International conflicts



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International conflicts

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International conflicts

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International conflicts

650 Archival description results for International conflicts

650 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

SAINTY, Christopher Lawrence (1900-1977)

  • Collection
  • 1938-1945

Typescript and manuscript notes, calculations and sketches made by Sainty during the designing of sand eliminators for tanks and the filtration of atmospheric air, which was extensively used in tanks for the war in North Africa, 1943-1945; leaflets and pamphlets relating to the work of Carrier Engineering Co Ltd in designing and installing filters for gas protection prior to and during World War Two, including a summary by Lt Col John Arthur Edward Heard.

Sainty, Christopher Lawrence, 1900-1977, engineer

SALMON, Col Harold Morrey (1892-1985)

  • Collection
  • 1928-1981

Papers relating to his life and career 1928-1981, including correspondence, (letters, reports, memoranda, training programmes, photographs and maps) relating to the Allied invasions of North Africa and Sicily (Operation TORCH and Operation HUSKY), 1942-43; correspondence between Salmon and the Air Ministry relating to the daily running of RAF Regt units under his command in North Africa, Sicily, Italy, Greece and Yugoslavia, 1942-1945; correspondence with Maj Gen Claude Liardet, Commandant of RAF Regt, 1942-1945; Salmon's retrospective war diaries (2 vols.) detailing RAF Regt unit operations in Mediterranean theatre, 1942-1945; maps of North Africa, Sicily, Italy, France, Greece and Yugoslavia, 1928-1944; photographs of RAF Regt units in Greece, North Africa and Italy, 1942-1945; papers relating to 'Ground-Air Landmark' (GAL) operations conducted by RAF Regt, 1944-1945.

Salmon, Harold Morrey, 1892-1985, Colonel

SALMON, Surgeon Capt Joseph Kenneth (1911-1984)

  • Collection
  • 1967

Command study of the Battle of Gazala, 26 May-21 Jun 1942, produced by the Education Branch, HQ Malta and Libya, 1967.

Salmon, Joseph Kenneth, 1911-1984, Surgeon Captain RN

SANDERS, Lt Col Samuel George Harrison (1871-1954)

  • Collection
  • 1911-1966

Papers relating to Sanders' life and military career, 1911-1966, including five letters of appreciation, 1911-1927, mostly relating to Sanders' work as Superintendent, Army Remount Service, No 3 Depot, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, 1914-1920, notably typescript letter from Gen Sir Douglas Haig, Commander in Chief, British Armies in France, 3 Jun 1918; manuscript letter to Sanders from Lt Gen Adrian Carton de Wiart, from Rome, Italy, relating to his capture and imprisonment by Italian forces, 10 Aug 1941; painting of final mounted parade, 4/7 Royal Dragoon Guards, Edinburgh, 15 Aug 1938; edition of Wandsworth Borough News, with photograph and article on the 28 Bn, (Wandsworth), County of London, Home Guard, commanded by Sanders, 26 Sep 1941.

Sanders, Samuel George Harrison, 1871-1954, Lieutenant Colonel

SANDERSON, Col L H F (fl 1915-1980)

  • Collection
  • 1915-1948

Copies of typescript Indian Corps Intelligence Summaries, France, Aug 1915, and typescript account in French entitled 'Quelques faits importants de la Guerre par rapport a Merville', 1919. Papers relating to Sanderson's military intelligence work, 1940-1945, including typescript intelligence reports and summaries relating to the likely invasion of UK, 1940-1941, notably typescript Southern Command memorandum entitled 'Enemy craft likely to be used in invasion of UK and their employment', Jan 1941; typescript translations of German directives on the planned invasion of the UK, Operation SEELÖWE, 1940, taken from documents captured by the Allies in 1945; typescript copies, with translations, of Adolf Hitler's last will and his private and political testament, dated 29 Apr 1945. Printed volume, 'Notes on German preparation for invasion of the UK', prepared by General Staff, War Office, and issued to officers of MI14, Apr 1941. Printed volume in German entitled Informationsheft GB, produced by the Germans in World War Two as a manual on British life, customs, Government and administration [1940].

