col Charles Ronald (fl 1890-1944)

  • Collection
  • 1918

Papers relating to his military career, 1918, 1939-1945, dated 1918, [1944]-1945, comprising typescript copy ofdespatch from Col St Aubyn concerning the award of the MC to Fryer, 1918; letter from Wg Cdr G C O'Donnell to Sir Hereward Wake,14th Bt, providing a summary of Fryer's career, 1942-1944, for The King's Royal Rifle Corps Regimental Journal, written in 1945; text,possibly draft of obituary, giving details of Fryer's career, 1939-1944, written in [1944].

Fryer, Charles Ronald, fl 1890-1944, Lieutenant Colonel


  • MISC24
  • Collection
  • 1987

Typescript account, in French, by Leonce Dussarrat, President, Société d'Entre'aide des Membres de la Légion d'Honneur, Section des Landes, concerning French Resistance operations in Normandy and Brittany, 1944; reprint of captured German photograph of sabotaged electrical pylon on the Hendaye-Paris railway line, 1944.

FREEMAN, Capt John A D (fl 1941-1995)

  • Collection
  • [1990]

Typescript notes on the re-occupation of the Netherlands East Indies by allied forces in 1945-1946, including background information about the Japanese occupation, 1942-1945, and an account of events in Semerang, Java, 1945-1946, dated [1990]. The notes are based partly on Freeman's service with 5 Indian Div in Java, 1945-1946, but mainly on research carried out at the Imperial War Museum.

Freeman, John A D, fl 1941-1995, Army Captain

FREEDMAN, Professor Sir Lawrence David (b 1948)

  • Collection
  • 1959-1992

Papers of Professor Lawrence Freedman, 1959-1992, including files of press cuttings, printed material and other papers relating to defence issues, 1959-1991, collected by Professor Lawrence Freedman, notably on the Gulf War, 1990-1991, the Falklands War, 1982, and Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), 1959-1987, START (Strategic Arms Reduction Talks), 'STAR WARS' (the US Strategic Defense Initiative), and defence issues in the Soviet Union, UK, Germany, France, Israel and China; Freedman's correspondence and research papers on topics including UK Nuclear History, START, 1990-1992, House of Commons Defence Committee, MOD Defence Estimates, SDI, Eastern Europe, Soviet arms control, strategy and foreign relations, 1990-1992; and USA Department of Defense Current News: special editions and selected statements, 1977-1988, topics of special editions are principally arms control, espionage and strategic defence initiative.

A small number of files were recalled from the 1st accession by Professor Freedman in 1998. These are indicated on the box list.

Freedman, Sir Lawrence David, b 1948, Knight, Professor of War Studies

FREEDMAN, Lt Cdr Julian (1917-1987)

  • Collection
  • [1917-1919]

Papers relating to his service in the Fleet Air Arm, 1939-1945 and 1974, principally comprising aerial propaganda leaflets collected by Freedman. 'Annals of minds at war', an article on aerial propaganda by John Moorehead, from The Daily Telegraph, 8 Mar 1974. Three scripture pamphlets issued by the United States Army, namely Roman Catholic and Protestant editions of 'The Gospel according to St Matthew' and 'Psalms from the Jewish Holy Scriptures', 1943-1944. Notebook of Trooper T W Thorn, Surrey Yeomanry, containing a diary covering his service in Salonika, Jun 1917-Jan 1919. Notes on the history and use of grenades, and descriptions and drawings of different types of grenades, [1917-1919].

Freedman, Julian, 1917-1987, Lieutenant Commander RN

FRASER, Brig the Hon William (1890-1964)

  • Collection
  • 1940-1960

Copies of the papers of Brig William Fraser, 1940-1960, relating to command of Stratforce, assembled to occupy western Norway, 1940, including: personal diary, 6 Apr 1940- 10 Jun 1940; memoir, 'Norwegian Adventure', including detailed descriptions of the formation of Stratforce, Jan 1940, the difficulty of taking occupied Narvik, April-May 1940, the problems of combined operations, poorly trained troops, lack of equipment, German air superiority and bad weather; the relationship between FM Sir (William) Edmund Ironside and Rt Hon Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill; the assumption of command by FM Sir Claude Auchinleck, May 1940; the withdrawal of the Scots Guards from the town of Mo, 18-22 May; assessment of reasons for failure in Norway; removal of Fraser from command due to shell wounds, 23 May 1940; accounts of German atrocities; the evacuation from Norway, Jun 1940; correspondence analysing the Norwegian operation, 1960.

