Literary forms and genres



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Literary forms and genres

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Literary forms and genres

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Literary forms and genres

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  • MF866-MF869
  • Collection
  • 1940-1955

This microfilm collection contains copied official documents relating to US naval operations and administration in Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Middle East, 1940-1955. Many of the microfilmed documents were official reports sent to the Historical Section, US Navy, in 1971, for the purposes of compiling an official history. The collection includes US Navy command papers relating to the planning for naval co-operation between the United States and Great Britain, 1940-Dec 1941; microfilmed copies of Adm Harold Raynsford Stark's typescript diaries during his command of COMNAVEU, including passages relating to the establishment of a combined naval command with Britain 29 Apr 1942-31 May 1944; microfilmed copies of draft chapters of an administrative history of US naval forces in Europe, including an official narrative of US Naval Forces in Europe, 1 Sep 1945-1 Oct 1946, compiled by the Commander, US Naval Forces Europe; an official draft of an administrative history of US naval forces in Europe, Aug 1945-Mar 1947, compiled by the Commander, US Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean; quarterly summaries of US Navy operations issued by the Commander, US Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, 1 Apr 1947-31 Mar 1949; chapters submitted by the Commander, US Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, to the Director of Naval History, US Navy, relating to the transition of US naval forces to a post-war status and the reduction of US forces in the region; microfilmed copies of official reports sent by the Commander in Chief, US Naval Forces, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (CINCNELM), to the Chief of Naval Operations, relating to operations, communications, logistics, personnel, and condition of command of Commander in Chief, US Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean (CINCNELM), 30 Oct 1947-1 Jul 1955.