Sanderson, L H F, fl 1915-1980, Colonel

SANDERSON, Lt Col John Burden (1921-2001)

  • Collection
  • 1967 and [2000]

Copy of memoirs of Lt Col John Burden Sanderson, including description of deployment with Territorial Army, 1938-1940; and brief recollections of service in India and Burma, 1941-1946, including liberation of POWs from Japanese internment camps, transcribed by Sanderson's son. Also transcript of interview with John Sanderson's father Maj Alexander Sanderson, 3 Australian Tunnelling Company, recorded 14 Apr 1967, relating to his life and career as an engineer working in Australia, 1896-1914; brief description of the work of Maj Alexander Sanderson and the 3 Australian Tunnelling Company, France, during World War One; and designs by Alexander Sanderson for a vertical take off plane, 1942.

Sanderson, John Burden, 1921-2001, Lieutenant Colonel

SANDILANDS, Brig Harold Richard (1876-1961)

  • Collection
  • 1945

Two letters from FM Sir Cyril John Deverell to Sandilands, relating to Deverell's dismissal as Chief of Imperial General Staff, 1937, written in 1945 and 1947. Associated correspondence, principally comprising letters from Professor James Ramsay Montagu Butler concerning the possible use of the above documents in the official History of the Second World War (HMSO, London, 1949-1988), 1952, 1960.

Sandilands, Harold Richard, 1876-1961, Brigadier

SCLATER, Gen Sir Henry Crichton (1855-1923)

  • Collection
  • 1898-1927

Photocopies of correspondence and photographs, taken from five albums, relating to Sclater's career, 1898-1927, including letter from FM Sir (Henry) Evelyn Wood, Adjutant General to the Forces, confirming Sclater's appointment as Bde Maj, Aldershot, 1898; seventeen copies of photographs and nine sketch maps relating to the Second Boer War, South Africa, 1899-1902, including photographs of Bloemfontein and Brandfort, Orange Free State, and sketch maps of the Battles of Modder River, Nov 1899 and Paardeberg Drift, Feb 1900; two photographs of the 13 pounder Quick Fire gun, newly issued to the Royal Horse Artillery, 1904; letter from Lt Col Rt Hon Arthur John Bigge, 1st Baron Stamfordham, thanking Sclater for congratulatory letter on the award of a peerage to Stamfordham, 1911; three photographs of Indian Army sepoys, 1912; correspondence, 1912- 1917, including letters relating to recruitment, military inspections and the availability of manpower from FM Sir John Denton Pinkstone French, Commander-in-Chief, Home Forces, Feb 1917, Gen Sir (Henry Macleod) Leslie Rundle, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Eastern Command, Feb-May 1916, and Lt Gen Sir (Cecil Frederick) Nevil Macready, Adjutant General to the Forces, Jul 1917; letter to Slater from Gen Sir (Francis) Reginald Wingate, relating to riots in Egypt, Jun 1920; letter to Sclater from Lt Gen Sir George Fletcher MacMunn, Quartermaster General, India, dated Jun 1921, relating to the political and military situation in India, particularly in the aftermath of the massacre of 479 Indian civilians by troops of the Indian Army, commanded by Brig Gen Reginald Edward Harry Dyer, Amritsar, Punjab, Apr 1919; printed obituary of Sclater [1927].

Sclater, Sir Henry Crichton, 1855-1923, Knight, General

SCOTT ELLIOT, Maj Gen James (1902-1996)

  • Collection
  • 1942-1949

Papers relating to the campaign in France, 1940, including copy of typescript War Diary, written by Scott Elliot, of 154 Infantry Bde, 1-30 Jun 1940, on the withdrawal and evacuation of 'Ark Force' from Cherbourg, 15 Jun 1940, and copy of typescript 'ARK Force Operation Order No 2', 11 Jun 1940. Papers relating to Sicily and Italy, 1943-1945, including copy of typescript War Diary, written by Scott Elliot, Commanding Officer, 8 Bn, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (Princess Louise's), on the attack on Centuripe, Sicily, Aug 1943, with typescript retrospective account entitled '8 Bn The Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders at Centuripe' [1947]; typescript account by Scott Elliot on operations of 167 (London) Infantry Bde, Italy, Sep-Oct 1944; copy of typescript memorandum by Maj Gen John Yeldham Whitfield, General Officer Commanding 56 (London) Div, Italy, entitled 'Battle absentees', Apr 1944, with typescript article by Scott Elliot entitled 'The 5th casualty: battle absentees' [1947]; copy of part of map of northern Italy, entitled 'Coriano', scale 1: 50, 000 [1945]; typescript of 'Operations of British, Indian and Dominion Forces in Italy, 3 Sep 1943-2 May 1945. 56 (London) Div', with maps, prepared by the British Historical Section, Central Mediterranean Forces [1945]; typescript account by Capt Close Brooks, Adjutant, 7 Bn, The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, entitled 'Anzio beach-head' [1946]. Typescript lecture notes by Scott Elliot entitled 'The mental training of the soldier' [1949].