Fraser, William, 1890-1964, Brigadier

FOUR HOURS IN MY LAI: television documentary archive

  • MY LAI
  • Collection
  • 1964-1992

The _Four hours in My Lai _archive, 1964-1992, relates to the massacre of hundreds of Vietnamese civilians on 16 Mar 1968, by members of C Company, 1st Battalion, 20th Infantry, 11the Light Infantry Brigade, US Army, at Tu Cung sub hamlet (known to US Army as My Lai (4) in the Pinkville region), My Lai hamlet, Son My village, Son Tinh district, Quang Ngai Province, Vietnam, and includes the documentary video, uncut interview transcripts, photographs, audio recordings, press cuttings, photocopied material from US archives, research notes, and the published book relating to the documentary and also titled Four hours in My Lai (Viking Penguin, New York, 1992). Eyewitnesses interviewed on film for the documentary include Vietnamese survivors of the massacre and well as members of C Company, and other US Army personnel. The photographs collection includes colour and black and white photographs taken on the day of the massacre by Army photographer Ron Haeberle, Frederick Widmer's photographs of his tour of Vietnam and photographs of individuals involved in the massacre and the investigations, some of which were published in the book. Photocopied documentation from US archives includes statements and evidence gathered during the US Army Inspector General's investigation, conducted by Col William V Wilson, Apr-Jun 1969, the US Army Criminal Investigation Division (USACID) investigation conducted by Chief Warrant Officer André Feher, Aug 1969-1970 , and the Peers Inquiry conducted by Lt Gen William R Peers, Nov 1969-Mar 1970, as well as the courts martial of Lt William Laws Calley, the only soldier who was ever convicted for the crime, and Capt Ernest M Medina and Col Oran K Henderson. Audio material in the collection includes recording of the radio communications between helicopters on 16 Mar 1968, news interview from 1969, as well as recordings of Bilton's telephone interview with various witnesses. News cuttings cover reports of the massacre in the US press and the subsequent investigations and trials, as well as articles on the post-1968 careers of individuals involved.

Michael Bilton and Kevin Sim, Yorkshire Television

FOULKES, Maj Gen Charles Howard (1875-1969)

  • Collection
  • 1894-1981

Diaries, 1901-1968; papers and photograph albums relating to the Boer War and photography in military reconnaissance, including an unpublished manuscript, 1897-1902, service in Northern Nigeria on the Anglo-French Boundary Commission, 1902-1904, West Africa, 1903, West Indies, 1902 and Ordnance Survey of Scotland, 1904-1909; papers relating to the introduction and use of chemical warfare during World War One, 1914-1918, and on the North West Frontier, India, 1919-1920 andphotographs taken on the Western Front, 1914-1915 and 1919; articles written as Director of Irish Propaganda during the Anglo-Irish War, 1921; papers concerning appointments as Colonel Commandant and Representative Colonel Commandant, 1937-1944; papers concerning writing and publication of 'Gas!' The story of the Special Brigade (Blackwoods, 1934) and Commonsense and ARP (C Arthur Pearson, 1939) and draft chapters and photographs concerning the unpublished manuscript 'Adventures of an Engineer Subaltern' dealing with military career, 1897-1903; personal correspondence and papers relating to memorial service, 1900-1981; glass and film negatives covering career, 1897-1920.

Foulkes, Charles Howard, 1875-1969, Major General

FISHER, R Adm Ralph Lindsay (1903-1988)

  • Collection
  • [1977-1988]

Memoir entitled 'Salt horse: a naval life', covering his career 1917-1957, notably his participation in the evacuation of British troops from Dunkirk and the sinking of the HMS WAKEFUL, May-Jun 1940, his service in the Mediterranean, Arctic and Atlantic, 1940-1945, including Battle of Matapan, Mar 1941, second Battle of Sirte, Mar 1942, and Battle of North Cape, Dec 1943, privately printed in [1977-1988].