Elliot James Scott, 1902-1996, Major General

SCOTT, Lt Col Kenneth Farish (1918-2007)

  • Collection
  • 1993

The attack on the Asopos Viaduct in German occupied Greece', May-Jun 1943, written in 1993.

Scott, Kenneth Farish, 1918-2007, Lieutenant Colonel

SCOTT-TAGGART, Wg Cdr John (1897-1979)

  • Collection
  • 1917-1968

Typescript 'Report on events leading to evacuation from Calais', with manuscript preparatory notes, May 1940; five printed maps and plans showing the extent of No 73 Wing Area, the distribution of anti-aircraft guns, and aircraft losses during the Battle of Britain, 1940; personal RAF documents, 1940-1945, including 'Service and Release book'; typescript unit history, by Scott-Taggart, entitled '73 Wing in action. Being a record of the work and operations of No 73 (S) Wing of No 60 Group, RAF, with special reference to the eight months ending 31st July, 1944'; correspondence relating to RAF service and radar equipment, 1940-1950; edition of Customs of the services (Gale and Polden, Aldershot, 1940) by 'AHS', Comrades in arms. Three talks to junior officers or officer cadets to assist them in the handling of their men (HMSO, London, 1942) and magazine entitled International broadcast engineer, containing article by Scott-Taggart on his career, Jul 1968. Also, manuscript document of commission, Corps of Royal Engineers, 1917, and two Mention in Despatches certificates, 1940 and 1945; letter, confirming the recommendation of the MC to Scott-Taggart, from Maj A G Richardson, Officer Commanding 55 Div Signal Company, Royal Engineers, 1919.

Taggart, John Scott-, 1897-1979, Wing Commander

SECRETARY'S OFFICE: King's College London administrative records

  • KAS/AD
  • Collection
  • 1750-1991

Eight series of records relating to administration, finance, estates and special purposes, including papers relating to Secretaries' and Bursars' general correspondence, 1872-1953, 1977-1982, notably including Royal patronage of King's College London, 1901-1911; Indian students, 1906-1922, 1948; appeals by King's College London for endowments and funds, 1872-1907; exhibitions, 1897-1912, 1977-1979; gift of Holbein prints, 1921-1934; the King George III collection of mechanical models and scientific instruments, 1926-1977; Royal visits, 1955-1959, 1978; opening of the new Strand building, 1970-1972; King's College London Annual Dinner Committee minutes and accounts, 1875-1876, 1896-1920; Fellows of King's College London, 1896-1916, 1961-1983; representation of King's College London on the governing bodies of various schools and colleges, 1952-1983, the City Parochial Foundation, 1941-1983, and St Mary-le-Strand Charity, 1923-1985 (KAS/AD1). Annual statements of accounts including departments, 1828-1980; final accounts and reports, 1910-1959; assets and liabilities annual statements, 1833-1853; copy documents of the Royal warrant and grant, charter and various acts, 1829-1906; funds and appeals accounts with lists of donors, 1895-1928, correspondence and working papers relating to financial reorganisation, 1896, 1905-1906; estimates and revised estimates with reports, 1910-1960, printed accounts, abstracts and reports, 1910-1959; Theological Department final accounts and estimates, 1926-1960; Quinquennium reports, grants, estimates and related papers, 1910-1935, 1946-1952, 1974-1975; special apparatus accounts and correspondence, 1920-1952; accounts and correspondence relating to the separation of King's College School, King's College Hospital and Strand School from King's College London, 1908-1911; correspondence and papers relating to non-recurrent, capital and block grants, 1947-1951, 1965-1982; report on the merger of King's College London, Queen Elizabeth College and Chelsea College, 1984; correspondence concerning loans, debts, income tax, insurance, investments, and departmental expenditure, 1897-1981; trust deeds, correspondence and reports relating to the Staff and College retirement funds and superannuation schemes, 1898-1923, 1930-1931, 1948-1953, 1971-1985 (KAS/AD2). Title deeds and correspondence relating to the advowson of West Barkworth, Lincolnshire, 1750-1957, the benefice of Westmill in Hertfordshire, 1901-1985, and the benefice of Bolney in Sussex, 1957-1968; Building Extension fund donations, 1881-1896, 1907-1910; Agreements, leases, plans, correspondence and reports relating to the letting, purchase, alteration and refurbishment of buildings, 1892-1987, notably laboratories, 1898-1915, 1945-1952, 1960-1966; establishment of the Architectural Museum, 1896-1897; repairs and maintenance of the College organ, 1910-1911, 1929-1932, 1974-1976; various Strand buildings, 1907-1920, 1935-1945; properties in Bristol, 1939-1942; chapel alterations, 1930-1935, 1946-1948; inventories of departmental apparatus 1906-1968; war damage, 1945-1952; Accommodation Committee minutes and correspondence, 1948-1987; development of 62-68 Half Moon Lane site, London (Botany and Zoology departments), 1950-1968; Planning and Steering Committees and various subcommittees minutes and papers, 1954-1969; development of King's College London Quadrilateral (Strand site) correspondence, papers, plans and Subcommittee minutes, 1954-1976; alterations to Medical Faculty Building minutes and papers, 1960-1979; correspondence with the National Trust concerning the Roman Bath, 1962-1974; campaign to acquire the East wing of Somerset House public access, 1963-1976 (KAS/AD3). Correspondence, minutes, plans, accounts and inventories relating to the establishment, running and development of King's College London's hostels for students, 1902-1982, notably King's College Hall, 1910-1982, including use by the RAF, 1940-1946; King's College Hostel, Vincent Square, London, 1908-1982, including use as a military hospital during World War One, 1914-1919, and air raid warden station during World War Two, 1939-1942; Halliday Hall, London, formerly Montrose Court Hotel, 1949-1976; Women's Hostel, Queensborough Terrace, London, 1920-1946, Theological Hostel, 42-43 Mecklenburgh Square, London, 1902-1908 (KAS/AD4). Correspondence and papers relating to Service Units and functions, 1966-1977, notably the Animal Unit, 1966-1981, Boat House, 1926-1947; establishment and development of the Computer Unit, 1964-1983; Dining Hall/Catering Department/Refectory Committee 1889-1920, 1942-1983; Rogate Field Centre near Midhurst, Sussex, 1965-1982; Safety Committees, 1957-1982 (KAS/AD5). Papers, relating to personnel including appointments, salaries, sabbatical leave, training, student demonstrations, negotiating, staffing and consultative committees, overall policy and welfare, 1895-1924, 1931, 1938-1939, 1944-1991, notably Advisory Committees on Academic, Clerical, Technical and Manual Staff, 1952-1986; Association of University Teachers Committees, 1938-1939, 1952-1985; various staff appointments and retirements including the Principal, the Dean, and Chairs and Established Readerships, 1895-1920, 1944, 1947-1952, 1956-1991 (KAS/AD6). Papers relating to the Union of Students notably grants, student discipline, clubs, welfare and day nursery, 1898-1922, 1948-1983 (KAS/AD7). Papers relating to World War One, notably research work and munition training to support the war effort, 1914-1921; war memorials, 1918-1941, 1950-1952, 1972-1983; Mitcham Sports Ground, 1919-1931, 1968-1975; emergency arrangements made by King's College London during World War Two 1938-1948; Fire and air raid precautions, 1938-1945; staff and students deferral of National Service 1939-1956; Centenary committees and appeal, 1927-1933; 150th Anniversary celebrations 1975-1981; Development Trust programme 1978-1984 (KAS/AD8).