Fisher, Ralph Lindsay, 1903-1988, Rear Admiral

FIFTY YEARS WAR - ISRAEL AND THE ARABS: television documentary archive

  • Collection
  • 1948-1998

The collection includes 147 transcripts of interviews, mostly uncut (questions are sometimes omitted), recorded in the making of a six part television documentary ' The Fifty Years War - Israel and the Arabs ' which examines the conflict and peace initiatives arising from Israel's relations with her Arab neighbours and the Palestinians, May 1948 -1998. It also contains video cassettes of the completed documentary, as well as files, video and audio cassettes, press cuttings, and published works gathered in the research and production of the documentary. Interviews were conducted with eyewitnesses from Israel, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, USSR, USA and the former British Mandated Territory of Palestine, recount their memories and describe their involvement in events including the partition of Palestine (1947), Israel's declaration of independence (1948), the Suez crisis (1956), the Six Day War (1967), the Yom Kippur War (1973), the Camp David talks between Israel and Egypt (1978), the Israeli invasion of southern Lebanon (1976, 1982), and the Oslo Agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) (1993-1995). Interviewees include political, military, diplomatic, academic and civilian persons, notably Miriam Eshkol, widow of Levi Eshkol, Israeli Prime Minister 1963-1969; Maj Gen Ehud Barak, Israeli Defence Force (IDF), Israeli Chief of General Staff 1991-1995, Minister for the Interior 1995, and Minister for Foreign Affairs 1995-1996; Yair Hirschfeld, Israeli academic at Haifa University; Shimon Peres, Israeli Prime Minister 1977, 1984-1986, 1995-1996, Foreign Minister 1986-1988, 1992-1995, and Minister of Defence 1974-1977; Maj Gen. Ariel Sharon (IDF), Israeli Minister of Defense 1981-1983, Industry and Trade1984-1990, and Construction 1990-1992; Gideon Rafael, Israeli diplomat and representative to the UN, and Foreign Ministry official 1958-1978; Maj Gen Ezer Weizman (IDF), Chief of Operations of the General Staff 1967, Deputy Chief of Staff 1967, and Minister of Defence 1977-1980; George Habash, founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP); Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala), economic assistant to Yasir Arafat and Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) Minister of Finance; Hanan Ashwari, Palestinian academic and campaigner for Palestinian rights; Saeb Erekat, Palestinian negotiator; Faisal Husseini, Jerusalem PLO representative; Walid Moualem, Syrian Ambassador to the US 1990- ; Farouk Al-Shar'a, Syrian Foreign Minister 1984-; Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egyptian President 1954-1970; Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs 1978; Shams el-din Badran, Egyptian War Minister 1967; General Muhammed Fawzi, Egyptian Chief of Staff 1967 and Defence Minister 1968-1971; Mohammad Jafaar al Numeiri, President of The Sudan 1969-1971, 1971-1985; Jihan Sadat, widow of Anwar al Sadat, President of Egypt 1970-1981; Hussein, King of Jordan 1952-1999; Zeid Al Rifai, Jordan Prime Minister 1973-1976; Josef Abu Khalil, Maronite Phalange party, and adviser to Bashir Gemayel; Shafiq Al Wazzan, Lebanon Prime Minister and Minister for the Interior 1980-1984; Terje Rød Larsen, Norwegian Socialist; Intissar al-Wazir (Umm Jihad), widow of Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad), PLO official; James Addison Baker, US Secretary of State 1989-1992; James Earl (Jimmy) Carter, US President 1977-1981; Warren Christopher, US Secretary of State 1993-1997; Dennis Ross, Director of Policy Planning Staff, US Department of State 1989-1992, Special Middle East Coordinator, US State Department 1994-; and Anatoly Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the US 1962-1986.

Brian Lapping Associates

FIELDING-MOULD, Lt Col Reginald Horace (1898-1987)

  • Collection
  • 1917-1945

Material relating to military career of Lt Col Col Reginald Horace Fielding-Mould, 1917-1945, comprising audio cassette recordings of his reminiscences about his service in France and Belgium, 1918, Turkey, 1922-1923, Hong Kong, 1930, India, 1935, 1942-1945, including 5th Afghan War, 1935, and France, 1940, including the evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk, May-Jun 1940, and his experiences in the Territorial Army, 1936-1940, ND; four photographs relating to Chanak Crisis, 1922; two manuscript obituaries of Fielding-Mould, written by Henry Thoresby, Fielding-Mould's nephew, for [regimental and school magazines], 1987.

Mould, Reginald Horace Fielding-, 1898-1987, Lieutenant Colonel

FIELD, Maj Harry Gooding (1866-1946)

  • K/PP112
  • Collection
  • 1866-1946

Typescript copy of the memoirs of Harry Gooding Field entitled 'Adventures in Finance', 21 Oct 1942, detailing his accountancy career working in Canada, the United States, Malaysia and Singapore, with copies of birth, marriage and death certificate and other official documents relating to Harry Gooding Field.

Field, Harry Gooding, 1866-1946, accountant

FERNYHOUGH, Brig Alan Henry (1904-1981)

  • Collection
  • 1940

Papers relating to his service in the BEF during 1940, dated 1940 and 1980, notably including a text comprising a description of his role as Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General, General HQ, BEF, France, 1940, written in 1980, an account of his work relating to ammunitions supply, May 1940, including an expedition to Dunkirk to unload an ammunitions ship, written in Jun 1940,an account of a reconnaissance expedition to assess the area around La Rochelle and La Pallice as a possible site for a new base for UK forces, Jun 1940, written in 1980, and a conclusion giving Fernyhough's views on the success of the Dunkirk evacuations, May-Jun 1940, written in 1980.

Fernyhough, Alan Henry, 1904-1981, Brigadier

FERNBANK, Wg Cdr Edmund Pius Mary (1911-1985)

  • Collection
  • 1938-1944

Copies of papers relating to his life and career, 1938-1945, dated 1938-1944, 1971, comprising two flying log books, Jan 1938-Jun 1944; letter to Martin Middlebrook concerning Fernbank's RAF service during World War Two, with particular reference to his involvement in radar intelligence, written in 1971.

Fernbank, Edmund Pius Mary, 1911-1985, Wing Commander

FEARON, Lt Col Sheppard Percy (1911-1984)

  • Collection
  • 1946-[1984]

Papers relating to his military career, dated 1946-[1984], notably including typescript account of service of No 1 Independent Infantry Company, Malaya, 1941-1942, dated [1946-1984]; typescript account of experiences of 5 Bn, 14 Punjab Regt in Japanese POW camps, 1942-1945, including details of their work on the Burma Railway, written in [1946-1984]; typescript memoir of Fearon's military career, 1929-1947, written by his wife Diana Fearon in [1984].

Fearon, Sheppard Percy, 1911-1984, Lieutenant Colonel

Results 441 to 460 of 650