King's College London College Secretary, 1828-

SELBY, R Adm William Halford (1902-1994)

  • Collection
  • 1946

Papers relating to his life and RN career, 1902-1956, dated 1956, [1968-1977], 1983, 1987, 1989 and 1994, principally comprising photographs relating to the mining of the HMS SAUMAREZ, Corfu Channel, 1946; 'Memoires (sic) of a salthorse', an illustrated account of his life and career, 1902-1956, notably covering his service on HMS MASHONA, North Sea, Norway and Atlantic, 1940-1941, and HMS ONSLAUGHT, Russian convoys, 1942-1944, as Chief of Staff, Londonderry, 1944-1945, on HMS SAUMAREZ, Mediterranean, 1946-1947, and in South Africa, 1950-1952, and Greece, 1953-1955, written in 1989 for private circulation.

Selby, William Halford, 1902-1994, Rear Admiral

SERBY, Capt William Francis (1896-1981)

  • Collection
  • 1916-1925

Copies of correspondence, 1916-1925, including letter from Lt Frank Sutherland, 2 Dragoon Guards, wounded with Serby in 1916, letters home from the Western Front, 1916 and from northern Russia, 1918- 1919, with letter to Serby from Capt P R Knowles, Princess Victoria's (Royal Irish Fusiliers) on the Allied intervention in northern Russia, 1919. Copy of diary transcript detailing operations on the Dvina river, northern Russia, Sep-Oct 1918. Copies of twenty three manuscript and printed maps of northern Russia, various scales, ELOPE and North Russia Expeditionary Force Mapping Sections, 1918. Copies of leave papers and travel documents for UK leave granted to Serby from northern Russia, Jul-Aug 1919.

Serby, William Francis, 1896-1981, Army Captain

SHEA, Gen Sir John Stuart Mackenzie (1869-1966)

  • SHEA
  • Collection
  • 1897-1966

Copies of papers coverning the career of Shea in South Africa, France, Palestine and India, general correspondence and lectures, 1897-1966; notably including letters and despatches from the Boer War, 1901-1902, compiled by Shea as an officer in De Lisle's Australian brigade with an account of a march to sieze the drift over the Vet Reiver, accounts and commendations; diaries describing his service in France, 1914-1915; papers on service in Palestine, including correspondence, congratulatory telegrams from Gen Edmund (Henry Hynman) Allenby, Gen Sir Edward Stanislaus Bulfin and Maj Gen Philip Walhouse Chetwode on operations in Palestine, notes on fighting issued to 60 Div, Orders of Battle and composition of British and Turkish forces at Beersheba, Gaza and Jerusalem, other tactical notes, photographs of Jerusalem, encampments, troops crossing the Jordan river, Shea and other officers, and correspondence on the subsequent Official History of Palestine , 1917-1955; material on Shea's India service, principally guidance notes on relations with civilian Indians, notes by Shea on the Duzdap railway line, India-Persia, report entitled 'A review of the Waziristan situation with suggestions regarding the future', correspondence on Shea's address to the 1900 Club and the House of Commons and India Committee on conditions in India, maps of Eastern Command, North West Frontier Province and India in its entirety (3 items), 1921-1933; Camberley Staff College assignment reports on the defence of the land frontier of India and Belgium, and other essays on Basutoland and the balance of power in Europe, 1905-1906; general correspondence with Shea describing retirement, decorations, cavalry in the Russian Civil War (1919-1920), and on cavalry actions in the 20th Century, 1919-1955; notes on Aldershot Interdivisional Army Manoeuvres, 1912; typescript lectures and addresses by Shea on the Palestine campaign under Allenby, and on India, 1918-[1942]; maps and aerial photographs of Flanders, with trench positions, Le Touquet and Macquart, 1915-1916, photographs of Sadowa and surrounding countryside, Czechoslovakia (18 items), pencil sketch map of Swat Valley, India, 1897; obituaries of Shea, 1966.

Shea, Sir John Stuart Mackenzie, Knight, 1869-1966, General

SHEARMAN, Brig Charles Edward Gowran (1889-1968)

  • Collection
  • [1914-1942]

Photograph albums relating to his military career, [1914-1942], notably his service in Northern Ireland, 1920, Hong Kong and Shanghai, 1930, North Africa and India, [1930-1940], and Kenya, 1940-1942, with associated papers, [1914-1942], notably a diary of C and D Companies, 1 Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regt, Belfast, 28 Jul-30 Jul 1920.

Shearman, Charles Edward Gowran, 1889-1968, Brigadier

SHORT, Brig Sir Noel Edward Vivian (1916-2001)

  • Collection
  • 1815-1994

Papers relating to Brigadier Short's service in Malaya, correspondence, journal articles and photographs, 1950-1994; notably including copies of the Army Quarterly and regimental newsletter Parbate containing articles on Short and on the role of the Staff College, 1958, 1982; copy of an extract from Jai Sixth. The story of the 6th Queen Elizabeth's Own Gurkha Rifles, 1817-1994 by James Lunt (Leo Cooper, London, 1994), including an account by Short of jungle operations during the Malayan Emergency, 1955; typescript copy of a letter written by an ancestor, Charles William Short of the Coldstream Guards, to his mother, 19 June 1815, containing a first hand account of the Battle of Waterloo; brief article by John Parfect on a memorial erected in Ampleforth College by Parfect and Short to Capt Michael Allmand of the Gurkha Rifles; Portrait photographs of Short.

Short, Sir Noel Edward Vivian, Knight, 1916-2001

SIMPSON, Lt Cdr Denis Louis (1912-1987)

  • Collection
  • [1940]-1946

Microfilm copies of papers relating to his naval career, 1942-1946, principally comprising 'Africa Navy blues', an illustrated account of his experiences in the RN, 1942-1946, written in 1946, covering his service on HMS BIRMINGHAM in a convoy from Egypt to Malta (Operation VIGOROUS), June 1942, and on anti-submarine trawlers in the Bay of Bengal, 1942, during the Allied invasion of Madagascar, 1942, and in South Africa, 1942-1945; diary, 1943-1945. 'War time trawler', a transcript of a broadcast by James McClurg of the South African Broadcasting Corporation concerning his experiences on board an anti-submarine trawler during World War Two, written in [1940-1945].

Simpson, Denis Louis, 1912-1987, Lieutenant Commander RN

SIMPSON-BAIKIE, Brig Gen Sir Hugh Archie Dundas (1871-1924)

  • Collection
  • 1888-1924

Papers and photographs, 1888-1924, 1972, mostly manuscript letters by Simpson-Baikie to his wife, Marion Evelyn Simpson-Baikie, Lady Simpson-Baikie, 1906-1919, including letters whilst on active service on the Western Front, Gallipoli, Salonika and Palestine, 1914-1918; four manuscript letters from Simpson-Baikie to his mother-in-law, Emilita Miller, 1904-1918, and three manuscript letters from Simpson-Baikie to his daughter, Jean Simpson-Baikie, 1917-1918. Also, manuscript letter from Gen Sir Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton to Jean Miller Hamilton, Lady Hamilton, asking her to inform Marion Evelyn Simpson-Baikie that Simpson-Baikie has been chosen to serve at Gallipoli, 1915; manuscript letter to Simpson-Baikie from Gen Sir Horace Lockwood Smith-Dorrien, Governor of Gibraltar, on adverse comments about Smith-Dorrien in 1914 (Spiers, London, 1919) by FM John Denton Pinkstone French, 1st Viscount of Ypres, 1920. Eleven photographs and two negatives relating to Simpson-Baikie's career, 1888-1920, including three photographs of Simpson-Baikie, 1888, [1904]; Lt Gen Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Baron Kitchener of Khartoum, General Officer Commanding in Chief, South Africa, with his Aide de Camp, Lt Francis Aylmer Maxwell [1901]; Maj Gen Hubert Ion Wetherall Hamilton, Maj Gen General Staff, Mediterranean Command, 1911; Gen Sir Ian Standish Monteith Hamilton at Charing Cross station, London, on his departure for Gallipoli, 13 Mar 1915; aerial photograph of the French camp at Sedd el Bahr, Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915. Typescript letter to Jean Morley Kennerley (née Simpson-Baikie) from Professor Robert Clifford Walton concerning Smith-Dorrien, 1972.

Baikie, Sir Hugh Archie Dundas Simpson-, 1871-1924, Knight, Brigadier General

SIMSON, Brig Ivan (1890-1971)

  • Collection
  • [1963]

Two typescript drafts of 'Failure in Malaya', an account of the Malayan campaign and the fall of Singapore, 1941-1942, written in [1963] and later published as Singapore, too little, too late (Leo Cooper, London, 1970).

Simson, Ivan, 1890-1971, Brigadier

Results 481 to 500 of 650